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<br /> us�A-H�ntiA 76- (.)0353�
<br /> Fonn EmHA 427•I N8
<br /> THIS MORTGAGE is madc and entered into by ......-.�WREh{E&•-.I....LOGKkiORN••and-..ET#&d-...F�........................
<br /> ----..LQG5�kl4BDl�.hushancl..and..�ti�e>_-earli..in_.his..and.l�..ns�n._�ight..and..as._.spnus.e..aE_.Lhe..nther.
<br /> ' residing in .......-•-•---------•...__..{ial•i•••-------••••_---.....-.............••----....... County, Nebraska, whose post of�ce address is
<br /> ` Route 3 Box 41 a-�v .....5'-�.��5.. ,
<br /> .......-••_......._._.......•••x•••_-._._.._..:.--•....._•••••••••--••••••----•......................__....._...._.:....�OD.��..._............__, Nebraska
<br /> ` herein called "Borrower;' and:
<br /> 54HEREAS Borrower is indebted to the United States of America,acting through the Farmers Home Administration,
<br /> United States Department of Agriculture,herein called the"Government;'as evidenced by one or more promissory note(sj
<br /> or assumption agreement(s),herein called "note,"which has been executed by Borrower,is payable to the order uf[he
<br /> Government, authorizes acceleration of the entire indebtedness at tlie option of the Government upmi any default by
<br /> f Dorrower,and is described as follows:
<br /> � An�wal Rate Due Dute of Final
<br /> Uate of Instrument Principal Antount oj Interest InstalGnent
<br /> ' June 29, 1976. �45,600.00 S°� June 29, 1996.
<br /> s
<br /> And the note evidences a loan to Borrower, and the Government, at any time,may assign the note and insure the payment
<br /> � thermt pu�suant to the Consolidated Farm and Rurel Development Act,or T ille V ot ihe of Ihe Housing Act of 1949;
<br /> �i And it is the purpose and intent o( this instrument that, amoung other things, at all times w�hen the note is held by the
<br /> Government, or in the event the Govemment shauld assign this instrument without insurance o[ the note,this instmment
<br /> shall secure payment o(the notr, but when the note is held by an insured holder,this instrument shell not secure payment
<br /> ot the note or attach to the debt eviJenced thereby, but as to Ihe note and such debt shall constitute an indemnity mo�tgage
<br /> i to secure the Govemment against loss under its insueance contract by reason o[any de(ault by Borrower.
<br /> N08', THF.REFORE, in consideration of the loan(s)and(a)at all times when the note is held by the Govecnment,o�in the
<br /> event lhe Govemmenl should assign tfiis instcument wilhoul insurance o(the payment o(the note,to secure prompt payment
<br /> o( the note and any rrnewals and extensions Ihereof and any agreements contained therein, including any provision[oc the
<br /> payment of an insurance or other charge, (b)at all times when the note is held by an insured holder,to secure performance ot
<br /> Bo«ower's agreement herein to indemni[y and save harmless the Government against loss under its insurance contract by
<br /> reason of any de(ault by Bo�rowec, and (c) in uny event and at all times to secure the prompt payment o[all advances and
<br /> expenditures made by the Govemment, with interesl, as hereinafter described, and the perfo�mance of every covenant and
<br /> agreemenl of Borrower contained herein or in any supplementary agceement,Borrower does here6y grant, ba�gain, sell,convey
<br /> and assign,with general warranty,unto the Govemment lhe(ollowing property situated in the Slate of Nebraska,County(ies)of
<br /> ` ..liall.................._...._...................._......_. ...............................:
<br /> ......................................................................_................................................
<br /> '� The Southwest Quarter (S14',) of Section Twenty-nine (29), Township
<br /> Twelve (12) North, Range T�aelvc (12), 14est of thc Gth P.N., in
<br /> liall County, Nebraska.
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<br /> �mHA 427•I NL• (Rev. 8•:0-75j
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