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<br /> STATE OF 1dEBRASKA, )
<br /> ) ss.
<br /> County oS Hall. )
<br /> : I I, �sther J. Sanders, Recording ;iteward o£ Trinity United
<br /> I3ethodist Church of Grand I31and, Plebraska, a roli�ious Corporation,
<br /> and Secretary ot' the speoial meeting oi the Char�re Conierence of' the
<br /> i�lembers of said Church, held in the Lower Sanctuary oi said Church on
<br /> - Thursday, June 24, 1976, at '1:30 o'clock, P.I�I., being first duly s�;rorn,
<br /> do hereby certify, undar oath, that the following instrumentE herein
<br /> set iorth in their entirety, insofar as the sale of {�he Church property
<br /> at 21g �asi 20th Street, Grand Island, I�;ebraska, and described as
<br /> Lot Seven (7), in Block Si�: (6), in Plorrie �'ourth Addition to the City
<br /> of Grand Island, IJebraska, is concerned, are true, correct and complei;e
<br /> copies of i�he originals of such instruments; that each of the nersons
<br /> who execut;ed such instruarent� was the duly authorized, respective oi'-
<br /> ficial holding the position indicated U,y the title shoti•m after his or '
<br /> her respective name; that the ltesolui;ion authorizing such sale and such
<br /> other mntters pertaining thereto is set Torth in iull in the minutes of
<br /> such respecti�*e li�eeting; that an announcement of the purpose of the
<br /> meeting, and oi the sale of such property was given rot le�s than ten
<br /> nor more than fiity days beicre the date oi the meeting, oy prir.ting
<br /> same ir_ the Church's monthly publication, "Trinity Tidings", for June 9,
<br /> 1976, J�ne 16, 1976, and June 2j, 1g76, r�ailed to all member� oi �aid
<br /> Church, �nd by nrintir_g i.n �aid Church's ti�reekly bulletin and by announce-
<br /> mont from the pulnit and by posting on the bulletin boards on the follow-
<br /> ing Sundays, June 13, 1976, and June 20, 1976, and on the followir_g
<br /> ilond3ys, June 14, 1976, ar_d June 21, 1.y76; eih9.ch �;�as for more than ten
<br /> days prior to the date of the meeting and not over fifiy days, as re-
<br /> quired by the Discipline of the I�iethodint Church, and as required by
<br /> the Statutes of I•;ebraska; and that said ir_strument� are a� follows,
<br /> nanely:
<br /> rALL A2dD COI;SEPdT
<br /> I, Renneth 1�/. IIicks, an Elder in The United I�Iethodisi Church,
<br /> and a T4inister of mrinity United P•Iethodi3t Church oi Grand Island,
<br /> ITebraska, purstlani� to The Book oi Discipline of The tini�Led I�Iethodist
<br /> Church, do hereby ca11 a Spec�al Session oi the Charge Conierence oi
<br /> said Church, and a Special Session of i;he Church Conference of said
<br /> Churcn, to Ue held in the I,ower Sai?ctvary oi said Church, on Thtu•3day,
<br /> f June 24, 1g76, at 'i:3C o'clock, Y.iI., ror the proposed action oi voting
<br /> on the sale oi Lot Seven (1), in Block Si: (6), in I�Iorris ?'ourth Addition
<br /> to the City oi Grand Island, 1�'ebraska, �lso kno�•m as 219 East 20th Street
<br /> ir_ said City, for tne sun oi �3�,500.00, to Gar}* P,. Strehle and Yvonne D.
<br /> Strehle, husband and v�ize, as joint tenants. The reason ior the sale is
<br /> s. that the nunber o£ mir_isters in the Church hao r.o��� been reduced irom
<br /> four to three and this parsonsge is no longer r_eeded. lhis property
<br /> ; t��as sold on '�larch 16, 1g7o, bu'� because oi 1e5a1 difficulties, it ;ri11
<br /> have to oe repuoli�hed and resold i;o tnem, _;otice ci' tne Special
<br /> 3 i•leetin�s, a:�d the purpose for tivhich the meetii�gs are called, snnll be
<br /> given not le�s ihan ten da5�s r_or more tnan iiity days before the date
<br /> of the r�eetings, by r�ailing prir.ted no�ices to each meaber entitled �o
<br /> vote at such meetings, in the Church publication, "Tr�nity ^idings", on
<br /> the £ollo�•�irg �;ednesdays: June g, 1y76, June 16, 197b, and June 23, 1976.
<br /> Additional notice shail be �iven oy priniir_g 1?? the Church's ti��eekly
<br /> bulletin, and announcement ?rom the nulUi�, and posiing on the bulletin
<br /> board3, on the iollovrir_g Sundays: June i�, ly?6, and Jrs�e 20, 1.976, and
<br /> en the iollovring I3ondays: June 14, 1976, and June 21, 1976.
<br /> SIGIv'ED and dated as oi the 8th dav o�' June, 19'16.
<br /> �� �S/ �:1:�i��:ETH 1•J. IiICICS �
<br /> ICenneth 1�l. Nicl;s, i�iinis�er •.:,I .-.
<br /> I, ilarvin V. F:erricy, Uistrict Sunerintendent, 5outh Central � ,"'�
<br /> � District, h'ebraska Aruival Conference, United I•iethodi�t Church, do hereby � .
<br /> give ny v�ritten consent �o the holding o�' such Special 5essions o� +,he "
<br /> Charge Conference anci of the Church Conlez•ence oF the 'i'rinit5� United � `�
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