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<br /> ��6. ..�4 '� ' . - . . .. . . .. . . � . . .
<br /> ��� caata SVo.72^ � � � �
<br /> Laan Nurnbef_33C2�k�___^_2____=�$__
<br /> . . .: � . �� a�ue e.a«cn�
<br /> � 7�''� �1�}35�9 M: C7 R `i' G A;G E
<br /> 3�r , '�' . . . . ' . . �
<br />��. � .... . . . ... .. .. . . . �'- � �.' , ,. ' � �
<br /> � 'I'��Ia�R;�,��'i AG�,t1�ad�an�fi eeecntecl#tiis ...:� �._..::, ... dav of ,�lar✓�-- -.�:..... A.D..
<br /> ; 19_..��_.;betuvveen tI3s T�Yortgagor, -i�r-ihhua.:'_--Gs.eenza:e.c3..a�az3--I'�yzla-..D,--t:r�enf�sl��•--3��hs�ci:-:�a�d wife, „
<br /> ;, each-�.za.-his..and._��.,osa�.,.inr3i.uidu.al.-,�3�ht._��-.a,s-.s�aouse..a�--t.�:.�#,.t�r7--:3o��vly--a�--se:iera3ly,
<br /> , : of___.Grand._�sl�_�d.._.:._., County of .:.:--F.a1.3..:: .....:.:.......StF+ie of:.Zdebr-ask,s--....:�.,hereinafter re£erred;
<br /> to ns,tne Bozroaer. and the 11�4ortgagee; FIRST F'EDEF2�L SAVING��d4D L�A�:ASSOCi.4TION C�F
<br /> LIItiCOI.D7, 12:35 "N" Street, Lincoln, Nebrasl;s CkS501, its successors and assigns,hereinztfter referred to
<br /> 'as Lender.
<br /> �. � � � � � � � � �: : ..�;�
<br /> , ; �iTi2x�.ssExx. That the said Barro�ver far and in consideration o£t3:e sum of.. ...._�_ ....:... .. .. ....__..
<br /> ,. T��T�-�:,�G�:.?'�OU�� 41�._f.`�O/'.�f�S2- .___--_.. . ...__. ._..:.....-£}ol�ars {LTS Q__?-�.tQC1�.:CiQ..._.. --..._.._ )
<br /> : paid by said:i.ender; does hereby martgage, grant and convey t.o Lentier, its succes5an s�nd Assigns, t:he
<br /> :, : fo3lowing described pmpertt located in the Cnuntp of .------...?1�3.7. .......:...,----.-:, Stste of Nel.i.raska:
<br />�� � � T:ryfi '14s�. .{'�� �T.o ijv90# T.*�,�+s,�c,�'r..a�.;.�.,..., :G�y��+.:i:u�;��;�iy.,�i.i i,.i�c �ySi: ut9ii . .
<br /> of the 2vTorthrrest t�,uarter (E�'Nk�) ef Sectian �ieven (ZI), 'Powns7�ip Eleven ;L�
<br /> � - ivorth:, Ran�e'Ter_ (10) kTest of z2ze �itih t�.M., in Ha33 Coun�y, Nebraska.
<br /> t--
<br /> Toc$Tx�s with alI the improvements now c,r hereaffer erected t'n the properiy, and ail ,�aseinents,
<br /> ? ngixix,:uE,�,��;,a....�, rc ..'�, ��f;Aa mineral. oil and �as rights and pmfits: u-ster; wata:r righ�a; And -
<br /> r wrater stocis,�nci all fixtures no�r�or herer�ftez attached to C.he pmperty, ali of which, inctuciing repiace-
<br /> °. � menis anc3 additions thereto,shall be deemed to be and remain a pari of the }>mperty covered i�y this
<br /> ' h4orEgage, r�nci all of the foregoing, together cc-ith said propertti (or the lense�hotd estate in the event t.his
<br /> ` ltitorCgage is on tt Ieasehold) are herein referred to as t,he "Propertv"
<br /> s
<br /> ; Borrower covenants that Sorrower is lawfully seised of tbe estate hereby canveyed and lias the right
<br /> ; ; to mortgage,grant and convew; the I'roperty, #;hat the ProQerty is unencuuibered, and t.hat Borrcr�er will
<br /> - ' warrant and defend genezslly the title to the Froperty �gsinst all ciairns and clemands, �ubjet-i to any
<br /> ' easements an� restrictians listed in A scheduie of e�ceptians io coverx�,e i�i �x,y t.�... •�^r•� *��
<br /> 'S � ,..�....,.....� ,.. ._� ._,_...
<br /> ' 3 suring i,enderis interest in#,he t'roperty, or ("�) attorney's opinion of ti"cie from a6stract of title certifred
<br /> � by bonded abstracter. �
<br /> PuovanEn Atvjrnts;and these presen�s ure executed and delivered upon t:he fc�Ilo�viny:conditions,a�ree-
<br /> menis and obiigations of the Bc�rrower, to-wit:
<br /> y T'he:$orrower agr�es to i�a�; to the Lender,or order, the principal sum of .._._ :...,.... . -..._ ..., ._-----.
<br /> �'. ' :.mr��'Rmv;F�IG�A:�`FiOU`'�AI�3?_d;I�lII}_:."IQ,��.QQ--r_r._---r-.-:-c-----c-.Doll�trs (US�:38.,C3.UQ..QD_::_.....:.........)
<br /> payable as provideci in s note eaeeuted and cielivereci,concurresttit�here�vith,t.he final{�a��ment of principai�
<br /> �a nf not sooner�aid,on the--...lst:_. ... . ;.._. dz�y of... .... .... .... . J??�-Y:__._.., 19.77...
<br /> tJi�zi�oant Cc�vExwN�s. Borroaver and I.ender cnvenant and ngree as foilacvs:
<br /> 1. Paymsnf.of Priaciprsi�d Iaterest. $orrower shall promptly pay �c-hen due th$ �arincipal at and 'vs-
<br /> t:eres�.on Lhe ineiebiedness evidenced by ihe�;ote,�repa,ymen# and late charres as �.�rovit�ed in the :^tc�te,
<br /> and t.he principal of and in�erest�n any Fukure Advances,ecured tn• this �'�inrtgage.
<br /> "�,, 2. Funds#ar Tmces smd Iasuraace. Su}aject to Lender's a�tion under pt�ra�raphs �and 5 heseof,Eiar-
<br /> rower shatl paw fn i,ender on the da,y m�nthitis inst�2imenis of��rincipal and in#erest ar�{aa,yatile under the
<br /> ^ aa
<br /> ; iVnt�, unti!the Y�7ote i�paid in full,a sum (hereia "Funds") ec}ual to �ne-t«<etitt� af the yearl�� t��es and
<br /> i�sessmen#s�r�hich may att.vin prioriY.y over this��or�ga�e, and ground .rents on t.he l'ibpe�iiv;if an�� i�lus
<br /> , ` one-t+�eifth of y^early premflum insf.allznents fnr l�azard insura:nce. plus c�ne-f.��elfth af ye:�x]i� prexniuui in-
<br /> c.. staltmen#s far mor�gage insurance, if anv; rilt as reasanably estimated inziiatl� and fmm xime k� time hz=
<br /> Lender an the�asLs af assesements and bilis and rexisanable est.im�t;es "rhere�f,Lettder s}zall app�y the Fuuds
<br /> r ' #.o pay said tases; ��-4•�ments;insurauce premiums and �round rents. Lender 5hali make no c:harge for��
<br /> i hn}ding �nd appIying the i�`uttds pr verifying and r.ampi}ing,said assessrnents ant3 F�ills. Ti�e I.,eiidea slaa'�d
<br /> ,
<br /> gi�e to the Iiorr+ower,wit.houL charge,r3n�nnu�1 accounting oL t.he Funcis shmtiin£rredii�s and debif,s to t:he
<br /> ,., r unds aitd tiae�aurgjos�ior which eac:h,debit to the l�'unds �s�as ���ade.'I`he I�uncciss are pleclgetl as additianai
<br /> sc:curity,far th+e :�uais sectu�ed bt: t.his i4lorLga�;e. The B�rmwr.r agrees iiiat t:he Funcis mag i�e held b�F the
<br /> ; a s hi
<br /> -; I:ender and comaningled wiLh ather funds�nd #he Lender's own futtds anri ihe I.ender ma�pay suc�h it.e.m5 ,
<br /> ` frozn its w�vn fetutls an�i tkxe Len�ier shaIl;nat be 1iab3e fur u�t.erest or dividencea c+n cuch Funds, `9*;�s s,
<br /> , r
<br /> If the arnount o£the�'unds held.by.Lender,together v�aith t.he futuze niont.h2y installments c�f �unds � ,�g±,��'"
<br /> ; �
<br /> paya�sie priar to fi,he c4ue�3stes af tasec,rassessanents, insurance pretniurns anc3 „rc�unci reni�s, sfxzztl k?x�ec:d ,•,
<br /> r
<br /> ' the�mouat areq�r�ed tn pay said taxes,asscssments7 insurance gremiurns and�x�ouad renis¢�s they faf3 due, _;#
<br /> ,= quch.excess-shal�be,at�3orrvn�er°s option� either pramptiv �a;,a.:-�T.* u::a�,•,••�n�-r•rNde'#p�3 io Borrower on �,�'",
<br /> enanihiy iustalimen�s of �nnds. ?f the.amount of the Funds held by I.ender shall nat k�e �uf�cient fa pati�
<br /> t.ax�, assesemenks, xnsurazice pr�ttaiums and grarend reats as #,he3r.!all due, f3vrrower shall pa1� to Lender �
<br /> r any amovat necesaat�yr to.snake ug ihe defitaancy mtlain tts:rt�- d�ys after notiee frcam l.enc3er t;�BorxYiw�r
<br />�; ^equ�.`.iz.�tr ga;�en i er�uf, �r �suiruwCr�3uar� uv an increase an montniy Ynsr.sliment.c oa r'unds requ�rc�r9, f
<br /> m,*a,* the ta �i z^��z�c� t^.'L.hi^i',�.t F�.:.-s-' .:u;,c:,,t:r,�. �r�.xl.: �
<br /> �7�� P$.Ytuent in full.e�f a11 sutns secured b� #his l�sor:�a�e,Lender shall appl.r Fun�s Iield as ai credii �
<br /> again.ct,a11 sums due_
<br /> = �- i;_. ' �
<br />�
<br />� J
<br />