. . . i �lt I � lil � 'I�. r, f 1 ' � � . . .� . . . , . u : . . . _ . , . . . , . , . . . _ , . . , . . n i . . i .. r _ . � . � , ii .liA � I �' .II
<br /> �,�
<br /> Y'�. ur rcuicdc lic� cuu�lrr� "1'm i �tacun iuuu � r, in�u � ..m �_ ui il .� � �: i��tu ,ut nt t .i�� � ui ntL� i li� i � or � hargc, bt• l .ender =�
<br />� (\ sLnll not be a i��.u� r•r ot L�.iiuer': riF;hr to ;�ccclei•.ue tlic m.uurii}• oi the iudehtednc, _ �-eciired h}• tl� is �lort�i�ge. ��
<br />+ . 12. Romedies Cumulalive. .111 � ��mulic. liro��id:d in thi< \tortg,i�;c are� distiuct and cumulntice to an}' uther
<br /> '; i9
<br /> �a =.tr���'' rit;iit or re�nedv ttnder thi: Alartgnge ur :diordcd li�• la«� nr ��quiry� . :uid uui�� bc cxerci> ed i•mu �u•rentl}', in;lepend-
<br /> ��x ' ently or succe�si�•cly.
<br /> Ks: ' 13. Successors and Assigns Bound; Joint and Soveral Liability; Captions. 'l'hr co�•�•n:�nt, and aqreements
<br /> �:"'"�`' � herein confained shull bind , und thc rights 6ere�mdcr �hall inurc tu, t6c mymcti�•c successars und assigus of I.ender
<br /> :u�d I3orrower, subject to the pro��isions of paragrnph 1 i Lercof. :111 co�•enaut< and agrecments o( I3orron•er �hull
<br /> be joint and seceral. The enptions and IieaJings ot the pnr:iRrnph� o( thi� \fortguge are for com•enience only and
<br /> nre not to be used io interpret or define the proti�i�ionn hem��i.
<br /> 19. Notice. :1m� noticc tu ]3orroti�•cr proridcd for in thi� ?lorigagc :h:ill bc Fiti•cn b}' uu�iling �ud� neticc b}�
<br /> '. ` certified wuil uddres�ed to I3orroticer at ! he I'ropertc :lddree, =tated belmr, exeept for nm• notiee required under
<br /> � parngrnph IS ]ureof fo he qi�•en to Borro�cer in the manner �nr<cribed by ;�pplir.ible L•nc. Anp notice procided
<br /> for in t6is \Iortguge shall be deemed to hare Lccu git•cn to I3orro�ccr x•Len gi�•en in the munner de�iguuted hercin .
<br /> 15. i)�form Modgage; Govoming Law; Sevarability. '1'Lis fonn o( iuortgage combines unifonn co�•ennnts
<br /> for nntior.al use nnd non-unitorm covcnunts u•ith limited �•arinticns by jurisdiction to constitute a uni(orm Eccu-
<br /> - rity instrument covering rcal property. Tliis \Iurlg:i�c shall bc t�ocerned b�• tLc lau• of the iurisdir,tion in which
<br /> ' the Ytonerty is locnted. Li tl�e event tha6 ;u�y pro�•ision or cilause ot this \lortgnge or the Note conflicts with
<br /> npplicuble law, such con(lict shall not uffect other procisions of t6is .11ortgage or the Note �chich can he given
<br /> effect without the con(licting prn��ision , and to this end thc pro�•isions of the �toriguge and the A`otc nrc dec]nred '
<br /> to be severnble.
<br /> 16. Borrowor's Copy. I3orron�er shall bc furnished a conformed copy of this \fortgage a6 thc time of execu-
<br /> tion or utter recordntion hereoi.
<br /> 17. Tr�sfer of the Property; Assumption. If all or am� part of thc Propert}• or nn intcrest tLcrein is sold
<br /> s or transferrcd by I3orrowcr wifhout Lender s prior wriltcn consent , excluding (n) lhc creation ot a lien or encum-
<br /> brunce subordinntc to this \Sortgagc, ( b) thc creation o( u purchu�e mmicy� �ecurity intcrest for household nppli-
<br /> nnces, (c) a trans(er hy devi�e, dc�cent or by operatiou o[ la��• iqion thc dentl� ef a joint tcnant or (d) ihe grant of
<br /> any leasehold intiresL of tlirce yeurs or le�s not contniniug an option to purchnse, Lendcr ma}•, at Lendcr's option,
<br /> declare a(I the sums .ecured b}• this \fortgngc to I�c immcdintch• duc and pnyable. Lendcr :h��ll havc «�sived suc6
<br /> op�ion to accclerate it, prior to tLe sale or irnnsfcr, Lcndcr mid tLc per:on to �r•hom the 1'ropertti� is to bc Eold or
<br /> transterred rench iigrcement in ���riting thal thc crcdit of sucl� person is aatistactory to Lendcr and tliat tl�c int.crest
<br /> payable on the eums secured by this \Sorigage e6all be nt sucli rate as I,ender �hall requcsL It I.ender 6us wnit•ed
<br /> , the optiun to nccelerate provided iu this par:igraph 17 :uid i( Borro��•er's cucce�or in interest hus executed u n•rif-
<br /> ten assumption agmement nceepled in «•riting by I.endec, Lender =hall rclease Borro�ccr Irom all oUligntions under
<br /> f his Alortgsge und the Natc.
<br /> ,: �, Ii I.ender excrcises sucli option to acccicrate, Lendcr sh:ill �nail I3orrower notice of accclerntion in nccordance
<br /> u•itL paragraph 14 LercoL Sucii noticc e6all procidc a �ieriod of not lc�s than 30 day� frmn thc datc thc notice is
<br /> mniled �cithin tishich Berro«•er may pap the sunt� dccl:u•ed duc. Ii 13orroticcr (ails to pay �ucli sums priur to the
<br /> expiration o[ �uch period, Lender may� , n'ithout Guiher notirc or dem;tud on B'urro«�er, im�oke nnp remedics per-
<br /> mitted by j:aragruph 18 hcreot.
<br /> Nos-[' ::cFo�n+i Co�r:xnsTs. Borro�cer .md Lei�der f�n•iher cu�•en»nt and a�re�� as follo��•s :
<br /> 18. Accoleration: Remedies. I;scept a� pro�'i�lcd in � iaraFr;q:l � li hcreof, upon liorrol�•er's I�reacii of uny
<br /> co�•enant or agreetnent of F3on•o�cer in this \fort {:,�Fc. iucludiug t6c co�•enant� to pa�• �chen dur nny Fum� �ecumd
<br /> Ly fhin \IortgaFc, I.endcr priur to acrcicr.dion shall m;iil nuticc to Borro�ccr a� procidcd in ��ars�;raph 14 I�crco(
<br /> � �pcci(ying : ( ] ) the breuch ; 121 tlie action requirrd to curc .uch brcarh ; 13 ) a d:Uc, not le�� tlian thirLy days
<br /> from thc dntc thc nolicc in mailed to l;orrotccr, b�• �c6ich �ucli brracli wust bc rinrd ; and 1 �11 thut failurc to curc
<br /> such hreach on or before the dntc �pecificd in thc notice m,�}' result in ncccler:>.tion ot tl�e swu� �ecured b}� this
<br /> '�1or!gagc snd ;ale of the Yropert}'. If tlic bresch is not cured on or before tLe d�tr specificd in thr notice, Lcnder
<br /> nt I.endcr's option may dtcl�rc nll of thc .uuu �ecinrd b�� thi� \Iort�;nge tn he inuntdi.itclt� due und pnynble
<br /> «�ithwt further demnnd and ma}� forcclo-c tLi� \Iort�;nFe bp Judirinl proceeding. Lender rhall be cntitled to collecl
<br /> in such praceeding nll expe»ecs of forcdo=ure , incluiliug, hut uot limited to, co.ts of ducuuicntary evidence,
<br /> abstracts and titic n :} orts.
<br /> 19. Boaowois 'Ai9ht to Roinstalo. \ot�cith�t:uidin� Lcndcr'� urccicratinn o( thc sum� �ccurrd by thir
<br /> ' Vfortgage, Borrower shull ha�•e thc right to hn��c any proccedin�;� heF�m hy Lcndcr to entorcr t6is \tort�ngc dis-
<br /> continued nt any time prior to entry �:' a jud�;�uent enfo7cinF tLi; \torfgage if : ( nl f3orrox•cr pn�•s I.ender nll
<br /> sume n•hieh H'ould be then due under this \iort�:a};c, the \ote nnd notes �ecucin�; 'r uture Adcancee , ii any, had no
<br /> �� necelerntion oecurred ; (b) Borrower curc� nll breaclicv of :im• �ther cacrnants or :i �;rcements oi I3orroticer cun-
<br /> tained in this !�lortgagc ; (c ) Borrowcr pny: all rcasonsl�li� cxprnsc� incurrcd bJ• L��ndcr in cn (orcin�; t6c co�•cnunts
<br /> nnd ugrcementa ot Borro�ver contnined in this \lort �;i�;c and in cn (orcin{; Lcndi�r'� rcrocdic� as pro��idcd in para-
<br /> � graph 18 hemo(, including, but not limitcd to, rraeonable attorne}• 'ti fec< ; ;md � dl Borroucr tnke� tuch action n�
<br /> Lendcr may rcasonably requirc to useurc tlint thc lien o( tLi� \(ort �;a�;c, Lendcr'� inren•�t in thc Yroperty and
<br /> Borrower's oL•ligution to ptsy thc sum� :ecumd by this \fort�;a�;i� �h;ill cuntinue nnim�i:iircd . II��on such p;�yment ,,,;; � _ f ,
<br /> and cure by Borrok�cr, tlus �lorlgnge and the obliFation� :c�vred hc•reht• >h;ill rcw:�in in full tm•re :md effec6 ns i( '''�#+; . '
<br /> no uceelerution had occurred.
<br /> Nr :,
<br /> r•._.- Y 20. Aesignment o! Ronffi; Appointmont of Roceiver, Lender in Posseasion. :1� additionnl 4ecurily here- � '
<br /> �, .; o- ( under, Borroa�er hereby nssigns to I,endcr the rent� at thc Praperty. pro�•ided that I4orron�er �hnll , priar to ncccicr-
<br /> Y�Mu'� ntion under pnrngrnph 18 hereof or nbnndontnrut of the Propert}•, have thc right tu collect nnd retnin auch rents � •.
<br /> . �,�.�,.� .
<br /> ��� ,� as they ,become due nnd payable. �1?
<br /> '� � 2 Upon acreleration under nuragiapL 18 hercof a� ::';::ndc;in;c��, of tlie 1'rop�•it�' . I.in�ier. iii � �e�:�un , b� u�;cul �
<br /> n .� or by judicially uppninted mcci�•cr !:hull bc cntiUiKl to cntcr npon . t:ikc �,os�r>�iun of :�nd wan:��c thc Properi }� �
<br /> i t -�r
<br /> 5u�', t�, ��l�cci inc nrtnix vi iire rroper[y, inciudin� tho�c T�ast r)uc. All ri•nts collected b}• Lendcr or thc recci�'cr �
<br />���� � Fhall Uc npplicd first to puyment of tLc cuats of wann�;cmcnt o( tlie i'roperit� :md collcction oi rcnt �:including, hut
<br />�_;:;:., .;:_�I
<br /> not limited to, rereiver's fees, prcmiums on rcceiecr:� bond� and ren�onnhlc atiornc}•'� feer . and then to thc �um�
<br />.r;-.<,_->� �ecured b� Uiiw Atohgege�. 7.cnder nnd tiic rrcei��cr �li�ili ho li;�ble to ;tccount onit� fnr U�osi� rrnt� n�tte� lh• recei�•e�l. �
<br />� F-.§ �
<br /> .�-, --
<br /> -F ,
<br />