„� - - �, fw
<br /> ° s
<br /> .. � _„ '�
<br /> �, * �
<br /> �l! debts, ubli�ations and liabilit:ae incuned by nasoe of �ny ICfioq taRffl by the bfortgagee, xs provided in thi� Prrxgraph, dl
<br /> � � u( vhieh �mounts so paid br ehe Mottgagte, with intr. est ttrcrrnn fror.� tix d� re of e�ch such paynenr, at the tate of three petunt � �
<br /> � . . . � ( j95 ) Pcs� �naum, shall bt papyble br the Mortgagor to . thc Mact�:i,gee on Jcrnaz�d anJ shall Lrr stcured by thie Mongag:o. � �
<br /> � � � � 4. No � buildin6 oet � othet stru<lurt ot � im�provemeRi, iiicturc nr prssonil prc>}�erly murtgaged� . hcreby sh:71 � be [emoved . pt �
<br /> � : � �Jamoliahed �. without � thr��prior �vritten cunsent af the Dinrzgmgce. "fhe biort�agor wi!!. nol make, pccrmit or sufEcr � any alteration of
<br /> or additian to an� b�aildang or o:chec structure br improvemcnt now or whirh m3y hercafrcr hr erected or enstallcd uparr the
<br /> � -�- . �martga�{ed�. properq, c3r an� � part therrof, except,. the� � improvcments rcquirrd t<, b� � ir.aJc pursuxnt - to .Parap,rsph . 9 � herea£, ��.noe
<br /> %w9tl tbe 2+lortgagar � uz�c, ot permii or soffer t3ie �� use � of, any nf the rncartRaR��d prop+errp far arry � puspose� other th5n the purpose
<br /> orp�utpostslorwhichC�e: aame is trow: inttnded io �bcuxed,. crit6out �the prior writcrn consent� nE Nu .Tfor�gapce• The�� Mortgagae;�wiil
<br /> 'maintain ttie moctgpgc� property in Roud condition'�.an3 � state e.E rcpair anxi �viili not suf(er orpermit �� sny waste to-� aay: part thereof,��lpd
<br /> ^�' :witl proanptty rntnply with�> s[l thc � r uirrntonts . uf Fcdrral.: � statc� ar�cl9qnT . .. . . . .
<br /> ' �q F�avcrnments, ur o£ any deportmente, ���divisioans �ar
<br /> i � �bureaus tlaeteot. .,Pertaiaing..: to. �sucit propqxty or .;any � part �ahrrcof. ��. . � . . � . : . . �
<br /> �.. 3. 3he Mastgaqor will �not voluntarilg crrate, or porrnit or suffer tn � be creat�d �. ar to exist.. on or . against the`�. mnrtgngfd
<br /> + . prc+pertY. or ang pazt �hereof, �. any lirn� saperiar �3o the . liers of this :�. TfnrrFage, � nxclusivc of tlie '.f.zu, or }irns�. if nny; to whith
<br /> i� �. this Mnttgage is , cxprostly � subjrct, �ns�� �sct forth.��':in the �' fira�tiug . rlaucc abnvr.,.� rnd - will keep . and 'maintain ehe same � frer �: frbm
<br /> the elairns�:�qE a14 partie5supplyinR labm � or matcrials which `�-aill �tnter. irtaa thc � +. onitruction crr . instaUatian�-. of t}ye ��� ImpzovemenG.
<br /> ' ' �
<br /> a,
<br /> r 6. (x) ��, The Mnrt��,or wilt kccp ��:afl 6uildings, othct�� . structures an,l imhraverrunts, in�lu,iin� cquipment, now��>raisting � ot
<br /> � whieh mag� hareafter� h< etected or insmiied on tht laftd �. �mortgagrd� . . .hcreby, � �insurrz! : against �� luss . by � fire-� nnd� � othet � hazardf, � � � �' - , � -- �
<br /> cissealtier��and contingc�cies,' in sveh <amounts �and � manner, ' anJ for �� sLcl> periads, nIE � is � may . be : required �{rom time� to time. �..by
<br /> y . . tfic . Mortgaget. Llnlcss otherwise �. � required by- thr �AT�rtgagee,� ull su�h � iasur�nre � skrala.� bt rfFrriri3 by Standatd Pirc��and ��Ext�nded �� � �� -
<br /> � � CuvuaRe ��insuraote ;. po[Icies, :�in amc�unts � nat less :3han nerrssary t�> cumpty with � thr. cnin�uranca ��clansr:� percenzaqe �. nf� the �valut
<br /> �nppLcabir �. .�o Ihe �locati�rc .�and�� chnracter nf the pro�erty: tn . 6e covcred . Atl <u, h inc:uranie shali be rarried in. �c3mpaniez approved
<br /> tiy the Moctgagee aad � aBl ,policies charefor �hall . be �in such forrn �nnd shall , h�ive�nttachrd- �lhrreto� �loss� paya6lc � :lavsar in favtrr of. the
<br /> 'hlortgagee.� and �nybthesparYies �as ihallbe 'satis(xctnty ta the � MorigsQre_ Aq�siich �po}ic"n.eS �anA II[[JCI1RJtOLS f}iC(f(O sLall; bc delivered
<br /> yromptly . ��[o tht �� Mort�agee,�-nnless. �: tl�ep �are required ��`�ta be ��deliccred :io ihe t�ol�fer ��of a Iieni�..oF a �mortgage .nrsimilar instru•
<br /> � ment ta which this .Mur2gagcris expressly ��subjcct. � in� which�. laxter evmt� rrrtifratca therenf. ��satisfacrosy to � thr`. bfc.rtgagee, sha [I � be
<br /> �delivercd- prompt[y ''�to ehr : MortRn,qea ��Thc MorlgaR��� � a•iti � g+ay . prom�tly �� .>vhrn � �� dx�c; � as hcrcinnftcrprbvided, and �. any and �:� all
<br /> s � ' . ' premiams� on such� insurancq �� and ia es�ery � csse en whirh payrneNthcrro(- is nnt m.idr . (nom � the � dc�sits �tt�ercfor required by '�- .thii
<br /> � l.fortgaqq� .�.promptlq. � su6mit .tn. the� � Tfort,cagee £nr �� examenvt�on rrceipts�- nr nther � .eui�i.ence of such paymenr. as: shall be satisf:ctoty
<br /> � tn the MortRagce. The� N3ortgagor may. nhtein and p� y the prcrsrium on ( hut . x>��ll � f�,o �undrr �nn. phHgation. tq �dn sn} �qvery. kind ': OI
<br /> � -�� �insu�ance�..requirc<i �� here�y if� -t6e �� anount of �such prcmium � �Eias� nr.t boeo �drpnsitcci � ac �. rcqnired� hv : this Mortgage, in which event
<br /> Lhe bluxigsigorwill � Nay� lo the TfortgnFarvcrq� premium so paid � by: thr '.�3'ortgagen� � � . �� �
<br /> . . (b) In �. � tht eveat : o� loss or darnage ta thr mortgaged � ProPertY Rhc 1Nort¢aeor wili �nnr, �� �1..� y.T_, .n_�.�„ .. T:�.v � r,,,,.:«
<br />� ff1lfCOt by . mail, and th� Moctgagetmay makr. and :,file prnof of � insx � iF nnt � rn�tle ot�erw�se promfatly by or on hehalF of thc
<br /> . bfortgaqar. -Harh � inmra.nce- compang issuing an�+ - such .pnlicv � . is �.hereby autharizrd ac-iil -� directed tn � make�. � payment � :harcuruler - �for
<br /> sarh loss ditettly �to :che bfortgagee, � instcad � oF to �the Mort�u�or and :�.� chc TfnrtRaGee. �:7ointly, u�less - thd� amovnt oF loss is piy.. . ��� �-��
<br /> ❑ble firsx do the hotder of �. a .lien undrr� n morigagt or sirrsilar instr� mcnt to ��whirb� � this Mort,qaFc .is �expressly subject; and � lf�e
<br /> 'insuranre pioceeds �.ar � ary par( cherrnf : is � receiwed by. �the MortRaFee , m:aY be applird �. by the :� Mod�agee, - at its option, eit6ei
<br /> ” �in � rcducxiom of the .�. ia-debfedness � ?�ereby secured, oz. � to .L�e � resMratic�n uc rcpair uf the .inoreqxged . . propextp ��dama�ed_ � �in� � ' � �
<br /> � � the event ��:bf foreclosnre oE this Marlgape, :� or oF any. t�ansfer � of tiHe�� to t:hc mort,caRe3 ,prnperty in. �eztinguishmerat .n(. suth indebt:�'
<br /> ' ednesz, al6 . right, � �title- and. inte[est csf� �.the- Mort�rgor in � and � to every s�irh��.insarancc poliry thrn ��.�in force, . subjut tn �� the tigfits�
<br /> . �! :� . anJ interesb�of Ihe � hotdrrof any su�h prior firn, . shall pqss tn . tbcrgrmtee arquiring. . tit9d� to thc niortgaRed property . together � with
<br /> :
<br /> , � �� surh potecy �. �and appropriate assignment�+ of sa�h ; iight, � titte � aacl � interesc whicb � �sha11 � 6r made by ���the �bforfgagor. -� ��
<br /> r '•' :- 7. (n) :In order �moat fully '� to proteci the � sccurify � of�� � t6it Tfurt};xXe . thc �hfnrt,Caqor . shall depo5it wi8i�. th¢ hfortgagee ta�-
<br /> ` gether wiih.�. and in . addition to. the `payment of . principal- �nd interost mr>nthly on acrount of . t6e Note � securod .hertby, �. antil �:
<br /> � ' ' � Ihe Note iz , '.paid in - �ful1, an amount -af mnney eqaat � to the tntzl amount n# (i) �gmund ( rrnts, if am�. nczt .becoming. due, (di) Ihe.' ' � � �
<br /> ^erm;��.�� n^"'- Ertamie d _.n�:` �,. �;n}�cies ot f:�rc' and � aii otncr nazarti. � insurance regc-�ired hy �this 3NortFaRc.�: wish tespeet ta tfie��� :�
<br /> mnrtqagec� �. �+roprrty, �- (iiz) faxes, ascrssmanfs, zvater raie.r . arcd nthu � ��vx;nmcr.ta! r�iar�rs ncxt brcoming � uue on the �anortqz3qed.�,
<br /> R
<br /> � property (af] iha fozegodng �� amounts. � as estimated � by thc Mor2gagec � and��� Set �Forth in a� written.. nntire of � .su�h ntimate bp thq �
<br /> �` � . M ortgdFre ta tlie 3�tortga.�oz from time to Lime) ,. �.less all. . amo¢�tz. that ��may �. alrca.l.y � havc bren pai�l.� thcrcfor. tdivideci by..the oumber �: ' �
<br /> _ ' � � � ratendar �. .months to e3apse � before onc .calcnde.c� � month prior �to x6e datr � when such ::��round . rcmis, pcemiarrss, �� taxes, assess• � '
<br /> +ndnis, wacez r�ws and othtr ` Rovernmrntaj chatges,� .respectivcly; will . hce-�me -�.duc anal . payabla :��7f eny ��� amouat referred to in :
<br /> d:iuses (i) ,�.Lhtough :(iii) hereof : is rrquired to � bc�.depasited� � by thr��:Mort,qaF4c �. under � .a � mortgage � or similar.: . instrument havinR. ��
<br /> � s ��. pri�irity over the lirn � of 6his Dfurtga,qq. the hfnrtgaRor shsil � make tht .def+i�s:ils requirrd .6y this Ac� rs�,rsph 7 qnly �in thc cvenkof �-the . .
<br /> o- �:. tcrmination � �, of such �obli`qation:� under thc �prior� �mnrtgagc . :nr � �similar, instrusicnt.�. T3�c MoitF+R�� shalt Sfvc Pr�mpz potirc ��in wriF � .
<br /> `� � �� � . ing '. tu thc'�INortga�ee �.�oF Ihe orcurrancr: oE the � last-mentinned �event. All �such �amounts sn: drpnsited aith ��'the� �Mortg�Eee. shali bt.���
<br /> ; ��� � held hy the .Mortgagee, or any . arrnt aitsignated � by.� it, ia irust to be_ uscd only��for � the � pa;�mrrtt of 'such � groun3 rrnts � .}iremiums,. ��.
<br /> ; .� . � � taxes, ass�sscnents, water rates and oiher � goveramental charges. �� SJu � intrrest shall be pay:�hlc: by. the Moktgagce � �� an �any sum: �.. so � ��
<br /> �� � � deposited. . . . . _ . . . . . . . � . . . . . .. . .
<br /> � . - ` (b} All � amounis�� � ;eguired � to br depnsilod within the Mnrt�;agee moathiy. io 3ccn.-dance wIth -PafaKnph 7 (a) hereof,: and �� the '.
<br /> � �; amaunt uf pcinei�;�{ A�,,� �yv�tesc �tn he paid cnch �mon�fi on arto�nt af chr ;�`r.te, �sha ! i he a�Ided tr.�ctf;rr, and ��the� a{cKregatt nure.atnt '
<br /> � etiercnf sl:alt� b; . psid�:,:by 26e� J.4nr4Feftor. to �. Ihe �b£ortgagee � in a � sinRie �. payrnent tn �nr applied . by tAe � 311ottgaRee on� accovnt of � � t$t :
<br /> � . .� inJc6trdness �� . oF . Ihe � Mor�gagor � purru�nt. tn � � the'. Note.� and - tksis . Afurtgage'- (m � the � �ec:cnt that ' monies�. are�.� avai�lable � from .efie :'� - �
<br /> . amuunt sa� deposittdj , in���he �nrder; anp pr�vision �of� the� N�te u� .the coatrary�. nuhvithstamdia�;, as �.fnllo^w�s�.� . � � � � � � � � . . � � �
<br /> � �� F7RST, �tu the .fate rlaa�ges, �.if an}•. referred� to. in the � Nutr; � � � � . . � . . . � � � . � � � � . . �
<br /> .-� �SEGOND, to xhc�. rmourtt �of� �such ground � aents, if �any, fira xnd . nthet harnid. insuraoce� prcmivrrss, � rixes, sssessments..�. watet � � � � � �
<br /> rates and othcr governrnmlal ch�rges requized to be � paid. undrr the � prov.isians . of � .t}tiz Mortgagt,�� in whatever �sequrnce �� i_'ae ��� �
<br /> . . :+Sa:ce_gr :ai c � -:�i:c.� ��;,e:er .r.:.-.r� . . � . . . . . � � . . . . � . . . . . � .
<br /> ". � �. .. . � �� THIRD,': Yo intarest �dac on the Note; xnd .. � � . . . . � . . . . . � . . � .
<br /> � � �� � F4iJRTt3, the �tema3ts.der, to �zhc principal � due on� Ihe Note_ .. � . . . � � �. . � . .. . � . . . �
<br /> �ay . deficiancy in� the amaaunt of any� s.u.h� aRgrrqacr. monrlaly paymrnt �shall; unless paid 6y the Mortgagor � prior to �he due date of � -. � � � � �
<br /> � : � ihr� next auch, �deposit-payablqctonst3tuie an . event -of� Jefautt . brxdrr [his -Afartgaqe, . . . � � � �
<br /> 4 '� � {c) ;:,-,y.. cxcess fvnds that mny be accuinutsted by rrasnn aP tho drpositx rryuired e�ndet Paregraph 7 (a ) . f�errof, «maiaing. .
<br /> y A(ttr. pay/nent: of tl:o : amomunts dezeri6�d in �� .tlauses�. (i), ( ii ) :a`sd � (iii} � tfirrra�rF,-� sbail hc �<rrditad to �su�+sequmt respcctive � mcnthFy � � � � � �
<br /> � ; ainaunts of fhe same �.nst�re required So-� be . paid �ereunder. �� :i£ any such�. amount . shall excced the estimate therefor,� :the.Mostgagor � � � � �. '"+aK.� � +,e�,;� ���
<br /> . shail �forthwith pay to }he 2Mortgagee the amc+vnt of �such Jefirirncy � upan writtcn noti�e bs� che ASortgagee of the :movnt . therevf. � ��^^�'�-
<br /> .� � �, � Pa 'xlure !o do--sa beEote .. t'fit dve �'dsit ��f bueh ' hmount shall �..be ca evm� -�f Jefauit under ihis Mortgs..ge. If � the mortgaged prop- � i� �'�
<br /> ' ' , rttY��.ia snid �nder Forecltasure o[' is othCrwise acquikcd by �. ils�e Mnrlqaatee, . ��nfter drfault by� dhe. . �f�rtgaqor. � . �ny . �remainin� . � . . . . _ � �'�; �
<br /> f � .�� balanct oF ihc.tcaumaia�tiosas vedt�- Paragrap6 T(a)� � hereof, shafF bt aeditral �tn � the� pziaci�f,i amount . o+�+•ing on the Nn!e as of the . . � :',� ;��,� �
<br /> �+[e�::of tomtnencemrat: nf fottclosact prucrediags �. for the � morigagtd���.prvpxtty; ar� ss � �of tho dat4 �she mnrtgaged prop�rty is �?�'; : � . � �
<br /> :,. . � . . othttviu ��r uquiied. ., . . . . . . . . . . � � � . . . �. � . . �. � . . ...rw .,; . ..
<br /> � ,
<br /> - . . ` . 8. The Improvemenis �nd �a7! � plaas and aperiEiczkions �tb�(or shaE:i ���p{y �ith e�11 a��Flicablr rnanlriga! �orc' :nanccs, reg.::- �'
<br />��� i�#oos, and tntes made,�or promulgated by' Iawfui . authority, �.� and upon their cumryletion shatl tomply t3ierex�ith. �
<br /> . , . � � �. � .. . . . . . .. . . . .
<br /> � . . . . . .. .. . :_ . . . .. . . .. .. . . .. � � � � �
<br />�_ �
<br />