}"w+u�. � � •
<br /> � '
<br /> If uader paragraph 18 hereof the Property is soid or tl�e Property is otherwise acquired by Ixnder, Lender
<br /> chall spply, na Ister tltan immediately priar Go tlu xate of tlie Pro��erty or its acyuibition by Ixnder, any Funds
<br /> hsld by I�epder st the time pf apPlicatiou se a crediL aBairut tlie �ums secureci by this Mortgage.
<br /> a. � d Psy� Unieac s�li�oebie lsw providee otheewise, all paymeate reaeived by Lea�der
<br /> uader tbe 1�Tete aad pwe�raplu 1 and 2 hereof si�all lie a��lied by I.ender first in psyinent ot amouate paysble t,o
<br /> I,asder by Bo�rsorer u�der naragrapL 2 liei+eoi, then to iniere�at �►ayable an the Note and on Future Advsneee, it ,,;:',
<br /> � an7, sod W►ao to t�a prsneipa! o! the Note and lo ti�e prureipsl of Future Advsa�oee, if sny. r" , ;
<br /> �{. ��Mn IJwr. Boesavar rhsll psy ail tsxw, aase�mente snd other ahar6es, 5nes and unpwitdoaa atteib- �' ,�,.
<br /> uf�ble to G6e iR�ope+ty whiah msy sttsi� a priority over this ?wiortgsge, snd ground renLs, if any, at Lepder's ;; "
<br /> apEiao in t�he � nravicled woder �ureRnph 2 hereof or by Borrower anaking payment, whea due, direcLly to y'
<br /> fi� piyem thereul. Ba�+over rh�►!1 promptty fcunisi� to I.ender all noLioes of amaunta due under thie paragraph,
<br /> a� ie t�►e evant Bole+aver al�a11 malta p�syment direetiy, Borrower sksall promptly furnish to Lender receiptc evi-
<br /> dsqein� auo� paymaafs. BomNver eiull Prom�N.ly disnharge any lien which has priority over thia MartBsge ; Pro-
<br /> rsded, that Borro+ver rhal! not be s�quired to discharge any such lien ao long ae Sorrower shall agree in wsitiisg W ;
<br /> tis pyment � the obli�tioa aeound by euch lie�� in n wanner seeeptable to Lender, or shsll in good faith coatest
<br /> auo6 liet► by, or detepd enfoncertunt of sueh lien in, iegsJ proccedingc which operste to prevent the en#oraeme�+t of
<br /> tLe lien or forfeiture oi ttre Property or any part thereof.
<br /> 5. Iiasaed L�wtr�e�. Botrower shall keep t6e i�n��rovements now existing or hereafter erected on the Prop-
<br /> erty inrured a�inat lorc by fire, h;sards inoluded within the term "estended coversge", aad sueh other haserds as
<br /> Iwod•r suy sequit+o and in euoh amouat� and for cuch per'todE ns Lender may reyuire ; provided, that Lender sh�il
<br /> � � �ttirs that t�e aa�wunL of sueh oovetage e�cceed t1�at amount of coverage required to psy the sume seaured 'by
<br /> � The inrurance carr'ser providing the insursnce shall be chosen by $orrower subject to approvs! by Lender ; '
<br /> M pr�ovided, that such spproval shall not be unreaeonably withheld. All premiums on ineuranee policies ehall be paid
<br /> CO at Leuder's option in the manuer provided under pnragrapli 'l ]iereof or by Borrower making payment, when due,
<br /> O d�MeWy to tba inausance carrier.
<br /> � Ia tbs ev�t any policy io not renewed on or before ten days of ita ezpiratioa, the Lender, to protect
<br /> ib iatee�est, may px�cuce iasusence on the improvements, pay the preauuo4s and euch auca s6a11 becasse
<br /> u�
<br /> �iasmediately due aad payable with interest at the rate eet forth in aaid note until paid astd rhall be
<br /> f�+cursd by this Mortpse. Failure by Bormwer to coanply may. at option of T.ender, conetitute a default
<br /> mdee t6e tarms of tlsis Most;ase.
<br /> A1t insurance policies and renewale thereof shall be in foru� ucceptable to Le:�der and r>hall include a standard
<br /> nuoet�aee claure un tavar of aad in form acceptable to Lender. Lender uhal! have the right to hold tt�e policiee and
<br /> r�new�als theraof, and Bormwer a6a11 �romptly fumish to Lender all renewal notices and sll receipte ot psid pre-
<br /> miumi. Ia tbe event of lo�c, Borrower ehall Qive prompt notice to the insurance carrier and I,ender, sad Leader
<br /> snr mairi proof of !qr if not made ptomPtly by Borrower.
<br /> Uatw L.snder aod Borrower otherwiae agree in writing, insurance proceedc shall be applied to rertoratioa or
<br /> s�epwr of tlne Property dama�ed , provided auch restoration or repair is economically feaaible and the eeeurity of '
<br /> t6i� Moetp�e a not thereby impaired. If sueh restoration or repair is not economicully feasible or if the eecuriwy '
<br /> al t� btoetp�e wouM be impairod, tUe inrursace �roceeds shall I,e applied to the sums aecured by thir Mortyt�e,
<br /> w�th t6e a�+ear, if any, paid to Borrower. If tl�e Property is abandoned by Borrower or if Borrower fails W sesEwnd
<br /> esE
<br /> � [.�d�r wit6iu 30 days after notioe by Lender to Borrawer thaE the insuranee carrier offere to aettle a eLim for
<br /> iewsr'ae �meflta, Lesder i� sut6ariaed to col/ect and apply the inrurance proceede at Lsnder's uption eit6er to
<br /> t+erleeafbNl or eepsir of the Ptapetty or 64 the gums aecured by tl�ie �iortaa�e.
<br /> Ual�r L.ender aod Bono�ver otherwise aQree in writing, any suc3� application of prooeeds to priacipal shaU
<br /> wof� stusd ot po�tpose the due dste of the monthly instsllmente referred to in paragraphe 1 and 2 hereof ar ohan�e
<br /> 1� rouat o[ wol� ie�aiiasent�.
<br /> If und�r pnsasraplf 18 k�ereof tht Yroperty ir soquirdci by Lender, all right, title and iaterest of Borrwver ie
<br /> aid to aay ie�ntraeee polieier and ia and W the praceede tt�ereof (to the eztent of the eume secured by thia Mort-
<br /> rN ia�nwdtikely priar W cueti tale or acquiaition ) reeuiting fro�n damsge to the Property prior to the rrle or
<br /> ae�quillkiaa �Lal! � to I.eader.
<br /> �. l�w�ewli�s �i Me�1�w d R�op�tY% 1.�wrolda: Condomieiva�a. Borrower ehall keep the 1'rop-
<br /> etiy io �aod repsir aad �!! not peemit or commit waete, impairment , ar deterioration of the Property and ehaU
<br /> ea�ply �h the prov»ions of eny lesse, if this 'fortgage is on a leasehold. If this Mortgage is on a oondomiaium
<br /> ; uisit, $oel�rer �6a11 pa�faem all of Bormw�er's obligaLions under the declarstion of condominium or master deed ,
<br /> ' tiwr bq-!aw �d re�ui�tiwe� of the oondominiwsi projeet and conetituent documeat�.
<br /> 7• 1kW�di�a �! I,Mi�r'� �cyri1l. If Boem�ver faila to perform the covenaats and agreemente ooatained in
<br /> t�i� Maet��e, or if any aotiaev or prooeeding ie conunenced which weterially a6ectr Lender'r intereet ie the Fmp-
<br /> N'b�, imdadiu�, but not limited to, e�ninent don�ain , insol��ency , code enforcemetit, or arrsageatenLs or proceed-
<br /> i� iewsivie� s 6an�rupt or cleoe�iest, then Lender at I,ender'a option , upon notice to Borroaer, may make such
<br /> appreaeeer, di�bwwe areh rua+s and talce such action as is necesasry to proteot Lender's inter�t, ineluding, but
<br /> a� �d b•, e�buer�emeut of ne�oaaWe �ttern�y's feea snd eritry upoa the Proper6y to make repsin. Anq
<br /> a�aws� di�bwtwd by I,Mder pur�aet to this p�sra�raph 7, with interest theroon , sh�ll beeome wdditional indebt,
<br /> �rr ot �aesa��t weusw! by thic Mort�a�e. Uaias Horro�ver and Lender agt�ee to otber teems of payment, such
<br /> aerewt� duit bs p�ysble upon aotice from I�ender to Borrower requestiag paYment thereof, and �hsll bear inter-
<br /> �t frs� tJ�e A�te of di�ue�ansat at the nte scated in the Note unlas payment of intereat at euch rste would be
<br /> e� f�e applicsbte lav, in whieh eveat sueh smouats shall bear intereet at the hig}ia�t rste paea�irsible by
<br /> y�YM law. Notbin� caetained in this parainph 7 sha11 require I.ender to incur sny expenre or do wy act
<br /> MwrrMt.
<br /> �. Lr�a. Lender rnay make or cause to !,c inaci� i•eawua►bl� eutrie. u�xu� ru1 in.}wctiw�. ut ti�e pevp_
<br /> ` dt�, pebrid�d t6at I.eeder shall pvoe Borro�ver notiec ��rior to $n�• such inapeetion a}�ecifying reseonable eswe
<br /> � t�r e�iriM � Lrdrr's is�ewt a� the Praperty.
<br /> !. t7�riw�MY�rr. The p�reeeede ef say award or ctaim for dansa�es, ditoct or coarequenLi�►t, ia uanao�im �
<br /> t ie
<br /> , �Nr � �i�pe� +r �ier tairies of N�e Pr�erty , or �n�rt ti�ereof, or fos �onveyance in lieu of coadan,ns-
<br /> .. r.v.. .
<br /> g iMw� +q� Mw�� arlilped atid du�! 6e pai� t,o I.ewder. �'
<br /> � .i le � w'w�t at s t�Mlf! takie� ei the l4apet�y, t6e ��soeeeds duU l�e a�lied to the sums secured by this Mort-
<br /> . � �. we► tanr �pe�r, � �
<br /> a11r1 l�Mi�t Ni�e��ir ��� to Hanrwrr. Ia t�e went of s {�ekisl takie6 of tl►e Prorerty, unlew Borrower , ,
<br /> , +Mp�+�s � �, h]�aus �ail be ap}�lied to the aam� seeured by thu MorECa�e sueh pro�o*-
<br /> ; .� � +1/ l�a�rswi as ir a�141 t• 't�w1t prep�erki*e whiah the aa+ouat of the rums oecured by this Mortp�e imme-
<br /> r diM�r prj� be �Ir h4 �! t� 4eaes bs tlMe tasr �rket wlae af tlis Pnperty immedia#,ely prior to the date of
<br /> , dM1�. 's�t �t-�a11�pe d#� ,puaorw3r w�i�! te Sr►r�wr. �
<br /> ; � �MC � �i LL�iadotoaS bq lfOti+omer o1' if aft�' u�atit� Ly Iwwrlc+r Lu Borevwet Un�t the ooademnOr oHees . rw� „
<br /> � i� �41i1�11 Mu;�sM�lit s s�1Nir a ei�is Mt a i
<br /> ' i �111� aMM1inR i��rrlet is s�Yreiira b aii�Bati+o�rer lai4 W rarpoed W Leoder w�ithin 30 days of Lhe date
<br /> l�ilt![ fYe �ly �e M tir w� �ew� Iw Na� �fMt�►� at I.ender's option eiWier to restontion or
<br /> ; N .
<br /> ` � � La1�e aM �sesowMe �WnlwiM a�re ia �rci�i. +s�' w�eh aDPiioation of Prooeedr W princip�l ehsll �
<br /> .s„ �
<br />