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<br /> '� U ,y an,y non -exempt person in such manner as would resiilt it1 Lhe loss
<br /> ;t: of tax exemption from interest on the t3onds other�oise aff'orded u�ider
<br /> ,� Section 103 ( a ) of such Gode .
<br /> ;y
<br /> T`
<br /> , ;; The Authorit ,y shall not be liaUle for tinti� en� roachment of
<br /> ;; an,y present or future buildinf; either on the i [o , pital racillty or
<br /> � on an,Y propertv ad,jacent to or in L- he vicinit ,y of anv part of the
<br /> , }{ospital Facility and L• he Lessee hereby a�;rees to indemnifv and
<br /> save the Authorit .y harmleas from and arninst any and all liabilitY ,
<br /> � penalties , damages , expenses and ,jud�--ments what � oever on account
<br /> . ,� of the location of t:n,y Uuildln�; or other structures on or partl ,y
<br /> "� on the Hospital Facility .
<br /> �;
<br /> -;;
<br /> `' The Lessee further lgrees th �t it will not , in any
<br /> , substAntial way , en�;a�re in anY business or activlt- ies other than
<br /> :,y� that of maintainin� and nperatint� the flospital racility and other
<br /> `� acute or extended health care facil .ities and related activities
<br /> � incident thereto , either on the Lcased l. and or r. lsewhere r�nd 1n
<br /> , ; furtherance thereof , and will not- or�gani �� e or acq �iire �n ,y subsi -
<br /> z� diary . T2ie f�r� Foin �; shall not Ue deemed to prevenb the I,essee
<br /> �� from or�?anizin�* , with other lios � ital coi•poratians , an insurnnce
<br /> r� company to insure the Lessee and such corporations at?nin � t compre -
<br /> "> hensive _ general liability or medical mal �ractice liability , nnr from
<br /> '; constructing a doctar ' s office buildinq on land other than the
<br /> � Leased Land . � �
<br /> >g
<br /> �� The Lessee wi11 not sell or otherwise transter its exist -
<br /> �� in�; hospital facilities which the Pro ,1ecL is replacinr; ta any person , �
<br /> ::; firm or corporation for use as a Fr,eneral �cute care hospital and
<br /> ;� will , when such facilities are sold or ot. hcrti,� ise trznsCerred , execute
<br /> `>� and record an appropriat- e restrictlon prohibitin � the transferee of
<br /> ;� such facilities or any stibsequenC tr�iilsferee t: hereoi' , Ci•om usi. n!?
<br /> ��; such facilities on the 11J7(� on whicn they are siY, u.ited as a �;eneral
<br /> ;� acute care hospital durin� the term of t ? iis I,ease .
<br /> ��
<br /> � :�<
<br /> � r, � �
<br /> ?, Section 5 . 6 . R� alr �, :'t:� intenance and Altei•ar.• ion :; . Suh ,iect
<br /> ' to the LesseeT�s ri �;tits i :i che event ot damaFc , -c3estr� ict �oii or con -
<br /> : � demnation as set forth ln Arl; icic VI hereof , the Lessee wiil
<br /> '-',; throu�;hout the term of this Lease aL its o:rn cost anci exnc� nse 1< eep
<br /> `-� the Hospital Facility in tC�od and tenantaUle repair nnd order ,
<br /> ; ,,4
<br /> ; ; reasonable wear and tear exceptec.i , and in �.is r�easonaUl ,y saf'e
<br /> ` `:�': condition as its operfltion tiuill permiC and will malce all necessar,y
<br /> `' " repairs thereto , interior and c� xterior , st- ructural and nonstructurll ,
<br /> :;�
<br /> 3 ordinary as well as extraordinar,y and I'oreseen as we11 1s unfore -
<br /> seen , and all necess �iry replacements or renewals . tJhenever any
<br /> ' ;;`; nortion of Lhe Hospital PacilitY shall havc become WOT•n out or
<br /> ;`,`t destroyed or shall have becomc obsoleCc or other�uise unflt for use
<br /> ` :� the Lessee shall , � ub � ect Co such ri �;ht3 , c� rocure ,in �9 :install
<br /> = ; substitutes of at letist equal value .
<br /> ;.``-;
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