r �
<br /> _ �
<br /> 4
<br /> 1 ?. The MortYagor funher aarees that should this mortgage and the nute secured hereby not he eligihle for in-
<br /> surance under the Na�ional Housing Act within 180 dHy a from the date hereof Iwri[cen s[atement of any ufficer
<br /> of the Department of Housing and Urban Developmeni or au►horized agent of the Secretary of Housing and Urban
<br /> pevebpment dated subsequent to the 1$0 day s time from the date of this murtgage , dedining to insure said
<br /> ' note and this mort�a�e, beinQ deemed cooclus�ve prbof ot such ineliyibiFity ), the Mortgagee or holder ot the rwtc
<br /> ('" may, at its option, declare all sums securred hereby immediatsly due and payable .
<br /> � 13. Thtt � the Mort�aQa�r tails to malce any paymmts ot money when the same lxcome due , or fails to conform to and
<br /> comply with aay of the conditions or s�eemeots contained in this mortgaQe, or the nae which i[ secures , then [he entire princi-
<br /> pal sum and accrued interest shall at once become due and payable . at the dection of the Mortgagee: xnd this mortguge muy
<br /> thtreupon be foreclosed immediately for tNe wholt of said muney , incerest , moRthly payments , costs, ground rents, uxes and
<br /> the cost of extendin� Ihe abstract of titte from the date of this loan to the time of commtncing such foreclosurc suit, and a rea-
<br /> sonable attorney's fee , all of which shall be included in the decree vf dareclosure; and the contract emhodied in this mortyage
<br /> and tfie note secured hereby, shall in all respects be governed , cunstrueJ and adjudgeJ by th� laws i�t Nebraska, where the
<br /> � same is made.
<br /> C The covenants herein contained shall bind , and the benefits and advantages shall insure to. the respec[ive heirs , ezecu[ors .
<br /> r, . administretors, successors and assigns of the parties hereto. Whenever used , the singular number shall include the plural, [he
<br /> r, plura) the sinQular, and the ux of any gender shall be applicabk to all genders .
<br /> v The toregoing conditions, all and singulat , being performed eccording to ttfeir natural and legal import , this conveyance
<br /> �,, shall be void and said premises released at the expense of the Mor[gagor ; otherwise to be and remain in full force and effect .
<br /> �
<br /> ^ IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Mortgagorlsl ha ve hrreunta set their hand/ sl the day and year first
<br /> ^ above written .
<br /> .:�' In presence of:
<br /> ^ � w �d�Sf�"'� � SFAL �
<br /> Martin P . iiiedel
<br /> � SEAL �
<br /> C"�l Ii i �nQo �� � SF..ALJ
<br /> Mary J . i el
<br /> � SEAI. �
<br /> ( SEAL )
<br /> � GPO D17 . 138
<br /> S5:
<br /> COUNTY OF �yl,
<br /> (�+ this 9th day ot pecember . A . D. 1977 , betore me . tkte underaigned
<br /> a Notary Publ ic in and for said County , personally came
<br /> Martin P . Wiedel and Mary J . Wiedel , huaband and vife
<br /> . personally to me known
<br /> to be the identical perso� swhose name s are affized to the above and torr-
<br /> �oin� instrument as Mortgagor , and they acknowledged the said instrument and the
<br /> ezecu[ion thereof to be theii ����untary act and deed . (or the purposos therein expre+sed .
<br /> !n testimony whereof, 1 have hereunto se[ m hand and affixed hy notar i81 ,eaI at Grand Lsland
<br /> ' on the day and date iast akwve A. �� - ^v'C-�(/L
<br /> . � �� �'
<br /> ' Gi4t� GRAL NOTAMAL /
<br /> ��r�L , Notury Public
<br /> �VMMIq41ON f � ^' 9{{
<br /> STATEOFNEBRASKA , 1Wf 11, 18d1
<br /> Filed for record this day uf p , U , ly
<br /> at o'dork M . , and entered in Numerical lndex . and
<br /> recorded in Book of Mu�tgages , on
<br /> Page ot
<br /> Registeri�f 1?eeds
<br /> GPO pU�.E� 6 `
<br /> 1
<br /> � � �19t'.:': �' : .
<br /> }ti.(a .
<br /> �
<br /> �
<br />