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<br /> ,{� The Lessee shall have the right from time to time at it° s
<br /> � sole cost and expense to malce �dditions , a14;erations and chringes
<br /> '�a ( hereinafter collectively referred to a:� " alterat; ions " ) in or Lo
<br /> � the liospital I'acili � y , si!b ,ject , huwever , 1n all cases to the
<br /> ,� ��� follo�ving conditions :
<br /> �:
<br /> ' � ( a ) no alterution of any kind shall be made which would
<br /> ,s result in u violation of the provi � ions of 5ection 5 . 5 hereof ,
<br /> �
<br /> � ( b ) no building or buildinF;s constitut- in�� a pai�t of the
<br /> '' Hospital Facility shall be dhmolisried or removed nor shall any '
<br /> � alteration to' "the fiospital Racilitq be made which would � ubstantially
<br /> ; impair the structural strength , ut- 111ty or marlcet• value thereof taken
<br /> a as a whole without in each case the prior tivritt• en consent of the
<br /> �� Authority thereto ; and ,
<br /> , . �
<br /> `� ( c ) all alterations to the IIospit- al l�aaility shall be
<br /> : located wholl,y within � he boundar,y lines thereof and shall becotne
<br /> ,`; a part thereof .
<br /> :�
<br /> :,r
<br /> ;;; 4Jith respect to any repairs , construction , restoration ,
<br /> i;; replacement or alterations performed upon t; he liospital Pacility by
<br /> `=' the Lessee durine the term hereo ]' , in accordance with or as requlred
<br /> � by any provisions hereof , tk�ie Le3see agrces that : � �
<br /> � ( a ) no worlc in eonneetion thCI•ewith 3ha11 be undertalcen
<br /> � until the Lessee shall have procured and paid for , so far ns the
<br /> ; :;, same may be required , from Cime to time , a11 municipal and ot- her
<br /> -:;7 �overnmental permits and uuthorizaCion:� of the various municipal
<br /> ; y� departments and governmental aubdivisions having ,Jurisdiction , and
<br /> ;, the Authority t�grees to ,1oin in thc applica4lon for such per�nits
<br /> :� or authorizations whenever such action is necessary ;
<br /> , ;.�
<br /> ; „rt
<br /> ,, ( b ) all worlc in connectlon tl � crewiCh shall be do �le
<br /> �; prompbly and in �ood worlcmanlike manner attci iti compllance with
<br /> �� the Uuildin� 3nd zonin �? laws of' L- he municipali. ty or other govern -
<br /> � mental subdivision wl: erein Chc liospital I'acilit ,y is situaLed , and
<br /> � with all laws , ordinances , orders , rules , re �ulations and require -
<br /> >; ments of all federal , statc and municipal �;overnment3 and the
<br /> �'; `_'; appropriate departments , comtnisslons , boards an �i officers thereof ,
<br /> and shall not violate Ltie provislons of any polic ,y of lnsurance
<br /> ' x covering the Hospital Fac111ty , and t; he wor}c shall Uc� prosecuted
<br /> ' '`�: with reasonable dispatch , unzivoidablc� delays excepted ; und
<br /> ., ..`
<br /> ( c ) worlcmen ' s compet� sation insurance covci• ing a11 person �
<br /> - employed in connection wlth the worlc and wlth respect Lo whom death
<br /> "� or bodily in� ury clalms eould Ue anserted a�ainst thc Auttiorit ,y ,
<br /> the Lessee or the Ho� pital l�acility , and t�enera .l 11aUilit ,y insurance
<br /> ':' :'; ( specifically eoveriXig tl� l� class oT rislc ) for the mutual Uenefit of
<br /> `' the Authority and the Lessee with 11miCs of not le � s than � 500 , Q00
<br /> `":;� in Lhe event of bodily 1n,Jur,y to oric per:ion cind not 1 �: Jit Lhan
<br /> ,,,
<br /> � 1 , 000 , 000 1n the event• 01' bodil ,y 1n ,1ur.Y Lo anY nwnUcr o1' persons
<br /> . r,�
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