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<br /> _' together a�ch aU rights, interests, tasements. herediuments and appurrenances thereunto belonv,ine, the rems, issues, and
<br /> " pro(iu thercot and re�•enues and inmme therefrom, all improvemenn and personal property now or later attached thereto ur
<br /> reasonabl}' necessuy to the use thereof, induding, but noc limited !o, ranges, refrigeraeors, dothes washers. dothes dryers,
<br /> ` or carpcting purchased or financed in �shole or in part �ith loan Cunds, all water, aatcr rights, and water stock pert�ining
<br /> r thereto, and all paymencs at any� cime owing to Bonower bp vume of an}• sale, lease, transfer, con��eti�ance, or condemnacion
<br /> of am� part thereof or interese thereinall of �vhich are herein called "ehe property" ;
<br /> TO HAVE M'D TO HOLD the propary• unco che Gocernment and its assigns forever in fee :imple.
<br /> BORROWHR for himself, his he¢s, execu[ors, adminis[rators, successors and assiens R'ARRADITS THE TITLE to the
<br /> property to the Governmenc igainst all lawful claims and demands whatsocver except �ny liens, encumbrances, easemtnte.
<br /> reservacions, or com•oyances specified hereinabove, and COVENANTS AND AGREES as follows :
<br /> 11 ) To pap promptl}' when due any indeb[edness [o the Governmen[ hereby secured and to indemnify and sare hum-
<br /> i. less �the Government against any loss under its insurance ef p�yment of the noce bv reason of any default by Borrower.
<br /> A� all times when the nace is held b)� an insured holder, Borrowu shall continue to make payments on che note ro the Govern-
<br /> '; mcnt, as wllection agenc for thc holder.
<br /> � f 2) To pay �o the Government such fees and other chuges as may no..• or hezeaLer be rcau'ved 6y regulations of the
<br /> Fazmcrs Home Administration.
<br /> ''+ (3) If roquired b}' che Governmene, ro make additional monehly pa}•men[s of 111 ? of the escimued annual caxes,
<br /> assessmenes, insurance premiums and other char�es upon che mortgaged premises.
<br /> 14) Whether or no[ the nore is insured by [he Cocernmen[. che Governmcn[ may a[ am time pav any other amounu
<br /> requued herein to bo paid by 6orrower and not paid b�• h 'un when due, as well as an�• cos�s and czpcnsez for the preservation,
<br /> protection, or enforcement oi this lien, as adrances for the account of Borrower. All such advances shall bear incercst at
<br /> :he rate borne by the note which has ehe highest inaresc ratc.
<br /> ( 5) All a6vances by� the Government as desaibed in this insaument. H•ith interest, shall be immed'utclq duc and payable
<br /> bp Borroµ•er to the Governmenc without demand at the place desienated in thr la�est noec and shall be securcd hereby. No
<br /> such adcance bv the Gocernment shall celieve Bonower from breach oF his covenant to pa�'. Such adc�nces, with inmrest.
<br /> shall be repaid from the fust avzilabk collections received from Borro�. er. Geherw•ise, an}� pa}•ment made b}• Borrower may
<br /> } be �pplied on the note or any indebtedness eo the Gocernment secured hereby in am• order ehe Governmenc determines.
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