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<br /> k .The underaigned_.._._.Don��d_�;..ShinaberY._and_.�ran?_.�?x_$t.liAa1.�€XY..,..h.u4t?tin.d..att�....
<br /> ;� � wigg,_.each..in his �nd he�..4�:?n_]4�8hfi,,.�nd.e�ch...�..th��...fl&Qtvs�._Qf__xhE..A.khex._._.._......_.,
<br />+ � � Gr _d Is _
<br /> � of___._._�?.__.._..7.�n�.__._.._..., County oJ.•••••-•-_.���•__..._•-----.___.,Stateoj_..._Hebzae]s.a......._.,
<br /> ' hereinajler rejerred to ^s !he Mortflapor, do hereb� sell, mortga�e ¢nd convey to FIRST N�-
<br />- — TIONAL BANK&TRUST COEiPANY OF'LINCOLN,Lineoln,Nebraska,herein¢/ter rejerred to
<br /> Y as lhe Bfortpapee, Ehe Jollo:utng descriLed propertU,aituated in the CounEv of......._�a�.�-.
<br /> ; ._......••...............State nj.._._.Diehraska---•...,to wit:
<br /> n cracc of iand comprising the westerly Thirty-eight and Seventy-eight Hundredths
<br /> (38.78) feet of Lot Two (2) and the easterly One Hundred Elevea and 1laenty-two
<br /> � 8im.dredths (111�22) feet of Lot Three (3?, Block One (?), Nelsen Second Sub-
<br /> division, Grand Island, Nebraska, more particularly described as follows:
<br /> ': Beginning at a point oa the sout'�erly line of said Lot Ttao (2), said point
<br /> beinv ThirCy-eignt and Seventy-eight Hundredths (38.78) feet east of the south-
<br /> west corner of said Lot Ttao (2); thence westerly along the southerly line of
<br /> eaid Lots ltao (2) aad Three (3), a distance of One Hundred Fifty (150.0) feet;
<br /> thence aortherly parallel to the east line of said Lot Three (3), a d+stance
<br /> of Two Hundred Fifty-nine and Forty-three Hundredths (259.43) feet to the
<br /> Northerly line of said Lot Three (3); thence southeasterly along the northerly
<br /> line ,;� said Lots 1t�ro (2) and Three (3), a distance of One Hundred Fifty and
<br /> Seventy-four llundredths (150.74) feet; thence souCherly parallel to the east
<br /> line of said Lot Ttao (2), a distance of 1t�o Hundred Forty-four and four Tenths
<br /> ! (24k.4) feet to the place of beginning.
<br /> �
<br /> - topether Tuith a11 buildinDs,improvemexts,fiztures or appurtenances and al!easements.
<br /> ; A�d it is furlher mutually covenantcd and aQreed by and betoueen the partics)ierelo, that
<br /> alI gas anct clectric fixtures,radiators, lecaters, enpinea and machinery, Loilcrs, ranges, efeu¢lors
<br /> and motors, bath tubs, sinks, avater c/osets, Lasins,pipes,fa:icets a.nd othcr pl�unbi�t� and /tcat-
<br /> ing fiztures, ncirrors, �nantcls, refri�erating �lant nrid icc Lozes,cookinp apparatus and app�irtc-
<br /> nances, svindotu screens, and sycch other �ooda and chatEcls and persona! property as ¢re eiJer
<br /> furnished by a lundlord in Icltinp or operalinp an ttnj:ernishcd buildinp, sir>:ilar to thc onc no:u
<br /> nr hercajter on said premisca,2uhich are or sitall bc attached to said LuildinD Ly nails, screus,
<br /> k; bolta, pipe connections, masonrt/, or in a�iy other maxner,are and shall be dccmcd to Le Jiztarres
<br /> and an acccssion to the Jrcehold and a Tart oJ the realty as beCwcen thc parties hercto, their
<br /> heirs, executara, administratora, stccccasors or assigns, and aR per�ons ci¢imin� Ly, throu�h or
<br /> under them,and ahall be dcemed to Ge a portion of the securitU jor the inde6tedness hercin men-
<br /> tioned and to be covcred bU tkis mortgape.
<br /> �� TO HE1VE AND TO flOLD ¢ll o/said property unto said biortgagee,Jorever,and for the ^��
<br /> .�;' '',
<br /> � � usea hcrein set fortJi, t.o aecure the per/orn�ance of fhe o6FDations contained herein, enrl the cu�
<br /> ��� pavment of the prixcipai and intereat oJ the noSe executed and delivercd concurrently h¢rewith �'
<br /> ` b• the 1fo�t a or to tlae BSort a ee in the sum o i� " _ 0 00 _ - . -%�
<br /> --,;��� � � 8 g a s f...._:i,n�sy�z�ye...'fit►Q4s.an�.un�..n..11......-......-_ � ,
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