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, t: <br />�' ��.�a <br />;� . i ,., <br /> t,� . ..��.�� <br />�� � � <br />� ' <br /> "l�' �J0716� <br /> �� ��� <br /> FEDE�R'yAL <br /> LINCV��- DUEONSSALEIVIDUAL <br /> FORM NO.537 fNav.�•76) � . <br /> Loan Number__31�12-�-- --�----- --1$$ <br /> � � � . . . . . � . . � . �� . -o�.,,��n Trcc � <br /> SAVINGS MORTGAGE <br /> S 1'HIS h10E�1'GAGG. mada and execuu•d this .....�.�......._d¢y nf ...F..+!.�z+�'C..'`''_ _........ ....A.D..143.76....;belwexn <br /> ', Robert.J,,_Wheeler..and,.Nancy L.,,.���heeler.,,_,hLtSbAnd...and...t�.fe,...each..in_his..and..her...own..ituliuidual <br /> � " ' right..and„as, spouse.of..the,...o.ther.,._j.oint�y,��d_„�QY.erally.. . . <br /> � ' <br /> t ; <br /> ', i <,( .....Grand.._Is1an..d........ .... ....��w,tv of.Na�,�,.._. ._ ........, Suite of._...Nebraska h�reinafter refcrred <br /> . . .. ..... <br /> to as the A9ortgagor,and FIRST PEDERAL SAVINGS:1ND I.OAN ASSOCIA'I'ION OF LINCOLN, Nebrnskn, its succeavors <br /> �.'� and� nssigns.hereinafter m(ermd to as btorlgngee, �. . - � � � . <br /> 1 <br /> � . «'IT\I"sSSGTH: Th.d tl�r said �fortgagnr,fur and in consideration u(the sum n( � � . . �. <br /> ' URTE..FTt_.Tf.i0U5AT�TD_AT�D...;QO 100 ----- ----------- <br /> —.---' ... cr_-'1$_�.�}aQQO Q�.....:... .....�...) I)ollar�. - � . <br /> . �... .. ... .. .� . ___.. . .. _.... . . _...... .... .. ... .. <br /> pnid bY �A�d ?�4ortgagee, doex herehy sell nnd convey ❑nto I'IRS'I' PEDEI2AI, S:IVINC5 AND I.OAN ASSOCIA'CION OF <br /> ].INCOLN, Ne6rnska, a; riortgagee, iti succevora ��nd assi�;ns. th�� [ullo�rinK deseribed Re�d Iist.ile,situtited in lhe County of � � � � � . � . . <br /> I Hal]. s�,����t._...............Webxaska........ , a,.w�i: <br /> , : _... ....... ........ ..... ... ._ _. ........... <br /> � i <br /> � ` <br /> Lot One (1) in Block One Hundred Ten {ll0) in Railro2d <br /> Addition to the City of Grand Island, Hall County, NebrasY.a. <br /> t,':��. � � � . . . � �.. <br /> r: : <br /> i - <br /> k ; <br /> ': <br />, y: � <br /> i+. ' <br /> Y <br /> i <br /> i: ' <br /> �. <br /> � ' '1'U Ii:1VE AND'PO}iOLD ihe atxn•e de�cribed promises(or the usea herein srt tnrth ond tu sccure perfonnm�ee of die . <br /> �.. '. ubligulions contuined herein.IoFether witl� all buildings.improvementi. Iixlums und appurlenauces ;md ull ca�emenGs thereuntii <br /> txinnging. and it i+�nutunlly covenanted ard ut�rccd by �ind Letwecn Ilu� pariies hereto thal. :dl plum6i��g, gns. clectric :iuei <br /> � mechanical fixtureF. applitmces. eyuipment. machinory and a}�paratu;,�loor coverin,s.stunn�cindo�ss and screens,nnd such othor � <br /> . ga.ids and chuttele and penonal pruperty a,:vi�c��er iurnished by a t¢ndlord in leltius or uperatin�an un(urnivhed buiidinC.simi� <br /> lar tu ihe one nuw or}iernafter on vaiel pnmises.�chich are or shull btl LItIICI1F�1 tu said 1;uilding in uny tnanner w�}�,�tsaaver. :�re . <br /> �. and shall be decmrd to t�e fisturr�nnd an arcessinn tu;he frrrhuld nnd a part n!the rcalty as bchveen U�e par�i��hereto.iheir <br /> . hein.cxccutors.•ssor.,nr:�ssi;;ns.and all persnns claimint; by. through nr undrr ti�om.and ;liall 6r•d��emrd <br /> fu Ix�u porlion of the spcurity Gi�Ihe indei�tedne.y 6��rein mentioned ami ��r b��cucrred he thi+mortea;;e. <br /> • ;� <br /> > <br /> . PROVIUED AI.WAYS.and the��� presents nre rxvcuted nnd drlivrred upun thr fullu��-in�: ccmdilion�. n�;rromvnt,; :uid +N <br /> i � .�I abligalinna of thc\lortga�ors,lu-u'il: . ' � . <br /> . 'P�h�� 1lorlgaC��r agreei�o pa�' to th���lnrlgagee,ur orJ�r. th�� principal sunt ��I _T''Q[J$��'1jQ..`j�'j�jJ$,�D..j.�iT�.jQQ/1�� '�' . <br /> ti. t: <br />: . �. ____ __ ___ __.__ ___ _____ ______ .. <br /> -----------(.14,Op0.00_ i I),:,Il;�r�. u�i . <br />- . ... . ._ _ . ..._. _ .._ _ ._.. ._....__ .__ _ <br />*t <br />''�.,.. . �:ayuble as prorided in a nertc executed and delivrr�vl irncurrenlly nrrew•ith. t6r iinat payrnrnt nf principal. i! ur•t snonrr pnid. . ... . . <br />,��� an ihe. �'St ....dav aL._.......J9T1l1flI'.Y....._...__ ... ..__._. 19.8�.. <br /> . ... . <br /> r�_ . . . . _.... <br />__ I Caard[nt 19456r fksf FrCu�ISavinp enA lmo Aa�vclan>n of Uncol,.tlncam.Ncbm�a � <br /> 7 <br /> 1 <br /> y� <br /> t <br />