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<br /> ( ; :;';
<br /> �:1�;
<br />{ 77ie 111ort�apol• covcna�ils u �id a�rees: �
<br />, � ,
<br />� (1 ) .That the Afortpapor wilE y�ay tke ina'c6tettness as hereinLc/ore provided.
<br /> a
<br />� �
<br />� , (2J That tlie hlortflaDor is Ihe owner oJ sc.id property in Jee siniple a�i�l J�as Qood riqlet and
<br />�� '� ""� °r' latvful authority to sell antl comve� the sw�:.R ¢nd that the s¢me is Jrea and clear o/ a�iy liere or
<br /> n� -�+t* ' excumbrance; and that 111ortpapor will warrant and de/end the fitle to sai<t premises apai��st thc
<br /> �p4.���� '
<br /> -�+r��d�a ; � claims oJ aR persons whomsoeve�.
<br /> :���, �
<br /> '" � :, '. p (3J To pay immediatcl� aahere due aatd q�a�able afl general taxes, speciai taxea, special
<br /> Y CD asaessments, water charDes, sewer service ehar�es, and other tazea ¢nd ch¢r�es a,�ainst aaid prop-
<br /> ' O crtU, and all taxce levied on the debt aecured hereLy, ¢nd to /urnish tloe biortpapee, u�on re-
<br /> s � queat, with the original or duplicate reccipts therefor. The mort�agor aprees that there shall be
<br /> � added to e¢ch nionthly payment reqa�ired leereunder or under the evidence o/ deGt secured hereLy
<br /> � an a�nount estintated by the bfortpapee to be suJJicicnt to enablc the hiortDa9ee to pav, as they
<br /> becomc due, all taxea, asseasrr.enls, a�td aimilar charr�es upon the premises aubject tliereto; anv
<br /> "- deficiency because o/ the insu(JicicncU of such addition¢i payments shall be Jorthwith deposited
<br /> by the htort�npor with the hiortaagee upon demand Lv the hlortflapee. �lny de%ault under this
<br /> parapraph shaA 6e deemea a deJault in payment oj taxes, asaessments, or similar charpea re-
<br /> ? quired hereunder.
<br /> (I,) To procure, deliver to, and maintain /or the bencJit o/ the Atortgaflee durin� the liJe oJ
<br /> � ihia Mortgage oripinal policfes and renewals thereo/, delivered at leaat YD days before the expira-
<br /> tion oj any such policies, insurinp apainst /ire and oiher 4nsurable hazards, casu¢lties, and con-
<br /> � LL71lJCT[C1C8 QS L%LC OlUTGfJfLfCf: "//lIL!/ 'i�ey" iliP�� ii2 Qinvur�o G?:'r :.. �nm�nqiao nrr�mfnh2a. CO t�LC . �
<br /> Dlortpaflee, with loss payaLle to the Dfortpapee. The covera�e 2cnder such a�olicies ahal6 Le iimited
<br /> to the improvementa notu or herea(ter erected on the ¢6ove descriGed premises. In the evenE any
<br /> policy is not reneived on or beJore 10 da�s of its ez�iration, the llfortpaqce m¢� proc�ire insurarce
<br /> o�t tltc intprovcntents, pay the 7�remium fherefor, aiul sach a��m s/taU become inrntediatcl� due
<br /> ; and pa�able with interest at thc ratc of--•-.---......-?1�.Y.�n�.......... ...._._.._..---------._....per cent until 1�uid
<br /> and shall be secured b� this DfortpaDe. Failure on the part oJ Uie rforlpaDor to furnisli such re-
<br /> neacals as are herein required or Jaihire to pa� an� s:ans adva�tced hercunder shall, at the optio>t
<br /> of thc lifortpaflCe, constitute a dejault under the terms o( this Dfortpa�e. The deiivery of sttCh '
<br /> policies shall, in the event of de(ault, conatitute an assiUnmenl of the uncarned prenaium.
<br /> AnU sums reccived bv thc Dfortpapce LU rcasox oj loas or damapc i�isured apainst nt¢y 6e
<br /> retained Gy the bfortgagce anct applied :oward tke Tayme�it of the debt hereby aecured, or, ¢t the
<br /> �ption oJ the lllorEpar�ee, such sinns cither iohollv or in part maU Ge p¢id over to the DiortDaUor
<br /> fo be used to repair such ba�ildings or to Gttild netu Luildings in their place or Jor any other pur-
<br /> pose or objecE satisfactorg to the Dfortpapee auitho:�t aJ/ectinp the lien on t/ee 1lfortgage Jor the
<br /> full antottnt secured hereby beJore such payment ever took place.
<br /> (5) To promptiv rcpair, restore or reLuild anU buildinps or improvemcnts no�v or here-
<br /> after on thc preniises whic)c mav Lecome damaped or dcstroycd; lo kecp sai�l p» emises 4n pood
<br /> eoxdition and repair and Jree from any mechanic's or other licn or claim of fien not expressly
<br /> su6ord�natde fo ihc Iicn )aereoj; not to su/fcr or �ennit a�i7/ a�nlaauJad use oj or an� nuisnnce to
<br /> ezist on said �iroperty nar to 7�crnut auaste on aaid �remiscs, nor to da an� olhcr act aohr.reb�
<br /> Uie property hereby convcycd shall become less valual.�le, nor to diminish or impair its zafue by
<br /> any act or omission to act ; fo complU with all requirements o/ !aw with respect to t/ae mortp¢flcd
<br /> -ri premisca aad the use ihereof.
<br /> , �' (G) That should the premiscs or any part thcrcoJ Le take�t or dantaped b� rcason of any
<br /> ";' puLlic improvemcnt or condemnation procer,ding, or undcr riDht o/ eniivient domain, or in any
<br /> other manner, the Afortga�/ec shall Le entiticd to all compensalions, aivards and any othcr paU-
<br /> �nent or relic/ there/or, and shall Le entitled at its option fo co�nmence, appear in and prosccute
<br /> in ita oiv�a name ani/ action or proceedinp, or to make an�/ compromise or seltlemcnt in connec-
<br /> tion ioith such takin� or dailroaflr. All stcch compc��sation, atoards, dan:apes, rip)�t oJ action and
<br /> procccds are Iterc6� a,ssiQncd to the DfortpaUce, 2uho ma� aJtcr dedi�ctinr� ihcreJrom ¢Il ita czpcnses,
<br /> � releasc any monica so reccived b� iC or apply thc sarrtc on a�e� indeLtcdncss accurcd lecrcLU. Thc
<br /> Dfortgagor aDrees to esecutc such Ji<rthcr assir�nments of an7/ compensation, a�cards, dana¢Qes, and
<br /> " ri�hts oJ action and procceds as thc DfortUa!Iee niay rcqiiire.
<br /> (7J That in case of Jailure to �erJorm anU oJ the covenants hercin, the hlortpapec •m¢U do
<br /> � � on tlic Dfortpa�or's behal/ evcryihing so covenanted; that the Afortgoflee m¢y also do uny act it
<br /> " ��; map dcem nccr,ssarl/ fo protect thc licn hcreof; th.at the .ifortp¢por auill repay upovi demand an�
<br /> moneUs �aid or dis6ursed by the DlortgaDee for anv o/ the above Turposes, and such mone�s,
<br /> 2oDethcr witla intcrest thereon, at thc rate provided in aaid notc shall Gccome so �nuch addition¢1
<br /> , ` i inde6ted�aess hcreLy secured aitd �nay be includcJ in an� dcr,ree forcclosi�:p this f�¢orlDapc
<br /> "` '� and be paid o:d of thc re�tts or proceeds of snle oj said prc»iiscs if. not othcnuise paid; that it shall
<br /> not Lc o6li�/atorU iipon ihe D1orlDar�ec to inquire into the validity of any licn, encttmLrances, or
<br /> ���' cfaim in advancin!f monc��s as above authorizcd, bttt notlting hcrein contaivted shall be constri�ed , � �.,,,:,, j-,� , '�
<br /> �y� � as requiring thc hfortpa�ee to advarice any monezs Jor an� suc/e purpose nor to do a�ty act herc- ' pj ., ,
<br /> � '� � undcr; and that DfortQapce shall not incur ¢n� pereonal IiaLifit7/ Gecattsc of anUthint� it ma� do �
<br /> �r ��,��..� L nr omit fo do 1!crcundcr. �,
<br /> �,,,,. -+�! ( 7a) The mortgagors further agree that they will noC make any voluntarp � '
<br /> �� � intervivos transfer of the premises or any part thereof without first obtaining �
<br /> b�.t � the written consent of the mortgaQee . Any such transfer , if the mortgagee shall
<br />�< < J� not so consent , shall constitute a default under the tercis of this instrur,�ent and
<br /> ; the mortgagore shall pay to the mortgagee , in addition to the Whole indebtedness
<br /> ^ :� eecured ( ae herein provided in event ef defnult) , a pzepayment fee of a sum equai
<br /> c�' F to six month ' s interest o*± the then unpald principal amount of the loan .
<br /> � �
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<br /> �
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