� i �
<br /> If under paragraph 18 hereof the Property ia sold or tl�e Property is otherwise scquired by Ixnder, I.ender '
<br /> ehall apply, no later than immedietely prior to the salc of ti�e Pro��erty or its acquisition by Lender, 3ny Funde
<br /> held by I.ender aL the tima of ap{�lieation ss a creciit ugainEt tlie eums "ecureci hy this '.14ortgage.
<br /> � �, �qalioa af PaYawrh. Unlesa applieable law provides otherwir.,e, al! payinents received by I,ender
<br /> �„ undes the Note aad psragrsplts 1 and 2 hereo! e@sll he applied by I.ender first in payment of amounts peyabie to
<br /> * �� Le�der by Borrower uader paragraph 2 liereof, then to intereet ��syable un tue Note and on Futum Advanees, if
<br /> � sny, and tben to the prineipa! of the Note and to tlie prineipal of Future Advsuces, if any.
<br /> � �, �a�eq� Li�p�r. Borrower shsll psy all taxee. se�mnenfs nnd other charges, fines and impoeitions attsib-
<br /> = ut�b,le to �}re propertY whiah may attain a prioriLy over thir Mortga�e, snd grouud rente. if any, at I.ea�tr'�
<br /> � � aptaon ia thm mraaes Provided wnder i�sagrsph 2 l�ereof or by Borroever enalcing F,aYmeoL, when due, direetiy to
<br /> /� ttbe psyao thersot. Basmwer el�ad! promptiy fury+isla W I.ender ali noti�eee ot amounts due under t�►ie pus�taph,
<br /> h� s�u1 iA the eveat $orrower ahall make payn�ent directly, Borrower shal! promptly turnish to I.ender receipta evi-
<br /> ; dmejn� rwoh paymonta. Horrow�er shail prom��tly diael�arge any lien which hae priority over this Mortgage ; pro-
<br /> � v,ide$, ths� $orro�ver rhal! not 6e sequired to diecuerge $ay such lien eo long ae Borrower s4s11 agree ia writ.iug to
<br /> � i ti�pp pRtyiefeot of the c+b��li�ition secured by sucl� lien in u manner acceptable to I.ender, or shali in good faith coatpt
<br /> �p 1
<br /> j qieh liea by, or defead enfoscement of sueli lien in, tegal proceeclings which operate to prevent the anforeement of
<br /> t.de lien or Sorteituze ot the Property or any part tl�ereof.
<br /> 5, H�d L�s�u�'�. Botrower ehall keep the improvements now exieting or hereafter erected on the Fr�op-
<br /> ert,y inrured aQainst ldr by 6re, hsasrde inoluded within the term "extended ooverage", and such other hssards as :
<br /> L�enderassy zequire and in auch smounts and for such periods ua I.ender may require ; pmvided , that Lenrier d6a11
<br /> ° aot reQuire that the amount of such coverage exceed that amount of coverage required to pey the eums reoured "by
<br /> t�is Moztpee.
<br /> ; The ioauraace cazrier providing the insurance shall be chosen by Borrower subject to approvsl by Leadar ;
<br /> ' provided, that such approval ahsll xwt be unreasonably withheld . All premiums on insurance policies shRtl be paid
<br /> ' at Lender's option in the manner provided under paragraph 2 I�ereof or by Borrower msking payment, when due,
<br /> cii�so6ly to the insunnce c�rrier.
<br /> In ttse event usy policy is not reaewed on or before ten daya of its ezpintioo, the Iender, to peotsct
<br /> its interest, may p:ocuce insurance on the improvements. PaY the premium:n and such sum rhal! beoome
<br /> � imtsediatedy due and payabJe with intesest at the rate set torth in esid noLe unti! paid and r6a11 be
<br /> escured by this Mortgage. Failure by Borrower to comply may, st option of Lender, conati�te a defiult
<br /> f undes tl�e temcu of ti�ie Mort�age.
<br /> All iueura�ee policiee and renewale thereot shall t�e in for�u seceptable to Lender and shalt include a etsodard
<br /> , �nost,esge elause in favor of and in form aeceptsble to Lender. Lender shall have the right to l�old the policiee and
<br /> ; reo�witls Lhereol, snd Borrower shal! prompWy furnish to Lender all renewal notices and all reoeipt� of paid pee- ,
<br /> � mjums. iu the eveat of loor, Borrower shall give prompt notice to tlie inaurance carrier and I,ender, aad I,eeder
<br /> may make proof of loes if noL made promptly �y Borrower.
<br /> � Ua1en Lender and Boerower atherwiee agree in writing, insurance proceeds shall be applied to re�tontiou or '
<br /> repair of W�e PsopertY damaged, provided such restoration or repair is econotnicslly feasible and the eecusitp of
<br /> this �rfoetp�e is aot thereby impsired. If such restoratiai or repair ie not economically feeaible or if the security
<br /> ` pf Wi� Mqtt;a�e w�ould be irapaired, the in�urance }�roceeds shall be a{splied to the sun� oecured by Lha Adoetp;e,
<br /> , u
<br /> ; �vith t6e e�seew, if any, paid to Borrower. If tl�e Yroperty ie abanJoned by Bormwer or if Borrower fsil� to s�apond
<br /> � to I.endez within 30 daya sfter notice 6y I.ender to Borrower that the insursnce canur oHere to rettle s alwim tar
<br /> � iaweanoe bene8ta, Lender is authoriaed to collect and apply the insurance prceeeds st I.ender'e option eiWer te+
<br /> eesf,peataon or repair of the Property or to the sums eecured by tl�is Afort;a�e.
<br /> , � IInte�s Lendes aad Borrower othetwiee agree ia writing, any such application of proceede to prinap�l �hsll
<br /> � n,�t estaed pr pos�e the due dste af the inonthJy installments referred to in pnrs�rapl� 1 and 2 hereof os uiuo�e
<br /> ; Eis ameum� of weh ia�tallmenfs.
<br /> � If w�der garagraph 16 hareof the Yroperty is acquired by I.ender, ail rigi�t, title and iatereet ot 8ore�ow�ee in
<br /> � a,pd tp ppy ineusance policier and in snd to the prooeede tl�ereof ( to the extent of the �cuins eecueoed by this D�fort-
<br /> pto itnsnedistely prior to suah aele or acquieitionl result.ing from damage to the Property prior to the �!e or
<br /> � aoaui�ion ahsli p,aes to Leader.
<br /> paes
<br /> � �, p�e�on md lt�o�smp oE peep�eey; Lw�l+olda; Condea�imua+s. Borrower etul! keep the Prep-
<br /> ; �t,y ia �oect repair and ehsll not permit or commit wsate, impairment, or deteriorstion of the Pro�erty aad �ll
<br /> i oompiy with the provisione of any lease, if this �fortgage is un a leasehold. If this Mortgage is on a oondoafinium
<br /> ; ttpit, Bpt�+owrer rhail ptrforsu all of Borrower's obiigations under the declaration of condominium or master desd,
<br /> ths by-lawe snd reQulatione o# the condominiutu project and constitueat documente.
<br /> �' 9, hol�dlen oE ].md�r's S�eueity. If Borrower fails to perform the covenants and agreemeats ooetaised in
<br /> thiir A(q�t�,e, ar if aay action or proceeding ie commenced whicl� materislly aBects Lender'r interaot ie the Ysap-
<br /> eet�, ip�elading, but �ot limited to, emiaent dont»in , insol�•ency, code enfaecement, or artg:►gemmta ar proo�ed-
<br /> ieot iovolvin` a bankrupt or deoedent, then Leader at I.ender's optioa, upan notice to Barraver, msy m�l�e awh
<br /> �p�earsna�, d'ubune eucl� eums and take euch uction as is nece,scary to proiect Lender'e interat , includia�, but
<br /> aot lioi�ed to, dirbtuwemeat of reuonshle atto�ney 's tees and eatry upon the Pmperty to malce repaies. Asy
<br /> • amiwnts ditbunod by Leoder punwnt to this paraarapti 7, with interest thereon , ahrll beoome additiosal indebt-
<br /> ? edeeu of Berro�rer sa+used by this Mortga�e. Unles� Borrower and Lender a�n�e to other termo of paqmea�t, sueh
<br /> ameqels thsl! be pa�able upon notiee from Lender to Borrower requestiug payment thereot, aod er6all besr iater-
<br /> art trem tke dste of dabut�ast at the rate strted in the Note unlees payment of intereet at auoh rats vouid be
<br /> oo�t,rae� f,u applicrWe l��v, ia whieh event euch amounta ehrll bear interest at t6e hishe�t rata pe�ible by
<br /> v
<br /> apptioabie 1aa. Nothing oontained in tl�is paragrapl� 7 ehall require Lender io incur any expenre or do aay �et.
<br /> � Lenuoder.
<br /> - �. �e11aa Lender msy msI[a or rause to hc macie reseens6le entries upo� snc{ ti+ePeetioaw of the Aep-
<br /> � q�r, �bdbd tl�t I,etfdtr shsll pv�e Boerow�er notiee �+rior to snv �uch ine�eetion spec�f3nn` reasonable eawe
<br /> _� tirw4�r r�l�iad ts Iaader'r iateaert is the Propeety.
<br /> �. !'�i�lirr. Ths proeee� � a+ay avar� or etaim far dust�ea. d�� or oonrequentiai, in eoaoee0iee
<br /> � a�i a�q �a ee a4►ar taki� ef t9+e Pe�erty. or iirrt tk�roof, or Sor oonveyaace in lieas ot oandae�o�- !
<br /> +6i�, asr lw�1++y +w�pwad aed arai! be paid to I.eader.
<br /> i � t�Me avmt, o[ a total taJtio� of Wae .Property, � P��b e1�sU i►e a{�plied to the sume secured by this Moet- "`
<br /> . . , ---
<br /> , : ` �a�e: wibl�. t8�t e�s41�M�s if �q!,,�ki to H�iee�o�ves. In the event of a Eu[tial talcigg of the Property� ualeer Bw�eawer K
<br /> � �ali �+iwMire okienri�e areee � wsaGe�, tircee �s�i Le ap��tied te t1►r rww recured by thie A3oe�t`Ke such Propo�- �
<br /> �;� �Mi�ls �il' �11MM p�a�i� +p is � ie th�t. p�eti�a �t tks sme�wt e€ t�e amu daeured b� ti� !r[�xf�s iesms- `:
<br /> .,, a .�' Mia' �a i,�e diaiw oi t,�i� bMn 6s t6e f�ir Mssel�et wlrc d tbe PrapestY i+omed++�te1Y Pr� to t6e datie of .�
<br /> � b�r� w�lr+l�w 1rrlr4we +N'�Ie � psid ro Bores�.er. , ,
<br /> � ilr� �rb�bj� � ` �i�dMed bv Fsea� ar if rlLre aotioe trv Leader io Boiroever thit the condemaor aaPers fi. „� .
<br /> ' � 1il�Il�f�^i�l► �4ea�lf� a iil ist� �, B+eaTawae is�s t+e reapaad to Lseder �itd�ie a0 days o[ the �e . r , t"�
<br /> �[ 41�1iy' �' �Isirt":it aW�iNid, irR o� aq�i a�!! �re W'se�wda �t I.esder�s optimf either to re�toe�tion or :.
<br /> , . y �r �fiirrl�l�l +�t� t� �a�rad #Tl1Nis ]�iwt�ye.
<br /> � iaAM1111n tw�elrt anik �' � �rc ia +mwi. aq wei �pP�t+a+ ot �+�+oa"d„ L�s Nriuoywl. riwll
<br /> ;
<br /> � ` "✓t " J
<br /> .R
<br /> ,.- _ , _.
<br />