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<br /> CHURCH ON THURSDAY , JUNE 24 , 1976 , A'P 7 : 30 0 ' CLOCK , P . P7 .
<br /> A speci� l meeting of the Charge Conf'erence of Trinity United
<br /> � Methodist Church of Grand Island , Nebraska , was hel.d in the Lower Sanctuary
<br /> of said Chuxch on Thursday , June 24 , 1g76 , at 7 : 30 o ' clock , P . M . Seid
<br /> moeting was called to order by Rev . Vernon P . Schroeder , who preaided at
<br /> tho meeting in the absence of Dr . Kenneth 47 . Hicks , he being a I�linister of
<br /> said Church and being an Elder in the United Methodist Church , acting un-
<br /> der llesignation by f4arvin V . Herrick , District Superintendent of the South
<br /> Central District , IdeUraska Annual Conference , The United I�[ethodi3t Church .
<br /> Esther J . Sanders served as Secretary of such meeting .
<br /> Rev . Schroeder stated that , pursuant to The Book of Diycipline
<br /> of The United P�Iethodiet Church , vrith respect to the sale of Church real
<br /> estate , and in accordance wi �th the Revised Statutes of the State of
<br /> Nebraslca , proper notice of this meeting , including its time , place and
<br /> purpose , vras given for not les3 than ten days nor more than fifty days
<br /> prior to the date of this meeting , by due printed notice mailed to all
<br /> members of the Charge Conference , at the direction of Dr . Kenneth 41 .
<br /> Hicks , Senior Pastor , in ° Trinity Tiding3 " on June 9 , 1g �6 , June 16 , 1g76 ,
<br /> and June 23 , 19 '76 ; and £urther notice by announcoment from the pulpit by
<br /> a Minister of said Church at each of the regular Church services on the
<br /> follovring Sundays , June 13 , 1g76 , and June 20 , 1976 , and the follovring
<br /> T�Sondays , Ju.ne 14 , 1976 , and June 21 , 1976 , and by publishing the notice
<br /> in the Church bulletins on each of said dates , and by nosting the notice
<br /> on the bulletin boards of said Church on each of � aid dates .
<br /> Rev . Schroeder iurther � tated that this same property had been
<br /> sold to the same purchasers ior the same nrice earlier this spring , but
<br /> because of legal difsiculties in conveying a merketable title to the pur-
<br /> chasere , in� ofar as the procedure for i�he sale was concerned , it was neces -
<br /> sary to republish notices for ne1•� Chureh rneetings and resell it to said
<br /> nurchasers .
<br /> h '.' . . � .. . . .
<br /> The follo�•� ing resolution was then presented , namely :
<br /> RES OLUT I OI�T
<br /> E
<br /> �. : "ti�1HLREA5 , Trinity United 14ethodisl; Church of Grand Island ,
<br /> idebraska , has iound it necessar,y ar�d desirable to sell property formerly
<br /> used as a fourth parsonage for a minister oi said Church , as the minister-
<br /> � ' ia1 staff has novr been reduced to three ministers , and the house is now
<br /> vacant ; and ,
<br /> " VIHEREAS , such iorcner parsonage property is located at 21g East
<br /> 20th Street , in said City , and is described as i01 � 01YS , to -wit :
<br /> Lot Seven ( 7 ) , in Block Six ( 6 ) , in P�lorris
<br /> Fourth Addition to the City of Grand Island ,
<br /> F Ilebraska ; arid ,
<br /> �
<br /> - " N!?-IEREA5 , said Church purchased this property under i;he name oi
<br /> Trinity Plethodist Church of Grar_d Island , _T�ebrasxa , �ut it has since
<br /> � changed its name by tne addition oi the word ' iJnited ' , and �hat tihe present
<br /> Trinzty United T•iethodist Church of Grand Island , ?�ebraska , ti•�as iormerly
<br /> kr_own as , and is one and the same identical Church as , Trinit,y T�iethodist
<br /> �
<br /> Church of Grand Islar.d , Ilebraska ; and ,
<br /> " l�(IiEREAS , Gary Y, . Strehle and Yvonne D . Strehle , husband and
<br /> wiie , as joint tenants , have offered to buv said property irom the Church
<br /> for the sum of 558 , 500 . 00 ;
<br /> �� rrow , mHEF.EFOIiE , it is hereby resolved that the Charge Confer-
<br /> ence of 'i'rinity United I�iethodist Churcn of Grand Island , Ilebraska , does
<br /> hereby authorize and direct the �3oard o �' Direct � rs , also l:nowri as the
<br /> Board of Trustees , of said Church to talce any and a11 necessary steps and - �,! : • : ' •
<br /> actions , and to execute such ir.strwaents as may be necessar,y or advisable , � ' �''" '
<br /> and to enter into such contracts and agreements as may be necessary and y, �
<br /> I proper , in order to carry out and complete ihe sale oi tho above de3cribed �
<br /> real estate to said purchasera for the above amount , and does hereby ratiiy �'
<br /> and confirm all previous actions taken b ,y said Board of Directors , in cor.- � ;
<br /> nection there�vith . " �
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