i . . . . . . ' . . . . . . � . . � .
<br />. � .� .I . i , i . . � . � . � . . . . . . I . . . � , ' � �. . . . . . . . .
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<br /> � . . �. � . i . . . . . 1 �
<br />�� _ , unri in tlic rrent l;urru«�<�r = h:ill iu;�{ � � � .. ;� ni ��� i � t dii �:�� � i}� li�, :�r� �•s� i �i ,,� L' � �r� . u � �ti �, i i : u , >I; tn L. � I �� r n cr �� � �t �-�:i- �;
<br /> s denciug s,icli ��.uti'n�ents. }3orron•er elrili ;�ronip� l�� diecl� :irr�e :� m• licn �cl�irli li:s� priorit �r u�rrr tfn� \ lur'. g;ige ; ��ru- -
<br />� , . • i ,., . . . , i, � � , �
<br /> p qy., q ��.j 'ril��i�� ���.wa.OT�Cl�v^i S�L3�i LG�. �iL IC ' �Ir�Y�� i i (� 4iFP�l:ii}� ��� � `Ilf�l �ll'll �0 �OII� ll� �501'fOR ( i .`. �l:l �� 8��1'Cl' 111 R71f1D� 10
<br />��f�y,z,��_ (:^ L{1C D1VI17CIlL Of LIIC OI3IIL'�1t1071 ?CCIICC(I I�V a11P�1 � IPII ill .i In u' tu�r �u•rrnl .ilpl.� !S: j..^:)4L`:� Oi 5�1:1� � 111 (�Opl� ��71t�1 C011fl'$�
<br />¢i^'�rrZ�w!n�" - : - . . . �
<br /> �
<br /> �,-�.«l,�,; C.-, 5ucii iie�1 uy � ui ucicuii eniurccwmiL ui �urii i:cu m , ieg:ti �irucce�iings �cnicii uper:iie io I>re�•eni. iiie eniorcement oi
<br /> � s �''�`�` . �. � r f �tr �iPn nr (nr(niftvn n( ILn Prminrlar n.• i� nv nnrl fl�nrnn( .
<br /> �;: '.' � 5. Hazard Insuranco. 13orrower s6all Iceep the iwprovements uoa ezisting or hereaRer crected on tlte Prop-
<br /> —� criy insured agninr,t loss Uy fire, haztuds included tvithin t6c term "extenrled covcrage", and such otlier Lazurds as
<br /> � Lender may requirc und in sucti amounta :md for sucl� periods ns I,endcr may mquirc ; provided, fhat Lender shall
<br /> � not require thut the nmount of sucL covcrnge excced tliat, nmount o( cover,igc required to pay the sums secured 'by
<br /> this A4ortgnge. :
<br /> The insuranee carrier providing U�e insurniice si�all be chosen bp IIorro�cer subject fo approvnl by Lender ;
<br /> provided, that such npprova! slinll not Ue unreasonaUly wif6l�eld. :111 premiums on insurnnce policies shull be paid
<br />.__ . _r � ' � ' � .• ,.,� .o...� ..6 o i........r .._ t.-- T' ----.., . . , . . . . - .
<br /> � . . RC LCTIr��i�S O;�ll0t1 lil l.Ilr p'7n�iryrr �irn}. �rinri ��n�i�r . ., y. ..�.�. �, ���� �v� v� ii,Y +���l � u�� el` luttKlll� �):tV�l]CIIG� \YhCII (�UC� :
<br /> directly to the insurancc cnrrien
<br /> In the event nny policy is not renewed on or betore ten duys of its expiration, the Lender, io protect
<br /> its interest, muy procur2 insurance on the impro��ements, pay the premiume and such sum shall become
<br /> immediutely due and payable with interest ut the rate set torth in snid note until paid and shall be
<br /> secured by this D4ortgage. ruilure by Borrower to comply may, at option of I.endcr, constitute a default
<br /> under the terms of this hlortgnge. '
<br /> All insurnnce policiee and renewnls thereof �hnli Ue in forui acceptable to I.ender and �hall include a �tundnrd
<br /> mortgnge clnu=c in ta�•or of nnd in form ncceptable to Lender. Lendcr shall hi�vc t6e right to hold the policics nnd
<br /> renewals thereot, and Borro�vcr sl�nl! promptly furnisli to Lender all renetival notices and all reccipts ot pnid pre-
<br /> miums. In tl�e event of loss, Borrower shall gi�•c prompt noticc lo Uic insurance cnrricr and Lcnder, und I.ender
<br /> mny muke proof of los if not madc promptly bp Borror�� r.
<br /> Unless Lender and Borrower othensise agree in ws�ting, insurnnce procecds shall be applied to restorntion or
<br /> � repnir ol the Yropeity damnged , pro��ided such restor.�tior. or repair is economically fensiLle nnd the securiLy of . :
<br /> this ,liortgnge is not thereby impaired. If such � estoration or repair is not economicallp feasible or i[ the security �
<br /> of this 1lortgage would be impnired, fLc insurancc procecds slu�ll be upplicd to thc suia5 secured by tLis !�lorigage,
<br /> with the excess, if any, pa:d to Borron�er. If thc Y:opert�� is abandoncd by Borro;ccr or if 13orrou�er tails to respund
<br /> lo Lender �vilhin 30 days nfter notice by Lender to Borro���cr thnt the insur�ncc carricr oGers to settle a clnim (or
<br /> insuranee benefits, Lender is authorized to collect and appl}• the insurance procceds at I,ender's opt.ion either to
<br /> restoration or repnir of the Property or to thc eums secured bp this \forienec.
<br /> Unless Lender and Borrower othenvise ngree in writing, any such npplication of proceeds to principnl shall
<br /> not extend or postpone thc due date of the montLl�� instaliments refcrred to in purngrnplis 1 and 2 hereof or change
<br /> the amount of sucb installments.
<br /> If under parngroph 18 hcrcof the Yroperty is acquircd b}• Lendcr, nll right, title and inicrest o[ Bortower in
<br /> � nnd to nny insurnnce policies z�nd in nnd to tl�e proceeds thereof Ito t6c extent of the sums :ecured by this Diort-
<br /> gage immcdintely prior to sucli snlc or ncqui�itionl rcsulting from dnmagc to thc Yroperty prior to thc sale or
<br /> nequieition shnil pa=s to Lender.
<br /> ,` 6. Preservation �d Mmnton�ce oi Proporty: Leaseholds; Condominiums. Borro�cer shall keep the Yrop-
<br /> erty in good repair and shall not permit or commit u•astc, impainnent , or detcrioration of the Yroperty and shall
<br /> � comply with thc pro��isions of any lensc, if this �iorlgagc is on a lenschold. If ihi� �fortgagc is mi a condominium
<br /> unit, Borrower Ehnll per[onn all ot Borrowcr's obligntions undcr the declaration oi condominium or maste: deed ,
<br /> the by-lan�s and regulationa o[ the condominium project �nd constifuent documents.
<br /> 7. Protection oi Len6er'e Socurity. If Borrower ftils io per(orm the cavennnts and lgrcements contained in
<br /> this \fortgage, or if uny netion or proceeding is commenced tichich rualeriall�� af(ects I.ender's interest in the Prop-
<br /> erty, induding, but not limited to, eminent domnin , insol��cucy, code enforcement, or arrangements or proceed- �
<br /> ings involving a Uankrupt or decedent, then Lender at l.cndcr's option, upon nnticc to Rorrowcr, may mnke such
<br /> appeurnnces, disburse such swns nnd tnke sud� action as i� ncce=sar}• to protect Lender's intcrest, includin�, but
<br /> not limited to, disbur<ement ot rcasonablc uttorney's (ces aud cntry upon the Yropert�� to mukc repairs. Any
<br /> amour�ts disbursed by Lender pursuant to this pnregrapL 7, u�itli intcrest thcreon, shnll Uecome additional indebt-
<br /> edness ot 33orrower secured hy this �fortgngc. Unless Borro���er and I.ender agrce to othcr terms of payment, such
<br /> nmounts shaL' be paynblc upon notice frotn T,endcr to Borro«•er requcsting pnyment thcreof, nnd sl�nll bcar inter-
<br /> est from the dnte of disbursement at tt�e r�te stated in the Note unless p�yment of interest ut such rnte w•ould Uc
<br /> contrnry to applicnble lati��, in which e�'ent such nmouuts ehall heur intetest nt the highest rnte permissible by
<br /> npplicable lnw. Vothing contnined in thi� parngrapD i sliali rcquirc I.cndcr to incur am� expense or do nny nct
<br /> � licreunder.
<br /> 8. Inspoe6on. Lender mny mnke or cauee to be ma�lc reusonnblc cntrics upon nnd inspections of the Prop-
<br /> erLy, provided thnt Lender shall give Borrouer not :re ��rior to ,�nc Kiu•h inspection cpecif}•ing rensonable cause
<br /> ' therefor relnted to Lender's intereet in the Property.
<br /> � � ;
<br /> 9. Condemnation. The proceeds of uny an�nrd or claim for damages, direct or consequentinl, in connection
<br /> ' '"'�`'� ivith nny condemnntion or other taking o[ the Yroperty, or purt t !xreoL or for con�•et•ance in licu o( condemnn-
<br /> tion, nre hercby as�igned nnd shall I,� pnid to Lendcr.
<br /> y��r�"' In thc event of a total lnking of the Yroperty, the proccede hlinll be ;ipplied to thc sums secured by this Sfort- '�'".-.F:';� -,
<br /> gagc, ��•ith the excees, if any, paid to Borro�cer. In the c��ent o( a pnrtial taking of the Yroperty, unlees I3orrower ev�
<br /> :� re� nnd Lendcr otl�enciec agrec in n�titing, therc eliall bc applicd to thc sums �ecured by this \lortgage such propor- � >
<br /> `�`�Y�: ; � tion of the procceds as is cqunl to ti�nt proportion �rhich tl�e amount of tLe sum5 secured by thie :�iortgage irnme- °F
<br /> � �'xi;�-z�, �
<br /> . ,�_�•,,,,� diately prior to tlie datc ot taking bcar� to thc (air m;irket �•nlue oi the Properl}• immedintcl}' prior to the dntc of '�
<br /> �«�` .�" ;� takiag, with the bnlunce of the procceds paid lo Borro« cr. n
<br /> '�,"""-� ' Ii the 1 roperty ie ubandoned by I3orro�cer or i [ aiter notice by Lender to Borroticer thnt the condemnor offers � ,�1 �
<br />�°rkr -� to mnke nn awnrrl nr crttln �� �lo=p= t== �t� :::�...... n��.�::.�_ i:.. �_ _ , • . . .. - - _ . �
<br /> _¢ ,,...., „ .• • rt_y-,onu tu i.r.r.;er ,.::iun ov rinys oi inc daic
<br />� w � ,a� ot euch notice, Lender i� authorized to collect imd appl}• thr procecrl� at Lender:� option cither to re=torntion or �
<br /> +>.�� �, rehnir nf t.hr 1%r�r..�t:, n. { H ..::.�� ;-��:Cu �7� iiiin �. ii�iibiigc. e
<br /> s �
<br /> a. F� Ilnlese Lender nnd T3n[rntepr nlip�rt5'!E� „,^,iCC IIl �,rri:ing, anc such. npplicat.ion of proceeds to prineipnl shnll
<br />�� �r
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<br />� -�, " . r , , J
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