; , � x:
<br /> .� � .
<br />� _ i :� ,;?�"� `i
<br /> , � , ,
<br /> � If under paragrsph 18 l�ereof the Yropercy is sold r,r ttic C'rUfieri:�� is other« i;e ac�� uired b}• f,e3�der. I.e:rder � �
<br /> . . . .. . . , „
<br /> - - ' — ;sn .- �'ur�,s
<br /> . � � . ,}Lft..�� .flpP��'> RO: �13iLC1' t,i13Ti i3I11t7CQ1ACE1V :ji1'107'. .#,O Li�� �:t�C. Ul �llli� .t" rU; �i.iti�` 1a� Sin tc: ijui�.iii�i � i15� �i �i:li��e,a', . �
<br /> lie3d by.Linder itG the Yiine of a}�I�#ic,atiot7 a a cre�i,L xi��itx�t ti�c vicex�: c�oi.red e,�- tlti.: �4osa�aga
<br /> 3. Applieistion of; Payments. Unless apt�licablc I.��i� �arniuie� oth4r�i�ise , al3 pay �uents rcceiti•cd by l�ender
<br /> � � undec �f�ttc ?�Tote_and pai°agiaptia k'snd � 'l ISercoC st�al! I�a :��piiA>Ai b} f,nYider fir�a� in p�y�ni_ni of :imouY2�a � payabie ti�
<br /> I,ender l�v Boxrou�er tencier f�azagraP�i � l4ereoi, theu to interest kaa�•:�l�ic� ozi th. \ote ancl u�i Future :idc•anr.rlc; if
<br /> an,y, ax�d tl�en to ihe grincipaS ot <ehe 1�ptc 'uiad to che ��rinciE�ul ot FuGure ,1�ivancE s, ii aiiy.
<br /> 4, Chargas; Liens. liarrotiver si�t�li ��ac �ti t:�aes, nssessnaents and otlrer r,.4iniges , ficies anc} imposi�ions �ttril�-
<br /> , : ' utable ,to the Rroperiy zvhich ivay attaSn :� pr3ority uver tl�is \tortga�;e; :sud gx•auud rente, it any , �t Lender's
<br /> opt,ion in the craanner yarovided uuder �mragra�,>i3 .�. hereof oi° lay° i3orrow•er iziaking pstyinent, u•hen r1ue, +lirectIy iU
<br /> :� �}` the payee th�:r^eof. Borroa•er slist} prom��tiy fiunisli to Lender ali ' notices of atuoiinis due �ixader tliis para�;rapl� ,
<br /> � . snd in ttae eyent Borrorver slixll rnake ��ssynient �iireccly, 13orro�rer shiill prosu��tdy furnish ta T.cnder receipts evi-
<br /> � y�� � �. : L�$.^G:L'b ca��h �,inv�i�wnLS.:�^_II+L�?YL�r-: E}2'�SI �?Tilt3?j��.�3'� � �ISC�Ii4SoC� :ilUY tiP.R � tt'}]iCfk ��tiit J12'.E4i2L�} �'1Wr+I'� ���:11lS ZqO�o=a : � j�rd-� � . .
<br />�� � � � ; � WId8f1x LYl&L #SPTIONCTSItSkI I1pL UE��'7CCjLt77eQ �L4 L115C[18t�,f :FiA�' fiuC11 � 114t1 au dUilg � :ta �OITD�VC2' S11Ii/3 ��A(',TCC �IYl�� lYI1GIl3g :T.0 � �
<br /> �
<br /> p , the paymeni of #,he obliga,tian securect bysucli 3ieii in .i iiisi�ner accepta&�le to Z��ider, �r si3all in good faith cont�t
<br /> " " �} such"lien b,y, ordefend enforcement of such lien in; legai �3roceedin�, tivlsict2 ' o�>arxLe tv {Yretieirt the enfarcement oi '
<br /> the lien or forf�ituxe of the Property or ang part r.l�ereof.
<br /> 5. I3azard 3nsurcmce. Boxrower �hait 1ceeP the imf>rovemenxs nou- exisfin� ar liereaitrr erected un the Prop-
<br /> �.;, _ erty insured against lossby fire, hn��rds inciuded t��athiri ihe: teim "extended: cocerage ', and such okher hazards as
<br /> � , �"si Lender may rec�uire and in such anioustts an�2 for sucFi periods :s� I.et�der mn�* require ; provicied, that S:ender sha31
<br /> not require that the ainount oi sucl: coverage exeeed that amo�nt af r.ovei•a�c required to pay the sums secured'by
<br /> tliis 3Wiortgage.
<br /> Tl�e insurance carrier providing clie insurance sliall !�e chosen by Borro�vcr subject to a.��proval by Lender ;
<br /> �,rnvided, t}iat such approval shali not be unreasonably c�•ithhelcL .�li premiums on insur�nce golioies sli�ll be pairi
<br /> sf. Lender's o• iioa ;n the manner ��rovided unuer �s, r�-,, w '• 2 ::�rewi ^_r h Rorrotver making payment, �cfien due;
<br /> r� : i. g-- �.. Y
<br /> directly to the i.nsurance cmrrier. -
<br /> In the eveat any po2icv is not, renewed on or betore ten c3ays of its expuation, the`Lender, to protect
<br /> its intere�t, may procure insurance on the improvements, pay the premiums and such sum :shali become
<br /> immediately @ue and psiyabie wzt.h ir�erest at the rate set forth in said note until paid and snall be
<br /> � secured by this b4ortgage. Failure by Borrower to comply may; a# option of Lender„ const,itute a defaul�
<br /> under the tercns of this ?vIortgage.
<br /> All insuranee policie; and rene�vals thereof _hall lac in forin sccepcui�lE to I,eud�s tind shsiit incl�sde a standard
<br /> inortgage. ciause in favor of and in iarrn acce�atable to Lender. I.ender �hall l�ave the right tu liold i.l�c policies and
<br /> renewalstliereoC; � nd }3orrower sl3sll }aroixiptly furnish to Len<ier �ll renewal notices i��zd a1ll rceeipts of �nid pre-
<br /> tuiums. In ihe event of loss, Borrower st�all gi�•e }�rmn}�t no 'tiee to the inturance carrier �rid Lender, �nd Lender
<br /> " may make proof o£ loss ii not made prompilg Uy 13orrowcr.
<br /> , ; Unless Lender and Borrower:other}vise agree in wl'1#,lll�', 1AS111'A11C4' proceeds shull be �ppl:ed #,o restoratinn or
<br /> " i•epair of t.he Property �lam� ged, provieied suc3i restoration or re}�air is econornicz� lly feasible .md the securit}: of
<br /> this Alortgage is not theteby impaired. IF sach restorat,ion orsepair is *�ot econamicalty feusible or if ihe security
<br /> of this lIortgage would Ue iinpuired� t3ie insur.tic3ce j�roceedsslialt be applieci io the sums �ecured by� tl�is nSortgage,
<br /> wiin ine axc�5; ;. ..;;; ;:�i�? i^ Hnrroxver. If the l'roperty is � bandoned in• Borro�<<er or if Borrower fails t� respond
<br /> to Lender within 30 ciays aftes notice by Lender to Borrosver thnt the insurance carrier of;z.-� ., .,t�3 � �!s+**+ #nr
<br /> ;nsurance benefits, Lender is auilxorized to coliecc snd apply� t,lie insunince proc�eds at Lender's opf,ion either to
<br /> restoration or mp�ir of t}ie Praperiy or ta tl�e sums secured b}- tl�is \I�rtgage.
<br /> . , ` Uniess Le�der and Borrower otherwise �gree in writing; anv such application of proceeds to princigal shall
<br /> natextend or postpone3he due date of the tnontlily irrstailinents ar.ferred to in paragraphs 1 and 2 hereuf or change
<br /> the amount of such instsllmenis.
<br /> If ,under �arsgrspkrl8 hereot the Yropert.y is acquireci by Lender; all riglrt,, tiE.le cind interesi of Borrower in
<br /> i ,
<br /> ?�nd to an� insurance policies Find, in anci ia tlie proceefis cirereof tto ilie extenL oi t,hc sums secured b�� il�ie ilfort-
<br /> gage immediately prior to such salc or acqui�it �an ) ie x" ir.�, t o*±� riamt�nt: ro tlie Yropertti In3or iu t.he sale or
<br /> acquisition sha21 pass io Lender
<br /> a ..,r.. .Y,,a a�r�; ..w e ..s pz .+ t s� a� �
<br /> - �. � ��o ... . .... ... ..p... �s: ...�5.. Ol. �+.^..^�C��...�:S�.L.^S.^.. . .T�.OI. a.l' S:l..i: i� �^�.�7 iiic ni�y- �
<br /> , . Y erty in goodsepair and shall not permit or commii waste, iinpair:ixent, or dei.erioration oi the Property and shal]
<br /> comply auith tl�e provisions oi any lease; ii this \iorugage is on a leasehold. If this Dfortgage is on a condominium
<br /> F unit, Bormwer shall perform ail of Borrower's obIigations under tkie declaration of condominium or master deed,
<br /> the by-laws and regulations of the condominium }�rajecG anci constit.ueni doaumenis:
<br /> 7, Protection of Lender's Security. If Borrower iails to periorm the covenan'ts and agreements contained in
<br /> ttiis liortgage, or if sn�c action or pTaceeding i� comn�enced wl�icti rnaterially sffects Lender's interest in ihe Prop-
<br /> ertp; includin�, but nut limited to, emineni domssin, in�olvency, c�cle eniureement, or arraugemenEs or proceed-
<br /> � ings involving a bankrur�t or decedent; ihen Lender at 3.ender's option, upon notice to Borro�vec; ma} make such
<br /> apgearances; disbuiae such sums and tal:e such itction as is necessary i.o proiect Lender's iaierest, including, but
<br /> not. iimited to, disbursetnent of reasonable att.orney's fees and entn* ui�on the 1'roperty to znake repairs: Any
<br /> amounts dis}aursed bv Lender ptirsuani, to this puragrapli 7; �vith incerest ihereon, shatl becaine �ddsiional ii�debt-
<br /> e<iness o£ $orrower secured b}= this llortgage. Linle�s Borrocver a��d I.ettcler agree to otlaer iern�s of paymenL, sueh
<br /> ;,, arnounts shall be payable upon notice Srotn I.ender Co Borrowe: requesLin� paysnent ihereoi, �,nd shall bear inter
<br /> est irom tlae date of disburseTnent au the rate stated in the Note unfess p�t,yme�t of interest ai such rate would be
<br /> contrary to apgliqable la�v, in �v}iich eveni, such amounts shall be»r interest 9t ihe highest rate permissibte by
<br /> app3iizable law. ; Nothin6 contsined in "tliis p:�ragra��li i slinll 1•equire I.ender to incur uny ex;�ense or do any �ct
<br /> hez+eunder.
<br /> S. Iaspection. :Lender inay make .or esu�e to lx mado reasanable enrries upon and . insy�ection� of the .Prop-
<br /> erEy, ,��ravided ihrst Lender eF�all' git�e BorroR•er :xioticc �n•ior co am� sueli inspceLioii specif�ing reasonable cause
<br /> . . -
<br /> therefor related to Lender's inierest in the Pa•opert.y.
<br /> ,. 9: Gondemaatiam ' The proceeds :of ar.�• srs•srd or cl�i�si for dar.z�ges, direct or eonsequeniial; i:i conneetion
<br /> . ; ` wui� zts�y uc�ntieuuia.ixUn or u[iaei• cai:iu� ui si�e i'ru��ectv , ux ��art ciierce�i, �r iur �.uii� �yeiit�e iu ii�u u; c�uu.;d�,nii-
<br /> '' Lion, are hereby absigne� and sliwlt L+�: �uid to Le:ror3er. .
<br /> • In the event of a fotiai ts�king of the :Yro�ierr,yr,. tl:e a�r�ceec?s 53�si1 t1e applied to the �unis �scured by this :�iort- z
<br /> gs�ge, ayith Lhe exeess; i. any , }>�id to Borrower: I�� the eve;it US a parti�I iaking �i t7�e I'roperty, uniess Borro;ver ;,,�,� . . ' ,» }, y. -
<br /> and Le�der ot33e��cr•ise agrec: ia tivrit�ing, tl�ere si�agl , �e aq�plicii ia il�c .s�xins seeured bi t}iis 11orLguge such �rropo:- •
<br /> tioa of fhe proceeds �s is equal ta that proporcion which the KzuounC of the surns secured by this Afortgage-imme- c; � `.�, - s
<br /> diateky prior to,tl:e dste af taking beacs to the €ai� cnari�et vaiue oi tI:e Yroperty zrnrnedia�t:ely- prior t-o the date of ,�.t` z,
<br /> � , tsising, ivit�,tke,laa2��ee�cf zi:e prnreeds raid to Barrotiver. �r�,
<br /> If thaPr4d�erty ie alaaadoaeci bv Borrosver or ii niter notice U}� Lender to Borrosver that t}�e condetnnor offers < ""�,���'` •
<br /> to make au.awani ar sctW3� a c13ir� tar due�ges, Bormwea• fuils to respond to Lei�der wrthin 30 days of the -date
<br /> qf ,suoh notace, :Lender is aubharize<3 ta coilect uu,.l ap�a1_y t}ie }3roeeeiis �t I.encler's .opt3on eitizer io resiva�aiicr ur
<br />�, , rc+gair:of the YroperGy orto the'attms ser.ureK by t-his �ic+rtg�ge. . ;
<br /> lJnLess .�.e:nder aad t3orrower othex�vise �gree i�z �vricing, any suah appiieatson oi proceeas. x,o priTaeipsi snaii �
<br /> •
<br /> � . ,M,
<br /> �'` „ , , E_ �
<br />� �
<br />