<br /> r -1
<br /> u+�aNviouw�. .
<br /> ou� oH swuc
<br /> swwn�as �r�o
<br /> .oe+.No.sso
<br /> � I.a►n Number___34893__-_188__-_�:,«
<br /> � M Q R T G A G E
<br /> � �- �.,00627�
<br /> # �
<br /> �' 1"HI8 MOATGAGE.made and esecvted this .... ....�?-�-----...... day of ......�e.�,(v�,.................. A.D., ,
<br /> 19...7�-..b�en the Mort,�agor. .�I:as�1._A....�slia..ead..Jackle..L...Be�elin...huahand.an�.ri.fe,
<br /> �; ...14�t�x..±�s4..���..��..���..�..o�m,_.sL��..-�...............�---........_...........-�---�---..................._...._..-- .............------•-•
<br /> af _..Grutd�,Isl�nsd..........,County of _. ..........Ha�.l..................3tate oE.�ebraska---.....,hereiaafter refere+ed
<br /> � to as the Boerawer, and the Mortgagce, FIRST FEDERAL SAVINGS AND LOAN AS60CIATION OF
<br /> LINCOLN, 1235 "N" StreeL, I.inooln, Nebeadca 68501, ite eucceasora and assigns, hereinafter referred to
<br /> �
<br /> es Leader.
<br /> ' W �r tt: Tl�at the asid Borrower for and in consideration of the sum of . '�Ig".� �.I.7.� '�iS?LtS�ADiD
<br /> AIiD �loo----------------------------------------- Dol:are (US$..�?.._�Q�.�.9Q.... .- >
<br /> .... ..................•-----........................._................ ............................. ........._
<br /> pl�id by said I.endee, does hereby mort8age� irant and convey to Lender. its succeoaors and awQi�; the
<br /> 1 w
<br /> i ��+5��P�P�Y located in the County of....----.&all.................._....., State of Nebnalca:
<br /> � Lot Fourteea (14) in $lock �ro (2) in Dickey Th1rd Subdivision, a Re-subdivision
<br /> o�' nll oP Blocke Two (2) and Three (3) Dickey Subdivis:on and all of Blocks Oiae
<br /> (1) and Two (2) Dickey Second Sutdivision oY the City of Grand Ialand, Hall County,
<br /> Aebreaka.
<br /> �
<br /> � Toc$rF[=n with ai! the improveuieata now or l�eresfter erected on the property, and aU eeuesnents,
<br /> ritkte, aPPuef.et�an�s, t�ente, royslties, mineral, oil and gas rishts and �o5ta, water, water e�ishtc, and
<br /> � �vsbr stocl4 and all S�ttwres now or l�eceafter attached to W�e PropertY, all of wiuclt, iocludiag sep4ce-
<br /> y menb aad�dditions tlaereko.ahall 6e deee�aed to be aad e+eiaain a peet ot the p�e�opeety covered by t� ,
<br /> ; Afa+e#i+�s:atd sIl of tbs toeeiQu+s, �Betlser witl� esid property (or the Lessehold estate in the ewent t�ie
<br /> ! �(ee/�;a{e io ou a le�uehold) u+e i�eee'sn refeered to as the "Property�
<br /> � Hoea+owFer�rovenante thst Borrower ie lawfully�eieed of ttLe estate hereby oonveyed a�d hw tl+e ri=ht
<br /> ? to mort�aim. �rant a�d oonvey the PropertY. thst tLe Property is une�eumbered, and tlut Borrow�er wril!
<br /> waesa�t�nd defeed eenerallY tl�e title to the PropestY asainat ali cls;mo and demanda, wbject to ar►y
<br /> � a�nts aad reste�eti�a�listed in a echedule of esceptions to ooverage in any title inaurancs policy ia-
<br /> wau�I�aac3sr's iatee�est in tl�e PmpertY,or (2) atte�rney's opierion of title fnom abats+act of title aesti5ed
<br /> by be�tded abrtractec.
<br /> Peovmsn Atw�Ye, end the.e prerent.� are ezecuted and delivered upoa the folloasa�oondition�,aRe�ee-
<br /> teenb and obligataons of tise Borrower, to-wit:
<br /> �` The Boes+owes esross to pay to che L,ei+der.or order. the princ;pal sum of ..'�...�...S�x T�iQTJSA![D..AtID
<br /> I
<br /> i DIO(100--.---•----- -__--_---_--_--_~---____������.�.Doiiaew (US $--..�LaQO4:.S�?...... ......)
<br /> , ..............................•-.-•••--...._...---•-•--�,-----....._........-�-� -�- - .
<br /> ! paya6i8 ar pmvided;n a,�ote ezecuted and de!►veeed,ooncurreetly herewith,the sn.l paymenc of pe+ncipal>
<br /> ii sot�r paid,on the.......lat.............. day of...... Bo�remher...___.._ _._.., lAc..2�Q02
<br /> , Usr�ro�a� Covgs�wars�s.Borro�er aesd Leoder coveeant aed asree ss folroww:
<br /> q1. laya�at oE Priecipal amd�rwt. Boero�ver shall pt+oe�tD�Y PaY wken due tl+e pVa.'�' .l of and it�-
<br /> tee�est oe tJ+ee indebteegser evideaoed by the Note.Pe�ep�aYnoent and Lte cl�arges es peo m tl�e Note,
<br /> aed tlia pei�pel of aod mb�os any Futut+e Advat�ea aeeured by thic Moetgage.
<br /> 2. P�rwds !er laee�s md Lw�. Subject to I.ender's��vt,on under paragraplie �and 5 hereof.Sor-
<br /> ro.v�+e.hail pay to Lender oa tly day monthiy iastatlment�of�riacipa!aaad inter�rt are psyable under the
<br /> ; Nutey unt�t�ae Note i�paid in fid1.a wua (herein"Funds") e4ua1 W one-t�veifth of the yerrly tazes and
<br /> �b�mty a+Ctam paion�tlua Moet:r�e, aed gmund ren#r on the ProPeetY. if aey plus
<br /> � oas-bw�atft�f at S"�ea►iY peemium b !o� luzard inwernc�e, pfue oae-tx�eiHth of yeariv premiwn ie-
<br /> �iar muetp�s i.�ruraaa..if�di.r e+ewoasbiy a�ti�ated initirity and fnom tia.e to tame by
<br /> I.ewdet ee tlx�lw�ef�d�a+d b and re�ei+nwMle eat,i�etew khPrc+c+i.Leneler al�atl ep�sty the Fundw
<br /> l to piq Mid 1�se�.�.iwa�es preaoiums aed eesta. I.eeder d�ll m�ke.o c6ae�e fo�so
<br /> ;, ho�a�ie� awa apptyins tlwr P1s.as ar rae:tyie�md oau�p���w:a a..erm�nts and bii�s. Tl�c I.eude�ehsu
<br /> �r N++�t!N B�eaw�e,wilhodt�,+�a a�wl a000uwtie�ef tbe FWsds ehow�ei creiits md de6ifs to t!u
<br /> �� L�#�dr�a�sd tie puerar for�t�cl+dii�t ir tLs P�ds ws�d�. 'Phe F�ds a�plediQe+d o additia�l #
<br /> .� �sa�ty lor#ie w�ur aeewed�y Wis 1"6w Hoerow�er a�es�t�at tl�e F'uwde �nay be 6aM h� the
<br /> �, I,a�aet aed o�i1�Md wi!!e oE6er i���t�s Iwadier's own�a�L and the Lseder may pay sac6 ibems
<br /> tus�a i�ls� Mi r�d t�e I�rriNr�i�w�et�1id�b foe iebee�t as divi�re�ds ew weh Fwi�,
<br /> , �k` ��MY�i oiE ii� i�M i�j�rG•�h�e�k #M � �oet�ir �ats of Fu�ds
<br /> � i��r�r!i1n�Mr ir►�#1�r�.+IMrw�i�. 'w�re�ro►Mr!�r +rd�o�d�esd. eirY entied � _
<br /> � ; , wwA�►i�e��t1�iM�1�a�tl�e�ee�1raM b![.eaalee eiMil�Auftide++c co pay ."` ±
<br /> il � � wii trlor�. _ i�o�pNwurr�ud pe�rd eeat�as tl�y�due. Fe °
<br /> �: ���'��9.� �ri w�M+N tisy iii�w„Baeawrrr �idi P�Y � I.ewaier
<br /> �: a�`3�M�i� �s I�MiAr� tniMMia t11iRy 8�d�bK'�ties lea�s L�nder t�o Hierow�e� �� `.
<br /> �.:�' °. � �������aia iu�w i awLY!�esesbs ot PWeds rsqui�ad.
<br /> ,
<br /> w�r� �� '�ee�ii��lwnis�l.
<br /> ;' *��ia 1ii d�IL a�rrs�i'a�rt by�iis tfo�t�r�,i.�tier i��apply Fuods held as a cre�t
<br /> �
<br /> �'�� �; � J
<br />