<br /> i
<br /> r -1 ;
<br /> � � . ;
<br /> . . . _._, �-�, ��.�
<br /> aot ex�tead ar the d � - � Y ��
<br /> e_ ..-'a �� ' ...�...h� i g..._ 71 Iw++nnf �r
<br /> ; }IQ{��j)008 UO 1.1if4 OI t�ILF IAOi1Li�ly iusitau�ucuLe : F.aa.. . .... .^. �.,.:,.b.�.._ .
<br /> � bbi�1�6 '�!P ip1011f1� O� �4iEfi fA�i��l6ndi. � � � ��
<br /> i f�. MrtlDws XeR RrlraMd. F..t+teasion of the tune for ��ayn�eat or �nodifiestio�a of acoortisstion of the st�ms ` '���
<br /> ' � b� t�4 � �'+tat�ed b3' i,�eqdes W Iwy sue,eea�a�r in interect of Borrower shsil not operate to rdai�e. , ' , , u', '
<br /> � , �e
<br /> ia ws� �4 �► lil�bi,tiCy of the oripasl �3cseower and Borrow�er's wtacee�aes in intereat. I.en�ier ti+atl aot be ""�
<br /> t�qui�t^�tf � �s t�n'in�edi+lp a�ieut wanl� Rue�wt►r ar re[uce ko e�Eend tim�o tor pwya�t or otherwi�e aaodify ', �� , ,'�
<br /> � �ioia aB Rlue w1� �ecured Ly �tl�ic al�etga�e iry r�os� o[ aay de�naad in�de !►y the eui�inal Borroarer ued �S � � , �
<br /> i�aero�nt"s �reoerrors i�,� iotes�tt. t-, � � �i
<br /> , - � 1!. �� L't lwrul�s lloi a Vit+ai�n�r. A»y fae6emr�noe by L�ender in ex+�rciain� aAy rii�ht oz rea�dy � P�,;
<br /> t7C hereut�ss. 0� etlf0lwl�e a![W�ded by sppllosble lAw , shali not be a wai✓er of or preelude t6e exee�oire of any �1tt
<br /> s
<br /> � O or remady hereuader. Th�e p�+ocuremeAt of isuurance or the �iaymenL of taxes or other liens or ci�►r�ea by I.endsr ±� �'"
<br /> " : � I� �1! sot be s w�ver of Leadar'e esgitt to aeaelefaGe the �naturity o€ the indebtednec�s 'eaoue+ed by thb 1Lo[�a�e. '� �..;;
<br /> � CO I3. � �s�. A}i rernediee �rovided ir� this �lortgsge are distinet and c�n»ulaLi�e to wy othsr �:`
<br /> � a ri�h� oe neo�dy under thia �iort�age o�• �fioeded iiy laa• or e�c�uicy. and may l�c exer+cieed ca�eurrentiy, irfd,eQemd-
<br /> � ,= eatbr ar sucoariveFy. ��;
<br /> t li. $ataa�s md Arriqos Bousd: fei�l md Swarat Liabili�: Captions. The eoveasate snd �redaents i
<br /> � � heeeln ooatwiaed rhsil bis�d, as'id the rights l�ereunder el�all inure to, the reapectivc� cueeeuora and a�s ot I.ender `
<br /> ;, � attd Borrower, eubje� to the proviRioar of ��sragrxa�i� 17 hereof. 4ll eQvanants and agreenients of Borro�ver sha11 '�
<br /> e be joiat and weveral. The captions uncf headinge of tlie paragrapl�s of thir ]lortgaRe are for convenienoe only uid r
<br /> u
<br /> s1+s not to be wed to iaterQret or define t6e �iroviEions hereof.
<br /> ' !f. Motiw. Any notiee to Borrower procide�i for in thir \lortqa�c ahall ix gi�•en by �zlailing wtch ewtine by 9.
<br /> ( certiffed ivai! addresaeci to Borrower at the Pro��erty Addresr �;txt�i Ix�foN• , �•xce��t f�r uny notice requined uader ''
<br /> � i�_
<br /> psrsgrsph 18 hereof to be given to Borrow�er iu the �uanner ��rescril�ed by a}���licable Iaw . Any notice provided r:
<br /> , for ia Ghio '_bfortQage �hall lae deemec3 to liati•c Lkrn gi�•rn to Borroa•er w I�en gi�-en in t Ite �nanner dee�ignated tyerejn. �.
<br /> 1S. �m lixfqsq�: Gor�� I.aw: S�v�mbalily. 'fhis fonu o! roortgage combines unifotm eove.nanta �
<br /> fos nationsl use and non-uniform covenants with limited ��ariations by jurieidictio� to con�titute a unifoem seou- ��' �
<br /> � rfty indeument coverin; real property. This \iortgage shall bc, governed by the Iaw of the juriedietion in wbioh �,
<br /> x t4s Praperty is located. In the event Chat any provision or clause of ti�ie ?41ort,gage or the Note coaAusb with �
<br /> s,' spplioabk lsw, euch conflict shrll not sffect other provisions ot thim \lortgage or t}►e Note whieh ean be �iven � � ;'�'`'
<br /> 1 e$ect without the coaflictin �rovision , and to this end the �rovisions of the 1to ""
<br /> B 1 I rc.�rge and the Note are deelareid „
<br /> � t t0 �1! �OV�B. � �, � �, s1
<br /> 1R �oes�owK's Capq. Borrower shall be furniai�ed a ronfoiyneci ro of thin !liort � �'�
<br /> E NY gage st the time o! eseou- + , :
<br /> tioa or sfter recorditan hereof. �
<br /> � i7. Te�r o! !be prop�ety; Aa�umpRim, If all or any part of the ProQerty or an interest tbereiw is rold � c�''�
<br /> at trsasfesred by Borrower without Lender'a prior written coaaent, excluding 1 s ) the creation of a lim or �- � ". , 5k,z'�`7µ 'i;
<br /> � braaoe �ubotdinste to this 113ortgage, � b ) the ereation of a E�urcha� ruone,y wacurity interest for howehoki app(i-
<br /> as�b, (o) s traasfer t>y deviee, deawent m• by o��rstion oi laa- u�wn tl�e denkh of a joiat tenazet or (d ) ths jraet oi ; �a+ l,
<br /> b
<br /> � aey leasehold int�tt of ttiree yeare or leco ncK eontainiug an optian to purchaee, Lend�er msy� at Leod�r"s optaoq, � ,r"E � ��
<br /> j �Meol�t+e sll W�e ewaor recuneti by thie Mtuk�e to i�e iiw�iediately due and pYyeble. I.eader ttl�sll have waived niak * , ��h:w
<br /> f opkion t�o acoelerate, if, prier to ti�e sale or tranefer, l.ei�der aad tlie persoa to wliom tiu Prope►ty is tp be soid or �
<br /> 1 t�t'q►ertaesed r�eoeh a�teement in writing that the credit of eucl� �,erson is uatisfactory co Lender aad ttut the intee�ed ; " ti
<br /> � p�y*�ffb p► tl�e eume eecut+ed by thie :4torttaeie shall tx at sueL rate a.s I.ender �ahait reyuest. If I.ettder lue waived � '
<br /> e
<br /> ; tl�e opEim to aoaeleeate pt+ovi+cled in thie par��B�h 17 and if Borrower'e succereor in iateresL 1�sr executed s �r�,_ `_ ' �r
<br /> � ���a�nt aocepted in writin� by I.ender, Lender utull relewe Borrower from sll obliptioas tred�t � , ,r��
<br /> � �,
<br /> 4 II L�e�d�e a�ois� rucli aptioa to accelerate, Lender ehall u�eil �3curo�ver natice ot �oeeleeati� in a000ri�pee ;:
<br /> �ritb �ar�trph l4 bereof. 6ucl� noticx alialt pru�•ide a � �riod of noi 1� than 30 �ieys tnom the drte the eotice is i
<br /> � saiied witl�in whi�ch Borrower may pay the wun�a declared dur. If Borrower faile to ��ay s�ycl� eumm prwr to the r
<br /> � aaepiR�abiaa of ruch period, I.ender msy . wittwut further notice a• �ie�uand ou Borrower, invdce usy e�eetedier p�-
<br /> � mitfed b� pa�eR�e�pi� 18 hereof.
<br /> � Nox-L7�anas� (:ovexaarrR, Bori•ower and Lecider t'urtt►er eovexuint and a�ree. a` followr :
<br /> l� �o�Mra�feat �. Except xw pro�•ule�! i+� � �ure�ru� .l � I7 Hereof, u�wn BOrrower'e hrench of ss�s�
<br /> � ooweeatnt er aige�ent ot Borrower in tliis \�1ort(;u��� , i��r1u�iit►g tl�c eovenun2e to ��ay wl�en ciue any Aun� �e+eu�red
<br /> br thir 11�ortit�e, I.ender prior to acce:lerution alinll uwil noticc to F3c�rro�+•er raR � �ro�•id��.i in ��urdgn►+�6 1 { heroof
<br /> sQecifyi�: E1 ) tlMe breacti ; ($ 1 the actton e+equi��Ki to rwx� wuc4 T���cl� ; (�1 a date , aet. less tiian thirty daye
<br /> � fsom tbe date the aotiee is nuekxf to 13orrowrr, b�• w� l �icli �uc•I � hrrneM iutwt kx �uird : snd 141 thet fsilum to cure
<br /> wueh br�eaeb oa or before tlte d�ate cptxified i� the noticc uiny ��ecult in accaelrrakion ot t.l�e .,uu� aeeured by this
<br /> ' �' l�lot'f�a�e $sd ale of tt�e Prq�erty. If the breuh is not cured an or befom the date e�peeified in the nvtice, I.eader
<br /> I�t I.ender'� option umq declsrc all of the �uu�s eecurnd tiy tLi� �tort��c to be immediately due anJ �aysWe
<br /> rrikhort fuettrer de�aad and msy foreclaee tliis Mort.�e by jwiicim! ��rooeeding. Gender s�iall he rntitleA W eo�lect
<br /> ��it�g alt expenoes of fornclonum, including. hut nut li�uitcd to, rosis of cioc�un�entery evidence,
<br /> � �
<br /> 1i �r's �iltit fe �d�Md�. Notvithrtsndiag I.ender'e� ucee{eratiou o( the runu e,ecured by tAir
<br /> ;� �N� Dare�Owe�r oba11 1uv�e the �ht to hsve any �iracee�iieKs begun by I.�ew�3cr t.o entorca� thir 7►toet�e di�-
<br /> : �� a�iw�d at �y' t�e Prise bs e.try of � �udement eettR�eif� thia alortRa�e ii : 1r � Borr�+rer pays t.ewdee �11
<br /> a�a wrlriel� wouid De tben due ander thie ]1.u�,iKr, itu• \u[r au.l uw.r. swur�u� b'u� un A.iv�a�, ii rs�Y, hsd au
<br /> •
<br /> `� � aiOeu�Tted ; (b1 Beeraw'er curea all hreaclies uf anti• other rorenaata� or ngnv�nia+atn uf Ba�ryv�ver oon-
<br /> '�� i�iM11�i! Rll� ]iW�a: (s) B�Ber pays at� �wu�ble caqicnres incumd Mv l.ender in eafArci� t�e eoveoaatr �
<br /> eoa
<br /> Y1d a�e�llts � �I1etw�res oo4tal}aed in thic '.ltortgr�ce awd ia+ cy�twri� l.��irr'. resaedier� ar �rrovided ia p�r�-
<br /> �� �III�NMI. ilrehd�, bat aat lia�ited W. txatoa»b]e aLion�ti• 'e fee� : eu�:� �d l Berruwer talces wueb retao�a aa
<br /> •4 ��! �4�'+ � ww�e�e tbst, tbe 3iee of thi� \ivrtqs�e. Lender's i�erert 1A the P'roperty an4
<br /> �An'9► � #a iw►y !is wia�s New�si by tdtir 9ieeyp�e �a11 c,outiaar unim�+sired. C'}wn � p�y�reat
<br /> , � a'Iqia1N b3 �', �1_1i� 1�iwA�r �d t�1re �►t'sres �eevs�ed bcreby shati remain im fu11 foroe aod eQeot as if 1 '
<br /> irMM�r�ii�11 � ob4��llw$.
<br /> � � �IMI� !1I� �IY1�I�AIr �I�I�MI�R +�1 �twr�r il�r i�t 1�yi�a .Ac a�iti�eeal �aere'sty helee-
<br /> . ; . IN�11�'� �'�' a�1IMI�M� tO TA1�1Idet tNs twfir af �C6e R'�M+ty. �+evfelad ll�at Haeww�er drall. t�eior te �eeeisr- �,'�
<br /> •> �1i1`Mi �r��e ii �e�f �e aiMi��sc sf d�r l►es�, Mt*v�e the risl+t to eoNee! as�d e�eta,m eucl� reala �: „
<br /> ,�- +�+� . � �_,��wMw1 �M�is.
<br /> � Mir1MMe �nl� M #MrwE �r �t at u.e 11�.perEy. i.e.�ix. in reras�. by aeeec �"
<br /> �` � +�M�� MMMiM!KM M�MII� M �1iMil1�l iM wlw� �w, twio� pawewim o( sod hs�e tlre Pti+n�eety
<br /> � � �' �6 �' � �,. .� � i� �. :#3T rc¢t. 4:atl�r.I Ly 7.waJrr w• i]�e �uei vor
<br /> .
<br /> I�1111�� �Illi Nw�iy�IIrM11R Mf �►�14� �A�eE the !'inpeety asd cofk�etion of eent�, ineludia`, t�ut
<br /> .. . Mi11d �h11�fNa�iiwe'� f11�4 �s a� nee�'s Inwds awi neaow�6ie attsn�ey'e feee. end then �o the auaus
<br /> �' #M�M�I� �W�Mr�. �"i�rf llMe t+ee�t sl�sN be 1i1�6�e b soeewnt oe+lr for tl+e�e rentr aotuaily receivad . �
<br />