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<br /> 7b. ��l 3 R ? 5
<br /> P�Tethodist Chureh of Grarid l:sland , ',;ebraslca , � t �thc; time rjnd p13ec i�i ttie
<br /> C� 11 oi said Kenneth W . Iiicks , �an L"lder in '�'he Unitod I�l� thodi� t Church ,
<br /> and a Diinister of said Trinity C�nited f�Tethodi� t Church o £ (irand Ts ].and ,
<br /> Plebraslta , i'or the proposed action o � voting or. i;ha salo o .f tlie propQrt,y
<br /> formerly t�� ed for a parson� ge , doscribed in the C � 11 oi' uaid Pdi.ni� ter
<br /> � of said Church .
<br /> S1GP�D r�nd dated � s of the 81;h day of Jtiuze , 1 �) 7G .
<br /> �'�/ T�IARVTN V . HLRRICK
<br /> Pfz� rvin �� , Harrick , llistrict
<br /> Superini� ondent , South Cer.tral
<br /> Distr. ict , TdeUraslca Annual
<br /> Conferenco , IJnited Dlethodist
<br /> l;hurch
<br /> lli,S IGNA`C IUId
<br /> Comes no��� T�Tarvin V . Herrick , Di� trict Suporini;andent , :iouth
<br /> Central District , rlebraska AiLival Conference , Unitad Aiei;hodis •L Church ,
<br /> and pursuont to The Dook oi' Discigline , llnited Piethodi3t Church , I do
<br /> hereby designate Y, enneth ��J . Hicic3 , an Eldor in 'Phe ihiited P�iethodist
<br /> - Church , anq a T.�Iinister of Trinit,y United ;�tethodist ('hurch o � Grand
<br /> Island , Tdebrr� ska , a .id in case ot liis � buence , tliQn Vernon P . Schroeder ,
<br /> an �lder in The United Afethodist Church , and a T�tinister of Trinity United
<br /> r-iethodist Church of Crand Island , 2lebraska , and in C33G of hi� ab� ence ,
<br /> then C . Grant Stor,y , an Lldor in '�'he United Alethodist Cliurch , and a
<br /> iiinister of Trinii;y U2iited I�iethodist Cliurch of Grand I � l� nd , NoUraska ,
<br /> to preside in my place r� nd stead , at r� :� pecial Session of the Charge
<br /> Conforence , and a Speci� l Session of the Churcli Coni'erence oi said
<br /> Trinity United I•Iethodist Church of Gr� nd Ialar.d , Ilobraska , to be held
<br /> in the Loe�er Sanctuary oi said Clutrch oi1 Thur� da ,y , June 24 , 1976 , � t
<br /> % : 30 o ' clock , P . T•I . , for the nurpose and pronosed aetiion of voting on
<br /> �the sale oi the propert,y foz�nerl,y uyed as a parsona �e , dascribed in the
<br /> Cal1 .
<br /> STG?+'ED a �ld dated as or i;he £� th day oy June , 19 '76 .
<br /> ,�5 � i�IARVIPI V . fiERIiICK � �
<br /> ;�IARVl?d V . IIE?tRICK , Dis�ric
<br /> Suneri.iterdent , Scuth Central
<br /> ])i � trict , iiebraska �n.nual
<br /> ronference , Uiiited riethodist
<br /> �;hurch
<br /> r`
<br /> �', OI�IS �I�?T TO SAL� � � �
<br /> Gome no��r Pdarvin Y . ]ierriel. , Distric � � uperintendeni; , t; outh
<br /> Centrai District , 'deUras }:a Ai�sival Conierence , United Aiethodist Church ,
<br /> and Kenneth ;�l . Iiicics , a I�, inister oi 'i' riniL,y tlnited i•Iethodist Church of
<br /> Grand Island , iiebra3ka , and do heret� y each evpressl�r �; ive their vrritten
<br /> consent to the sale of Lot � ever. ( "7 ) �, in �31ock Si�; ( b ) , ir. Piorris � ourth
<br /> Addition to the Cit;r oT Grand Island , Piebraslca , also kno��m a � 219 Last
<br /> 20th Street in said Citv , � ormerl�� used as a pa :sonage , for the sum of
<br /> � 38 , 500 . 00 .
<br /> SIGI�I�D and d � 'ted as oi the 8th da �,� oi June , 1976 .
<br /> �S�� I•IAliVlil v . ii7�RRICI{
<br /> �Inrvin V . Iferric c , is ric
<br /> 5uperintendent , Soutli Ceri�tral
<br /> llistrict , .�iebra3l:a Anmial
<br /> Coni'erence , lin_ ted ?•,ethoai:, t
<br /> Church
<br /> �5 ;' �'EI;IV�TII 19 . flICICS
<br /> i: ennet i9 . Hicj;s , 1�;�ii Uter ,
<br /> `.� rinity linited I�lethodist Church � _, ! •
<br /> oi' Grand Island , IieUraslca � z ''�
<br /> H ,,
<br /> � �
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<br /> �
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