� �
<br /> �t�orv�ouw�. �
<br /> ; � DYIC ON SI�1LE
<br /> �AViNGB IRJND
<br /> � . � � FOIIaY NO.TZO ��' �.�
<br /> i �
<br /> , Loan Number---34$�.fi__-_L88__-_e1�<h � :'
<br /> � . • U6309 MORTG AGE
<br /> ' 7? � . ,
<br /> ` THI$MOR3'GAGE, made and ezecuted thie . ....._.0.1.7.�.............. day of ..D�r..�.�"�!..�.�............_.... A.D.,
<br /> ` 18.. .�i-..,between tihe ASo os, ...Edward..Ii....0!Boyle..and..Mema. L....O'Boyle....t}us�aibd...A3'�d..i�i�e.
<br /> �oiatl�►_sad.eache in.�r..owa..rig�st.:.....
<br /> . ..... ._.......•-••--•............................
<br /> of.Grand Idland Aall .. ----._---•.State of.�ebraska_........,hereiaaftes referred
<br /> . ............Cour►ty of --�•---..............
<br /> fo as t.l�er Borrowar, and the Mortgagce, FIRST FEDERAL SAVINGS AND LOAN ASSOCIATION OF
<br /> LINCOi.N, 1235 "N" Street, Linoola, Nebrasks 68501, its aucceseors and aseigne, hereinafter referred to
<br /> E �e I.ender.
<br /> � Wrr�t�eserx: 'Thak t!�eaid Borrower for and in conaideration of the snm of..1?�?F�'I�..S�JL..T.HS?I1.Se�IND
<br /> �
<br /> O�TE Eii�iDR6D AND NO/100--,-----------------------------�olfars(US$-.z6.�.lOQ.t4Q... ..........-...)
<br /> ....---�•............................ ............. ........---.. ......._
<br /> _..
<br /> p�id by nid I.ender,doea hereby mortgage,grant and convey to Lender, ita succeeeore atfd aesigtu; the
<br /> �otto�wsng deecribed property located in the County of .....Hall..__... ......... , State of ATebraslca:
<br /> Lot Eight (8) in B1ock Nine (9), in Sheridan Place, being a part
<br /> ; of Block Ten (10), of Herrisoa's Subdivision of the Southw�est
<br /> ; Quarter of the Southeest Querter (SW�fiE�) of Section Eight (8),
<br /> � in Township Eleven (11) North, Range Nine (9), West of the 6th
<br /> P,M., in Hall County, Nebreeka.
<br /> ' Toc�rNs� w'ith ell the unprovements now or hereafter erected on the propeety, and aU �ta. '
<br /> � ri�6ta, sppurtenencee, renta. royslties, :nineral, oil and gas rights and profita, water, water cights, aed
<br /> wtter�� usd ali 6xturee now or t+ee�ftes stta+ched to the ProPertY, all of which, includiag replace-
<br /> �oents at�d adt�tioes tttereto,sliall be dee�ned to be and remain a pnrt of the ProPertY oov°Bred bY this '
<br /> Moet�s: and ail ot the foregoing, together with said propetty (or the leasehold estate in the event thie t,
<br /> �oet�e a on a le�aehoW) are hereia referred to as the "Property".
<br /> B4Oetowee covenaeto that Bonower is lawfuUy eeieed of the estste hereby conveyed and has the eie#it
<br /> ��'�Pt'�,i�Rt aad oot�ev�ey the Property, thst the Property ia tu�encumbered, aad that Borro�w�er �vi1l
<br /> .raree.t asd def�nd ge,�erauy the title to the Property against ali ciaims and demand8, subject to ,u+y
<br /> euenfee►ts aed restrictioc�listed in a echedule of esceptions to coverage in aay title inaurance poticy in•
<br /> Mteie�Lader's utteteet in the Property,or (2) attomey'a opiaion of title from abetract oi title oerti$ed
<br /> �, by bo�ded abstrscber. �
<br /> �DViYiii ALNAY6� and theee present�a are executed and delivered upon the folbwiag conditions,agree- �� � � . . �
<br /> meab aac! obti�atiot�of the Borrow�, to-wit:
<br /> �
<br /> 'llss 8aisower�e�eee to PsY to the Lender,or order, the principal sum of ...TwF.�TTY..S.IX.�TSOUS�--ONE
<br /> �.�1..liQ/_1�-�---..-r.--.--r-._�,__,_� �_��..---.Dollars (US$-..2b..LOQ.OQ-�-- .......-----1
<br /> --•-�.................. ---
<br /> payaWe n provtded in a aote ezecuted ae:d delivered,concurtently herewith,the final payment of prindpal,
<br /> ifeet sooner paid,on the ......_...yex--........day of.._....November.--.......---.......,�8--'dp6
<br /> , Ux[sarai Cove�vwxre. BoreovPer aad Lender oovenant and egree as followe:
<br /> 1. rs�p�wd d Prladpad ard lnwwe Borrower ehall Pp�+p�Y PaY when due the princcipa1 of sed in-
<br /> tnwt on t�te iadebtedne�r evideaoed by the Note,prepayment and late charRes aa provided 'm the Note,
<br /> and ti�e�incip�i of snd interest oe aay Future Advancea secured by thie Mortgage.
<br /> !. Pwds fer T�s md tariue�me�. 9ubject to Leedar's aption under paragraphs 4 and 5 hereof, Bor-
<br /> ; eaase�i1 pty to Le�der on the day monthly inaLalln►ents oE ptdncipai and intereat are payahle under the
<br /> { id�ts.ppt$1 tl�e Note is paid in iWl,a eutn (herein"Funds") equsl to one•twelfth of the ye�rly ta:es and
<br /> ara�rs►e�tb wfiid�may attain iaeity ov+er tt�is Martgage, and grou�d rents on the Property,if any plu�
<br /> aos-tar+t�tt ot yers�ly praioQiump Ln�all�nte For hazard inaurance, plus,one-tweifth of yearly premium in-
<br /> � far mee�tp�s i�u�+.ac+e,ifaay,ai1 ar re.ea�ably estimated uutially and frorn time to time by
<br /> I�en the laswia of saee�sme+ntA and btIls nnd era�nehle rwt.imateA thereof, I.ender ehell applv the Fun�ia
<br /> �f�Y�4�s.arrar�ssuta, iewi+urce prseni�s and R�rents. Lende�ehall make ao cl�rge fur so
<br /> ew
<br /> y 6aiiiw�awd�tl�e !'lwis oe v�eeiiyio� �ad eonaPilinS said aweroments ao�d bilts. The I.e�eder�aU
<br /> �!Ir lloa�awrie,�vit�aa�t�lreM+an ann�l a000w�tio�s oE tbe Funds e1►owie�+a+edits and de,bita to tl�e
<br /> �i f�t��fse wi�iai�+�eit�1�6it h>tl�a Fnads wer m�de. T6e F►mds aee piedsed ru a�dditiaa�l k
<br /> �ias ilr.rr.r aeora�d Irx tii��feel�s. 'itie Bora+owbr.�ee.t1�t tl�e F�may be t�d by t6e
<br /> ��wd�wRi�h Q+16ee f�s�nd t�e Lende�e"n o�m�asfd the I.endor msy ysoch it�s ```-
<br /> i11F a�q lailis twd l�Me Lwie NWL aot be li�We 6oe�oe�videeds an e�eh F4�ado.
<br /> � �1ir Mn��k�t�M ilr�i� b�p►LMie.�sathrr wi�tlre�dr�e mawddy ia�ai�eaata of PY�do �"`. ;
<br /> ;�"` ��►�r��IYM.�iM►�MII���Mw.�� iw�wwos pe�a�asi Aro�ad rents. sl�ai! e�oeed �
<br /> i
<br /> � M�i�ri �yr �e.a�r�r�N1r. ower�o�Parmwe�and�eed raats a they fa11�ue. ,
<br /> "•3 �re1t�s i��►at�e�e'"s a�1�,rLi�r�irpid b Bresowee ar ceedibed ba Boesv�ver on ' .
<br /> ",",�� �wr�M��II��11I�d� if I�e+�a0ari��[ibbe lleid b'Y l.eade!shdl!wt be eutiiitienk to p�Y "*�
<br /> �° #IIIIiIIR�-�i�11a1�'ae'/��w�lws Mi��r�s 11/�tiry idi drs.�oez��w�er ai�i PaY te Le�+dee' _" ,,,� ,.,
<br /> a�
<br /> R +�MI M iNl��a� 1�eii�w�t i'Y�E!�iays�lrar notioe iboa� I.cisder Eo�onow�r
<br /> ' ` �i�T�N����1��?AEar�re fi moe�y+ieda�menb tilf Funds reQnired,
<br /> �i
<br /> �N;����iw. l�li�t a�s�a�ln�l;lgr-llis!#oet/��s,I�ie:�alt aPP�Y Funds held as a credit �
<br />