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<br /> � � � NiORTGAGE ��
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<br /> ' ''-�' THI$R10RTGAG�,ntude uncl execated this........... ..f�........ day ot....0..��G.'t�Z.f?-...............A.D., �
<br /> � ,..� .� 19 77 I,at.vnun tho T,f.,.+,....,... rn,-n R•I e.,o b .. A�.�r v, ;---
<br /> ' __..""".._"�___.'__._............h..ti.i��....r.r....n..n�nmr.�r�i��J�...vi�.w..v.wHAt.AlAf11A�i�.il�Y.I...IINpU.GilIU...i11111..W11C.� ........... �
<br /> ' ; _jointly__an.�_�ach_in_their,_own riohr. ,_,...,,,_. �
<br /> ... . ...............................................................................
<br /> of.. Grand..Island .,,,,.� County of ............kla�.�. State of..Nab.xask�.........,hereinnfter referred � �
<br /> '7 ........,
<br /> to as the Borrower, aud the Mortgngee, FIRST TEDERAL SAVINGS AND LOAN ASS�CIATION OF
<br /> LINCOLN, 1235 "N"Street, Lincoln, Nebrnska 68501,its successon:nnd assigns,hereinafter re(erred to
<br /> ns Lender.
<br /> ' � WcTNessert�: That lhe snid Borrower for and in consideration of thc sum ot FORTY._THOUSAND,,.,....,
<br /> � ; FOIIR HUNDRED AND NO/100------------------------------Dollars (USS...!l0,_400.Q0..................)
<br /> ....................................................................................................................
<br /> ` ' pnid by suid Lender,does hereby mortgage,grant and convey to Lende:, its successors nnd ascigns; the
<br /> - following described property locn.ed in the County of..........Hall ,State of Nebrarka:
<br /> Lot Twent.y-two (22), in Meadnv. T ane S„bdi?�szon, ??e�� ro,W+�, Nebr�ska.
<br /> ? ToceTtters with all the improvements nox�or hereatter erected on the property, end al! ea_�ment-�,
<br /> . � rights, uppurtenances, rents, royalties, minernl, oil und gns rights nnd profits, wnter, water rights, and
<br /> � ` w�ter stock,nnd nll fixtures now or hereafter attuched to the property, all of which, including repiuce-
<br /> ments und additions thereto,shall be deemed to be nnd remain a pnrt of the property covered by this
<br /> Mortgage; and all of the foregoing, together with said property (or the leasehold estate in t.he event this
<br /> Mortgagc is on u leasehold) are herein referred to as the "Property".
<br /> Botrower covenants that Borrower iF inwfully�e;�3 of t?:e�t�re!:�mb:•coav;:;;c3 an�::ac f::�r.tih�
<br /> to mortguge,grnnt and convey the Property, that the Property is unencumbemd, nnd that Borro��•er will
<br /> warrunt tu�d defend genernlly the title to the Propert; e��inst �11 claims and demands, subject to any
<br /> easement�s nnd restrictions listed in a schedule o[exceptions to covernge in any title insumnce policy in-
<br /> suring Lender's interest in the Property,ot (2) attorney's opi:ion of title irom abstracti o( title cerLiEed
<br /> by bonded abstrncter.
<br /> PROVIDF.D ALWAYS, snd these pmsents are executed and delivered upon thc following conditions,agree- .
<br /> ments and obligations ot thc BorroH�er, to-wit:
<br /> �; `. The F3orro�ser n�;rees to pay to the Lender,or order,the principal sum of...FORTY_.TT�OUSAND.,FOUR,_.
<br /> ; ' HUNDRED..AND NO%100---------------------.-,----------Dollars (US S._....40_,400.QO...............J
<br /> paynble as ptovided in a note executed ttnd dclivered,concurr,::�tly here«•ith,the final pavment o(principal,
<br /> , ' if not sooncr paid,on the................lst.....day of..........Idovember......._..__.,�g.2006 �
<br /> UNir•oent CovexaNTs.Borroµ�er and Lender covenunt ancl agme us follo«•s:
<br /> I. Payment ot Principal and Interest. Borm�scr shall promptly pay when due the principal of and in-
<br /> tcrest on thc indebtedness evidenced by the Iv'utc,prepayment aud lnte cl�ar�es as provided in thc Note,
<br /> and the princip�l oE r�nd inlerest on nny Futcra Advnnces secured by this\Iortgage.
<br /> 2. Funds for Taxes and Insur�c:. Subject to Lender's option under para�;raphs 4 and 5 hereo(,Bor-
<br /> ro�ti�er shall pay to I.endcr on thr,dr�y monthly installments of principnl and intemst are payable under the
<br /> Aiote,until thc I�Tote is paid i��full,u sum (herein"Funds") equal to one-t�t•�:[ll� o[the yearl�� taxes and
<br /> assessa�ents k�hich me}•at�sin prioi5ty over this�tortgngc, and gmund rent5 on lhe Propert_v, it any plus
<br /> one-twelfth o{yearly premium instnllment�s for hnznrd insurance, plus one-tticel(th of ycnrly premium in-
<br /> ` slt�llments tor mort A e insuran���, .'f nn
<br /> j � g y,all as reasonnblp estimated initinllv nnd fron: time to time bv
<br /> Lender on the bta�is of nssessments ar..i)�ills and mnsonnble estimates thereot,I.ender sf�all apply the Funcls
<br /> '. !n pay said taxes,assessments,insurnnce premiums and�round rents. Lender shall mnlce no char�e for so
<br /> F' holding and applying the Punds or verifyinq and compiling said as5esament5 nnd billG. Thr. I,ender shall
<br /> � give to the Barmwer,�vithout chnrge,an annunl accnunting of the Funds sho«•ing cmdits and deUits to the
<br /> M rtmde nnd the purpose tor which ench debit to ihe Funds �cas made. The Funds nre pledged as additiona]
<br /> security for the sumy secured by thie 14ortgnge. The Borm�cer ngrees thnt the Funds mny be held by the
<br /> ,� Lender and commingled with othet funds und the Lender's ow�n funds nnd the Lender mry pay such items , �;�t�'��'
<br /> from i1A own funds and the Lentler shall not be linble tor interest or dividendF un such Funds. M ,
<br /> t
<br /> �-" � If the nmount of thc Funds held by Lender,togcther K1LI] the futnre monkhly instnllmenls of Func15 � �� .'
<br /> �,,,�?� L pat•nblc pricr to the due d�tes of tn�ces,ussessments, insurnnce premiums und ground renGs, s1��11 ezceed ;�; '
<br /> ��,f�' the nmount rroquired to pa�•said taxes,ntasessment�4,insurunce premiums nnd ground rents n.s they fall:luc, �
<br /> �,�v' such exress shall be,nt Borrower'e option,eifher promptlp repaid to Borro�cer or credited to F3orrower on �
<br /> ,.`-.�."„� monthly insfallmenLv c,f Fnn�C. Ii the<mount of the Funds held by Lender sh�ll nut be sufTcient to pay Euji
<br /> -s-'��r,t tnxes, assessments, insurancc premiums and ground rents as t.hev fall due,Bonrower shall ��ay to l.ender �d
<br /> ,c r nny amuunt necessAry to mal:e up the deficiency within thirt.y days ufter notice fmm Lender tn Borrotiacr
<br /> ,� � req�usfing pnyment thcrcof, or Borro���er xhall, by un increase i�v monthly installments of F'un;s requimd, �
<br /> '°---�-�� '=r-��`�:�`��ency:.iii,i,� ii�e rund accouniing perioci.
<br />��-� _'� Cpon payment in full nf all sums secured by this Mortgnge,Lender shall apply Fonds he�c1 as a credit
<br /> '_;�.`•—•t"� � fl:.^.R:,ui�bu u5 u'
<br />,�__•;_ � . �I�i i t;t. '
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