.. . . . . . . � � � .. . �... '�Itit�. .. . . .
<br /> �.
<br /> � N !I�
<br /> � � .. . � . . � .
<br /> � twt� �tLCti#3 ot ;:fiC1YCSJMYtS.* tlkr. i�Ai�' C�A�C+L°' p} �2�r tn+at'ltipl4� x+ .n+.�ati ; axr�e^rota t�e°5,•dY'�"'ii t�+ .tc � �al`:a{;r��'ix�- ! .p��11! «' ircrwv# or
<br /> e!.►na�r thre nmwxnt af ruci, tr,�acalisimnta�.
<br /> �O, 8s�trnw�aerNtotR.el�a�s�. �aetens�ius� �ef �i�e tiz���• t�+r E �u}•iearsct ��r �s��iitsra�xxurs «sf u,u�,� .xa�xs�n u3 �lz� r-u:xnm�
<br /> ; n� ur�d #r�.this ;.ifiosi�a.g+e �rat�t� by Lensicr W »�ciy ru�•�.rawar in ustre��t �>t" t3<�te�r�v°Ar• :� #�all f;��r u{��-ntN +cr r�icmcae,
<br /> � in sny ruanncr. t6e lio,bialite o3 tk�e aaiqii�l �lvree�w�rr an�,3 isc-�rrux ���-"�+ suc,eeHshr� au ar�tererz�t . [ ,crxirr �ha�b nuc be
<br /> rtytxi�sed ts �orttenerace �rrn�reeilir�s a�citts� s�ash sawccr,rsccrr irm� r+-�u•�• e�a .�ac4e�nci ¢ errir fs�r ��s�.v�nrat c>r ��tlt�erwisr :saaGk�t,y
<br /> s�mnrtiaati�on roP the aurns aeeu� by �el�i� `�1�utg��e I�y rrs*,c�a oi urjc �irnya�nd n�au3e i�y tiie �rra�ues�t I'�vrrsrrrarr s�d
<br /> � � � Bart+awer's svcct+ssare in ankerest._
<br /> � �+ �}: Forbaas�cs bYr Lead� Nat ac Vlraiv�a. Ar.y xorbearancr k�y I.�n3er i� exezcieln� any r't�}kt or rcmcdy
<br /> „�� �• h�rounder, ar oGFxernise sxfforcie3 by applitable lasr�, �kiul! 2tot i�e u w�a'sver ai or {rrecDu+�c th� �xercieo of uny right
<br /> � , � or reme�lv hereunder. TFro �r�curernent of insurarace or eh� � ,a�ymeiac of tn.xes or ot}�er 3ienb ar chargca b}� Leneler
<br /> '�� � G shalt not � a wsiver of Lender's ri�tst to aeceiPrz�te ki�e muturity of the andebtednes� secu�ed by this 1lurtgage.
<br /> �+ x
<br /> '��, � :� ,4 IZ.-. R�madiss Guasuelatirs. -��,'��j SOYnt'({IfS DCOVI(3C(� YSI f,�ll� �f�rc�.ge nre diatinct und �u[nutat'st e Lo mny ot�er �
<br /> � G�� � right �r zexnedv under tt�sSs �lort�age or iift'rinled �r� I:;cti� �ir c•c� uity, ni�d m;ay ��r rxercisx>d can�vrrently, ine�epend-
<br /> ,, ;� �ntly ar sucesseivety .
<br /> �"��� � 13. Sxacaea�ars aad Assigas Bes�nd; Joirit cusd Sev�ral Liability: Captiona. The cv��en.antn �.nd agteemeamts
<br /> � �" `� herein con�ained :shs2I bintl, nnd the ri�;hts hcreunder nhatt inure to, the respective �uccessors un.3 nss:igas of Lender
<br /> �_� „�� und $Urrourer, �ub,�ea6 tcr .Lhe prc>viaioms o! a+�rugritplr 17 kxereot. All eaverfs�nts und agreereien�.� ot �3arrc�wer eF�II
<br /> ,, be jai�t.csr�ci sr�t�eral. The-'.cexptions �nc3 !�r,nc�ings �� i tl�e paragraplis of tl�is _llort�;u�e are for canvpnience nnly a�d
<br /> � ' �ra nat ta be useci to inte�pret or cTcfine tl�e �u•ovisions hereof:
<br /> z ,� l4. Notice. ' 4tty natice to F3orra�vet� r>i•ouiciec�l tor �n tl�i.: �lortnuae s}�a11 iie �iven bv �naiting suoh n�ticn, �q
<br /> � , c�rtit�ed.:rz�il uddressr.d to FSorro�vice :� t th<.+ Prop�rtv .�rldres� st:ited bclocc; c�xu �7t t'or any notir.e requited under
<br /> �,� ' para�ruph 18 h�ieof tn :}�e �;iven to f3orro�cer in sfie � nanr�er ��_escri}�ed I>v `�ippLcukrfc leirr. Any natice �zrvvic£ed �
<br /> . ,
<br /> ' ' ' ;Soria tlai� '_47.o*t.,age sh,�1� Ue deexned t� have k.�cen - �;i�,�en tc� Bos�rower u•l�en �;iven in tl�e iu,annec dest:��r:ated t:ere�an. ,
<br /> .>,, � 15. Uiaiform::lkIortga:ye; Go¢e=nivag Lawc Severabifi#y. . '1'his fonii af a�o:tg�.�;e ec�mbine� ur.i£orm cotceaRnts
<br /> �� 3 for nstian€�1 use zna non-unifprm covenni�ts �vitli limited vur"satiorrs t�y jiisisdiction to eonetitLtte a uniforrn sr.cu-
<br /> r � " rity instxu��ent eovering -roal pro}ierty. 'lhis \ Ior�g�,ge s�zall be governui by the la�v oi the jurisdiction in wtcich ' , �
<br /> r 4ti � , tlie Y'roperty is 3ocste3. ' In tlie event ttiai any provisian or elnuse oi tl�:s i\�Iort�age ar tkie �ote conRictt� n�th �'
<br /> „ � agpficab�e laFv, such con�3ict sh�.11 no� affect otiier liro�'ision� of ttiis \1'origss�o or the Note whicl� can be sirren ,
<br /> �� , effect. withaut the conflicicirrg prov3si�n , ancl to tl�i�, end the prc+cisior;s of tbe liortga�;e an�i i}�e IVat`e w�1•e c3er,•tar�d ,;a '
<br /> � to be severable. , r . , , .
<br /> „�, 16. Banower's Copy. Borrower shall be fiirsrished :n coniormed coF�y of this \Iorigage at the £ime of rxe�u- ` ,
<br /> ��. � tion or after recordation l�ereof.
<br /> � ' � � 17. ,TrunsEes of the Property: Assumpiion. Ff all or anyr ,r,art of tlie Prapercy or aix interPst therein is scsld ' �Gr'
<br /> � or trsnsferred ISy, Borrower ��ithout Lei�der's prim- �vri+,ten consQnc, exclu�ling {n,) tl�e i;reation �f e �ien �r Qneugst- r n . '
<br /> ' a brance subvrdinate to this vIortgage, fb) ttie crr,stion o£ :i 'riurclixse xnoney security interest far haaasekiold aprrli- ' ' , ,
<br />�r'' `� �. ' ; '
<br /> Ances, {e) � tran�fer by +fevise, ciesceni pr b,y o�>cra,iiun oi iat�r �,ip�on t,iiE death of u joint tenant or ('cF ) the grsnt of �
<br /> � �� - �n letssehold inf�r.rest, of:�l�ree uears or less iioi containin an o rtion io aurcliase Lender ma �t 7l�nder's o tion, ` , sV
<br /> � ' Y . � ' 1 I , Y> P , ; '� ,
<br /> R :"# , declare aiI the sun�s secured vy this :l�fcartgage to i�sc>inut�edzatc�l}• due cind �>uyxble. leaider shali he.vesvaived suok . ,. ;
<br /> � aptio� tp accelerate if, pr�or to tlie saIe or ftnnsfes, Lender un<i tlie persor. to �vhom �he Fro��erty is to be sntd or ` ? ' %
<br /> ' tr�nsferred reach :a,greem�nt in �r-riting t[�at ttie crc:clit of sucli �7erson is saxisfactory io Lender An3 thst the, intere.st ; ,
<br /> „� , , paysbleon thesums s�.cu�ed by this t'Sortgage �h�.ii l�e nt �uci i Ate s;� L�nder shsll req�esf. If Lenr�er l�as waived '. :
<br /> ` the option �o a�celerxte �roviaed in tt�is parxgrupis l � und if $orroEver s su ccessor m inte��est has eseouted a wrst- 7� , '.
<br /> ` ': � 'ten assumgtion agreemeii� acceptetii in rvriEing by I�encler, Lciider shait relets.se 'Barro�4er Srom s13 obligation� unc�er
<br /> ` +� [his Nlortga.ge an� the Note. .
<br /> , ,o,� � � � ; �
<br /> „ ;. If Landerexercises s.�clx option ta acceler3te, 1.ender shn�lf !uuil 23orrower notice of acceleration in uccordance. . " '
<br /> � �+' <with paragraph I4 hereoFc Such ; noLice slSnli ��rovidc tl period ot not-less t!�ain <30 ctays rrom the date cfie notic� is ��
<br /> � ���� ' mailed tvStY�in wl7ich 33or�ower ,inay �>sy ilm sum: �leclui•e3 due. If Sorro�rer lails to i�ay such siin3y priqr io the ' ` �
<br /> f " expit•aa.tion of such period ;: L•. nder. may, ���i 'tl�out further noi:ice or dc�mand on T3'orrorder, im�oke i�ny remedies p�r- ` "
<br /> ' � % tnitted by paragraph 18 liereof. ��
<br /> �t, _ , _
<br /> n
<br /> �"�: �� I�"ov-IJxiNcrrz� Cc�cz�*r.�rrs.1 Bui•ro�ver and Lenc3ei• #ui•tller c�ovenat� ti and � a�r�e as fallo�,�s : „ � � �� '�
<br /> r. ; : �
<br /> i8. "Aecelers=fion: Remedies_ �ice�at as pi•utided i:i :�>aragr;i� �li 17 ��creof, ii�i�n 13orrnn-er'� �re€tcl� of a2iy
<br />�"r� .' 'co`venani or ngrcement of 'Borrotiver in thislloi�t�;rsgr„ iricludirzg tl�e covenant.s, tu i �x�y s�-7�rn <iuc: :�ny svins seeur. ed
<br />�'�` ' by tl�ir �1lgrt�ssge, Lenrle� prior to; acet,lernt.ion sl�:ill uuiiI notice to I3orro��.°cr , us ��ro�^ iiisd in f�ara�;rnpli 14 Izercof
<br />��� :, :
<br /> specifying: ( 1 )°t}�e bre�cl� ; (21 the acEioii i �cauired to aurc �uch l�rescl� ; Y3 ) :i ciata ; not Ic-a� th�n tt�irty dr�:yr
<br />�r , Lrom the �isto tl�e. ncrtice �s nzailec� to 13orro�ver; li�- �rlii<�Ia �ucli brc.ticli ruusL �e cureei ; �ind 14 � thlt a"ailue-c to c�rc , ;`i
<br />�r =� such bxeacYz ox� or }�efo,re .tl�e dute speGified i:1 tLe not ice ia�ay resulv in; ryccelerrlti�n of_ L1�e su�'�4 seoured b� tkais �'
<br /> H�x � ;4fortgage and salc of the .Pro�rerty; If the breacli i� not cure<! 0�1 or k�efUre tlie date specitied in thc notice, I.en�er
<br /> e�� , � t�� Len<ier's optioci m�y €:1ec{nrr all oi tlie auiu� -ec��cvii tzv tiu5 \Iartgxgr t�� t�e itniucdiutely �lue Ftnd �i� ynk3le
<br />�� z.� without furt�l�erden�and iind mny ioreclose tl�is Zlc,rt�agc; i�z ju*liciaL j�roceeclin�; I encicr sh:ill be entailed to oolluct
<br />�� � yt � in such ��rynceeding all � expenses �,�fi ioreciosurc, incluitin�� but not, limitcd � to, co�{:: � of tlocumentnry e,��idenee, �
<br />' �� abstracts and tii,te report�_
<br /> `r r 19. BarrRowar's RigI�t to Reia�st¢#e. .\ativitiistundiiig l.endei'� uccelerution nf Lhe suiu� seeumd }>Y ti�+�
<br /> ai „ 1�fortgage, �osrower shalL have t�ie rigi�t to. h� ve �r�,y prooeedinM4 begun b�• I.ender to �nfome tl�is �lartgage dis-
<br /> ri' i�d ' eontanued at �.ny; time prior to entrp vf u ;.jud�ment enfc�T�in� thrs 13arty;aqe �f ta,j Eiarro�cer pays Lender all
<br />�4' ;� suma rovhich would he thers due under ti�iF �Iort�a�;c, thr `��'' oxe c�,nd not.e� xecarir3� F�atueer Advanaes. i# any, ha,d zao
<br /> ' �.c�2',G�x.t:r,u r,�.4u.=c'.-� : iv 3 uor�v—.�.�er �,�rer aii brr.�ei�r, vi un� 4riher rovice�anf� or :s�rr=entenEs oi Socrower ccr�-
<br />� � :, �
<br /> �, ,a� tainetl in tlxas i�fa�tga6`ei-:Ecj -13orrowec- ptiys all rA�a�unz�Llu ex� rty;ieas incvrreci li�� T,endr�r �u cnforc�i�i�; thtl c�uvecixrx#,
<br />_�, . _ � . and sgree�ctts of F3orrosser contained in thi� �lort��ge ancl: in entorc3nr l..ender:� remedies as j�ro�:ided in par_s-
<br /> � oranh iS ;h�reof, includin�, but not lirr�ited to, re:isonuble aicarne� '� fec� ; Lxnci id > 13orroHei tal:es �uch action �s
<br /> T , � _
<br /> � . LBD(�£T 11't& I"C$SOIISk/1 L"C ll17Q YO��.. SiS�tli'9 t�.118L LhE Il@TI 03 Ll�l� 4uci • u �i i.i-nl�v. � �...:��...� i ... ��� ` a � . � � � ' � � - �. '
<br /> �k. .� 9 Y 4 t, �, • - !: - �;.^*�, �r
<br /> . . . .. . _ . - - -
<br /> � Borr4wer's nbligataou to pay t4e.:sums securc-d by tl�ic l�ort�:�s;e ,si�all tonainuc unimpaired. L;�o�i �uati puyme�t {
<br />�G� t � .ssnd enre .hy $orr�naer, thgs Mongage and, ti�e ot�li�ationa secured lierebti� ::Iix1U i•emairr in iull foree and , effect as if �.,. � .
<br /> "� no �ccalesatian hs;d occurred. `� ' ��,
<br /> l�+ _ � 2�l. -7�issigitmeaY of .8enla: ,$�Po'satment .of �eceiver., Lender ia ,Posseasion. , As addi{ioznnl secvrit,v }7er+e- ,��', � :�.
<br />�, ,� , „ ,�� , _.
<br />� under, H6i'�on�ar �ereby ssigns ta I,ender the renCs of thc^. P'rti��ert��. ��ror-idcrl tl�ut Barro�a�er shal.l; Prinr tn ��cele�- ,
<br /> ati�n iinde� para�rsph i8 heTeoY .rar: akmudonmaent +of tlae Pra15e�ty, h�1:e the ri�lit ro col�ect ant3' ret�.in suc:� ren�a
<br /> , sa they �ecc�rae tlaae and pmyable. € '
<br />;-�t,� , ' �Jpos �ocele�ra�ion umder para�rs�+h 18 hereaf or absn+cionment oi the Yronersy. I.ender. i� ��e�oa, by s3.Qeat �s:�`
<br />��h ,�y . : , � �
<br />,,.� :�a or .b}c jndicisllY �PPPiztteci. receiv:er shr311 bes eutitl�d tn cnier upon, ts1:c aicisse5sian of und u�s�u�e thc Yro3�erty : ` `
<br /> r" � " ead tcs caotlect tdxe'. t�ents tx�" tlse Paol�er�y; ineludin� t4aose �asst due. t'�II renis colleeted ;t��� I,ene3er �r the receiver ,� ' ''' '`
<br /> <
<br /> s �� shall bea�s�a�iedfi�csttopa.yment �f i�e costsof an�z.ja�emtnt' vf tl�e Yro�ert� and coilectian of rents, includin�, l,ut
<br />° " not listzi#.ed 40, rtcei�=er's f+�s, �re�aiunas on sceeive:cs l�on<�� unei rt>tisonable - attorn�y'c f+ees, ;sud tlxer3 to the sucrss
<br /> �.. . ,
<br /> 3 w+euna3 �y a.Lie �^a'ut#.�nge: L�n3er rsaci a:he recei;xror �Ln11 br iiul,f� ia aciwuric uniy tui- il�u-.e rents aciucalIv receiveel.
<br /> # '
<br /> J
<br /> .
<br /> _ . , . ,, _ , �
<br /> �.,
<br />