<br />� _ ,
<br />.r. . ' � ,
<br />� ;
<br /> , �
<br />��. _�
<br /> _ . .�.�.:«�°�»
<br /> �. �
<br /> :ao& eactzncd or �>a�z�on�: t�xe �lue : u::te ui ttee sx�e�ni.izi` r.:,t�t3n�e.:::s icierre.i tc� ies }�nraerarsi7s I anc3 2 'tiereai or
<br /> citange ttae ��iso;�nt oi sueh inst;�llxs�ent:,�:.
<br /> ' � �Q- �`=3'i`-s"-'£ �^:�«rB�.�'v+"".�2u.�� �Alt'_'P.SFOdY d�T il4t' Ii115i." -1�AS 13:t4'f]l2lIT� O'f 31iQ(IIRC�:t:POCi Ot� �3TY:OTt:3EHtI0i1 9T �.f:8 .6iTIDS � . : . ':.
<br /> secua�ed b�- zh:s _liartgage grar�t,eci bv Lk;ni�er to an4 �ucc�sor i�x :serere�€ oi Borro,e-i.r ;�aati r.oi .o�Erute to setease,
<br /> in any a�sn�ser� ; t?�e li�3�ilitv t�i tl�e e,r-�inal 33�rxoac•er anii 33orron'erv sur,r�sar_= ;n in:eresi: g_eaaer sh�i! noc be
<br /> requir�� to ramzx3enee �aceedings agaiPa�i �ur,ia �ucc�,w� ar s°eiu:;c� tu e:�ten�i iimc ior,ps}�nse.�t nc 4tf,ercvise suodify '
<br /> aanoris�sii�n oi . �he �ura� secured Dt t3zi� '+1ort��a�e 17}• rcas�a;z �< caa:s• ciea:s:aiic� x7ae.'.e b�� t}xc orzgiaaa� �a�rra;cer and
<br /> �" , Baarnower's �t�ec+�sors Sn inte�t. -
<br /> # � IT; Farbe+�aace 3ig Leasiez i3at a Waiver. .�ay s"urbe�ra�;ce i�y L��der in �serc:sing any �-ight nr re�.;,�,•sJ _
<br /> ' �,. �SETCIIiit�,QT3 @Ln��k"""i .S4. S':,rO.ucu.�uy :�}i�4SCri0i4' � 9tL:5'. 5#7:311 'Rtnf Ytn x w�' , � ^.; .LS� yeeti'ut:c Ci�e:' CS@.[CA:C �^Ji:'321]7 Tlg}I� �
<br />�7 t .. � � t�P fCL3�JC4j* tXELC41�Cc4i. L�.?k: a7TY1CiYSBC3Ed1G 0�1� � iT1SL4!".Y..7C�E fYP t�'IC �� 7A3?\71?GI1G Ci1 t37ifS (}2' C�.L�lCT . 31�475 Q? �Ct'3�'&.I�,C'c .. �P �E`IIi��I �
<br /> lf:, -�'aIl nos b� s w�Sa-er a# �.,�nde�'s ri�l�i t� acceleraie ttie tatsturicc ut zhe inciebter3nes� sec:ured b�• xhi ?�Lortgage.
<br /> " 12 Aaaredies 4:vazutcctiv�. :�l! ren��iie� ,�roz�i�e�a i=n t:��,, .1gos7;gage are us�tinet ana �camubatase fo �ny ottaer
<br /> � " ' - �3 � � E1}�'13G Y9S 1k,'I91Q(�Z',"ll31l�Ct �.3d3S �.t4FL�TA�P, l'?i' :iS23?YY$Ci! Uti 38R' S3Y� 4'£�L1!£1'.� 3i'ft2 I313Z' �71[ Clif'.TCl.s£d CUI1G't1T3'�IlLt V.-�.Ei1QC'j3EY1!Q-
<br /> ; � ' entiy nr suer�siveic. r - , �
<br /> 33; Sticeessaas rmd Assigais Bouadx lmint ,c�d Sevezai E.iatxiti4y: Cagfions. Tlre tocertsints :�.nvi a.greements
<br /> g a
<br /> � • ' �ierein eouz,ain�a �tva9i ban+�, snd :3re *i�nt� 3�er�un�er ��#aar� ic31ire t�r, t�rc res�a�ecc3� e :;uccc.,.ro� .��ad �ssigns tif Lender
<br /> � , � rck Borro*�er: wabject tti ihe grvvz�iorL o€ ��araerz;tii� 3 : i:ca-eni. .�?I rc�venaaiz:, an�i ts�reeuierats oi Borrouer ' shsll
<br /> 3.ie joiut amd sei'�r3i. 1'he. rs�Z.a 'sor.s and isa�:�duxg - ai' tl�e �zara�rs�}hs 'os ti�is \ls�e•"c.+�mge �re :ar con�-en;ence on8v and
<br /> are aot t.o be usa�3 cm in�rprnt or deai��e zkae I�rc�c-ision. Y�ereoi_
<br /> % ? 14_ Notiee_ i�y riQticr, ati Horm�;-er yaroti-iiied Fv¢° en : l�ia _l3oi-t�a�e si;ala d�e �iti-tn ng r=?;ai�ins; such znavsee 6r :
<br /> r�rcific*ci �i��il s:L��rc�:�:e Ss.� �3�rraa�e. .�i . . :� Prui;e,^,c� _�tiiirc�s .tr. i��t 2iele7�.• . t�ecxrt. fur ain�' i:e,iice aeoayir�ti ux�der
<br /> giaragr�.�ti I£ laere�oi tu �>e giveaa to Bi.r:-��r�t�er in :i�r a7ic�an:�2• ikrE=crihed i,c az�p6ic�:3hle la�,-: an�• noiire prarirleci
<br /> ' fos zm itiia '�F�rrtgzz�e ,hnl l l:µ +iee:x:er? to i's3�-x> 2ei e a� �i�eri to F3+�rrou-r' i• i� i;cei �ii-e:� �r. t}at a�stinner cPe�igusstee3 herein .
<br /> .,_.. .'d '�«..� n�c •+g g> t^ �,oam�is I.aw: Severabtltiy. 1tt+T ieartz i�i s�vr_.rnq. >e �n.,, h ,at . .. ,
<br /> ,_ ._ _ , _ ..�..;s
<br /> � ZOS211�I031$� �ik.GE 3'tiri nn_= .. ...� a .u � �.c,, : cii�uLd3 Lt'it:']t (3Ii3Itp(i. i'3.i`l.3ISUP_S �� tlaC*c('�]CLIOYI t0 CLaRyf.i4tltE S t7R7.i427t1 � S@CFl- . .
<br /> rity in..�tsvnzeni eoverin� reai }3ruper�.•. .£his \YoE•c�a�c si�arl 1�c �;c,ti-erned ksti- *he :asv ni z}ie jur3sdission in wlaicn
<br /> ; ttte Prag�erty as �ocs#Ed: It. i ?ae teenc e2:si, an�- iaro:•isios� or i�fazzse oi ihis ?�iortgage 4�r t:ae 1oLe conflicts `wiih
<br /> :��sp3ieahde irs5c. suc`rc enn�3ict si:ait t:o[' affeca at3;er �::orisinr., oi t:�i� \Tort�3ge or thi� i:ate tiv��iclx ean ne given
<br /> � eE'ecL uit,houi t3ie cox�fiiciiag pro�-isia�i, anii fo z!zi� cni iii�. ?+x�a�•i;i�ns c�?- 'tfze \1ort�yge and the �,'a#e s*e declared
<br /> Y.o be severabPe.
<br /> I6. Borz�awe:'s Cogy. $orroner shsil l�e ;umislteai s re+aiorrned c.op3• at �nis \Yuti�nage si ihc t,ime oi execa-
<br /> t'son ar s#3zr recor�,siiar izereoi.
<br /> I7. Trcrosfer af the Property; Assumpticn. Ii W11 or anti- n•ari or =;he Properc-z� ar sr. intere�:t iherein is �aid
<br /> or traas�erred by $u�ior«�er rviznout. Le:>aer'c c>rior �Mrixzen con�ens . excitzding # a ;: t?:e creaiiaa o+ a 2ieu or encum-
<br /> � '; farance �asl�osdinate ia tlsis �Ian�nae. +lha qi.e creatiam ut . }�urchsae m�xieg �e.curis:�� interpsi aor lxocisehold agpli-
<br /> ances; {,� a a transier i3r� d���sse: ue�rer.t ar ::�r o�eraiion of ia:s c.pv� the aiesitn of a jaani iena�r. ar 4 � # tiie graut of ;
<br /> any 3eae+eholci inrerest oi ii�rc�e }�ears or It•s�. not conta_nin�* s�; pl;tiaL� tn pure��ace, I:ender i3zati=, aL L�nder's optian,
<br /> , cieadsre �1 tt:e ;umE :ecu_�ed �r�� 4his �Siortgnge icr ix: izsiiiae�i;:�siir c:ue :aascz F�av�3faie. Lender :iyall hsz-e svairer3 suc1�
<br /> � O�EiOII L0� 3CGf��FB 'LE.' � ➢T. DZ`PU.^ 49 tE3C: g91C i)4' T7'^.131�:3{+.P. �..C..iCC* � 3.S�i� i:?t'_ !)P.T':e3t:: E,O ��'i:<)T21 Y�'lt' YSOf3E'i'�.V :c �Q bE SO�ti 02'
<br /> . � LS3trsfE:ItE.''t�� Y2,tiG�i. :1�3'rC'II3El3L 13'i. 4"iYSLIta�T L:a3E Y731. ['Y�t33t OI� 511i:�t i)p[�t173 1� ..:3L15?3CLQ£'j' 20 �L'R 'u;FT 327C� i.i'1'.i�; L12.C' 3AtE!'C�Z�
<br /> . �. , � j33�'.i��� OYS L21C' Si3T13.� ..,`'t'.vIIZ'tYi uy i.itia �svii.t:wg4 ._:: .' 3... .�.. . .`.C'2'_ __'_ _ ?� .T; ... in. . �cb_..�: . � '.•'� �i i . .�a." uu� � 'iiui'vcu.
<br /> . ..y._."..,..
<br /> ihe ogtion to decel�te provi��ec1 in xt�ix ��uragrapis 1 e asn3 if Burrotirer _. successor in intere�t h�ye3ecuted s ��rit-
<br /> ,, . texz as.�xssp�ir�n agreexa�er,s ueeegtea in writin� uti- I .nea,.�er. I:encier c:n:�iS !^clease $arrncver �rom aPl obi'sgstions under
<br /> t�is �Icart.gab=e ana s�e �i+�te.
<br /> • < Tf Lenrler exerc'sses suc'ia o�tio^ zo 3ccelenite, Le�der shaii �naii I3oiYonrer n�tice ui acctleraiiari in vc�ordance
<br /> � ak-itix p���rsgii 1 � tazi�c��i_ �ecii naczcc r:zaii pr�t-'zdt a i>erFcSci ui ii��s fe�; tt:a :a 3fJ ci�cs irnm tf�e da•.e itie notiee is
<br /> .. . T1Fi.E�Ctj . }4'1f�17.C} H'tIICEt �G3'IORE'7 3i1a\ jl � tfl� �llZ11� {�t [ S3St•a C! t 1 * �30Si'p[v[;� 131�3 T.(D (13i �L1C}2 � �litT'�� � �)rinr rn �,i✓n �
<br /> t.3.�7I'$L1QIi u �13l:�1 DG+1'3(M3., 3 vn F.._ .. _ ...a.u,�L : 1T2t1lI' S�.O?.3C't C7 f.e'5�1;..' =tll pIl T3fJ2'I'�ti�'CI. ..a�'O�CC � `dliti TCIT2C�ICti F32I-. .
<br /> tssi�..^w J`r r8P7l�',P9��'3 1$ }'3C'�TCOS . � . . ,
<br /> �. i, . � . . . . . . .
<br /> � ; \a:�-L'�r�os��s Car�s,.a�.�s�s. I3c� a•3-u�c�>r ;� �ad I,�n€3e �• fart.iier cus-ei�ant anci :��ri,c, a5 tallo�c•c :
<br /> ;
<br /> !8. Rcceler¢tiaa: H�medies. ��,cc^�:t a� ; �a•a�-i� E� � � t� � lasrar .i��:. 3 E iiesea?. utwn Barrt�ti3-er :; �re3cla of a�z��
<br /> � ccaver,unt or agreena�ni o� �Srer�o�rer i� tdai - 1lorc�:s�,=. :*�� l�,�iir.� tdi� eocen.ants :i7 ;�e�ti- �ti�l�cn t'luc r�n�- surns secureci "
<br /> ° " i �r��. tF�is 1lsaetgag2_ L�u<3e.¢r ;ari�r r� an celerzstic�n s3� �d1 ..�.�id nvr:ir,�c tn f3as•rw����r a��. � :rrn.��idc�i � iiz �tir�c��rap;� � S +4 �{awseoi�� � �
<br /> t- �seeiil'ni3g . 0;1�9 zt�e k�re�sei� : t31 - c,lae 3rzis�n rresyar��3 +s r �ate x ! i,re. cda i i ; i ct t� , �rrca� � less �xtssry t��a�irt,Y �da�•s
<br /> ,; ? rr,nz t�:e date. ti�ae r caticc �� iri;s=_�ec� tu L,�rrr.r:� i� t>e� l��l .+els , czcl_ 1�� � :cc•�2 �Y !.,r :,r c ,i, �ee ; anii � -� i fhat raittitn to �xtre
<br /> , a . .
<br /> • ; cve;*� �rea.ch �n <�r E:etom t.he ei�xe ss7eei�E�c3 ux . !yr ,�i,tiee ei±u�� re5c�lt iza :ic�celrr;i:i�ra ef zlsc: �um� �ecuted i>v ti�is
<br /> '�Yearz�a� uc=ci �ie U€ the Yr��at:r€:�t. If t}i�� t�r�,ae:i is r.at <�ura?� �.:; ur irrir�r� :?:� daxe ap�ci.fieci in ; ,ac natic�, Len�er
<br /> i
<br /> � 8£ � .;..G'RC�f2''f. ' OR[if?P 1}i:l}' fiCfE<1:£� .a.3! U[ L�:iC �ii121j Sfl'U^L'.C� �.1;' i ;L: � _11.O:I�T3�tl." 2(: ?:C.' 2R;{Il[:CEi3C6'�1�� %.:t5i' :SP.C2 (7:iV8JIL'
<br /> . . �l"12.}l011L.. . Y321'[,�'SQT L1QI23:3i1Cf ':s�^_Y7 7P.,dV � 20T%C�Oac t13i� .�.�C1Lt� �!R,' ItS' ?� i f� it S:i,�� P:'C�CEPt3113f,*. T.t'i3d�_r ft�7''t�l tYk' i P,S .C.�(."d'1 ifl C¢f�LC2 ' ' .
<br /> 33� �d1Cl'k ,j73'OCi'l.'11FT�H� d�] dY�JBPl�k,`�. QI I6.)3'i['/,5IC3�t71'i'.. iilC �21<S91'4�:,, F�l12f� 2334 :1SC@)Y�1? ((}, � �.;,.�,gCS Ibi {Sf1CUk1'tdLl�t83ti 1��3C1�fii41'.
<br /> � . BL�:tTBCf,S SRCI L.lti6 T� T�JO!'C�.. � � . . . . � . . .
<br /> 19. �orrowers Right to 8esa.stafe. \ utti� 3tix:tacrtic�� I ent{ez•;� zreeierscion tif' Y� � �a:srrc ;ceevred b� rh:s
<br /> \iorLgsSe, $arrower �itad.€ ii;ace tiae ri�ht to :a� e anc _irutei�rjinr,; iregisn k��• I.tr�xica� zU enicarrr tizi: _lf�rt�:x� dis_
<br /> etrntinued at ana; time �rior t-ca entrr� ai a j;�e�:�erst c�.:�fo.acank :2�is �San�;aGe i� ; + eai Borru���er •aaa•s f:eu�er ali
<br /> sums;whieh wouir3 be t�eri due unci�r tha �Inn�::i�e. r3�c \r�:� :,ru *�ezas �:cur�iax� �^ s:iurc _� cia•snrcx.. ii ant•; t�sd no
<br /> aceeferatzt>n o�eurred : ab '! Borraaces rwe� all l�re�t•i���- ra� ar.k oriie:° ru+ tnants or ai�rcemrnt� oi Borrow�r coat-
<br /> tained in tn'sz 1tu�tEgs�e � tr1 $urmsverps�-=_ :afl re�as�ns;�i€� t��xats.. rs ir,�,u-r��i i �ti- 7 _t•n�?+:r ity cniorcin� i�ie ro�-er.r:niv�
<br /> . aad agrce -
<br /> - � �Sk0ZtY3. .11{ Bi3;TUSi'E.7 40SlIS2AeQ ➢❑ 8i)3� ��1.'Tr'f £`t! w c dPf� Y41 Pt �. i'�tt 3RL' Y PPIx�y q . 'YS2fiH'.71Pv xg rSnO[ 3`�B({ ! �385^'
<br /> ' - 2'rs;sh l$ iserecifi, inrRet+iin�: hx�t �nr 1•�+,�r �.. ,, n r. > , ,,.,., 1 � . � :, � , zz , _ . ' ,
<br /> Jn .acas:'� � u0�l. ulw3V3n uvti . l
<br /> I.��der may ressonaiaiy require to :�.�use �3�,�t rhe 9ita* n= *. s7i. �1a��gia� I :i.�ia 4 �_.���n t .a . ?:t PrUFrer�ti 3ai?
<br /> F3arrower's nbTigssian to ��3- xhe sums serumd t�y ihi _llo:i �=attt . �.a!! ae�rat.a:ue eana,c�3iair�e!_ L'�,on .�uc:� �»�naent
<br /> � sad earei�y Bozrom�r, fkis '�loaigage and tl;c �b1i�r�tjcra�_ . ervrsu ]v�reh,� � .,_ '>! -eia.ain ira :.s;� imrcc a��3 ztse¢G � it d �v�`_ ,; , g, �
<br /> ' nd scecelsxaGioa hs� nr_essrseci. _
<br /> � ' Zt1- A�s+9aen�emt adR�ts: 14g}1o�tmeat al iieceizer_ ,baudez in Possessicuz :�r,. :scidititanai sr.�riaritt' 3nere- ,� � � , � `�i:e_=
<br /> uM
<br /> , , �+3er, T3ormmer he�iay a�saigt� w Lencirr ��xe mnt� o# .i�e E're}mrt� ;,ra; :c�E�ci r:xat �iosro;r�r siasPt. Izric�r io aceeler- �.q,t �:
<br /> �t.�on undes ,�sr�gra�ia 18 tserecrf os s�ancicrr,n7eut oi t'sae Yro;}ertu Y.�rs= the sigha to cnl (c�r.¢ scaz�3 zetas� �uc� rent= � cn W�`.
<br /> as s�teS' laeeome uue anid p�vahTe. r;:��,•
<br /> : r ;� ,
<br /> 'f3g�rB a�celers%aon umc,T�r �arsiga�}�'ta IS '?�ertwe+i or �i�a3zxsva?ea���nt ae - •i� Yrog;>e�tr_ t.enr2er. Sn ���rs�on. Lg ageni n`: ,
<br /> "� or 3�p ju�ieially a;x�oiut�ad receis;cr �adi t�e +�u�ictea t� a¢lcer �ho�. tai;�. �czs,�e:��aer. vi un.i aan�au��� the P'ru�nti�
<br /> � "• �,� r., ..�.i2 . s�:n. .. . �: �..�. �ss...-.: _ . . , . . : , . . . _ _ � � .. .
<br />�C .•. -� • � . .�.._ �. . .. . w.e_ a.q:s_ w . i. � 4au11StL+, f:ik�ax� lam�t� 31ue. ti.l.t. lcelc.*� CeFa#e*xiY.t2�� YiS 3,..(v[7e1CC CaT t13C� � 1't'Ci?�sviT � � a, .
<br /> S�' ' c�ASl1} �9f• AR�R�twr2li�e�c� A^,rrn r-�» ws �,.'.«.'`µi . `... . «.."._'. u� .a...�i:i�i.fu4aa�. . 9i .♦ �.i' 171i}� _ nik a.iivt ., V� :iL':.:VJS a!! Pt'.'"tCl, d:�xa.iti3iii¢°,. i3iti� -
<br /> • �_ p+r�� .��� . . . . � �
<br /> �a0�': �4iZ11taCR3 '�(!e YYC2Ii �Yc i'EEJi. [1TCIP1fi17TL� (k7Y d't PP9'i'5 ;;.. �M>Px�;� �IIIGi 1'P8_�3I3Si�D}� aLi'.SA2Tt4 , Y�'e SIECd Eisl:i SO {j�t. Siill2fr
<br /> :>eeataeti krt- ihss '�°frsrt��e. I.en�gr �.tnd the rere�e•ea =Eroa!# t�a �i�tile tcs arcauxat t�n.d�� fnr Yha;e :�w��� actt n1{z� rrrei5.c�
<br /> : � ' : E_ : �
<br /> M �
<br />