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<br /> (6) To use the loan evidenced by the note solely for purposes authorized by the Govemment .
<br /> (7) To pay when tlue all taxes, liens, judgments, encum6rences, and assessments lawfully attaching to or assessed
<br /> against the properry, including all chacges and assessments in connection with wateq weter rights, end r. �ler stock
<br /> pertaining to or reasona6ly necessary to the use of the real property described above, and all lexes and assessments levied
<br /> upon this mortgage or the note or eny indebtedness hereby secured or against uny legal holder heceof or of !he no!e or of
<br /> said indebtedness under the laws ot Nebraska, and promptly deliver lo the Govemment without demand �eceipts evidencing
<br /> such payments.
<br /> � (8) To keep the property insured as required by and under insurance policies approved by , delivered to , and retained by
<br /> the Government .
<br /> s (9) To mainlain improvements in good repair and make repairs requi�ed by the Government ; operefe the property in a good
<br /> ; and husbandmanlike mannee; comply with such farm conservation practices and farm and home mnnagement plans as the
<br /> Govemment (�om time to time may prescribe; and not to a6andon the property, or ceuse or permit waste, lessening or impai�-
<br /> ment o( the security covered hereby, or, without the written consent oE the Govemment , cut remove, o� lease any timber,
<br /> gravel, oil, gos, coal , or other minerals except as may be necessary tor ordinary domestic purposes .
<br /> � (10) To comply with all laws, ordinances, and �egulations af(ecting the property.
<br /> (I1 ) To pay or reimburse the Government (or expenses reasonably necessary or incidentai to the protection oEthe lien
<br /> and priority hereof and to the en[orcement o[ or the compliance with the provisions hereo( and of the note and any supple-
<br /> mentary agreement (whethee before or a[ter de(ault ), including but not limited to costs of evidence o( tide to and survey of
<br /> the property, costs o( recording this and other instruments, attomeys' (ees, trustees' fees, court costs, and expenses of
<br /> t advertising, selling, and conveying the property.
<br /> (12) Neither the property nor any portion thereo( or interest therein sheli be leased, anigned, sold; t�ansferzed, or encum-
<br /> bered, voluntarily or otherwise, without the written consent of the Government. The Govemment shall have the sole and
<br /> exlusive rights as mortgagee he�eunder, including but not limited to the power to grent consents , partial releases, subordina-
<br /> tions, enG satisfaction, and no insured hotder shall have any right, tide or interest in or to the lien or any bene(its hereof.
<br /> (13) At all �easonable times the Government and its agents may inspect the property to ascertain whethee the covenants
<br /> and agreements contained herein or in any supplementary agreement are being per(ormed .
<br /> ( 14) The Governmen[ may extend and dcfer the maturity ot and renew �nd re�nwrtizc the debt evidenced by the note
<br /> or any indebtedness to the Govemment secured hereby, release (rom liability to thc Go�•emnunt any party so liable thereon,
<br /> release portions ol the property from and subordin�te thc licn hercof, and waive any othcr rich�s hereunder, without affecting
<br /> the lien or priority hereof or the liability to the Govcrnmen[ ol florrower or an� other party fbr payment of the note or in-
<br /> debtedness secured l�ereby except as specified by the Goo�znunent in writing.
<br /> � (IS) lf at any time it shall appear to the Government that Borrower may 6e able ro obtain a 1 oan (rom a production credit
<br /> association, a .Federal land bank, or other responsible cooperative or private credit source, at reesanable rates end terms
<br /> (a loans for similer purposes and periods o( time, Borrower will , upon the Government's request, apply (or and eccept such
<br /> loan in su([icient amount to pay the note and any indebtedness secured hereby and to pay (or any stock necessary to be
<br /> purchased in a cooperative lending agency in connectivn with such loan.
<br /> - (16) De(ault hereunder shall constitute de(ault under any other real estate, or under any personal propedy or other,
<br /> security instrument held or insured by the Government and executed a assumed by Borrower, and de(ault under any such
<br /> ; other security instrument shall constitute de(ault hereunder.
<br /> .
<br /> ( 17) SHOULll DLPAULT occur in the per(ortnance or discharge of any� obligation in this instrurnent or �ecured by this
<br /> instrument, or should any one of t6e partics nameJ as Borrower die ur be declared an incompetent, n bankrupt, or an
<br /> insolven[, or make an assignment for the benefi� of creditors. thc Govcrmncnt, a[ i[s option, with or �withou[ notice, may :
<br /> (a) declare [he entire amount unpaid under thc no[c and am indebtedness ro chc Cocenunent hcreby :ccurcd immcdiatcly
<br /> duc and payable, (b) for the account oC Bovower incur and pay reasonablc expcnses fur repair or maintenance of and takc
<br /> possession of, operaee or rene �he propert}', (c) upon application by ie and production of this instrument, wi�hout other
<br /> rvidcncc and wichout notice oC hearinF oE said application, ha��c a rcceiver appointed for the property, H�ith the usual powers
<br /> � of receivcrs in like cases, (d) foredose t{iis instrumcnt as provided herein or 6y law, and (e) enforce any and all other rights
<br /> and remedics providcd hcrcin or by prescnt or futurc law.
<br /> `' ( 18) The proceeds oE foreclosure sale shall be applied in the (tillowing order ro die payment oL• (a) costs and expenses
<br /> i ineidcnt m enforcing or eornplying with the procisions hcrco(, ( b) anv prior liens rcyuircd by law or a eompctent eourt to
<br /> F be so paid, (c) ehe debt evidenced by the note and all indebtedness m the Covcrnment secured I�ereby, (d) inferior liens
<br /> of recocd reyuited bv law or a competent court ro be so paid, ( e) at tl�c Govrrnment's opeion, any other indebteduess
<br /> of f�orrower owing to or insured by tl�e Government, and (1) any balance tu Boirowcr. At Eoreclosure or other sale
<br /> � oC all or any part of the property. [he Government and its agents may bid and purchase as a stranger and rnay pay tl�e Govern-
<br /> ment's share o( t6e purchase price by crediting svc6 amount on any debts o( 1Sorrower owing to or insured by the
<br /> Guvccmncnt, in thc ordcr prescribcd abovc.
<br /> � ( 19) I3urro���er agrees tLat tltc Gu�ernment will not be bound by arp� present or luture State law , (a) providing 1'or
<br /> ealuation , appraisal , liurriestead or exemption of die property . (b) prohibiting mainlenance of an action for a deficiency
<br /> > judgment or limiting the amowit thereol' or the time within which such action must be brought , jcl prescribing any other
<br /> ° statute af limitations, (d) allowinc any right of redemption or possessimi following any foreclosure sale , or (e) limiting thc
<br /> cunditimis which the Government may by regulation impose , including the interest rate it mav charge, as a condition of
<br /> : approving a transfcr of thc propercy to a ncw I;oRower. I3oRowcr expressly� wai�•es thc benef[ of any such State l�ws.
<br /> i Borrower hereby relinquislres, waives, and co»veys all riFlits , inchoate or consummate , af descent , dower, and curtesy.
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