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� <br />« � ( ���ti" <br /> r_ .�:�. <br />�� � • <br />� _ - � <br /> ��. <br /> F! RS1r <br /> �EpD� ERAAL' <br /> �IlVC��IV DUBION SALEIVIDUAI. <br /> r , . FORM 1�0.'.137 Ipev.A.761 . . .. . . '.' ' . <br /> I ' loan Number__315Q9 _ �_l :_la8_ <br /> 76= 007281 �,a�« ,YP� <br /> S A V t N G S M O R T G A G E <br /> =1 , <br /> ,: � TFS1S MbR1'CAGL,.made nnd execafe�i�this ....�Z......_dny o[� _F::!'.��«v�e'� ..._......_.....A:D.,19..7�.....,Uetwean � � �. - � _ <br /> ' ; Char�,es. 4.:..Staab._and Lana,D.,Staab,,husband.and.yn,fe,.each in hi� aud her own individual <br /> � i' right,..a.nd.:as spouse,of,.the other, jointly and severally ' <br /> � rand Island _.,c��u�ty uf..._.... ..fl&�.1. ......� Stale of.. ....... .��ebT9S1CB._... ..... hercine[tet re(errnd <br /> , u[...:..G_..... .. .. . . . <br /> tn ne the hlortgagor,und rIRST P�D�RAL SAVINGS ANll LOAN ASSOCIATION OF LINCOLN, Nebrneku, ite succrssore <br /> � and assigns,�hereine[ter referred to nx D4ortgugce, - � �- . .� � � <br /> �WITNESSETH: 'Phnt lhe inid.Atorigag��r,for�nd in cr.msiderelion of the sum ni � � � � � <br /> ' :ifiIRTY FOUR.THO.[15AND_T410_.HUNDRED.AND.IV0�100._ ' ---------- 7q34�200.00 } Dotlars. <br /> .. .. . <br /> �pnid hy said hlortgugee, dues hereLp sell .3nd cmn•ey unto 1�'IR57` PGDERAL�SAVINGS AND LOA1 ASSOCIATION OR � � � <br /> I,INCOI.N, Nebraskn, as Morlgagen, il; succeuors nnd ❑ssigns, the follow�in�; de.criM�d Real Estnte,siluaii�d in the County nf � � � � <br /> " ; .......... .......H�...:.. . . ....... ... . ....... State ot......... ........Nebraska . tn�w�r. , <br /> es.' � � � � . �. .. . �. . -. <br /> 3 <br /> Lot One (1) in Blauvelt Subdivision, being a part <br /> i, ' of the West Half of the Southwest �,usrter (Y1�W+) <br /> '¢� of Section Two (2)� Township Eleven (11) Pdorth, . <br /> i . <br /> Ran�e Ten (10) S4est of the 6th P.i�i., Iiall County, <br /> Plebraska. <br /> s. : <br /> G :. <br />, e <br /> � "CO }�iAVE rAND TO HO1.D the nbm�e deseribed premises For the u�i,v i�emin srt tortli and�o secure prr(orn�¢nce o(lhe <br /> > � � nhligatiuns contnine<l bi�min,logether with all buildings, impruvem��nts, fiziures �md appurtennnccs and all e��semenr.; thereunlo <br /> . helnnging,and it is mu;ually covennnted m�d.igrced by mid bch��i•en tLe pnrties hercto thtit atl plumhing. gns. clectrir nnd <br /> � mechanicnl fixtures, appliunces, equipment, machinery und upparntus.(luor cnverings,slurm�t�indows emd;crk�ens,xnri such uther <br /> g��dy and ch�ttein and pernonal prope�rty as arr rrcer furnished hy o Im�dluri.i in IottinG or uperniin„nn unturni;hed buildinc;.nimi- <br /> � lar to the on�now��r�hereaRer m1+aid premiscs.w�hich nre or shall be allached to said fn�ifdin� in uny mam�rr �shats��:ver. are <br /> and shall 6e deemeci to he fixtures and an accessinn tu the tm�•hold�nd u part o(�hc realt>�ns lx�ta�cen thr pnrties hereta.their <br /> heir:�.�•zecutors. administrators.�.uccessora nr nssigns. �nd all I�ersonv cleiming bp. ttitou�h or under lhem. and =1�all hr d��.i�mrr! <br /> � tn 6e+u portion nf the.eci�ritp for�he indrbtedm:,s hrrcin mentioned and to h�•cnv��md bp thi�mortca^.c. <br /> I <br /> PROVIDi:D AL�VAYS, and thrce presents iatr rxeculed mid d��livered upnn tho follm+ine conditiun�. a�:mement, r�nd N ' <br />� � obli4n4iunr uf thi� \turlg�gors.Innv�f: .� �' , � <br /> � Thc hiortFagor at�rees in pap to the A1nrt�:agrC or order. ih�•principal sum o(`I'���_��.`��U$�.-`�'IQ.. .. . � �,. <br /> r�;,'' ' HUI�IDRID AI�ID NO/100-------- �r <br /> _.. ... . .---.- ------ ------ ---- -------�s34,200.00 <br />� __. _ ... _ __.. . _ _ r i�:,u,��.. uEt •. .. <br /> y. <br /> peyahle as pruvided in a n�te rx��culed and drli��ered cancurmnlly hrrcwith. thr final pacnx•nt nf princip�l. i( n�,t =.�onrr paid, ' <br />�`` first Janua •- 2006 <br />�>• on thc........... .._._...__...__dap nf_...._._...............rY...._.._................ ..._...f.r. .._.. <br />= � Cog>riR6t 1965 6t flnt feder�l Savinp,s anE taan Feseclallon ol llr.celn.Llr.cnln,NeGreaMo � <br /> � <br /> r <br />