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I <br /> � ry ��' <br /> . _ �4_'.�/I <br />" � �t�}- � �� � Ei � � � <br /> . ' Plillard L . P�lorton , thereupon rnoved the adoption of said resolu- <br /> tion . �Phe motion wa � aeconded by Itay J . I3onham . The matter was then <br /> fu11y discuased . On bein�; put to a vote , i;he motion v�a � unanimously carried . <br /> The Cha �irman then declared thai; the motion was duly passed , 11 votes being <br /> in favor of the motion , and 0 votes being opposed to it . <br /> ` I The meeting was then adjourned . <br /> /S �sther J . Sander� <br /> Secretary <br /> ATTESTED T0 : <br /> �S / VERNOPd P . SCHROEDER <br /> Vernon 1? . Sc roeder , an E�"der , United Niet odist <br /> Church ; Minieter , Trinity United Methodist <br /> Church , Grand I � land , Nebraska ; Chairman , Charge <br /> Conference , under Designation by P4arvin V . Herrick , <br /> District Superintendent , South Central District , <br /> Nebraska Annual Conference , United T+Iethodist Church . <br /> rtINUTES OF THE SPECIAL T�IEETI1dG Ol' THE CHURCH COIdF�R.EPIC� OF TRINITY <br /> UIdITED P�IETHODIST CHURCFI OF GRAtdD ISLA2dD , NEF3RASFCA , HELD IP1 SAID <br /> CHiTRCH OTv THURSDAY , JUPT� 24 , 1g76 , AT 7 : 50 0 ' CZOCK , P , I�I . <br /> A special meeting of the Church Conference of Trinity United <br /> P�Iethodist Church of Grand Is .land , Plebraska , �ras held in the Zor�er Sanetuary <br /> oi said Church on Thursday , June 24 , 1976 , at 7 : 50 o ' clock , P . I�1 . , immedi- <br /> ately following the special meetin� o %' the Charge Conference of said Church <br /> which was held at 7 : 30 o ' clock P . T�1 . Said meeting was called to order by <br /> Rev . Vernon P . Schroeder , vrho presided at the meeting in the absence of <br /> Dr . Kenneth V! . Hicks , he being a P�iinister of said Church and being an <br /> �lder in the United I�Iethodist Church , acting under Designation by Marvin <br /> V . Herrick , District Superintendent of the South Central District , 2vebraska <br /> � "'„ Annual Conference , The United Atethodist Church . B� ther J . Sanders served <br /> as Secretary of such meeting . <br /> Rev . Schroeder stated tnat , pursuant to the Book of Discipline <br /> of The United t;ethodist Church , with respect to the sale of Church real <br /> es �ate , and in accordance vrith the Revised Statutes oi the State of <br /> I�Iebraska , proper notice of this neeting , including its time , place and <br /> purpose , vras given for not less than ten days nor more than fifty days <br /> prior to the date of this meeting , oy due prinied notice mailed to all <br /> y '' members o ? the Church Conference at the direction of Dr . Kenneth ti�1 . Hicks , <br /> , Senior �'asi� or , in " Trinity Tidings " on Jtme 9 , 1970 , June 16 , 1g76 , and <br /> = June 2j , 1976 ; and further notice by announcement from the pulpit by a <br /> T�?inister oi said Churcli at eactii of the regular Church services on the <br /> following Sundays , Jurie 1. 3 , 1976 , and June 20 , 1976 , and the following <br /> ' ' Tiondays , June 14 , 1g76 , and June 21 , 19 '76 , and by publishing the notice <br /> � ' in the Church bulletins on each or , aid dates , and b,y postin� the notice <br /> ` ` on the bulletin boarda of said Church on each oi said dates . <br /> Rev . Schroeder further sta � ed that this same property had been <br /> sold to the same purchasers for the same price earlier this spring , but <br /> because oi legal difficulties in conveying a marketaole title to the pur- <br /> ciiasers , insofar as the procedure for the sale vras concerned , it ���a � neces - <br /> sazy to republish notices for new Church �aeetings and resell it to said <br /> purchaeers . <br /> 'Phe iollowin� resolution v�as then presented , namel,y : <br /> RES OLU 'P I OPl <br /> '";l'r?EREAS , Trinity United T4ethodist Church of Grand Island , <br /> ;debraska , has found it necesear,y and desirable to sell property formerly <br /> used as a fourth parsonage for a minister of said Church , as the mirister- <br /> ia1 s �af? has novr been reduced to three �inisters , ar_d the house is not•r <br /> vacant ; and , .:.,, f � <br /> ,' a <br /> ° Y/H�REAS , such iormer parsonage property i :, located ai 219 East ci � :�_:- <br /> l20th Street , in said City , and is described as folloi��s , to -�•, it : � � �, <br /> Lot S even ( 7 ) , in Block S ix_ ( 6 ) , in idorri3 "� �' <br /> r <br /> Fourth Addition to the City of Grand Island , N <br /> Pdebraska ; and , .. <br />�, : <br /> - ' - <br />'s• <br /> z- <br />_ J <br />= � <br />