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<br /> tNDWiDiIAL
<br /> , � DtJ! ON sALR
<br /> OP'�7pNA1. PtlTIl�it ADVANCEa
<br /> � �AV1NCis rNND �
<br /> rosr Ma sao �''
<br /> � loa� Numb�er__35036---- _199-_ 1 r{
<br /> 'TYM �eMC�
<br /> "R.Y,
<br /> �
<br /> ; 77- UU6708 M Q R T G A G E ��A
<br /> i
<br /> ' '!'illB bK)R"PGAG�,s�ads as�d�ecuted tMis.........�.?.................. day of ........�o.ax_m.�.......A.D. ' '
<br /> as d " '
<br /> ; lt...2?..,b�twww tbe Mortzator�...txL.C11!!lG.1._.�,...i4F.86��t..�d..$gttY..Kr..Le,ggott,�..k►uebaad_.and..�ri�e. `': '.
<br /> � ���T.A�FlI_,R�..��_.�I4R.�lF..aq.EF..�FiB�!t�................. ...... ..-•--......_......_......•-- ....................••--.... ', �j
<br /> ,' ot....#'i��...����......_..., Connty ot ..........�11...................State of..---.Nebraska....,hereinatter reEersed
<br /> to,�s tiw Bors�ow�er, aad tl�e Maetsasee, FIRST FEDERAL 3AVINGB AND LOAN ASBOCIATIUN OF
<br /> Lii�TG�OJ.N. I23S '•N••Stree� Lincwla� Nabts�ka 685Ul,ita succeteorr and aesigna, hes�einatter seferr�ed to
<br /> 1is Iwwdu.
<br /> ; We'rxiNssu: 'l�at t�e�aid Barrower for and in comideration of the eum of..77ei6�:c&�.T..T�i?�SAND �
<br /> ; ..eou�.�x�..�..�o1.3sM-------.----.-.-:---.-------.----_--no�:a�tus a.......��k.400.�...............
<br /> o )
<br /> p P�ii b5'�id L�11dac�dnes hea+ebY morti+�e��ant atsd mnvey to Lender. its s�Yors and assi�te: the ;
<br /> i Wlowies da�xib�d peopaety loeated in tl�e Cotmty of .....---....1is111.._...-•----....---•---. State of Neb�aska: i ;
<br /> 4 � �
<br /> I.ot Thirty-seven (37), Capitel Heights Seventh Su'bdiviaion, Hell "
<br /> ' County, lAebraska.
<br /> ;
<br /> 'l�aasrass with ail t�e ianprovm�enta now or hereafter erected on the P�Pe�Y. and all ea�aaata, 3> ,;
<br /> �ii�, ap�wrt.a.na., emta. rosral+re�. mi�►eeal, oil ana �as �!►ts ena pevsa� water, water righ4, a�aa
<br /> �tt�t�iiocJ�.�ed ail 5zture� now�or betnawfter attached to the P�P�Y. dl of wtuch, snclu�t� i+rpi�as-
<br /> at�aEs�ad adriilioas tkersto.aba11 be deemed to be�nd reuain a put oi the propes�ty oov�sd by thir
<br /> � Il�eslpw; �sd ag oE tbe fotecoia�� tc>seti�er with said property (or the leseehold eetate in tlae eMent this '
<br /> � YaRfp�e u ee s le�re6old) are l�teitt seteeted to as the "Property,• w°
<br /> 4 Heeeanr ooyen�nta t�at Bonow�+c is law�t�lly seiwd of the estate hareby conveyed and hea tl�e �ht
<br /> i Ms a�t�ap.�x swd canw3+ the PmPeetY. tlut the Prope�rCy ia unenc.wnbered, and that Boaowe:�vill
<br /> wea�aed iM�d/Mseally t1�e title to the PropertiY ��st all clai=ae sad demaaels, wt►ject to anY
<br /> � �Ia rNrd twt�icfi�aos listed ia a�cheduie of ezceptioos to oovetaas ia sny title iaeuraeice Policy' in-
<br /> N
<br /> � w�Le�"+�isfenrt in thw P:opeety.ot (2) sttocaey's opinion of title froen a4�etract of titJs oee�5ed
<br /> 1►y 6�i��ncker.
<br /> Psov�as� Atw�ra, ad tl�e pre�sats are e�ctited aad delivered upon the�llowis�conditions,a�s�
<br /> a�s aad ob�atiom of t�e Boeeowrer, to-�vit:
<br /> +° '!1�Raes�owr a�sN b�o���,ay Co tl�s Lnd�q er oeder, t#ie p�cipal aim oE .37�6�6 400�00�....
<br /> i ._�Mis_�..I�..�35!!�'�----.---------.-.-----.----.-.---lbllass (US i...-•--�-----e......:�..................)
<br /> ps�►�Ir a�peo+rMMd iw s nods�s+�ubd a�d delivensd.eoKcurr�tly herewith,the fieui psyment ot psiacipal�
<br /> ' il Mt rreser p�d,m tLe..----..--•-•.la�---.. dty ot.----.......Decamber....- --....,3it..2006
<br /> I.1la�f Covstuut�r. B�tlowr aud I.enrl�r oovee�st as�d ogree ae followa:
<br /> i.�s�wwt d leiwd�l�t�Y�e+M. H�oarmw�se shalt P`'�P�Y P�Y wrl�e�f due ti�e psinK��af md in-
<br /> bswt ea tlr�evjdr�wd b9 t�e Nota.Peep�Yroent aad late char�s ae provided in the Note,
<br /> �e�d!�}x$wip�t o[aed inla�art pa any lh�tare Adwaoar�ecured by thir Moit�a�e.
<br /> i lL�ds f�s!s�a/i�o�- 8�bioct to I.a+dar'sop tion undet paragraP�r 4 and 5 be+reof. Bor-
<br /> ee+wt rWl�y+!o Inrrirc oa#ir�+mo�tWy art�llmast�o[pe�ecip�i and interest are PsYabi�uader the
<br /> I�iw6�,M�lil t6e 1�iaDe��id's ti�.a nrm (Meein"F�ds") e4u�1 to oae-twelfth of the yearly taseo aad
<br /> ' ��r�4Y wbi�ch mty atlrwa p�y owr t6is Mort�age, aed ta�ound rents on the P:operty, if aay ptue
<br /> +rM�.E ywely pewafwrpy�8e�ta for ]�.raed iarurmoe, Wua one-tweitth of yeariy ge�snium ia-
<br /> �ewts!or itu�f�aaoe, ii an eH aw ree+�onahly Mtienateel initieflv antY feam time to time by
<br /> �o�{,�a�e u� �y,
<br /> ��ir�e!br bwir aFarnr�s�6��ed ewronabis a�e�tbes�eof,Lee�der stsall appi the Ptisds
<br /> i M ;Alii M�1M.a��rrw�e�P[�s aod �ennta I.eetder shall malce no��t�x eo
<br /> !�awr!a�i�!Ls �r�ri oe�etil��ed comp�is�d aMeeoments and bills. T6e �aMU
<br /> 1 1s rMMr M�e.wiAiw�t�.�a ae�atl�000uwt�at t�e F��ho+vi��its ewd drbi�a to tl�
<br /> ah , � , i1�is��w!�e wi�iak �i�t!o tLu t�a�ds was mwale. Ti�e Fuadr ace pied�ed as addit3oaal '
<br /> �, �r rro�l1�11 � Tlw�s�ees tErt the P4�ads axy be !�b� t,tie
<br /> �~� s� � w�ilb� ��IM L,isd�e�s awu lueds�t6e Le�+der m�y pay wch itams
<br /> �a �w►a����IM�I�i�'�!eL 1�r�ia�i�Me�ise�os��den�oa a�ci� P'�ds. .«.4.---
<br /> ., : . , `
<br /> ,� .���'�II[rMi�+��A1�1��IMrIiR�Ml�i 11�#IN11�rti�r�16 Ws l�os aaoetblY iodaUassnb o[ PY� ',
<br /> � ���11r!'IN► +� M �t M�Mr�MIw�lrr�t �re� �oiusis�wd �round sent+. �11 esased �� ,:
<br /> �rrt a��ir.+�O��i�os�nd sio�pd i+eats as tbeY�11 due. � »
<br /> '�� 1wb�It �11lI��pl+0 b�t+�S�feiow�r ar ceeciibed co Hoero.rer on
<br /> ,��P � � �illYll� ��IIl�.+11�. �# I�iM1Al��1f�14�sE.�Mid l+y L�rieR'�iii�wt be sut�caent to PMY �r :
<br /> � i�AMR �IM�11 #I��w�Ml�w.f9�r!al dh.e. eeesow�e�.i�u wr to LeRder ,,� .,
<br /> '3 tl���J����+�ii tli#g i�s aflre eeki��lran Is�der to Boes�ower
<br /> �u ,;; � ,�M�Nfrw ww���iw n+ewtl�9 iM�newts sf Fnnds ie4uieed.
<br /> ,
<br /> 3 *�' �':��'��,
<br /> ' p��i1111.i1��+et�wArl�s M�d 11�f�l�e�tll�e.Imder shail app1Y Fwrds held aa a credit
<br /> �r �� �
<br />