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. . . ' .}` �G. � <br /> e`� � . . � e . ��. . . <br /> 7s <br />� ,.,�.#.�. � <br />� �,,,,. , : _ <br />� �~ <br /> 76� 007J 6 t <br />� � � � . . 7'he Afortgagee mny coilrcl n '9r�te ehurge" nue in esceed Fiv�� C��nts (.`ic? (��r ench dnllnr (31 .00) uf rneh tolul manlidr � . � � . <br /> pu,yment ntore thun iCi days in arre�ir. tu nm��r �hr extru ry�r•nce im�nlvi�c! in lrandiing drlinquent acrounts. � . . . . <br /> �. . . � Afl payments mude uuder the prm•isions � of thia mort�;nge ��r tLe nute here3�y u�cured, u�hirl� mny tK� raactrued nx interest, � � . . . . <br /> ' � tihr�ll nM. � in the aggreqate o��er t1�e �erm ther�(, caceed the nie ihat mny now be. Ia�cfully rnntracLetl tor in uritin�. � � � <br /> , � � Jt is further ngreed ihat � in cnse nn�' euit is lu�;un �u fnreclu,r this moriguge. lLe ?�tort��gee, ifs tepresentatives or astigns. . � . . <br /> . shtill at onvi: he entillerl to the �>os>rs.ion ot said premises; nnd upnn A�1OIICAUC1f1 ' fllMCfor, the nx�rt in w�hidi such ncGon vhaU � � . � . . <br /> be brougiit or uny juil�:e <if such court. Fither in t<�rtn time or vncxtion, is h�rehy nuthnrizc�cl to np��aint n receiver ta Inke pi�es- . � � � � <br /> � � sion nf said premise.s. or tb callixt Ilie rcnts therefrom. i�nd lo do und �mrtom� such other ucts as mny be rii7uires! 6y the nnler �� � . � . . � . . � . <br /> o[ the ruurt makiug the appointmrnl ; snd a�ir! Atortgagor hereby waives an�• notice n[ ci�cl� applicetion, and mnsents tn the up- <br /> � � � ��ointmeni at a rerei��er upmi the pnuluction ot lhis mortcare. without othvr e�•idence. � . . � � � � <br /> � . � � 7'he :�forlgugee ehall tx subru�atrd tu ull o( ihe iighls, prieilcKeS. Prioritics, and equitiis uI nny lienholder whose lierctnny � � . . . . � . <br /> � liave been discLarFed from the � pnK•eedv of lhis 1�>:an, or bp nny (unds here6>• � p:iid or furnished hy the 1lfortgngue. � � � � . <br /> : � 1T IS EXPRliSSLY AGREED thnt if U�c Afortgagc�r shall sell, ironvey or nlienate suid propeny, or any part thercot. : � . � � � . . �. <br /> or an�• interest themin, or Fhtili be dil�estci3 ot his titic nr nny iut�rest fhrrein in ;in}' m:mner nr wxy, w•hether �-oluntnrily or <br /> involwitarily, without ti�•ritten consent of the �fortgagc� being first had and obtainnl. Atort�nger shall ha�•e the right, at il� opdon, <br /> . to deelure any� indebtedness or o!�ligntions secumd hereby, irmspceticr of tlie matvriip date s7n�ificd in �ny notc evideacing the � � � � � <br /> - snme, imma3iniely due nnd paynhle �.�ithout notirn, zuid � said dobt shall fhercupon b.�rnmc alnolut��. IF the ownership ot the mort- -. � � � � � � � <br /> ti• gaged property lxromes vested in a . pe�ai nther th:u� ihe nlort�,�Fc�r, tlie 14orfgagec mny, �.ithout nntice fo the hlorl�gor, denl . � . . � . � <br /> �� kith sucA succc�zor or euccrssors in interest �sit}� rcfon�na� to t}�ia murtgage nnd the debl hcreby s��c�und :�s� w�ith the Tiortgagor, ; � � � � . <br /> xnd may forbetir to sue or may e�tend time for the p:�yment o( the debt henb�� ,�cumd without di:charging or in unp Hmy atiecting <br /> � � . the linbilih- of ffie origina! :�forfgagor h��reunder or v�um the d��ht sa•ured. . � � . : . �. <br /> � In this insirument the aingular inctude� ttie plural and tlie mnsculit�e includes lhe feminine nnd the neuter anJ this in• � � � � � � <br /> � � strument sholl Ix� binding upun the under.ign�ri. Lis hein. Ih tson '�I repr�.enta�tives, sumwsors nnd nssigreK. - � . .. <br /> a. ��-� , � . . � . . <br /> I� \\'ITNESS \4HLRlOF, ti��e hace hereunto s��i our handa nnd seal , lho day nnd ycat Jirst nl���e written � - . . . . � <br /> i � In ihe prFsence oi: � . � - � <br /> , ,, -� , � � <br /> t-���--��-�'� . .. _.. . _ <br /> obert � t•lieeler� � <br /> 't ; \ � <br /> � ; /J / 1 r � � � S / <br /> x � n <br /> . X _1... 'anc3 J��e��:���L1`-".�v. . .. ....._ . . ...._... �. . . �. <br /> �. ✓ l <br /> ' / , <br /> } � <br /> , t STATE OF NEBRASKA <br /> ' � s;. <br /> � � . . ...... . T:8�1......_ _.._._Counh-, , : . . . . <br /> -i. <br /> � � On this ... ..1.�........ . dny of �t `�^"'l'L`. . . .., 197G_ bcforn me, the undenigned. n Notary Fublic, in and (or said � � � � � � <br /> � <br /> � County, personatly cnm�.._..R.ob.ert.. J,_.�±'lieeler.. and .,I�anc.y.. L _4;tieeler , hue>band .and wife. ....,. .. ... <br /> .... . . . ._... <br /> * � person¢ily kmm�n to me te tw the idrnticnl ��rson.c ��•hose numes are nfiised to t1�c aFrove and fnregoing instrument, as mortgagore, �. : � � � <br /> �Y,� ' and each acknowlnlgeci snid instn�ment fo be his or her ��oluntan� nct nnd d�ed. � � � . <br /> a <br /> ? . �� \Sitnese m�• hand and notarint seal at.... Grand,_ Islanq,.._:feUrask� _ . � . - <br /> . . ____.... ...__ .. . . . . ._...._... .. _.... ......_ <br /> � tlie dute lnst above wrilten. � <br /> � , ROBER7 D. PIACZEK ,� �/ <br /> � GENERAL MOTARY • 6trte ot N�Er. �Y// � " r-,•l� � <br /> M Conxobtba E� /ir�' ��� l� <br /> , _ ..__ _. _ . . .. .. ..._.................. .............. <br /> a� NOVEMBER 25. 1978 Natur�' Publia � � � <br /> � Afy commisaian rxpires...._. ..��' ''s � � <br /> ; . _ ..__........ ..__. .._ _. _ _.__.._. <br /> � <br /> gSTATE OF... . . .. ..... ..... ._.......... ..... ............... - <br /> :_ <br /> ,., � ss. <br /> ; Countp . . ._. _ . .. .. . ... . . . ... _ _ .. . .... . . .. . .. .... ....._.. . .._ . <br /> I:ntered on numerica] index nnd filed fur record in the Register ot Deeds O�ce of snid County the <br /> ; .. . .. .. ..... ......_day of.. . .. .. ... .... ... . .- . . _ . .. . .. __. . .. , 19... . . . . ... , nt. . .._. .. . . . . . ... . . _o'clock nnd.. . .... .._. .. . . . ._ .minutes . .. .. . . .. . ..T4,. <br /> x <br /> and recotded in Book. .............. .. . ..........of Alortgnges at page.. .... . .. . ... . _.. ... . . .. as Insfrument ATo......_. . . . . _ . .. . .. ... <br /> : . ...... __ .... .... ... .. .. _ . . . . ... ..... ....... _. ... . ... .. ......... .... .. .... . .. . ..... <br /> Reg. of Deeds <br /> �: By... .. . . .. . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . .. .. . .. . . ... _. . .._ _. _ .. . . . _.... ...._Deputp <br /> ' .r <br /> R'hen recorded to be returned to the y,'��� '`; ' <br /> � <br /> FIRST rEDER:�L 5:1�'INGS .�ND I,O:\n :lSSOC1.1TI0N OF I,Iti('OT.N 1� <br /> � LINCOLN OFFlCES: Pnonea75�0521 � <br /> f' <br /> . � 1235 ••N•• St�ee! � ] 35 Ha. Ca�,^.e� [inC. � DCth srE ..A.• 5�. �I 25a1 ha lli� 5veet � � <br /> . _ � .t.. :.. <br /> ; [] wmie.00 aa. � �mn soa r�e s�. . . <br /> Y� � � OMAHF OFFICES: PnOne SS<�6JC0 ' � <br /> v" <br /> . � � 9)OL P�uhc St. �� 2301 Su. 4?nd SL `j ?:OS Nc. 50ih Sl. �1 10920 Knt �cC�n RG. <br />�_ � REWOl�AI OFFICES: (j 21 _0 {In1 ��.., r.enn�v n 513 "C• Sirnt. Fairewt L) 1431 "t.�" Svee�. O�A <br /> �' Plmnc 2JY.23]3 Vpona i: 9�::J2 PM1u.•e 129.J.' ] A <br />�+�: � 1301 Mpin A�e., Crete � .^23 Um Buttt Ave., A�Imnce � 191i We�! :nd SL. Gmnd Iila��C �_i 5.' 1 Hn. Crwey 5:., <br />;8 - Pheae 6:6.< 369 Fnone ]4.".27 "e0 ono�e 3^a.6a33 .�;nn t��.q�e <br />`� � toefrl[!� 1965 tr Fln1 FeLrrel Lvinp �na Loan Asfoc1a11en ol Uneola, Uneoln. NeE�nt� � <br />'`� <br /> 1''� <br />' . 1y <br /> F <br /> ' <br />