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;�,�:� <br />�;:,�; <br />� - � <br /> � � <br /> 111 If and w lony a+ aaiA nua of t�'rn dale and Ihn m�ttumrnt err mwrrd ur mv rr�owmd unJn Ihr pro� i,�.�n. ,d ih< '.uiion.. i! A.� . :m <br /> amuunt aulficient lu accumulytc in tAr hyada uf the Mdde� onr � � t munth pnu� tu ih dur d'e�e Ihr annual morty�ge mwr,mcr prcnuua� m oNcr in <br /> puride sueh IwWer r'�1h funds lo pay +uch pfemium W Iht ticcrelary of HuuiinganJ 1 ''�hnn Ikvelupmvnl punuanl lu Ihe \abunal N��u.inp ict . <br /> an amcnded . and �pplicublc Rcgulatw�m ther<undrr. �K <br /> IIU If nnd w Wnyaa uid wte ol even dale and Ihi+ insvumem arr hrid by Ihe Secrean uf Houiin� and l � rhan Ih�elupmenl . u mnnthl � chnrye � in <br /> � 6eu cd a miKtyy�e msurance premium) wbich yhell !.e in an amuum eyual �u onrtr�rl6h � I ! C : ut �hulf � li' i per .rnlum ..( ihc :,� rrngr om <br /> slandm� twlsnce due on tht m�u cumputed withuW l-atin� inlo yccuunl deGnyuencie. ur prepayment. . <br /> 1 bl A aum CQuyl to the �ound renb . if any . neat dut, plm 1he premiums Ihal wll nekt k+eeumr dur and payablc .m pohc�r� uf firc and �nhrr hniurd mwrnncr <br /> coverin� �he mort�yed pruperry. plua taxe+ �nd a+ussmen�� nekt dur un �he murtynyrd pruprny iull a+ r.uma�N h� �hr Murl�ugrrl Irs� etl .um. nl � <br /> ready pa�d �hercfor divided by the numhv of munth� lu elap+r Ixfurn onn muntA p`iur �o Ihr Jatr whtn +uch yround r<nh . premwm. . la�r� anJ n+.e.,- <br /> menls �viH Mecome delinquenl . auch suma Io I+r heW hY Murtgn�ec �n trw� lo paY �eW gruund r<nl� . prcm�um �. I�xr� �nd .perial a.+e.+mrnle . and <br /> (cl All prymenls mentiuneJ in Ihe l�uo prccedio� �ubuclion+ of thu prfarraph und atl pngnrrnh lu he m'rJt undrr the nulr +ewrcd herch� .hyll hr edded <br /> loy,elher . and the �reprte amoum thercuf +hall he Oad Ay the MaxlQytor each mumh m e .iaKle paym<m eu hr appiieJ M the Mung:.yer tu thr fuUow � <br /> ine item• in Ihe wder set furth �. <br /> III premium char�{eti undrr Ihe cunlruct uf imurance with Ih< Seirrtnry u( Huu�mR and llhan Urvrlupmen� . �n mumhly ch�rge Ua I�ru �d mungaKe <br /> irour�nce premiuml, as �h< c.ue me> hr '. <br /> IIU ltruund rent� . taa�+. a�srs�men[+. firc enJ uther AaiaW mwranct prcmmm . . <br /> IIIU mterni on Ihe nole wcurcd huchY : nnd <br /> /1 VI umurtisalion of thc Principal uf .aid nutr <br /> � Any Jcficiency in Ihe amoun� ot uny �uch ayyre�ntrmon�hly paymrm +hall . uNe�� maJe guud h} Ihr Mnrtgag,ur pnor �.� fhr Jur Jnte uf Ihc nr+t w.h <br /> paymenl , cunatitWr �n e�en� uf dcfrult undcr thi. murtg�ge �fhr Murt�ngrr may c.�lirrt a ' � la�c charµc � � nut �o r �ceed iw �� .em. l ?� I (air Caeh d�dlaf ISII <br /> O ol each prymenl murC �han Iiflren 1151 Jay. in nrcan w c�rvrr Ihe e xtrn caprn.r im uhed m Aundhng Jrlinyurnt pu) menl. <br /> �� <br /> � 3 . Thal if lhe Wlsl of the pay�nent� made bp tha �lortKd�or undrrl �- I of paraKraph 1'. preerdinK �hall exceed <br /> � Lhe umouM of paympnt� ac•Wully made by thv M1iurt�agee for eruund renl� , t•rsv.= end a�.�e .��me�nt� or in �uranre prc�- <br /> � miumh , a� the i•a.�e ma� bi�, such excess , if the loan is currcnt , ac thr opuun of che Mortgagcx, shall bc credited by <br /> the Mortgx+{ee on -;ub.eyurnt payment� w lx• madr by lhi� '11ortKaKur, ur n�funded �u the MurtKaKor If, howc� t�r, the <br /> munthly payment� made by ehc Morcgagor unJer ! bl of puragraph ? preceding vhall noc be sufficient w �ray grwnd <br /> ^ renl, taxi•� and aa.e�;�ment� or in�uran <•e premium � , a.� ihi• ca�e ma� bi� . when the �ame �hall becoma� due and pay- <br /> h able ; then the 1k�rt�agor .hell pay to thi� '11orl�eKe•e eny amount nt�ei• �.an �u mal.�� up the defici��ncy , on or befurr <br /> the dalt• whrn paYme�nl of +uch Kround n•nt.� . taxe � , e.���•.-�mi•nt � ur in �urdnce pri�mium� �hell Ge due If at sn,y <br /> Lime Lhe MortKeKor rhall lender tu lhe 11ortKaKre, in ni•curdeni•r wi6h thi• pru � i � iun - uf thr note .i�cura•d hereb} , <br /> full pxymenl of the enlire indebtedne�� repre�cnti�d therNby , Ih�• �k�itKa���e .�hall . in cumpulinK 6h�� amuunt of :uch <br /> indebtedness , credit to the accixint of the Mortgagur all paymrnts m.ule under che pruvisions of � u) uf paragraph ? <br /> hereof which lhe NortKaKFe hs� not Ix�a•ome ubliKaled IA� pe� lu 6h� ���•n•ter} uf Ilou� inK •rnd l rban Develc��menc <br /> and any balance remaininK in the fund� e�•i•umulati�d und�•r th �� pruvi �iorr.; of lbl uf prrekreph 'L hrreuf_ If thtre <br /> �hall be a defaull under any of the pruvi - iun � of thi � murtKnKr rn�ultinK in e publii• � ale uf ihv prrmi -e � covrmd <br /> hereby . or if Ihe !NurlKaqei+ di•yuire� thr pn�pert� u�h�•n+ i .�t• efli•r dt•fsult , th�� 1k�rtKaki��� �hell apply , at bhv time of <br /> lhe commence�wenl of �uch proceedinK� , or nl Ihe time thE• pruperty i : uthrrwi -r ncyuimd , thi• bul :u�cr thrn rf•main- <br /> ing in tht� fund � accumulalkd undrr (�� l of paruKraph .' prec��din�, a .� a crrdit �Kain � t th�� amuunl nf principal dirn <br /> remuininK unpaid under �•rid note , and �hall prupt�rl� �dju -1 an� pa� m�•nt - which �hell he� r br��m m�d�• under !� l <br /> of parxy�raph 'L . <br /> 4. 'fhat the Mor�gagur will pay gruund rrnh , ta �e. . a.�r � .menh , w ��er rate+ , and .Nhrr guvernmrnlal ��r muoicipal <br /> charges . fines . ur impositions , for which pruvi�iun ha> not hern madn c�reinhrfurc . anJ in default thereof the !Nongagrr may <br /> pay the same : end that the Murtgagur w ill prumptly deli �er thr utFcial receipn thrrrfur io the Mungagrr . <br /> 5 . The Mortgagur will pay all taxe� khich may he le� ied upun the Mungagrr ' � intere�i m ,aid rral e �tatr anJ impruvr- <br /> ments. and which may he levied upun ihiti murtgage or the deht .ecured hereh� � hni unly tu the e �trni th:n wch i� nut pruhihit- <br /> ed by law and unly tu tht excent that cuch will nut makr thi . luun uwriuu+ l , hut e �rluding �ny inc.�mr tnt . tit�te ur Fedrral . <br /> imposrJ on Morlgagre . and will filr � hr uftirial rereip� chuwing �urh p:+ yment with thr Mortg:�ger . t ' pun � iolnnun uf � hi+ under- <br /> taking, ur if the Murtgagur i� pruhibitrd by �nY law nuK ur hrreatter e �i�ting fram paying the whule ��r nnc purtiun uf thr aturr- <br /> said taxes . ur upun �hr renJering uf am cuun decrrr pruhihitmg thr p.+ ymrnt by thr Murtga�ur ur :m � WiFI t 'AYC� . Of If 1UlF1IHK <br /> or decrre pruvide� that any amuunt +u paid hy the Murtgagur tihall he �rrditrJ ��n thr munKuge deht . thr Murtgagee �hall ha � r <br /> [he right tu give ninety day+ ' written nutice tu the ��wnrr ��t thr murtgaged prrmi .t+ . reywring thr paymrn� uf thr murtgage <br /> deht . If such notice be given . the +aid Jebt +hall hrcumr dur , payahlr and cullecuMe �t Ihr espiraliun u( ,uid ninet c duys . <br /> 6. Thal �huuld he fail to pay any +um ur kerp uny cuvenant pru� idrd fur in thi� Murtgugr . then the Murtgsgrr , at it> up- <br /> tion , may pay ��r perfurm Ihe �amt , and all ex�nJiwre � tiu m�de shall hr added tu thr princ�pal .um uw ing un thr aEx�vr nute , <br /> shall be ucured hereby , and �hall t+ear inlere+t at thr rute �et furth in the +aiJ nulr , until paid . <br /> 7. 'I'hat he hrrehy a�signs . tran�fen and +en uver to the Murtgager . tu be apphed tuward the paymrnt uf � hr notr and all <br /> .ums ucured herehy in cau uf a detuult in thr perform;�nre of :�m uf the term . and cundi�ium o( thi� Murtgage or the sa�d <br /> nutr , all Me renh. revrnues and incumr Iu he drri ��ed (rum thr murtE;aged prrmi.e , Juring .uch nmr uti thn murtgage indebted- <br /> ness shall remain unpaid : und the Murtguger +h:�ll h� vr puwrr u� nppuint any agem ur agrnt + it mu� Jr�ire fur the purpu+r .�f <br /> repairing said prtmise+ and uf rcnnng the same �nd cullec�inK thr rents . recrnue+ and incume . anJ n may pa} .wt uf .uid in- <br /> comes all expensec ot repairing said prrmi +r+ anJ nrce+sery cummiti+�um nnd exprnse+ inrurred in reming :�nd managing thr <br /> samr and of collrcting rentals therefrum : the balance remaining , �f any . �o hr :applirJ tuwsrd thr disiharEe ��( �aiJ m.�r�ga�.e <br /> indebtedne.s . <br /> R . That hr �vill kerp thr impnwrmrnt , nuw rri.ting i�r hrrenflcr rrrrtrJ � �n Ihr m��rtE.�grd pn�pert � , inwrcJ u . ma �� t+e <br /> reyuired from ume tu �ime by the Murtg,:+grr aguins� lua� hy fire and uihrr hararJ, , catiunitir� and iunlingrnrir , in ,urh <br /> amounts and for nuch peri�tls as may lx reyuired by the Mungager and will p:� � prumptl � , uhrn Jue . �n � prrmmm� un tiurh <br /> insurance pruvision fur paymem uf which ha+ not bren madr herrinhefure . .411 in.urancr +h:�ll hr �arrird io cumpanir� :+p- <br /> proved by thr Mortgager anJ the policirs snd renev. al, �hereuf shall he held by thr Murt�ta�er and hn � e autachrd theretu lu., <br /> payahle clause+ in favur of and in form acctptablr to tbr Morl�agee . In e �-rnI uf lu.. Murt�;aN.�r � ill �ti � e immedia�r nuiicr hy <br /> mail to !he Mortgeger . whu may make pruuf uf lu+ � if nw made prumpUp by Murtgagur . .�nd rarh mwrnnrr �umpanp r.�n- <br /> cerned is hereby authu�ited and directed tu make pa � mrnt fur .urh loss dirertl > u� the Murtgagre in,trad ��f w che 'Nurtgag.�r <br /> and tho Mortgagee juindy . and the insurance prucred> , ur any pan thereuf , muq he applirJ hy thr Mun�aKre :it it � uption rhhcr <br /> to thr reduciiun uf � he indeMrdnr+s herehy secureJ ur w �hr rr.turnuon .�r repnir �d Ihe pruprrt y Jama�eJ . In r � rm .�f (.�rcrlu- <br /> aure of this mortgage or uther trnns(er o( �itle to the murtgagrd pruperty �n r �lingui +hmrnt uf ihr mdrMeJnr�� �rcurrJ hrreM . <br /> ali nght . tiUr an�l intrre ,� .d thr \1ur [�wgot in ..n.l to .,ny i�uuran.e p�+li:ir � thrn in fr; �. �• � h:i !! ;a � . ! r thr �urha .e •� ��r �r:� nter <br /> 9, That u� additiunal nnei collatrr�l .rcurity for thr p.�ymrm of the note dr +criheJ . anJ :dl .um . �� + hr:��mr �1ur undrr � hi+ <br /> mortgage . the Mortgagor hereby a+�i�ns to the Murtgagne all prufits , revrnue� , ru� alUes . righ�. and t+enrfi�ti nccru�n�t tu � hr <br /> Mortgagor urMer any and ull uil nnd gas lea�ec on �:�id premi�e+ . with the righ[ tu recrivr and rrcripi (ur thr .xmr :� nJ npplv <br /> them to said indeb[edness as well hefore as after default in the condition+ uf thi+ murtgage . anal thr Murtgaeen ma > drmand . .ur � <br /> for and recover any wch paymentx when due and payabk , twt �hall no� hr rcyuirrd ,u tu du. 1'hi. n..igmm� nt � . ia �rrnunatr <br /> aix! becume null and voiJ u{wn release uf thi� mwtgagc . ' <br /> L 1Q. That the Mcxtgagor will Iceep tht buiklinKs upon said premises in g�N�d repair . aad nrrthrr rommit nur prrmit .. ,n�r r. �, <br /> upon saiJ la� , nor suffer thr srid premises to l+e uud tur any unlawful purpox - ^ ;., <br /> 11 . Tha[ if tht premises , or any part thereof , he condemntd under tt+e powar uf eminrni Jumain . ��r �cyuurJ (or a puhlic <br /> ux , the dama�es awarded , the prexeeds tor the taking of. �x the consideratiun (ur �urh arywsi[iun , tu thr r �trm .�f thr full '�"` <br /> amaum of indebudnes upon [his mortQage and the note which it is given tu �eeure rrmnining unpaid , arc hrrrM a ..i�trxd h� the <br /> Murtyrgw w t�se Maxt��ee . anJ .iwll hc pa�J funhw �th w �s�.I Wwt�..y,cc tu tw ..pp6cd t, . tt�� L.;t� r „r .,. . , n :it , t ; hc a. � • <br /> �i�aturiny� installmcnts of �u.h iruiebtcdnca� . ,, <br /> _. - � <br />