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<br /> r
<br /> �, '::,:'�
<br /> �,.__. �
<br /> �� II�DIYIDVAL _
<br /> DtJB ON 3A.LE
<br /> r SAVfN�'s� FL.7ND
<br /> ,�.:. FOAtM N8.720 . . . . . .
<br /> , ��W Loan Number--.3355��__� _18A_�_ t,__
<br /> �rrue �Hr.nch
<br /> r
<br /> n�^� .�. `1���,,�_4.f���� ���� .. .� � . .: .
<br /> ,�� ! � . N[ C� R T � A� ...C"� E �� `;�;
<br /> .> .
<br /> ,
<br /> , � �
<br /> �a�
<br /> �,� R'I��S"MC3R'�`CAGF.,rnade nnd execut�ed thir� .,.. .., 17th.,_ ...:dag of ....: .Jun�:'_ ... ...�...... A.D., , , .
<br /> � � t9 ��' between the�Mortgagar .Az�uc.a.�.4 ki.ex�.e aztd A�hh�s .� �'�.erc�... hus�hand.and.s,�i�e:,...
<br /> y.� ja�i4��x �[!S� 4�� �X�.�r��� R�Rk..7K��tk,. h •
<br /> � . .. ..._ . ..,._. . . ,._.� .. ._,.�....
<br /> �v� o� ...._...Grand,;Tslanci'..., �o�ty o� _.. .._.. :�,a7��.......:...... State e4.::N�ktxaska......., h�xeuxaftex^.ref+erxerl ` ,
<br /> � to u.g the $or'rnwer, �ncl the Mort�agee, �TIZST FET.?�RAL SAVINGS AND LS)AN�15SqCCAT1�7N GF
<br /> I,TI'�TCOLN, 1z3� "I�Ix'BtreAt, I�incnln, NEUruska 685Q1,its sEiccesyure and aasi�;n�,hereizinEter r�farr�d:la
<br /> �. �as Lender.. � � � ; �
<br /> ' 'W't� �sfier�t That ttze said Borraw�r fox and in consideration af t�lie�um of TH�R.TY SIX '�ETQU�S�ND
<br /> x� ' AI�tD.N4�1Q0--_ __�_,_�_M.________�______-----___---- r 36 OUQ 00
<br /> ; . _..... ,..._... .._...: __..... ......-. . .. ..:. .....�.. ..__.....__.:�.lnl,ara (US � ..�_... ....,.. . r .,:..) ;'
<br /> ,� � paid by;;satd T..eYader, does herekky rnort�a�{c,grant ancl convev to Len�ler yts successa�rs �tad tts�igns> thc '
<br /> foliowing descrri�ied pruperty IUcated in the Cotanty o� :... .. I�al? .....„Stute of Nebraskff. " `
<br /> �� . .
<br /> (� . ,... _..
<br /> � �
<br /> IRot;S:ixty:c,ix (66) Wo1Pe`s Subflivision iri the �ity af �. ,�
<br /> t;'� Gx.r�nd Island, H�17. County, Nebraska. r`
<br /> �^� t
<br /> ti �,.
<br /> � r
<br /> T'oc�Txr:� with all the iniprovemerat� now or hereufter erected an the praperty. and all:�.abernents, , ` '
<br /> �}� rights,:appurtenances,rren�, roynities;mineral;,oil anti gas right,s and profits; wttter, v�at�r rig�its,. and � 3y
<br /> -� watex stock,und all fixtures now or hereafter attached to the property, ail of which, including replace- '
<br /> �;� ments and adctitinns theree�o, shall be`deemecl to be an<i' remain r� purt oC the;�roperty c�vered kry this �
<br /> �x:` Mort a e• and all o€ the fore oin Eo ethc�r wiCh said ro ert �`
<br /> � g , g g, g p p y (or the lenseh�old e�tate 'in the evenG this
<br /> " Morfga�;Q is on a leasehold) are herein'aef�erred to as the "Prop�rty': : " ` ''
<br /> Bor�rower, covenants that Borrower>-is I�twfully seiseci of the,estxte hereby conv�yecl and ha,s the right }
<br /> , , ta mortgage,grant snd;convey.the Proper�y,hhat the Property is unencuinbered,and>i;tutL Barrower will
<br /> �;. wnrrant;:and defend generaliy the titie to �.he Property a�ctineL sll claim� und demandc�, suhje4t ta ttaiy �; > � .
<br /> r �tasoments and restrietions lisEed in a schedula of exceptions to coverage in any title snsnrnnce policy in- r
<br /> � �� �
<br /> ,,. _ � ; , ,�
<br /> r� suring Lender's'interest in the Property,or (3) Attorney's opinian of title firom e�bstract of title ceri�ified
<br /> �+"; Uy bonded abstracter_ '
<br /> 4: ,._ .. . ,_ �. . . .. .�.� .� . . . - .,� ` � i: ,`
<br /> � I'aWv,tn�a..Ax.waxs, and thesr� presents nre oxecuted and.deliv;�red upon the fallowing conditions,�ree-
<br /> 4 ,
<br /> �,� inents And obligation��f the T3orrower;; to-wit:
<br /> The F3orraw�r agre�s to i�ay t,o the Lersder or arde�, thc� �rxncipai sun�of THTRTY._:S�X.THOLTSAN� AAID
<br /> " :..I3�4f.1QJ(}-:..._._:. .. .._., ....�:---t)ollars (US �.,.�6.,DQQ.QQ..::� .._. _..:..) �
<br /> °� pay�blQ as provided in��x nc�te esecuted and delivereti,cuiicurnenidyF herewith,the fiuul paymnnt o£princ:�ipal,
<br /> � s if not eovnex paid,on the .�...:.lac....:: ... duy;of. ..June ... :..: .....::: ......:�3�:.�496 ` ' �:
<br /> ,'�� Uari�ans CcivErrwxTs.Borrowt;r and L�nder oavenant end agre�a�fallows_-
<br /> .€ 1. Pcymen#.af 8ziacipa3 and lntorQaL= 13orrow�r shall gronu��tly pay w�en d3ie tho priri�ipal c�f and in-
<br /> �, : terest on tha indebtedn�ss�videnced by i,he Note, prepayrnc�nt und lal,e eharge�fls presvided in l�lua Note,
<br /> and ttae principal Af and:int�rest an any X�utura Advnnces secssrud by this R1ort;�agn.
<br /> �' � 2. F'unda for Taxes and Inaucrance. Subjc�ct'to Lender'�opti«n und�r par��raphs 4 �nd 5 k�erea£, 33or-
<br /> �� i»wer shall�ay:�p Leniier on Lhe day monthly ir�taliments uf pris3cipa�l ancl intertisk ura�a,ya�le���c�r bl+c
<br /> '� Nate un�il'the Nr�te is paid in�vll,a surn {�erein "�unds") e�ua2 to one-tweltt.h uf tiec:yeariy t�xca �n��
<br /> �•- a5ses,amcnta whieh may.attain priority,o^ver t1uA'MoaCgs+�e, ane3 �round rencts on the Pro►rerLy, if any ��lub
<br /> �'� , one-twelfath`of ,yearly premium.xnstaliments [or hazarcf insurance. �>lu�vne-twelith n#vearty premiurra in-
<br />� � ataliments for z:aoct�a�eia�nrance, if zany, all a�reasonnbly e�tiinaeLed initialiy and fnsrn :it�e i;� tinz�by �
<br /> , I,er:d+er ora the taesis vf asr�se�ments and ksills�nci r�:��unr�ble uetiznai..�a bl�ureu[ ]..�nder c�hali a��E�Iy#�laa S�c��4i�
<br />� ; t.�pay sei,c�iax�s,assesrsments,in�urnn�ce pr�rmiucn� and gmunci re^nts l,enaer;i3m11 mai>e s�a c�xx�� tsar�� iTi
<br /> : hnldi�e and ap�ily�ng tliP �u�d�er vp�:�ty±r�o�+ncl s�vrY�iling:.�i� r,.,,.�s�.�n:� �:.c� 6i2Ls ?'h,. ?�.^.a.,. Ir:!! �
<br />�E� �ive to tlse,Eiozsatver, without ctxarge,stt an3nual Aceour3ting af t}xe Z�'�ncls showing credit.e and deb�ts trr the
<br /> Fuueis an.d xhe.�urgnae fvr�vhcich eaah d�:bit to t1�4 Fut�cis waK marT�e, The Funds ure pl4ag�d ns additiotzal
<br /> N� , ' i�ccu�sitp�r the �ums.secured by this�+✓Tortgage.The F3onrower a�-ee>e that the F'unrls�a3� be held kry �he w
<br /> ,� � T,encier at3d cotramiag�ed.�vitl�t other£uzicls ar3d tke I.enc�er'a�wn fuzids And i�he Lenc3er me,Y pay ezxch iGems
<br /> Fram its cswn fiands and the Ler�der shaE�ncyU be lia�le for interest or ciividenda on such �unci�. r4 ° �'�
<br /> � ha
<br /> � �f�2�se a�aa�,uit.o#�tlze Fsynrls�elsi by;3.�et3der,to�et�,er with t1� future mont�ily inst�al}�nents ai Fundt3 �
<br /> a
<br /> " pays�sle��tsr t�:�Ehe�ri�e dates ar#Eaxes, aas�esmett#as, xzasurance pretraiums and graund �eats shali exceed ` �"�
<br /> �� " the�noua►t reqa�esi+Gri ay�aid tases;asse�ments,ansaat�nce�premiums and gresund ren��s they#a!i due. , ,
<br /> Gi n..
<br />��, su�#��e�ees �h�11'be,��t�orrsawer'a og�ioan;�it�er:pz»in tly re�aid to Iiorrower or eredited to Borr�c,wer c,n ?, ,,,� ;
<br /> i p
<br /> .�, snaz�t331y'°�n�t�ttmeats. af;.F'tmsis...If,the �tn�zaut uf s2�e Funcis�i,alci by L�der skaall nut 3�e suificien:.Go �ay .�<
<br /> tm
<br />�- , t^,axe�nz, aaeeHstqes��> iaf�uT�n�e.pr�-mixi�s�an�graun�ie�t.�2s �he� £xll dut t3n^aei�er s�rx13 p35�t� Ler_der
<br />�s'� anY�m�a�ent`ne�s�lry,t�o maite�p#he"de&eaeaev vpitlrisa-#urty�lasas after aotice irom L�ertc3er tn Sorca�ver
<br />� � xeq�aeeti�ig..pay�n�n�'�sea�of,�Qr 8or�rnwaea�s�sll,3�y �n�crea�e�n�onthly instailments c+f �'unda °� �
<br /> required,
<br /> r_w.
<br /> � � repa�,+�he d�ft�eaey v�rat#�in tlae �undaaeoctzitaag pea'iod.:
<br />� ; U�payrr��at ira fuil oi sli suzns sp,�cu�d�ty t.�iis hriaatgage,�nrler�hali ap�ly Fuacls 3�eld a�a c�r�dit
<br /> agairtst at�.xums due,
<br />� � J
<br />