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� � <br /> STATE OF NESRASKA <br /> FHA FORM NO_2143M This form is used in ronnec- <br /> (Rev. Msy 1976) tion with mortKagex insurcrl <br /> � MORTGAGE under the one- to four-family <br /> provisions of the Nstional <br /> 77_"!'ry 1 /14 HousingArt. <br /> VV � !� <br /> THIS MORTGAGE.made and executed chis 9th day of December .A.D. <br /> 19 77 ,byandbetween �rtin P. Wiedel and Mary J. Wiedel, huaband and wife <br /> of the Counry of Hal l .and State of uf the first part,hereinafcer called <br /> theMon�n�or,and Eaaco Mortgage Caapany <br /> a corporation organized and existing under the laws uf the Sta te of Iowe ' <br /> partyof the second part,hercinafter called the Mortgagee. <br /> WITNESSETH:That thr tiaid Murlgagur,for und in considerution uf thr,um uf Thirty-a ix Thousand Four <br /> Hundred Fifty and no/lOOths----------------------1��'��d���� 36,4g 0.00 ��P,�dbythrMorb <br /> �aeee, [he rcceipf uf which i+ hrrrhy acknuwiedged. ha+ Granted anJ Suld and by thrse presrnts does Grrat. Bar- <br /> gain. Sell, Convey and Cunfirm untu the Mortgagee. it+ �urce+�on anJ a,si�cm, furrver, the following-Jescrihed <br /> real esta[e,situated in the County ot Hal l .and State <br /> of Nebraska,to wit: <br /> THIS IS A PURCHASE MONEY M�OBTGAGE <br /> The Easterly Thirty-two (E 32') Feet of Lot Twelve (12). and the Weaterly TVenty- <br /> eight ( W 28�) Feet of Lot Thirtesn (13), in Block Five (S), in Westerhoff's F'iret <br /> Subdivition in the City of Grand Island, Ha11 County, Nebraeka, except the Southerly <br /> Thirty (S 30�) Feet thereof, Deeded to Che City of Grand Ialand for Street Purpoeea. <br /> �f[he Sixth Principal Meridian,containing in all arres according to Guvern- <br /> rnenisurvey: <br /> ' TO HAVE AND TO H�I.D tht premisrs ahuvr dracribrd. with all the appurten�nres thereuntu helunging and including <br /> aN heating,plumbine and li�tine fixture+and eyuipmrnt nuw ur herexher an�cheJ tu ur used in cunnectiun with said real estate <br /> unto the Mixlgagte,and to its successors and m+sign+,furever.The Mortgagur rrpres�m�tu,and covenrnh with,the Mortga- <br /> gea that the MwtQaQor has gixid ri�ht to srll and convey said premise�:that the�ure frrr fnim rncumfirance: and�hat the <br /> MortgaQor will warram aod defend the+ame against the law(ul cl�ims uf all prr>on.k humsuevrr.nnJ Ihr xaiJ Murlgagor herr- <br /> by relinquishes alt rieh�s o(homes[ead.•rnd all martial right�,eithrr in law or in eyuity,anJ all uther conting�nt interex�s uf the <br /> Mortya�or ie end tu the atwve-descrit+ed premi�es.the intention heing�u con�-ey hrrehy un aMulutr tide, in fee+imple,includ- <br /> ing all rights of homestead,anA othrr right+end intere+�.a.�furr�aial. <br /> PROVIDED ALWAYS,and thrse prr+nnh�re earruted nnd Jrlirerrd upun Ihr f.,ll.�wing c.mJiliun�,tu w it: <br /> The Mixt�agor x�rees tu pay tu the Murt�ger,ur urJer,thr principal,um ofThirty-a ix Thousand Four Hundred <br /> ��f�an� t�o/100tha----'-----------�k�Ilnr,IR 36,450.00 I.withimrrestfrnm <br /> e a ra e o e ight and one/ha 1 f per centum i g,5p '%1 prr annum ua <br /> tfie uapaiJ I+alanct until pnid The saiA principal and interec�+ha�l!+r pz�yahle:et the ulficr of Baneo Mort gage Company <br /> �n I�IOt�r100� IPV* .or at,urh uther placr an the hulder of <br /> tlanWemaydesi�nateinwritinR.inmunthlyimtallment�ut �ro Hund=ed Eighty and 30/100ths---------- <br /> ------"-----.._.._----'-. ------._[k>Ilar��4 280.30 �.c��mmend�n�tunthefirstd:ryuf <br /> TebtUiiy .IY 78 .and on thr fir.t Jay o(rarh mu�th�hereaflrr un�il the principal nnd in- <br /> terca� arC Eully paN1. rscny� �hat tlfr linal paymnn� u� pnm��al unJ �nlrrr+i, U nut �u��ner paW. +hall t+r Jue and <br /> paYable un tlfe first da5'pt January� 2008 . ::ill,,:�urding tu thr trrm.uf a�rrta�n prumi,- <br /> wry mitt of even date hereW ith eaecutai 6y the wid M�Ktgeg�K. <br /> The Mixtpygctt ie�xder mixe fu11y u�preHect the�ecurity uf thi. Mcxtgage.aKree�' <br /> ._i <br /> 1. Thrt he wiil pyy the inJeblydness.r�I�ert+nlarfure pruv�clral. i'rivilrgr i�re�rr�eJ�u puy thr drht e�whole. ur in un ""y <br /> e wnounl e�tal to une ix nK�inoMldy paymen�s�M the pri�rcipal Iha�nre ncx�due on thr note..m the fint Jny of any m.�nth �. , <br /> 4 pr'ar W wYturity: PFi�vid�. hi�wever.That writtcn niNi�e o/an intenuon tu eKtr�i+e>ua:h privilrgr i�given ni lea��thirty Ii01 '� <br /> days prior to prepfYwtnt. �� <br /> ��;,. <br /> ?. llwt.toyetl�e�wii�.�ad iw additiux W. ihr monlldy pay�mrM�uf prin�ipal enJ intrrr,t�a�at+lr unJrr thr trrm.uf�hr . .. <br /> tK%�seci�hereby.d1e AlurYp�fr WNI oaV Hi Me MawY.�Ctr,on/he M�1 da��iH e�ch mi.Mh untd Ihe.:�W� i.full���a�d.�he <br /> f.�1lu�ityZ awna: ,, <br /> 1�1 A�an�wM�ricwN n�nuv�e N�e wnl�n A�reu(�uNA(y�d�eu pyy tAe�ex/w�wt��r u�sur�n��e prem�um�(�h�.�n��rumrnl arW Ifie n.��r•r.u�rJ hrrrh� <br /> +ue� y�w+NMy�1urK I�n Ysw d a�x��e x��wuawa�e pemw1nl/th[Y�r Ael.!hy tAc tir.r��ur��J N��u.iry�end t rhun Ik.el.� � �.l,�I <br /> ��. <br /> ��,.� <br /> � <br />