, � -- - �
<br /> h 'L,
<br />} _ �Y;3
<br />; �� :.: ; -:'::. �ri":
<br />; .�; (3J lai Ghc et�ent of the default L� D1ortUanor in the �aa�me�it o/ an?/ �ir�stallme�at, as re-
<br /> :�;¢
<br />�x ` s � < . quired �y Lhc noie secKtre�i ieer�e 'uU, �r ii� .';e perf;.r,;:c�:t2 of tl! ? ohlipritio�a in tliis mort�ape or in
<br /> ' " ` + ��� the 9iote secTered tleereb�y, tlae hfortr�agee ehall Le c�etitled to declare tke debt secured I�ercL� daie
<br /> 5! 6"` L Mt� .
<br /> � � � and payu6le witl�out notice, and tlte Dlortpagee shall Le entitted at its option, �oitl�out notice, cither
<br /> a�'�r��" � � Q7'' b itsel or bv ¢ receiver to be a �
<br /> � ll f J ppoiietcd by the courC thereoJ, and withoui, re�ard to the adc-
<br /> ,�`r r .•
<br /> : �� :r � qttac� of any secuiYt� fnr fhe indebtedness secicred he�e6U, to enter tepo�t and take possession oJ
<br /> +: � � the mortDaped premises, and to collect and receive Uee rents, iasues �nd pro(its tkereoj, and apply
<br /> � ' ' �' the same, lesa coata of operalion an�l colfection, upo�t the iatde6tedness secured Ly tlais niort�ape;
<br /> C" said rents, issues and profi�s beina hercby assipned to tke bfortpapee as Jurther securitv /o� the
<br /> ; '"" paymcmt oj ali i�uleLtcdoieas aec�ired kereSU.
<br /> ° : '�
<br /> , _ . .
<br /> --
<br /> ; � . , � s� _� :_ ____ __. :t �e r.a,.,,,� i
<br /> ; � %'Jj ii is juriicer uUreew cn�o .,. ��� ,.,.ri �'.. ;,, ,._,, ._.. .n inrer.loar. tltis mortAaJe, tlte Dfott-_ �
<br /> gapee, its repreae�ttativea or aosiDns, shall at once Le entitled to the posaession oj Raid premiaes,
<br /> ` and upon application therefor, the Court in w1�icla such actio� shall Le Grou�/ht or a��� ,Ivulge oj
<br /> ;; � auch Gourt, either in terrn time or vacation, ia Jicre6U authorized to appoint m recciver to take
<br /> ,; , � possesaion of sai�l premiacs, or to collect the renta thereJro»t, and to do and perjorm such other
<br /> acts a,s may be required b,-/ the orde� o/ the Court makin� the appointment; and aaid Mortpagor
<br /> herebv laaives anv notice of a�ech application, and consents to tice appoir.tment of a receiver upon '
<br /> ' Ehe production of this mortgage, �vithouE other Gvidexce.
<br /> s
<br /> : (10) The biortpagee ahnll bc aubropated to alI a; thc riQ]ds, privilepea, 7�rioritica, and r -
<br /> '. ` . CQ7lttiP+Y Of 274of l?enh�.►�r z»hose liQ+r n+n� j;�ya �gg+_ . L�{°C�:Gr(J8(: fYC17L �fLE yTGCiSua Of �rf8 t4Qfii� GY � . �
<br /> ; by any juxda hereajter p¢id or furnished 6U the Mortgagee.
<br /> � � I� this instrument the singular includea the plural anci the museuline includes the jeminine �
<br /> , and the neuter and tliis instrument ahail be bindinq upon the undersipned, and his heira, peraonal
<br /> representatives, successors and assiDns.
<br /> IN N'ITIdESS WHER�OF, we have h2rc,cxto{3� O�:r h ds nd . this�l.8xh_.....day o/
<br /> `Y M� Q+� ', �
<br /> •-..... __...............Qcr.nb_er__..._._.., 19...Z7... . . . . ....._....._... . .._.. ' _ ... �`:n .... . _......__.
<br /> � Don31d E . S �ry �/}
<br /> �, ' _._._._....._.._.._.._...--••--•__.........:...•--•---.._._.......----- '�L' .lc:�-:_ i ,'._ 1.r �.�L� ..���%4' . .........._
<br /> ` `L a J,. Shi e '.ry � � '
<br /> ' STATE OF NEBRASKA l� � (� ��
<br /> ` }as. �
<br /> � ' COUNTY OF...............HaJ.J.-••--. ....••-•-•-•••••••.....__..._..J � '-
<br /> ' ° On rh�...._..1.�3.�— .aaU af--....�.c.TQ4�.'L........._..------, 19_?.-,7.., beJore mc the under-
<br /> .; � siDned, a Nofar}� Public in and for said County, 7�ersonally c¢mc........-•_---•_------•--_--_-_..--••..............
<br /> `, : ..._.__.....Donalsi�.�...&b�l�,al?�?.Y..and_.Lana,_J ....Shinabery, _husband and wife
<br /> .._...................................................
<br /> x � Tcrso�zalf� lrnotun lo one to Le the identicai peraons wleose vutm.es are affized to the above irestn�-
<br /> �nent as Diortgaqor, arai acknowiedped thc sauie to be their voltnttar7/ act an�t decd.
<br /> ' Art N . Sm�t7�e6a
<br /> OGNGRAC' ��}YlY�2lJ�;l Qnd and o:otarial seal tke da� und year i¢.ct aLovc wriften. �
<br /> , ', B.EAL - (� ` �
<br /> •: eurc or HEae�eK� �-1�.�..�..�`"�'.._....
<br /> _...-•-••---- ..._..
<br /> � 'aov.. d � 1D71"*� _...... NotarU PuGlic
<br /> ..• ' �1 COP7191i:oowu +.ysico:..._..��fl"S/.,'''"..vCl.�....�.1..1.�?.."""..._.."""'.._..'_"' .
<br /> . ;.., ! rSB.
<br /> couNTY or_...._......_..------�----------�--___......__
<br /> _..__�
<br /> � � On thia._•••._._.__.__....__..dtcy of----••-..._••-.....-•---•.........__.------_.., 1l1-••---•-.., before me, tlte under-
<br /> ' r : sipned, a Notarv Public in and j�; sai�t Count�, perso�ially came ..............._...___._.__.___...___. _. •
<br /> � to me peraonally known to be the President oj the eorporation aLove named anc� the i�lentica!
<br /> person vulaose narne is ¢flixed to the above mortfl¢�e, and acknoiuledflcd the exccution thercoj
<br /> to Le his voluntary act artid deed as s+ich o/ficer and the vol�tnf¢ry act and dced oj said corporation.
<br /> �
<br /> ;.; i�;: TVitncss nt7/ hand and oaotarial acal the day and ycar last above taritten. , . �
<br /> � i. .r
<br /> � �.
<br /> ' 'i: .
<br /> R1F H .
<br /> , .. . ...... . .........� .. ...��.._�._.�.�.�. . . .� . .... ..._. i� ♦ ,
<br /> ' ; Notary Pt�blic � .:
<br /> � �� � L . . �
<br /> �r��rJ"� Dfv conuntsston ea�pirca:..__....--...___................•-•--............_......--•--•-•-------....__...... r,
<br /> # N�.iS:�.F
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