� �
<br /> If uader pstagrapl� l8 hereof the Prq�erty ie sold or the Property is otherwi�;e ucquire� by I.ender, Lender .
<br /> shsil apply, ao later than imt�e�distely t�rior to tite vatc ot the Property or ite acyui�ition by I.ender, :iny Funds
<br /> held by I.en(ies at tFfe titue of Spplit96iqn i� 8 ci`ediL again�t U�e ewuK Eecured hp thie Mortgage.
<br /> 9. fip�pa�ms al �Mb. Unlers applicabic law� provides otherwise, all paymente received by Lender
<br /> uader the lva�te an�i parngrapi►e i and 2 liereof siiati ix ap;�lieci 1>y L,ender first in psymyent of amounts payable to "
<br /> Leq�d,es bx &►rravor uader �araqe�a�+li 3liereof, thc�+ to i�terest ��ayrble on tl�e ltiote and on Future Advsaces, iE , '.
<br /> aiaay, aad tben to the pri»cipa! a! t�e Note and to ti�e priaeipal of Future Acivanees, if any. '''
<br /> A. .� r�as t3aM�. BAeaw�rer ahsll pw�^ aJi ts�ume, a�re�wnenta snd other charges� finea snd impaitions attsib- , ' ."�w�
<br /> VtirbMr !�s t1�e P�rapeu�y wi+is�► may attsin x P�►�xY awer tltiie Mortgsge, snd �raeunr3 reuts, if anY� at I.o�tsr's � �,
<br /> � ¢pi3m is� E!N roaneer $�rovided uud�er parq�rs{ah 2 imeraaf or !�y Boesower msking psyment, when due, directly to :,
<br /> the plyee f�ereof. S�aeswv� �ba11 proaaptty funi'sh to Ijea�der sll s�otieee of smounte due under thie psr�rsQb, i-
<br /> 1� �d jp t6,s svmt Soerowet a6rW t�qa�itc pey�onL direetly, Borrower s1�all prom�tly furnisl� to I.ender reoeipta evi- ^:
<br /> �' G deweiaK we6 psy*�t�. $ostYawtr rt�sU pramnt.ly dirchae�e any lien which hsc priority over this �fortgp�e ; Pso- ' ;
<br /> !4 vf�d, tiuirt Aor�+ttwer ri�all naE bn resquireci to diwel►rrge any �wcl� lien eo loc� ae Borrower s�hnll agree in xritaas to
<br /> C� tIN p��y�w�s6 af ttf�e ebliption w�cured by sueh iien in u inanner scceptablc to I.ender, or ehall in good faith aoatat
<br /> � we� li� by, a1r daEesci el�foenoatent ot euch lien in, legal pr�rceedii�g� wl�ich operate to prevent the enforcement ot
<br /> � t�t Fi�e or !ot[aitue�e of tlu Property or any part thereof.
<br /> � 9�. li�si ir4�smq. Borro�rer eMall keep Elie iinprovements now exisLiug or hereafter erected on the Pnop-
<br /> h erty inusred a�tiru�t loes by Sre, hsaards includec! within the tetm "extended coversge", and sueh otlier hassrds ss
<br /> I�► I.ewd�r msy require and in suah amounts and for suci� periodE as Lender inay require ; provided , that I.ender shsl)
<br /> not apquite that the smount of suoh coverage exceed that atnount ot coverage required to psy the sume eeeured 'by
<br /> thir A[mstis;+e.
<br /> The inruranoe carrier pmvidin� tlie insurance shsll tx: rhosen by Borrower subject to approval by T.ender ;
<br /> provided , t.hat suoh ap�sova! �hall not be unreaoonab�y withheld. Al! premiums on ineurance polieier shrll be psid
<br /> at Lender's option in the manner provided under paragrapl� 2 hereof or by Borrower aiaking payn�ent, whtn due,
<br /> df�oEly to t!u iasuranoe csrrier.
<br /> ' In ti�e eve�nE any policy is not reaewed oa os before ten daye of its ezpiratioa, the Le�der, to protect
<br /> its iaterert, may pracure insurance on tlae improvemests, paY the premiums and euch s�uu ahall become
<br /> ims�iRtety due aed payabb w�itt� intes�eet at tise rate eet forth in srid aote until paid and ahall be y°";
<br /> eseate�d by tl�ir Maietq;e. Failure by Borrower to c�nply may, at option of Lender, eonstitute s defsult `• ,� ':
<br /> uodrr t6e taem� ef this M�ortsa�. �'
<br /> At! inwn�►ae poticies end renewale tl�ereof ehall be in for�r� acceptable to I.ender and stiall include a stsndard 'M
<br /> �oef`A�e cliuoe i�f favor o# snd in £orm acceptable to Lender. Lender ehall have the right to hotd t4e }wlicies and ' `
<br /> re�alr tl�e�aoP, ao�d Sa'raswer ehall pmmptly furnisti to Lender all renewal notices and all reoeipts of p�id pre- �
<br /> mq�mt. Ita t6e eveat of loss, Botrower shall Qive prompt notice to the inmuran�e carrier and I.ender, and Leadee `
<br /> ma� make pniw# af lacr if not mad� promptly Uy Borrower. �
<br /> w
<br /> � [lniar I.eoder aed Borrower o�Lerwise agree in writii�, insurai�ce procee�is shall be applied to reetaratisn or !
<br /> ? repaie af tht Propeety 3aina�ed , provided such reswration or rep�ir is economically feaaibte and the security of � +
<br /> � lLi� liloetp/! ir eot thereby impaired. If such restoration ur repsir i� not econosnicnlly featible or it the oeaurity
<br /> s at t� Maefip�e wou�d be imprired > the inrursnce ��roceeds xlisl ! I � aE�plied to tt�e suma eeeured by thu H�Eort�ate ^
<br /> � �►i06 fJM aaee�e, if sny, paid to Bornewer. lf Ll�e Yroperty is sbandoneci by Borrower or if Borrower faib to rwpond � y�;
<br /> * tp �.�sd�r �ritLia 3� 3ays after notiee by Lender tu Sorrower tl�at the in�urance carrier offera Go eettle a ciriw for t ;. ;�.
<br /> �pwas brneHls, i.a��der ie aut6oriaed to oolleot und apply tl�e iarurance procee�dr ut I,ender's optian eita6es to
<br /> � ���j� 1 ♦�
<br /> rriotat�isa a� nepair ot the Property or to the sun�c aeeured by tLic \iortqa�e. �
<br /> UnMr Leader snd Borrower oEherwise a�tee in writine, aay such application of praeeeds to prinoipsl dutl
<br /> aoK �d or po�t�ese tbe dae date of the monthly isctallroeate referred to in paragraPhs 1 and 2 lureof or ehae�e � ;
<br /> y' � � � N�OR ��W� .. . n'
<br /> � it wi�r paea�h 1� bersot t6e Yrq�erty ir aoquired by I.end�er, e►I! right, title and intereet of Bvrrowet ia
<br /> vd te aap iaoaraoee poiiaies yod ia and to td�e ptnoeeds tliercof (to tLe extent of the gums recured by thir Mort-
<br /> , �/� imrm�diatsiy prior W wtoh raLe or acquisition 1 resulting fran dumage to t.he Property prior to tlu wk or
<br /> � se@rip�Fiea ohnll psrs to Lender.
<br /> # t lYw�t�wli�s �d �w ot !lrpr�iY: L�ewields: Coedo�r�. Borrower ehsll keap the Peop-
<br /> � eets ia �ood t�quir ud d'ull r�at �rmit or comm�t wacte, impsinnent, or deterioratioti of the Property and e6�11
<br /> aea�piy :ith tkye pruvisios�s of aay lt�e, it this �4ortgage ir on a leasehold . If this iNortgage is on s oondominiva�
<br /> y � Wut, Boes�o�ret r6all perform sll oF Borrower'c obliQations under the declaration uf condominium or maetcr deed,
<br /> tht br-Lw �� re�utatiuns ot the oondominium �irojeet r�nd constituent documents.
<br /> 4 1• l�M�MOY�a �f Iw�d�e'� ikueify If Sorrowez fails to ��erfarin the eove»antai end x�reements oonG►ined ia
<br /> { tlus Matp�e, a if iay �otim oe peaeeedie� ie c,�menced which msterially affects Lender'e interart ia tbe Prop-
<br /> � atp, iaoludia�, but not limif�ed to, emiaent dou�ain, in.olvency . cv.ie entcu�e�nent , or amw�sioests or proaes3-
<br /> � in�s invei+�ie� a l�aolctupt or deoedcnt, then I.e�der at I.ender's o�t,ion, u� notiue to Borroaer, may make weh
<br /> 4pprn�er, di�buere �aeh rums sed t�ke weh sction es is neeeewsry to peetect Lender'e interest, includin�, but
<br /> � Mr Wir4d Eo� � of �bie rttarney'u fe� and eab'Y ulw� the P�ertY to a�akre npaiss. A�►Y
<br /> � a�MNrIN ai�Mpr�d b� L�e�sder pue�x�ant to tfiis parap�aph T , .vith iatemrt t�rean, �iu!! beo�owe additiood iedebt�.
<br /> �iMl� aL Seres�t seeund by t.hi� ]�ia�a�e. Usbrs Bo��ower and I.emder eoowe
<br /> � �w� ris11 be 1fa7+�le up�n aotiee fe�ai► I.ender to Borrover �r°° W other tetaur ot' WYmsak, weh
<br /> a�t itad tie dsbe ot di�bur�emsent at the rate etated in the Note u las a� �Y�t• tbereaf, sod shall hrar rots�-
<br /> p yment of interdit at such rate would be
<br /> � eM�Ml�q Us �pplicabie b�v, in whie� evet+t weh s�s�aunts shsll bear iet,ereat st the hi�t nte p�ma�ble bq
<br /> ap�iie�alf�t �v. NetJ�ia� ee�kaieed � thie �sara�rs� 7 rhsll ��uire I.ender ts incur aay erpen�e or do any act
<br /> � Mlwldre'.
<br /> �, .� j. i�Y�. l.a�dee m�y �s►aite or caure to 1+e macir re�eonablc entries upon and inq�ectimr of tMe Peqp-
<br /> e3�ky, yrav3Qed that Lendez shall pj��e $orroa•er uoticc � �rior ! u an�• �u<�!� in�z�ection �i>ecifying ressonable cause
<br /> tlwwhr �i�r! bs t.e�der'� �e6e�ed ia Uhe P�apertq .
<br /> � C3�i�wlMlrrr 1"1� pwe�ads e�' ray ar�f+d o� eiaim for dsm��es, dinaet or aee�equaat,iit, ia oeam�at�isa
<br /> � ap � qr e�A►er t�laia� of the Ptqperty, or �ixrt thereof, or for conveyance in lieu of condeenna-
<br /> lir, M� 'l�Y� ar�ip�d aad rYsl� he pNd t+� i�ewder. i
<br /> . Is fLe �aast oi s �otrl � ei ti►e P�t7, tJ�e rrocseerlc s(w.11 be a��riied w t6e wuss aecured by this Moet-
<br /> �'ilMt tlle spl�r if aa�. i�id to l�o�^a�. Ie tAe eves►t ef a 4*�! ta�io` ot td�e Pm�pee�ty, ualaa H�aeraror � _-"--
<br /> a mp '
<br /> � ��w1ii1�' �III�i1l�eiM +1�� is �rritir�, fi��ws ai�W 1�e �Miplied te ti�e auus �eeueied 1ry thir 94o�e n�eh #+roper� >y:
<br /> fi�llt�t AM M�Mi w is�II11 M tiiM ywp�ti�w �ieY tLe s� e4 tie w�w �ee�ured by tLir 2�[�efp�e ioa�w-
<br /> � �e M � A1Mr� �t �w ,
<br /> i� iMra to 6ie faer m�[loat v�e ef t.4e Ftaiparety im�ed'akeiY Pear to t�e dabe � � .,
<br /> ���11t1�1M ��IM�.iw�A 1� �e+wwar.
<br /> ` $ik�a6�,pdnM� Lyt I�wsMr�rr.�r ii ,.ik�t �iwe i� i�er w Boee�+rer ti�6 rLe ee�leeme o[rti s�:rv�.
<br /> 9qt 1�r � #4 c�i 3Ai' �dqAaNl�liR„ �w,w' f�i3r Lt� r�i Lw ttwri�• �il�ir 3D �ir�yr u( 6Ls d�f�e � '" .
<br /> �, .` i� � �+1�IM1�l� �i ai/pbr Ws Mewr+ilr at La�d�r's opt�io� either te re�tor�ta0e or �: w°�.
<br /> +IM�iu�M+liM1��1�1r �r! 'I�r �MNn �.
<br /> L�r '�i M�ww� �liwrrMiirr �� iw w�iiiiw�, twT wsh � '�t P�de M t+rincipal el�ali
<br /> �� �� �
<br /> �.,.. , , . _ . . . . _. , ...-. ,:>:;.� ., , . . . , , _ _ �� �
<br />