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r _"1 <br /> �~ � �� i <br /> aot e�ctepd or �,Qetpone tl�e due date of the montl�ly inntxllments referred to in paragraphs 1 and 'l hereof or <br /> chaotge the amount ot such inetailmente. <br /> 19. 1lawee��r No! $�l�as�d. Extenrion of the time for paynient or modification of amortisation of the susae <br /> seeutM�d b�► t�171� Most�age grent� by I.ender to any succeasor in interest of Bormwer ahall not A��erate to releqee, <br /> � ia any t�i4noee, tbe liaF�ility oi tk�e origin$1 Borrower and Borrower's succeuaore in interest. Lender shall nat 6e <br /> � �, twquit^od to oaa�menoe peaoee�dings e�gainet sueli succe�esur or refuue to extend time for payment or otherwiae modi[y <br /> � amqrtisaLios� e�f Ghe wms eacured Wy Eliis \iortgage by reaea� of any demand made by the origina! Borrower �n�d � <br /> . .y � �#P�!!'i f�R lt4 lR�i�tt. , . <br /> i � 1!. F� ,irr L�pd�s Not a Wmwr. Any farbearance by I,ender in exercieing any ri�st or remedy <br /> � het+eunder, os otherwi�e sffosded by applicat�le law, shal l not be a wai•rer of or preclude the exerciae of any ri;6t <br /> ' , os nemedy hereunder. The proourement of insurance or tlie pnyment of taxee or other ]iene or charges by Lender <br /> ' 11 aiall mot be a aaiver ot Lender's right to Qecelerate the maturity of tl�e indebtednees secured b,y thig Mork�age. <br /> 1� 1Z �s�dir Camuiati�s. Ali remedies provided in tl�ie \-iortgage are distinet and cumulative to aay aGber <br /> ' ri�h6 at' rexnedq under t6ie �lortgsge. oi• affordc�l b,y laH• ur equity , and inay Lc ezercised concurreatly, ipdapend- <br /> eQtiy or auooarsivdy. <br /> 19. St�ee� aond J►a�isas Bouad: Ioint and S�v�ral Liability: Captiom. The covenants sad agreetnent,o <br /> bereim aautriaed shsil t�ind, and the rights l�ereunder ahall inure to, the reapectivc successore and assieae of I,eeder <br /> »ud Boa�tower, subjeat co tlie provieioae of parsgrxph I7 hereof. All covenant� �snd agreemente of Borrower ehsll <br /> be joint und several. The captions aud headings of tlie paragruph� of this \ lort.gage are for r,onvenience only and <br /> s�e aot to be ut�ed to interpret or define tdie r�ruvisions liereof. <br /> 14 Nofia. Any noticc to 13orroa�er ��ro��idevi for in thi• �lorcgage sLall t�e gi��en by �neiling such notice by <br /> certified mail addressed to Borrower at tl�c Propert}• �lddres. ,txted be(ow , excelit for any nutice required under <br /> parsQr�ph 18 hereof to be givet� ta Borrower in the uiunner � irenrribed b�• xp��licakjle luw . Any notice pruvided <br /> ' toe in this �SorEgage shall be deenied to have been given to Bon�ower w•hen Ki��eu in tl�e manner designsted herein . <br /> y 15. [TaifaKs D�orlqay�: Gov�sning Lew; $�vtrability. 'I'hi� fonn of mortgage combines uniform covenants <br /> ^ fae nationsl use and non-uniform covenants witli limited variations 6y jurisdiction to constitute a unifortu eeou- <br /> ' �a�trument covetin rea! �ro �ert. 1'his \fort a e ahal! bc �overned b the law of the jurisdictioa in whieh <br /> � �y � g �' } v� 8 B 6 ,Y <br /> ' tbe P1+oQerty io located. In the event that uny �irovision or clause oi this A4ortgage or the Note conflictr �vith <br /> appGcsl�k ls�v, euch can9ict ahall not affect otlier �irovisiai� of this \Iortgage or the Note which can be given <br /> eHeat wit6aut tbe conflicting provision , and to thie end the pruvisions of the 1lortgage and the Note sre declnred <br /> to b� reretabl�. <br /> ' 1R De�ss�wr's Ceyy. Bozrower shall be furnished :t contornied copy of this Alortgage at the time of execu- <br /> 'r tiaa oe �fter e+saordation hereof. <br /> 17• Trm�[ oI t6� Psop�tty; A�sumption. I f all or any part of the Property or an interesL therein is soid <br /> j oa� tnaderred by Borrower without Lender's I�rior written consent . excluding (a ) the creation of a liea or encum- <br /> bzanoe wtwsdiaate to this A4ortgage, lb ) the creation of' u purcliase moaey eecurity interest for houaehoid �ppli- s <br /> , saoee, (e ) t tranefer by devise, deaeent ar by o�ieration of Ia�e u�ion tt�e death of a joint tenant or (d ) the gratft of <br /> i any le�ehoid interert of tl�ree yeare or less not containiug su option to purchase, Lender may. at Leader's option, <br /> } dxlare W the rwne eecured by this Mortgage co be immeciiately due und payable. Leuder shall hsve waived auch <br /> '+ aptim to aecelerate if, priar W tUe eale or transfer, Lender �tud tlie i �erson to whom tite Property ia to be rold or ^ <br /> traa�terted re,ach ugt�eement in writin8 tliat tlie credit oP such person is eatisfactor}• to Lender and that the interest <br /> pilysbbe on the sums secured by this Mortg,sge shall be at sucL rate as Lender shal! requeet. If Lender hae w�ived <br /> the option to aceelerate provided in this paragrapli 17 and if Borrower's successor in interest lias executed a writ- <br /> ten asausnption agreement accepted i� writing by Lender, I.ender shall release Borrower irom all obligationr under <br /> tlsir Mast�age aad the Note. <br /> If I,ender exercirec wrci� ogtion tu accelerate, Lender shalt msil �3orrower notice of acceleration in acoord�nee <br /> � with pars�rraph 14 hereof. 9uch notice shall pro�•ide s ��ericxi ui not leae tlian 30 d�yu from the date the notiae ia <br /> '. mailed within whicf� Borrower inay ��ay tlie 6LLllln l�E'CISTE'd l�Ul•. ] f �ZUII'ON'GI' fails to pay sueh su�ns priot' W the <br /> ! expirstiou of wtch period, i,ender xnuy , tivithout funlier uotice or �iemand un I3orrower, invoke any t�med'yee per_ <br /> mitted bY P+�[nP� 18 hereof. <br /> NON-C? NIFORA[ COYENANT6, BO !'1'OWBI' ti11(� LCIl(jE'1' t�ll )'t�I1C'1' t'UV�118L1t 811(.� agree se tollowe : <br /> li. Ae+�i�erafiea: �a. F,zee�k aR � n•o�-iilc�. i in pnragru� + li 17 6ereof , upon Borrower'e� breach of any <br /> � eove�watt or aareemenK of $orrow�er in thiF \So+�t �ia�c� , including tlic covenants tu pay when due any �wY�ss aecured <br /> ss <br /> by thir 1lortgage, Len�er ��rior to »ccelerafiou sl�ull wuil nwicc to BorroN�cr ua � �ro�•ided in paragraph 14 hereof <br /> speeffyit� : ( 1 ) the breach ; ( B ) the action requirecl tu �ure such brraeh ; i3 ) a date, not le�,u tl�un tl�irty dsyx <br /> fcom the date the notice ie mailed to Burru�+�cr. I �y ��-hicli =ucl� brcach n�ust � cw•ed ; and � 41 that failum to cure <br /> �uch bre�ch on or before tl�e date specified in thr not �c�• may re�ult in aceeleration of the �uin� securni by thie <br /> y A3ort;�e w�d w►le o[ the Prpperty. lf the breach ts not curecl on or 6efoce the date specified in thr notice, Lender <br /> a+t I.ender'r optioa u�ey declarc all uf the suius xecured �v thia Mortgage to he im�nediately due and psyable <br /> +RitAa�ut furtherde�nand and msy forecluse tLib >1ort.g��e t�y ju�iicial F�roceeding. Lencler altall !ie entitleci to eollEct <br /> ia weh pro�eding a!! expeasee of fomclosure , inclu. ling, but not limited to , cost.e of docuu�entary evidence, <br /> ab�t,raot� sod title report,s. <br /> �!. �t�s �i�l b �. tiotM�ithetanding I,ender'd acceleration of the �un� secumd by tkix <br /> ![tetp�e, Barro�ver ahall iu�ve t6e right W have any proceeclinge hegun by Lender to enforre thia Mort.gag�e die- <br /> age <br /> � � �9 � Pria to �try of a judgment eafu�cing thie �lortqaqe if : la � Borrower psys Lender all <br /> = sums ►1�ieh �►�wld be tbea dus utider this \iortgage, the Notc and notes securinq F'utun• Advunt>rb, if say, lud ao <br /> seeelentien eeeurn+tl � ! h ) Aottower cure� al ! hreache� of ;iti�� otlier cucvuant. �r ngri�eu�r.nta uf Borra�wer wn- <br /> taiyd in t�i� 1►[ te ; (o ► Sorro�ver pays all renaonablc rx��ense� incurred b}• l.ender in enforcing the corenant► <br /> � �Mpw�re�fs et oontaiu�ed in this �4ort�ssgt and iu enforcing I.ender',: ren�edies sa provided in pars- <br /> � �li hereof, ix�cfudin�, but not limited to, ressonr►ble attorne�• 'a fecr ; uud id i Burrower takes �suct� action ae� <br /> � �7 �y �►n � a�ure thst the lien of thin \iortgage, Lender's interesL in the Pro�erty and <br /> � �� � � P�y � � � !�y 4hin _biortqs�;e e�hatl C(HltltlUN unimPaircxi . L'iwn auch payment '-x <br /> �� r�i asr � t�is d[ __ -- . a� �� <br /> e b!' . +oefp�'e sad iJre abdi�atiaos a�ecurecd k�reb,y siial! remaia� in full forae and eHect as if � <br /> � � � � pl re <br /> „ ._ <br /> y� <br /> ' �. �Mllt �t ��YR ��t a! �o�tw�es L�ed�r L !'w�wio�. As additional seeurity here- Y ., <br /> re <br /> '^ 1�ii1', �aielwrr! M�MY�7r �i�s t� �.e�dit� tbe eenta a[ ttu P'evaperty. �rr�vided that Botrower shsl(, prior to aooeler �, • <br /> �r ��' � � �M'M�I�[ ar s�b�iomoe�t of the Pz'otxrtY. harc thc righi to collect rad retrin vuch renb ,: <br /> � is 16q � Qw 1�1d �aya6lo. , <br /> � [1�CRt �MOOdm� aa�dier � lA� Lwww�i w• �+riwst�ant, wd tlte Yra�erty. i�r, w peraon, bv agent �, � <br /> . � �e ��ri�' �l�ieibalt a�s� aiMil lr ent�iWd f�a��a�6et upoa. tsi�e poe�a+Rio� af rnd i the P , '' '� <br /> �t +�I► M�MNL 1M ��wl� �R tM �°� �`�'Y <br /> s, � �', �i tl`ars p�st �e� At! r�eatr eeileete�d by Lender or tlae eeoeiver <br /> �� �� � MM!� +� � +�� +►r �t elthe Property and co!lection of renta, incIudiug, Lul <br /> ; � � � �r'� f�r, �irw+ ew reeeir+er'� boods sad �rawasble Yttotaey's feex. and then to the sums <br /> � �! � �'bi�ls• I�� �d �e ree�ro� shsll !+e tiable to acc�ount onlv for thoet rnnts s�tunlly reeeived . � <br /> _ _ ...,..,.. _ t <br />