1 �
<br /> ,
<br /> ! - ,.-w.
<br /> uat extead or iwst.pone the d�u date of t1�4 inonN�ly iu�tallmenta: referred to in paragraphs 1 and 2 hei+eof or
<br /> chsa�e tbe unoual. of eush instrlipaents.
<br /> 1D. �ass�lrw� !Wt �4a�rd. Extesuion of the time toc ��eyuient or modifiestion of a�nortization of the eums
<br /> aeawed by t3ur Mortg��e gsaALed by I.erider to a�+y suecewor in interect of Borrower shsll not ,operate to e+elaa�e, -
<br /> � in an' m4�',. tJwe lia�lif,y of the origiusl $orrower and Borrower'�s euocessora in inten�t. I.onder ahal! not be n
<br /> requirad W �oo�e p�oesedi�a apaiut such suaee�or or refuse to extend time for psyment or ott+erwire :nodify
<br /> a�nortis�tion oF the awf� aecurad by this atortgage by reason of any demand made by the orieinat Beerewer snd �,'°;
<br /> ; Seaso�wt'',r weoeNois tn intere�t. � C' � � � �
<br /> � 11. �'arb�asm�c► h 1�nd�s Not a Vflaiwr. Aay forbesrsnce by I.eader in exerciaing any rijlft or remedy � ry ''�
<br /> O fiereundar, or aEhpewire a�wded by applioable law, shall not be a wsiver of or proelude the exercise of ;ny ri�t
<br /> or relttedy h+ee�eundet• The procuretnent of insurance or the payment of taxes or other ljens qs chst�er by Zelidet
<br /> �'� rttaU not be a waiwer of I.ender's right to accelerate the �nsturity of t.l�e indebtednees secisrod by this E4o�tg��e.
<br /> � 1!. �s Cuawkditi. All remedies provided in t Lia '_14ortgage sre dietinct snd eumuiastive to any otLer
<br /> � t7�t or remedy under tl�is \iort�age a• afTorcied hy IaN• or equity, and nia}• Iu ezercised coneurrently , iadepend-
<br /> r N '
<br /> � entiy os aucoewively.
<br /> � 1�. Sueowe�s �d A� Ewmd: JanR m�d S,reral Liabitfty: Captioas The co�•enants and agreements
<br /> ^ hesein contsined ohsll bind, and the rights hereuader shsll inure to, the resPective suecessorez avd aesigr+r of I.ender
<br /> [i snd 13ornrwer, subject to the provisione of ��aragru��h 17 hereot. All covenants and agree�nente of $orrower shal)
<br /> be joint and aeverel. The captions and headings ot the paragrepl�n of tl�ia \tortgage am for convenienee only �nd
<br /> ,n
<br /> are not to be used to interpret or define tlie provirion� het�eof .
<br /> i�. Notiee. Any nobice to Borrower �iro�• ideci for in tl � i.� \ lortgxge 6I18� I Ik! gi��en by inailing suc}i notice by
<br /> certified ►nail addressed to Borrower at the Yro��erty �lddrer� �tate�i Fx�loa , except fm• au,y notice required under
<br /> pora$raph IS hereof W tx given to Bm•row'er in the �nnm�er prescribed b�� ap� �li�ablr law . Any notice provided
<br /> !<� ip thie !�ort�pge shsll t�e deemed to hat•c t�cen given to Bw•row•er wlien Ki��en in the inanuer designated herein.
<br /> 16. �Taifom Merlqmqr. Ges�eainq Law; $�v�rability. "Chis furm of �iiortgage combine� uc�iform covenante
<br /> for aational woe and non-uniform evvenants �vith limitcvi ��ariations by jurisdiction to constitute a uniform seou-
<br /> elAy ieut�ument covering real property. This lfortguge shall be governed by the law• of the jurisdiction in whielf
<br /> t� Pt�o�ferty io located. In the event that nny pro�•iaion or clause of tliis D'Iortgage or the Note conAicts with
<br /> �pptieab�le law, sucsh con8ict shall not sffect other provisions of this Jlortgage or the Note w�hioh esn be �iven
<br /> d[eot wit6out ttu c�9iotimg provision, and to this end the E�rovisions of the �lortgage and the NoEe aze declazed
<br /> to i�s �srs�le.
<br /> 1R i�es�eNr'� C�epY. Borrower shall be furniel�ecl a confornied co}�y of this 1lortgage at the time of eueou-
<br /> tio� a� aiter s�eeordation hereot.
<br /> 17. lsmrbr oE tIw prepetY; A�wmylion. If all or any part of the Property or an intereet therein is wld
<br /> ot teantfetred by Borrower without Lender's prior written consent , excluding (al the creation of a lien or enoum-
<br /> braaoe suboedioate W thi� Mortguge , ( b ) the creation of x F�urchase inoi�eY security intetesf for howe!►oid sppli-
<br /> asoer, (e) a tnnsfer by device, descent or by operation ol la�+ u�wn the death of a joint tenant or (d ) the erant of
<br /> +uty k�sYold inGerdk of three yeur� or less not cuntaini��g an optiun to purch�e , Lender msy, at i.end�er's option,
<br /> deelare all the swsu recus�ed by thie Mort�see to be iuuuediately due and payable. I.ender shall hsve w4ived �ueh
<br /> � aiptipo to accekrate if, prior to tl�e eale or tranefer, I.ender and the ��ercu�n to whom the Property ie to be sodd oa
<br /> teao�eesed t�eroM sgt�ec�t in writiag Gliat the credit of sucli �aerrson is sutuafactory to Lecuier and that the inLere�t,
<br /> �u
<br /> pa�bk oa the euma secure�i by thie !�Sottgage shall I�e at euch rate as Ixnder shsll request. If Lender hae waived
<br /> t6e qttim to aooelerste pzovided ia thie �asruPraph 17 and if Borrower 's succes�or in interest hsm ezecuted o wtit-
<br /> � a •
<br /> tes aYweqptioa �reemot►t rooepted iea writing Vy I.ender, Leru{er ehwll rnle»se Borrower from all obli�atianr uod�r
<br /> t�is D�toefp,�e aod the N�ote.
<br /> If I.�suder eserciras euel� option to accelerace , I.ender shall :usil Boa•rower not,iee of aaoeleratiun in a000rdaeee
<br /> ; witl� peraeeaph 14 hereof. SueFt noticx� shall Nro�•ide n ��ericxi ot not lese tlian 30 days fwm the date the notioe ir
<br /> uLfiled witMiu which Borrower n�sy }>ey the swua declared due. If �lorrower fails to �iay ettcl� �utns ptior W the
<br /> �irstion of wsc4f period , Leuder ixiay . �vithuut turtlier noticc or �ientand on $brrower, invoke say remedieo per- .
<br /> mitted by patr�e^apll 18 l�ereo£.
<br /> Nox-ITnriroex Covexexrs. Bo�•rower a�nd i.ender fu �•tl►cr cu��enant and agree a� followx :
<br /> l�. Aem�iY�alie�: �s. EYcc��t se proci�led in � �aragra� �6 17 hc•reof , u�wn Borrower 'e hreac}i of Ypy
<br /> eurmiant or agreemen# of Bosr�ower in this �Tortga�c, inclwting tlie covenantr to pay when due any su:us aecured
<br /> by this ASort�aQe, I.ender ��rior to acerlerutiu�� sl �all nixil nwice to Borroe•er re provie��d in parsgrapla 1� hereof
<br /> epoeifyis�: ( 1 ) the breseh ; � 21 tlte action mquired to cw��r such t>reac6 ; i3 ) a dair, not lese tLan thirty dayr
<br /> from the date the notiee i� mailrci to 13urro�cer . b�� �� I �ich ruch bireu�li uiust tx ewcxi ; an.i 141 that failure to eure
<br /> rueh bra�Ch on or before tl�e date �E�ified in tlfr notice ���aay ��sult in accelrration of thr nuiu� secured by this
<br /> !�o�f�e and wle of the Property. If the breacli i� not cured on or i�efom Lllf' CIHtP aprcifieci in t}�r notice, I.et+der
<br /> at I.eAder'r optiun n�aq declam all uf the suu�c ercured by tlii� \4ortgaga to t�e imuiediately due and pryebte
<br /> iritbout further demaad snd may farecloee tl�is \fortKuge by � udicial � �rocee�dinR. Lender echall tm cntitled to oo�tect
<br /> is rueh proeeediag a❑ expenees o[ foreclosure . inclu�linR, but not IiwiteA to , c�ts of documentary evidenee,
<br /> ab�traet�s aeA titie rqfotts.
<br /> ; 1� �slrwrr's �i�l! fe �. :�'atw�tlaetanding lxodrr'� acceleration of thr ewnis e�eoured by this
<br /> 1�0et;�ti. $�e�rer �6a11 hsve the �t to have any proceeclingc begun by Ixndcr w enforar this A4ort`aQe dis-
<br /> oast�l�ued at aey tmle psfor to eaLry of a judg�i��t rnfq�cinK tl�ia \fort�e if : i a � Borrow•er pryc Lender sl!
<br /> wrY �LieY �ld be ti�ew due a�+der this 1lort�a�e, t lu Note and notee aecuring Future Advanees, if amy, had no
<br /> ec
<br /> sc�ekr�tiott occusred ; ( b ) Borrow•er curcr sil t�na;li. e �f �ci� utlu� .�u� � iwiva ur aKr.et�eCaau ut Bw�ru�rrr aun-
<br /> ' ' taiad ie Ehis �[eet�a,te ; (c) Borrover paye all reasonat�lc ex� �rn�r: inrurred b�• I.��nder in cnf�rcing the co�•enxute
<br /> i a� �ta ef Soe�o�e► oaa�tsised ie thic titortRa�e and in enforeiaR l.ender's remedier• as provided in psrs-
<br /> S
<br /> �ls hel�0of, itne3udiq�, but mt limile�i to, 2'Cli80AY��t attorne�• ': feee : urui � d ! l3orrower te�Les eu�h uction ne `
<br /> Mq �ewbt� re�tise !o aseare t�at tl�e liea of tMi� 1lortgage, I.�nder's inLerest in the Prahperty aud , - �
<br /> � ��e�s �i►1i�li�e to p�y d�e w�ar teeured !y tA�iK Mort�a�e Ehall eoritinur unimpaired . C��on eueh payrn�nt � --
<br /> w ar
<br /> 9 Md ems� !�r �, t� li+se�lp�s awd #fie o6liptioaw aecw�ed taerebs� b1�a11 e�ain ie full f<►ree a�1 efifeot ax if
<br /> � M � W �ewMi. ►re .
<br /> �' !, �I�IwIR +rM �4 �r�t af ioirrrr f�be ia �yi�a. As rdditionsi eeeueity heoe- ( �
<br /> t Mllire', seers�eeLe�li,T trrlps �o Lee�ide tl�e resbs aI the Ps�o�perty. provideA th�t Bon+cwer eh�ll , Prior to acaeler- •
<br /> ;;� s`�pip w3ee p�eilpf�piA l� Iferee! ae �s�o�oe� es[ tfit ProFaeety, hs�•c the right to eoliect aad retain such nente ,�
<br /> , • ,,,
<br /> ,.�: �r R1�r Ls�� i�r� a�i }�y�iie. ,,. .
<br /> ; .6 �T�IYa nYo�iw�l#ien +Mdw' � i�i l�eeK+f u� rbradanu�eai eC i��e Yra�c�e�tv . LeAeler. �r� person, t�y a�enc � �� ;� �
<br /> �' �'! ;�! +lP+�� lrai*et irH Ise eakitkd bo eM+es� uyee. take �w�reesion of and Ku�a�te the Propect,y
<br /> a�d Ir �eL /b t�Mifr eE H1e !'�ap�e�. i�elw�ir� tYe�e p�rt due. All mnts� oe11e9M,ed by I.ender or the reeeiver
<br /> �A�N be w�+liMi �t w► ��+�r,wR of Me rMrte of +++et+s�emr�t ef the Prot+crty and colicction of rcr.t., in�ludin�, but
<br /> set iiMtibd ts, �eeel�er's tae�, �raeqwr aa n�eeiwer'r bonci� and reseon�ble attor�ey '� fe�eN . and then to the �ucns
<br /> asesead b� lJlir aia�e- I.e�wlier aud Hro reeeivet �i+�t1 he li�bk to accouet only for thc�Re rents a�tuallv rcMeivcvi . �
<br /> i
<br />