� �.
<br /> . 3 .�.;;�,.�JY��
<br /> � t( Y { �s 1 �
<br /> :fk tA7� yMP�I'P�l�d"A�'+41 � � OfIfF'fk�� R ' .�•^ d dAs� N^ f[ i' ac snade� Uf 4 �.n � °(cnpinrv'PA \ =+ dntL � "L'Adhd" . rinulMt"tl , . 1 . sNY�1.e— f. �..+�".3.�u&k:'!
<br /> �a�lli���� ttf){!�)".: ttid�i �i;{RY ItdM4.�.�'l !ltld'C1Y�I�:c^# 1r' ��a;PJ�'1P Ind td�vP w;� iw" 4d iRcc �if��� p4 # a � -�x' A1m ..1C^'.]0.�,dx..+ t�.rla iap' � .ria�Aa*S. .� 114 � tew�c#xn
<br /> ?` �/ 11 � .� at �.�c • � f, :- �.7S ��t'i €�a�.t+'
<br /> �"AN:� �1 �a'2�4"'f a,��". lCl4` E15itAk= U". S1 � .��LF ,�„f.1uWFx ^ xYw.s t a ' " iti�.k ? ?,.r� a �tfr3ta . � k¢a�.! t , . .
<br /> . �. �� W ��. �.. �T313"� 3i"y1�e�ix'.`14� nI1` }SdK � �l �,Ai`3ltC'M Ik' �rs'4"'M� '4+rr . �4�% �sa ➢ 9S3('k1[.si 7k< a'FR'"�I ��f � A'Aiw,�K"!� .
<br /> unefcs �l�r ;+w�xti �sa�d �r:�r���,�+iz� ! aa:s,t �' t.� a�r��f ri�ai & i,� :rp�t,(u•�z f .±, 1 .�-t�i� r tirwt xa� ���� ak .=-nt x»f .:�r,���,satw � a.xy�k�lr t�i
<br /> �.etu�ee^ by kitrtriuuwnr uaudrr ��s�'agraµw4r 2 ��rrrt�f. tb'a+rx� tn ints�,���s }�sw-a's,t�r u�ci t (�,� 1c;t.� � r.ai �ac, F�baurrc .A4lti•unr� � a!
<br /> ,� �Y, and t.k�mas t� tthe ��ri�em{ui! ot thr iics�r„c� axii! tcr � i� prin+nl �.u. ��r D�'A�curr '�+ fti uxur,:. ae :,,ei,v. �
<br /> � 4. t�mr+�s: �'.i�aa. P3werower ►zr,as.li �r�y n[i t��n. �eaaua„r�xt,� s�.u<f ��ct.��r rtl�,,r�c�, !�a�+e� �.YuE irr��.wai��v�� attrst�-
<br /> � ulalsle ta thc I�'s+�erGy vwhicfi map m,r�tuir� � �rnra� irtp .o��r rl�r� �ir�rt��«, r��,# ;rouii,i x�er�c:,, ii n�>�, ar. Len+t�er"e
<br /> � � optit+�h it� k�ha cat�rzmar prarvaderY ttncter �sr��ru�rh � )rerr�£ �is� hwT 1lnrnnwr•r saa�kin�{ paiyrn�nt , whra �lua. e�ixactly to
<br /> � Llae p�ayea 4htzeaf_ Borrerwer ahall E�r+aar�F�tfy furirt,c4 t�i I.er�Jer all notMrr� oc ara�oucit�a �iva> � mster tl�iw parsgra�ah ,
<br /> r a � aatd: �n Lhe ear�nt Borrowr�s atwm.11 rsyatc� j�ayraieuC dt.�c[ly , T3uar�rM•er �lia�ll �+raxn� l,y turni�i� tc7 I.c�xalar reaeipt� rvi-
<br /> ; � dencin� suekr� fxey+Aaent:�. �orrawzr A}rmti rrrasn��tly clia;efiasge ucxy �iPn whi¢it �ras ;rriori!;y nvea thit� 11ortg�nge ; pro-
<br /> � J� vide.�3; thetf�rrawer shsAl nof. k�u rcr;utrer� Lo �iBel.:4rge :any nue•h ;iesa 7o Icur� as �.iQrec�wer sliall c��ree in writin� to
<br /> A � tha g�ymant of th�e ouligat�n z�eeure3 by such lien in a inanner neceptablc co I,ec2i(er, �r �t»1£ in �ncx3 faith e�nfc�t
<br /> suah �ien 6y, ord�fend enfoFcernent c�€ suali lien in , lega! proceentiz�gs �vhicli operate to pre��ezlt the r.ntorcement oi
<br /> y�' . Lhe liaen nr farfei�.e�re of� �he Yra�.�rty �r� any �� irart the:co:. � � � ��
<br /> ' i �; Hazard Insurmses. Borrowcr st�ull keep tl�e iirif>rovecnents rioµ� existing oc liereattcr erected on #;he Yrap-
<br /> r erty ia�stve3 against loss t�y fire; hazards included within the term "eactended covier�ge", and such etlx�r �Azsrds as
<br /> , , � Lend�r may requia�e and an suc�x amounts and for sv�3� F�eriods a� L�nder u:ay require ; proti�iciec3 , thaL T.ezmder �h�il
<br /> : not requixe thstt tf�e ummint of such cowerage exceed that nmounL ei covern�e rec,�vir�ci to pay- the sums secured 'by .. . ',
<br /> yr � tlais 2k�Sortgsge. ' ` ;,
<br /> 'Ftte insuranee carrier proviciing tFte iit�urac�cc shali tie chose.rt ��y 13orro���er suliject !u approvat , by- I.ender ;
<br /> s provided;that sucI� upprcrvai shal! not be utxrensonably withkieid. .411 premiums c>xi ine�irance poli�ie� shaf l 6e paid � '
<br /> ;� at Lemder's option in tLz �Y�iui,er provided ur.c7er paragra.pl3 'l l:ereof or by 73orcower malting ��aymeTxt, vc}ien due,
<br /> � ; direetly to the 3rrsu.rance carrier. ;
<br /> , ; J Ln the eveinf ang poiicy is not renewed on or k�efore ten days o€ its expiratian, tk�e Lender, to protect
<br /> ' " ' its interest, znay procu;e insurance an the . im ruvements s , ` ' -- .
<br /> � p , pay the premiuz�s and such sum hrill becomv r,.
<br /> � � irnmediatelv due and payable with interest at the rate set forth in said note untiL, puid and sha)1 be
<br /> ' i ' secured by this Mortgage. �z+ilurA 6y' Borrower to c�mply may, at eaption of Lender, constitute a default ,
<br /> �, '� under the terms of this Mortgage.
<br /> All ineurance polieie� and renewal� tlz'ereoC siir�ll Le in torm ar.ce�cable to Le�der iinci sha11. inelude: u standard r .
<br /> , �' � znortgn�;e olausein favor of xnc3 in form accePtxble to Leniier. Lender sUalI lia� e the c�ight to ;�old tFie policies and , ';
<br /> ,� renevKai� thereof; �nd Borrawer s�iAll px•onxptly furnish fc� Lcndnr ai1 rei�e�vat no*is�:s and alI recei��ts of pnid pre-
<br /> miums. In the e�•ezit o£ loss, I3orrower slia!} give �irompG notiee io t�e insuracice currier and Lender, ane� i�nder
<br /> � . � xz�sy muke proofcckf loss :ii not rn�,de promFGly by E�orro�-er. � , ',
<br /> s Linless 1.ender and Borrower othenvise agree in svriting, insurancc proceeds Sliatl be applied tu restos°ation or
<br /> ; retaair. of the Prooerty tiamaged, }iravi,�ed such restorstioci o�� repair i� economicaily iesqib�e nnu tFye seTurity -n£ " r �
<br /> ; i Bhis R3ortgage is not tliereby impaireti. If suc}i rest4r.ition ui• repair ;s not eeonaniic�lly feasible or if ,the security
<br /> ' ryf this .liortgage tvnuld be ixnpa.ired, ihe insur�nce F�roeeeds sliatt be :_pplied fo the sums secureii kay� this 1lortgage,
<br /> > with ti�a excess; if any, pazd to Borrower. Ls' Lhe Yropei�ty a� al7aauianeci by L;orron-ci• or ii �orrawer f�,iIs tosespond
<br /> � s ta Lender witIiim 3� days sfter notice 'by Lender to: Borroryer ttiat the insurance carrier offers- to sett3e`a clauir for ' `
<br /> �� insuranco benefits, I.endex• is uuthorized to coilecti and appIy fhe insa�rnnce proc�eds at: Lender's option �ither tcs
<br /> cr
<br /> � restoration or repasr of the Froperty or to ,tlze swps secured by this tilortgttge;
<br /> � Zinless Lender and Borrowex:'othenvise agree in writing, an� swch applicntion of proceeds to principal she.f3
<br /> ` f ' not e�ctend.or post�ne the due date of the incanthly inst.:illments referred to in,' paragrap'tis 1 and 2 hereof at change ` ` ' � '
<br /> + �' 'tfte amount of sueh instnllmenCs. '
<br /> , £ I£ pnder ��siagraph:l8 �ereof tlie Property is acquii•eci by Lender, all riglit, title and interest af Borrower in
<br /> , ,F;� and to any insuranee policies and in and to ,tlie proceeds �liereof ( to ihe extent of the :sums secured b�<tix�s :1�1ort-
<br /> F't t gage i�nmediately prior tio such sale or acquisition j resu3ting from duma�e to tne Froperty prior to tlte s�le : or ` �
<br /> � � � , acquis3tion shali pa$s to;Lender. , ' ' '
<br /> � , y 6. Preaervation msd'Mmntenance of Propertyr Leaseholdss Co:sdominzums_ Borrower shnll keep: the Yrop-
<br /> ` erty in gaod repair and shslI noi permiE or commit vvaste , impairmeat; or deGerio�•ation of the Propertg snd shsll + �
<br /> i ' � compl� wi�h t2ie ��rovis'aons of any ]ense, if tlzis �'iortgage �s on a leaselio]d. Sf tliis D1ort�+.age rs ai �t aondo�ttinium
<br /> { unit, Borrower shail perfornz ali ai l3orrower's o6li�ations under the decluration vf condominium or mast.er deed ,
<br /> H. . ,n tkxe by-laws nnd re�ujatSons of �t�e; condominiurn project �nd constituent documents.
<br /> 1 :� 7. 'Protection of Lendez's Security. If Borrotiver iails to Perforan the covenanis �nd sgreements contained 'in
<br /> ° tfais lioitgage, or if any acf,ion- or proceeding is comrnenceci �vhicit inn�erinlip affec:tsS:ender's interest in tilae Prop-
<br /> ` � " erGy, iz�cIuding, but not limited to, omineni doan�in , insoivency ; cude enforcenxent, ;ar arrangements ar pracee�-
<br /> `'� � iags invoiving.a basakruPt or deeedent, then Lender .3t Lender's optian, uf�on notiLe to Bozrowcr, mav rnake sucfi
<br /> `" � ;appeazances, disburse suelx surus and take sisch action ias is necessargr 'to proteei .Lender's in#,�rest, including, but
<br /> �, nat tirpited to, disburseuient of reasonable attornev'G feae c�nd entry a�por ihe I'roperty to sYiake sepairs_ �ny
<br /> � � aznoun�s disbursed by Lender pursuant to il�is parn�raph 7, svith interest tlzereon, sliall beeomc additionat indebt-
<br /> � ; y edness o[ $orrower secured by this 14or€gn�e_ Unless Borros�er ac�d Lender agree xo otlier tercros of psvment, such
<br /> ` ' ;g amoun�@ shall be.paysble upon notice fron� :I.ender to Borrower requesting �s;vment tliereof, mud shatI bear inter-
<br /> 1 � ,'K, , . . ,
<br /> � ;,� est from' tl�e date,of disbursemeritat t.he rate stnted in the \Totr �.�rle� r,a>n±:a�t vS ir.ta:�t at such rs�e w--ouid b�
<br />� .= coutrazy to app3icabie law, Sn �vhich event such nincsunts sfiall bear interest� nt tlie highest rate �ezmissible hk
<br /> a� � ap�licable law. Notl�ing contained in tl� is �rt�.ragrapl� 7 sli �ll rec� uire 7,ender to ineur any_ r:xpense or do mny aet
<br /> 4 .� hereunder. >
<br /> i � 8- Inspactian; I.ender may make ar cau�e tu t,e macic re.�onsiise enfrfes upon and ins}�ectiot3s of the Prop-
<br /> � v , ': , . ; .. . '
<br /> a er�Y, P34vided ti�at -l�ender si�a13 give I3orraca^er notice � �i-ior fo r�nv sui•I� in.nrrtinn sj7ecit�•ing ir:i�c+nribte causc
<br />� s - th�r-e£Qs related to:Ix?izdar's irate_*�at in th� Pr�er��•. - ' - �
<br /> � ,� S. Gondemaati�oa '1'he pr�ceeds of ai�,y- srvard or clstim for dama�es, direct or oonsequential, in connection
<br /> �„ � �vith "arsy xondemna€�ian ar :ar,t�er ti�king of ttie Yrop��rty, or 3�art xi�ereot, or fUr rouie,yasice iri laeu ui con.lernna-
<br /> �'ti � titsn, ar+e hereby ass:gned amd shall lie psid to I.ender,
<br /> �, •� Tn t.he event of a tptai ta.2cing oi klie Yrop�rty, the ��roceed� shalf lxe anplied ta the tuin� secured h�y this Mtirt- „ , . '
<br /> ,
<br /> ; a e �r�th the excess, if any, paid "ta Borroiyer. In tUc e��ent. of s purtiul t.�king o� the 1'rope.rty; unles� Sorrower r c�, �`�
<br /> r x � g �
<br /> aud Le3ader othet+vise a ree in w-ritin thart� slzall be a > >lieci . to tIie e:ams secured by t�is _liort a e such �° l`
<br /> ' � >"�' E &� . 1 I K B �ropor- � � a�d.ti
<br /> � t9an o�t �he proceerig � is �qz�,i L�o that r ro;�orz,on n-1�inh #!� amo�nt u? tlxe suins sacurer3 cy t�is lZor'..;age imme- ,
<br /> "� � rli�tel�t pt�oi� ta, #:he �ciate of taking tiears t,o �tie �sir usxrket value ot tlie Propecti�� izrnnediatelv prior to the date of , �
<br /> u tai�e��ng; "a`i�#h t,}�e:�,iaLa��4e�i th+e proceeds gaid t+� Iiorrower. i :>. �
<br /> r4 a 1� a�he Paoper6r zs abssidr�ne�3 by i3tsrrowe�a or if 3fter aaotire 7�s* T.ea��3nr to �io*r+as��e� thst t�e ronde�no:: o�'ers �., >.
<br />�,, < to �sfa�:ai7iaxc",ai^d'. r�a, seLtie. a cl�.3m for ciu[�3s�ea. Bntt�owea- [aila tc� r�pond t.n T,Pr�der within 30 d!;ys t�f t�e date
<br /> �'r � of sxtc�i ,tsptiCe; I,ead�er is uu#3aorised ta eolieet xnc� a}��yly t�e;}troceeds at T,ender's option eiil�er to restprat:ion or „;„� ' �'
<br /> reR,�7�;4s# �e k'mper�y or #o:the s�3ris secu,rce! !sy tius ;#Iortgsge.
<br /> �° Uzslei�s �.�ender and Borrcrwer at�er�ris� agrpe in ::writing, any s�ch application of praeeeds to principal shail
<br />� �
<br /> py j , �,. 1
<br /> A � i' .. . . � �� " . 4nMWu . � .
<br /> 4.. .. . ... .. . .... >.. � . . . . .{� . . . . .
<br />� '. . . .. . _ , . . . . .
<br />( . . . . . . . . . .. .
<br />