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<br /> � L��� ,�r� ncuL�r��Nr �'S� �) � 5 :3 � �
<br /> � , .
<br /> LEASc AISll .'�GR�L• McNT {herein called the "Lease” or " ti�is "Lcase " ) , dated
<br /> as of ' the lst day of OctoUer , I976 , by and between 7'he �'illage. oE A1da , N�>.braslca , a
<br /> s '
<br /> Viilage tn ehe Sl'ate of NeF� raeica as Lessor , a��d TV Time coods , lnc , 1{unC l�alley , rfaary].and ,
<br /> y ; a corporation -duly organized and exiat'ipg uttder xiie laws of the State of 14aryland and
<br /> . ' � qu:�lified ta do business 1n Nehraska , (herein called " the Comnany" ) ; ac Lessee .
<br /> ` " � WITNESSEiH :
<br /> % ;
<br /> WHEREAS , fihe Village of Alda , tiebraska , (herein called the "Lessor" ) is a duly
<br /> constituted ' 4illage in the State of Nebraska , uith lawful aower and author:ity co anter
<br /> t' into 'ttiis Lease and . to issue 'its revenue bonds ior Ehe purp�se oi pr. ov3ding funds ±o . pay
<br /> , : all or any pnrt oz the cost or any project (as such tern is deiined in che .1ct hereinafter
<br /> mentioned) , which nroject , in Che determinaCion of the Lessor , shall tnake a significant
<br /> conrribution to tite economic growth of the Lessor , stiall provide gainful emplo•rment and
<br /> sha11 serve a . puolic purpose by �dvancing the economic prosperity and tne general ' weliare
<br /> of idebraslca and its neople , The Village oi Alda and its peoo ].e and central Nebraska and
<br /> iCs peaple, all pu:suant Co the iaws of tiie State of l�eoraska , inc!uuing particula�2y
<br /> t ; Seccion 2 of ilrticle 13 of the I3ebraska Constitution and Chaoter 38 , Article .Z6 , Rebraska
<br /> Ke�*ised Statutes , 1943 , as smended .
<br /> WHERE<t5 , the Company has subnitted to :he Governing BudV of ' the Lessor �
<br /> proposal .for f3nancing a project uniier the Act comnrising che iollowing :
<br /> z
<br /> ' (ij tiie acquisition by tiie Lessor of certain real prqr.erty in The
<br /> � �" t'illage oi �lda , I�ebraska , all as more iullv described in
<br /> ` Exhibit A attached herete and made a Dart hereof .
<br /> {ii) thi constru�tio❑ and acnuisition and inorovement oi a yopcorn ' pro-
<br /> " { cessing facility laca[ed on said renZ property to be used Lo e:cvand
<br /> � � its esisting plant :acilities , and to add neca eq, uipment and
<br /> ' machinery to be used for the wei�i�inb , cleaaing , receivitt� and
<br /> J ' shipping oT grain .
<br /> (iii ) the const?-uction , improvement and exnansior. of the i.a:isting
<br /> + �' Property through cne issuance ot develonment revenue bonds oi
<br /> the Lessor leasing to tiie Cor.:pan}� ' the Lxisting Pronercc as
<br /> ` i�proved and eauipoed ; ard
<br /> tJkiEitEAS , ti�e Geverning Body , in order to c=:ectuate che nurposes oi the .'�ct and
<br /> serve the pu6lic znte-_ est , has adopteu a bond resolution ( hereii: called the " Bond Reso�u-
<br /> r ' L'ion" ) - providing io: the Lessor ' s issuin�; oi ics revenue bor.ds ( such bor.ds and ati}- o :. he:
<br /> bonds issued under tne t^ortga�e , hereina� ter r.en � ioned , ucing hereln called che "Eonds " j ,
<br /> � ror the purpose of proczdinF funds to na'; che cost o: acouiring the fee portior. o _ �he
<br /> Existing Prenertv and said addi �ions and i�prove;�ents to �he c::isting Yroperty { all
<br /> "' being herein collec �ively called xhe "Pro_ject " ; , ;: undin� a reserve account ane p2-�Sng ,
<br /> expenses af the bond issue . The Bond Resolution rurther aooroves and authorizes the
<br /> e:cecution °or ar.d or behali oi the Lessor o ;: a ;4orcgage anc Irden �u-c of 'i'_ust (hercir.
<br /> �' �; called the "KorLga�e" ,l , dated ;,s oi tiie lst d2y o : October , iJ7n , securin� such bonds b�•
<br /> and betcaeer. the Lecsor and [ he Idational Ban'r of Coir�:erce ?'rust and �avin�s Associa � :on ,
<br /> Lincoln , t�ebraska , as Trus �ee ( said trustee and any bank anc Crust caroar.}- i�ecoraing
<br /> �
<br /> SllCCL'S60L LYllSCL' C' Up(�L'S LhC' �:OI' Lh3$�'C �7C' �ti'�.', (ll'ZB�I7 C:Il �C[� L�1G � �Trustee" ) � 1t7G �
<br /> �. SJHER •L' 15 , the Comnam: desires to lease frvr.. thc LesGor the Proiect and nll
<br /> € additions, �71PTOVC'7RE'RtS � E3}:LflIlS10IlS � a� tera�iars ane 3[JF711Z �0i1Ht10ES LhC:CLC 3i14 L�iPrL- OI �
<br /> whettter now existing or to be constructed , inscalled or acyuired durin � : he te:-;� of
<br /> this Lease , exceoting such nronerty oa-�ied on the date of : his I,ease or he: earter nc:ned
<br /> ' by ' the Co�panv and itenized or herea � ter itenized in the " InvenLorti• oi ?'-eject F7cnerty
<br /> :
<br /> Dwned by the Company" , : iled WiLh the Lessor and the T:us �ee ; tiie I'roiecc , includin�
<br /> L-he Existing Frcnerty , and all sucii addi � ions , inprover�ents , excensions , : ? te -ations ,
<br /> machinery , equipreent ana appurtenances theretc and theYeo � . wzth said c::tcet� tions , and
<br /> ? all rldditionai Inprovc^ents as hereinafter mentioned 'bein� tierein coilectivel•,� cal2ed
<br /> the "L`er.�ised Pre�i3es ". ; and , �
<br /> t73iERcAS , the Governin�; Eod}� tias deter,ained that the ComtJany is ;ullv canable
<br /> and willing to rulfill its ahligations under tt�3s iease , including the cbli,ation te ' , �
<br /> '' ,-r„� ;,y .
<br /> 1
<br /> pay rent in the amouncs and at the times reouired ar,d the obligation Lo operate , renair
<br /> ;� nnd z�aintain at its own exnense the Uemised Prenises , and to serve che nurooses of the � . ,
<br /> � ' Act and iulfill su�h other responsibilities as a:e itposed on the Connany under �his
<br /> Lease; nnd , �.� -
<br /> �
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