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'b� � < •.. <br /> �. S <br />� 1 � <br />� <br />�� � � <br /> k � 76- t�. 0 '� ' 4' � <br />�,� MORTGAGORS MAY ►dAKE PREPAYMENTS OF PRINCIPAL ON ANY IMSTALLMENT DUE DATE. SUCH PREPAYMENT SHALL BE <br /> APPLIED TO INSTALLMENTS LAST TO SECOME �DUE UNDER THIS MORTGAGE. PROVIDED THE UNDERStGNED ARE NOT IN DEFAULT _ - <br /> � . � AND ARE THEN THE OWNERS OF THE MORTGAGED PROPERTY, UPON REQUEST OF THE UNDERSlGNED, OR EITHER OF THEM, . � �. <br /> PAYEE �AGREES TO FURNISH TO THE UNDERSIGNED 100°/a � OF SUCH � PRINCIPAL PREPAYMENTS, UNLESS ADYANCEMENT IS PRO• � � � <br /> ' � HIB�TED DY THE REGULATIONS OF CHARTERING � AND SUPERVISORY AUTHORITIES THEN IN EFFECT, ALL SUCH ADVANCEMENTS - � . <br /> � � SHALL BE SECURED BY THIS MDRTGAGE IN THE SAME MANNER AND EFFECT AS IF NO PREPAYMENTS HAD BEEN IdADE. . � .� � � . <br /> THE AtORTCAGOR FURTHER COVENANTS AND AGREES: <br /> Ii <br /> � '1'hat the �4orlgagor . will pny Nie indebtednesa as Lereinbe(ore pro��ded. . � . . . . � . <br /> . � That fhe Atur�gugnr is tLe owner o( snid property in tee simple and h�3s ;;u�xl ri�hi and lux�(ul auihority to seli and � , . � _ � . � <br /> � i ��onvey the same and that ihe :utme is frce und c:l��xr n( anY lien or F�ncumbrnncr: nn�l lhnt lfnrtF�+F��r •+rill �s�irr.�nt and d�•frnd the . . . � . . <br /> . . ti�1e tn said premises aKainst the ciaims o( all persons lrhumsoever. � � � � � . � - <br /> . . . .. To pay immediutel}• w�hen due and pnyeble all genernl tuxee. speci�l tuxes. sprcial �aso,sinenLs. wnier r.harges. sewer serv. . . � � . . � . <br /> . . ice clinrges, and other tnxes und � chnrges againsi said pro��ertc, nnd all taaes levied un tl�e debt srcured herehy, and Io (urnish the � . � . � <br /> Alnrtgag��, upun reyuest. �+�ith the originnl or diq�licate. r�•ceipts thcrrfor. '1'he \turfK���ur nqrees lhut there shnll be added to � � . . . . <br /> each monthly parment required hereunder or under the evidence oI drht �rcured hereby m� amount e:timat��d Ly the A1u�tguRrr � . . . . . <br /> - to be suQicienl to � enable lhe Tfortgagec 10 pa�', tts lhey b��come due, all tasc�;, s;cessments, and similar ch�arges u�x�n ihr prem- � � � <br /> � . iu�s subject Uieretti: any drficirncy bewuse o[ the in,u[liciencp n( sucii additional p:q'mrnLs shall be forth�vith d��pusited by thr �. � � . � . . <br /> ` � Morlgagor .w•ith ihe Mort�ugee upan demnnd b�� the 1Surt�agcv. Any default undrr this p;�rutiraph shull bc dremed a drfault in �. � . � � � . � <br /> puymi�•nt of tnxes, .assessm�nts, ur similnr charge; requircd hrrrundre . � . � � <br /> t <br /> Thet Diortgr�gor agreee that there sh�ll also he addc•d ta ��:ach mnnih(p p�yment n( principal and iniarest reyuirer3 here- .. � � � - � �. <br /> �ti under tin amount esUmated br th�� Alorigsqre (o b�� sufiicient to cnab!e lhe 91nrt�:i�;ee tn pay. n�: it becomi�s du�,. ihe insuranm ' �. . � . <br /> premium on :my insur�nec pnlicy d:�livrred In ihe \torigngee An}� deliciency be.-ause n[ fho inv�t3'iciene5' ot such addilional pay- � . � � . <br /> s . menLS shall be turthwilh depn;ited by �hr �fo:lga;tur �siih the \tortgagee u��n Jemnnd by th�• \furtgae�r. Any defaiilt undor this ' � � � � . � <br /> pura�rnph shull lx� deemeJ a def�ulf in ihr payuu•nl of in;urance premiurns. I ( !hc pulicc ur polir.ies drposilod am suci� as hume- : . � . .� <br /> . o�+'ners or :tl! riek policies, aud lhe de��sits .tre in<uificient to p:iy Uic rntim prrmium. the Afort„a;,ee mny apply tlu, depo:it to �. . � � . . - <br /> pap premiums mi risks mquired io IH� insured br thi; morigagr: ' . � . � . � � � <br /> � Pacments made bp the Sturtkagor undnr the a6orr p�ir:�grnphs m�y. �t th� npliun uf t6i� �iortga;;ee, be held by� it and . � � . � � � <br /> commin�led ���ilh othr_r such funds or ils own iunds fnr the pnyment nf surh items, and until so npplird, such paynvmts are hr•rrhy _ � � . . . <br /> . Plivlg��l aa security for ihe unp��id bal:�nce of thr mort�:age indebtrdnrse. . �� . � . . <br /> - 'Po prcxure, delivcr lo. and mnini�in (or fh�� brnefit uf lhe \1nc� gaagec. durin�; ihe li(r• ot thi> mnrtgacc oritiinal policira :mrl . � . . . � <br /> - . rrnewuls there.rof. deliver�Nl al Ioasi ten days before thc rzpiration uf any such pu(icics. insurin� :igainxt tir� and othcr insurnhle . � � <br /> �. hazards. cacualties. and contingencies 115 l{iL' AtpfLR�lll`P tllill' CE�GWfp, i❑ an amount eqn:il in ihc , ind�bh�dness s��cured by this . � � � <br /> ?�fortFage. and in mmpunies ureeptable to the 17urtgageo. �rii}� loss p,�ynbl�• cluuse in fm�or o( �nd in form acrc�ptable tn the Jlortga- � � . � �. <br /> ��� gc�e. ln the <•virnt .+ny polic�' is nnt. renuw��cl on or beCore ten days ot its expiration. Ihr �tort�:�qr� rni�}• prucu «+ i�uurunce un the � �� � <br /> ti �� � improcemen4s, pay �hr. premium there(nr. :ind such sum shall bec:�m�• immedintel�� due and payuhle uifh interest :it the rate sE+t � � . . �� <br /> forth in said note. until p.�id and shall b�• s�•cured by ihis mortgnge. Failure m� the part of thr A9urtgagur to (umi.h such reneu•nis � <br /> as nrr herein required or failurc to pay any sunv nd��anced hrrrunder siiulL .it lhe nption o! the \Iort {�a;;rr�, cunstitute a defnolt � . � . . � . . . . <br /> undcr lhe terms uf this murt4�F�'. "Phe deliw�n• n( sucii p„licie,; shnll. in thc evrnt u( default, cmutitutr an a..�:i:;nmrni n( thr im- . . . . . . <br /> E-arm�l promiwn. . . . . . <br /> ; <br /> � . ? Any sums r��ceived by lhc� \lort�agce l;y rnason o! los� ur d:�ma;:e � in�ured ag:iinst muy he reiainrd by thr \turt,engee �� � . � . <br /> j' <br /> � and applicKi tu���nrd thr papment of the drbt hereby �ecurcd . ur. �a[ the option u! the A1ort4ai;e�•. such snm. rither wholiy or in �. � � - <br /> ;;' � �. purt m�y tx• paid ocer �u ihe Jfurt�a�or to Ix• ust�d to n•pair such Luilding; or to build nvw� buildin�;s in ( hoir {ilacr or fnr any . <br /> ` othcr purpase or object. sati�factory t�� the Aturt�n��-c withnut afiiY•� in� the lien nn thr• mnrt �r�t;e tor Ih�� full amnwri ercumd here- � <br /> tr <br /> ' hp befnre sueh pn}vnrttt c•vrr l�x�k Plnre. � . <br /> �. '1'u �fromptly' repiiir. rrstore or rebuild :iny b�ildin;;c �: r intpnsvenu�nts nnw ��r horrnCter nn lhr premix�s �chien may ix�- - <br /> V� � come dama„e<i ur drsiruyrvi ; in kerp <aid promi�i-s in c�K�d c�mditiun and repnir :md ire�• from any mechcmic's lirn or other lien or . . <br /> �� claitn of licn no[ ozpresyly sulrordinatrd lu th�• Gr�n h��ranf : nn� (n ,uffrr or prnnit an}� unla+vCul u<r n( ur any nuisance io ��sist un . � . � . � <br /> s:fid p�operty nnr to prrmit �custe nn said premis�•s, nor tn dn am' othrr act H�horrhp thr prnpertt' hrn°hy ce�nveyed shnll Ix•rnme . . . � . � <br /> �. 1�•s; v;!luabfr. nor to diminish ur imP:�ir ils ��alur hp a�iy� act ��r nmia.ion n, ai•t : i�.� ���. ��nply •a�itii ;JI nv� uin•mrnts ot I�+�o with rrspert <br /> to the moriFaGod premisos .md ihr use tiicrcnL � � - <br /> � 7'hat should the premi;ce or any pnrt tFrr�nf tx• tnken or d�unet;ed by rerisnn o( nm� public irnprovrmeni nr ccindemnation . <br /> . procec<IinF. or under lhe rigM uf eminenf domain. or in ane nther munner. the 11nrt ��i;cvr �hall be �•ntitlrKi �u al� cnmprnsations, <br /> � au�artie. :uid nny uther P�iYmrnt or n-1ir( lherv(or. and =La11 b�� entitled. nt its u��tiun. lo r��mrnance. app�•ar in and pnnc�evte in its <br /> �` ' own nntne sny aclion or pnK•redin�. or io makc :un� cumpruinise or ,rltlrment �n com�rctiun x•ilh such tnkinc or damage. .All such <br /> y r�rnpra�;;ition. uaards. damu�ew. ri�hl u[ action nnd Pruri•iKfs nrr iu•rchy nc�i�;nt�d lu t}�,, ltnrtga�rc. ���hu may. ;�Itcr daductinc <br /> ' tht�re[tvm all i�5 expenses. relrase any nwncy; so rra•i��rd hc it ur apply the ca�ne on :m�� indi�6l��dnecs srcurcd h�•roby. 'I�he \lnrt- <br /> 8; � gAgur ngrees to excsvte such Avth��r usviGnments u( aue c, �mpertsn[inn. award.. daina_•o�. and ri;;hts o( �c[ir�n nnd procr�-ds a� the � <br /> . �tort�ngec m;ry r��yuirr. � <br /> � That in cuse of failurr to pednrm anc o; thr cr�venants hrn�in. tiie �lurfeagrr may dn un the Aturt�acur:s la,haif e��E�ry�tiiinp, <br /> sn covenUnled: that (IlP �IUfI�!:I�PC IIlOY fllSu (IU any act it may drem nrcrscan� to proti•ct the lirn lLorrof: lhnt thr �inri4agor will <br /> rvpay upon drmand any mnncys p:�id �ir di�Luncd bp thc 3Sortk:i:.�er (ur �ny uf ihr :ihov�� piup:�<r;. and �urh muncp� tu;;r-thcr e�iih <br /> - � intr_re:;t thereun nl ihr ratc• prnvidrd in said notc shnll become su much addrtional fndrbiednt�ss h�•rebr .rcured and may la� in- <br /> -� . cludc�l in m�y decrre foreclusin:: this rnort �a�e and Le paid uut of Ihi� ro-nls u� prucerd. u( sale td .c:�id premines if nut nlhencise <br /> �, paid: th:ll it shnll nut be oblicutory upnn thr. lfuttg:�;:ee to it:quire inin th�� validit}' u( anc lien . encuml��ranci�s. ��r cl+iim in arl' . <br /> vancing moncys as atu�cr authoriz�•d. hu � nolhin;; hen�in containrd nhall Ix, rnn�lrucil a: n•quirin� th�• �Iortt;n�:cr tu :idvanor � np <br /> � muncys for any such purpusr nur io do nny act hereundcr, and that 111urt�a4ee s6fall nn[ incur ;3n)' prr� �nnl li�hili�y b�•rau�r ot vm�- <br /> � tl�in�; it may do ur omil to do her�•imder. <br /> (n t6e �s�rnt u( Ihi� defuult f>y �luttKngor in the paymi•nt of urn� inctal4nenL a. rrquircd i�y� thr Xulr secure�i hr•tt-In•. or <br /> � in the 7>erfurmnna+ of thr �diligntion in this mortg:ige or in thc• note s�,�cumd thercb�•. the �tort�;agce shall hr irnfilliYl to �ier.l�tre th�• . � <br /> � dr•bt securrsi h��reby duc and payable a�ilhuut notice, nnd thv �tortgngee �hnll bi� enlitled at i�; uptinn. H�fthuut nu4re, e�ther by itself ,, � <br /> nr hy n receiver to 6v appuinteci by lhe cuurt then�crL �ind �.�it.l+nut rrtiard to the .idcquacc of anp �rcurib• (ur thr indrbtirlm�.s v. . � , }� " � <br /> �� � curerl herrby, to euler upon vtd take possrssion u( the mortkngcd premises. and tu coila�ct auid recricr !6r rent�, icsurs and profits � N -, <br /> therenf. and apply the :aime. li�c cosis u( operation nnd i•ollection. upmi thr indeht�slness �erurrd b�� thi� mort�:age: viid rrnts, > <br /> - I � is.ues nnd profita Imin�; herebp fl.�:ignc-<I tr> the A7ort„n�er ac fur�her security for lh� p.���mrnt of ,iii indi•hn�dm��� .i curai hereii>, ' a <br /> L �Phe Mortga�;oe �hall hnve ihe pmcrr to appoint nny agr•nt r.r ncents it map disire for che purpa;c of n pairing a;uri pmm- i+ ' ' <br />- 3 �� � ises; renting fhe s;unc: cnllectint; the renis, revenurs aud incnme. �uui it map p:ip out o( �aid innmu� al1 ���prn���s incurn�i in n•nt- � � <br /> i s inF And managing the samr ancl uf rnllrctine thr mntals therr( rnm. 'fhe halance n•nminin4. i( emy. ihall F��� ;ippiird iu•.a�ard thr <br />��; �.` . � divchnr�e of the moit�;ntir indebfedness. This :t�ignment is to trrm.imrtr and tHY•umr null anri roi�l upon mira«• nt Ihis mort�;n�r. � . . <br /> Y� <br /> ti, <br />:y _ <br />`� . �A \ . . . . . `_ � <br />.'`�. <br />�•j¢ <br />_'. t <br /> � <br /> � <br />