�. : ; �.
<br /> a _ . t ,;, ,k.�' ;
<br />�, ".."`� :
<br /> a . � .� l�9 �� �� t) i� �! �j
<br /> Id}IF.RLA:i , Chc PturtYiige authorizes Cl�e i.; rtuanc;e o [ addi. t: ional industri .a7.
<br /> ��'.evelopment tevenue bouda to �, ay the cost oE Addl. Lionetl. tmpravementr3 , as n�ic�h ci� c•m t:;
<br /> defic�ed in tl�e Moti �age (i�ereiu and Lherein c� 1.1c�d "Addf. tional impruvemenc�i " ) , a1.1
<br /> aub,jec: t to the terma and conditimio oL the Mortg:age , 1ucluJinz; Clte execution of 2.0
<br /> amendment to thi� Lease ; and ,
<br /> WNG[2�15 , the Govc�rnin�; liudy has deterrnit�ed that under the provio3.unr� uf thi�s
<br /> � Leaae expenses uE the Lessur i�t carr. yin � out tl�e prnt�i. ai.nnc� of the A� C auJ tititi Lexee
<br /> � '• are payable from funds provi�ieii purauant Co Che Act aud tltia Leaoe and no liaUi.11Cv
<br /> �3 or obligution shall Ue incurrc±d by Che Les �or uuder tliiH Lease bevottd tBe eicteut Cu
<br /> -� wiiieh the moneya al�all liave Ueen so provided ; andi
<br /> _.
<br /> _,: �, �
<br /> ' �� WIiL'R�AS , tlie Goveriiing body has determitted that Chi � [:ease provides ft>r the
<br /> < payment by the Gompany to the Lesnot oE fee�; , reucs and char�es to �>rovide a Eund
<br /> 'f eufficient to pay Cl�e princi��al uL and Lhe intereat on thc inclu� tcial develupment
<br /> ,;,
<br /> ? revet�ue bouda ot the Leaeor as the same sha11 becorc�e due and paraUle ; anct ,
<br /> ;tr
<br /> jSJHTiR�A5 , each of the parl- les l�ereto reE� resent � that 1E is full)� auL-tioYized ' '
<br /> Co enteY into aud perform and fulfill the obligationn impneed upoii it under tiiis 1,eaAe
<br /> ''s aud that .ill conditions precedent tu tlie execul' iott and delivery �� L lhis Leaae havn beeh
<br /> ' oatiefied and the parties are , accordingly , n��w prepared lo eYecute aud deliver this
<br /> �' Lease ; aud , �
<br /> :;
<br /> ? IJtIG12GA5 , tlie memUera ot the Board uf TruAt:ees , a� ti.tt�; as the Governin� I1od}� ,
<br /> ' hnve conaidereJ Chis Lease and .lgreement in ttie Best ittteresl of. 'S'lie l� :l. 11age ui Alda ;
<br /> �J �
<br /> � � � f
<br /> � NOIJ , TNGRl:FORL' , iii consideratiun of Che coveuante and a�reemenla herein
<br /> %
<br /> ,; conl-atned to be per [urmed by ltie l,e �sor and L-i�e Compaciy aud uClier good atid valua� le
<br /> ' ' considerakion paid Uy cach of the parties Co tl�e c� ther , the receipt of �ohi.cl� is liereU�
<br /> '^ severally a�knowledy,ed , the Les� ar and llie Gumpany l�ereby akree ae fulluws :
<br /> "lleEiniCions , " In addition to woi-ds aiid �eruis elsewhere defic�ed lu this
<br /> � Leaye , Che tollowiug cuord, aii�l terms ae used iu Chia Lease fil�all Ga�+e the Lollowing
<br /> F 4 meaniug� , wileas some othec meaning is plaiiily i.ntendedt
<br /> � `'
<br /> � . .
<br /> `� C � � "Act" Hhall mean Che 5ectton 2 oP Art .icle 13 of the NeUca�"ka GonstituCiou
<br /> i and Cl�apter 1J , .\rticle 16 , Nebraslca iteviaed 5tatuLes , 194 :f , as amended ,
<br /> ; £3,
<br /> n
<br /> ::� (b ) "Additioual ImprovemenCa " shcall mean any adctit- ious , extensidus � impreve-
<br /> ? �nentc� , nquiptnent , machitiery ur other fac; ilit- ies toi �� L or tur ttte Pru.JeeC � . .
<br /> � ( c ) " 1}o�id Fund " r� ha7.1 u�eatt 'I'lie VLllay?e oE Alda Induslrial L�evelopment Iievenue
<br /> ; ISoudr� (TV 'Citne Fooci � , Inc , - 19iG Pro,jecL ) Bvud Fwtd establlshed Uy
<br /> Srctiou 5U3 ui Ll�e PlurCgca �:e ; "Resette AccounC � ' �hall mean the account
<br /> :� �+ o deaignated Chat iH cteal- ed L� Che lloud Fwid purHuanC to SecClon 50G
<br /> � = oi Llic Dlorly,age .
<br /> ;
<br /> y
<br /> :,
<br /> �;i (d ) " llonds " , hall mean the bonds auChurized , auCheuLicate� and issued under
<br /> � the Act and Che AfurtNage .
<br /> ' (c ) " 1Sanct Re �olutiou" r�hall mean tlie Kesol.uClon adopCed by 1'he V111ake of
<br /> Alda . 11oatd ul: 'Cru;3tees authorising Che ir �uance uL $ 'l�) O , OUO
<br /> oL 7'he Villa�;e oC Alda , Nebraska , lndustrial Uevelopmeut Reveuue Uunde
<br /> (7'V 7'itne Foude , luc . - 1. 47 (, Pcoject ) .
<br /> ( f ) "Con� truction l�und " BI1�1L1. LIiB111 �I�I1C V111.ake of ALda Iudustti.il Uevel6pment
<br /> 7 ConaCrucCion Puud (7'V 'L' ime Poo� ri , i.nc . - 1976 I� ro,ject ) a tpecial. fund
<br /> Created nnd c3u dcr; ikuated by Clie pro�� iaionr ut Hection 4U2
<br /> �
<br /> uf tl�c MortgaKe .
<br /> �' ( {; ) " L)amiracd 1' reluisey " shall mean co .Llectively the Proiect , includl.ut: Che '
<br /> GxisCint; i' roperCy , aud any ;ind �zll a�ddiliuns , Impro�� ements , esCensiviiA ,
<br /> ctlteratiuno aud appucteuances thereto and Cherof , �ol � eCl�et uow existinti
<br /> t • uc to be cun� tructed , i_ii:atall.ed or acqulred durin� tlie Cernt ut' � hio
<br /> Leaaae , excepl- cuch uCl�er ptoperty owned on the daCe uI tlds I,ca3e , ur
<br /> _ Lereafter owned I± y klie Comp7ny nn�l iCetnized or her ��aEter i. tetnized in
<br /> ' the lnventor. y uf I' coperty Owued hy lhe Company .
<br /> r. � ;,.s
<br /> ; � ' ry y .
<br /> t1'" ? ��' ._.
<br /> , ��
<br /> � ., ,
<br /> 4; ��: _ . ' .W,Z . .
<br /> f . .
<br /> C'
<br /> q�_
<br /> y �- � _�
<br />