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, � �. <br /> � . ,�'�,: <br /> � r # <br /> � �.� 9. � Vp�m��,anf fai.lare .�by We Mozt6agor to comRply rith .or perform fny vf ths terRns,. coroenanu or. <onJaeinas a[ chG lto�rt- <br /> m <br /> . . $t$G :TtQlri170$'{bC QipaiCQt OE ang srsount of . moneg by. the Martg�gor. ofher than [be pcincipal anuHuai or the two e�idea<�e! by <br /> � tha-.Not�e, iatetest and olher cdarges; as� providrd in � the N-ote,� the bLortpager maq �t its uptiaa eaake �u<h paymcat. EwuT . <br /> p¢)matt w • iusde 6yr tfte Mortgagea ('anrluding rezsona6la attozney's fees incartreJ tfierrt+y), aith uxtersst thrrean from the dste <br /> of such� pn}rment, at tht 'tate nf sis�. percent � 1(6%u ) � pet annixtn, �� exrept any payment fur which a d�fFerent nte nf iatatest ik : .� <br /> spe�j(�ia�d hetCia„�,hal� . bz payabie by tha Afoctgagar to tt�c Mortgag�e � on demtind and shaSl be xcure�i� by rbis b[ozt�age. T6is � , . <br /> Mortgag�e vw�ith resp[rr to any aucL nsnaunt �and the intscrst [heeeon,� shatl consdtute a tfrn . an the ma�gngsd proprrty prioc to � <br /> � � ��: aay ot4rr !un atfaeliiag ot uuuing�� �uhseqnent to �hc�.�lirn of � .Moregage. >� � � . � . <br /> ,, 'g � 10. s"I1�e Mo�igagee, ' hy-: xny aE �� iG agtnts , or rcpreaentativn,� shalt harr [is.e right to ins�ea the mortg�god proputy from time .� . � <br /> .s^ ,} to Cimr:�at �ny xeamtrab[tfipur of she day. Sliould tlse mort¢aged � ptoperty, � nr �any p�t thereof; � xt any �� �ime ccquire inspedian, . - � . � <br /> � : xeppir; �carr OZ, 1SLCIiCAtlA pE any kin� or na.txrrt aot plovided �.ig� tS�Is ��Mortgage as determined� by the bfortgagee . � in ib. �� wie dis �� ��� � <br /> ; ? <tstlan;: iho Maqtgagec �ay, �fter n6tice to the �� Mortgagor, enter�:� or sausc entry xo. bo madc .� upon, che . �mo�tgaged. � property, aad . � <br /> c� ' � " � in3peey,• repaiy �rotect, -earp for os maintain such ptoperty, �a the' �bforagagec �ay ��. in� its sole..:discretion � deem necuxary,� `md maf .�: : <br /> +, ��� AqY atls�ama.unts ��of maaey.-:therefor, ��as the 214ortgsgc�e ��maq in its �sote disaetioa deem:� necessar�. � � � � �� " �� <br /> "LL ` 11. ���T6e prindpal amount nwing�. on the �.Notm �ogethu witta���� interest � thereoa and a![ -� other charges; � a�, [hercia . �providrd, ��� � � <br /> � �� and rA:- othar nmaunts of:mopey awiag by `thc bfortgagor to � the�. hfortgagee . purw�nY � to and � secure3 or intrndcd�. tn . he.. ucueed . <br /> s . � b'y this�� 'A�'o-stgage, � shatt lmmedi4idy bec,ome � due and �� papabic� ��without `.notica�� ar demanJ� �.npon � the appwintmmt �of e ��tecsiatz cr . � <br /> ,` " y . Iiquids;or, sorbether noluntary or �iavoluntary,� .for the �.. Mort�gor �',ar any� �of t6�e �ptoperry �of . thc Mor[gagor, or �upon chr � Eiling of : <br /> ' � ,`_. : petitiom by or. aga,inat �:.tfie Mostgagar under�`t6e ��p�sovisions ef � �xny� 5tate �� insoivrncy: � Iaw,: oc . under t6r -� provisions of� the &ank- � . � <br /> "LL sLp2ep .Act s3f 189H, u ameaded, or� �:upon the. ��uaking � by � th: Efaet,gagot oE� sn� ass�gnmertt� £or� the t�eneFit of ihc Mortgngor'� � c�eciiecers. � � : , <br /> � ' � The biortgs�re>:is authariied ta declarc, at- its ��option, �alt or� any . part of� such indcbtedness� ➢mmediatrlp�� due and paya6le �upon the . � <br /> '- '� k�ppeniag of hap of thc foilowing evcnks. <br /> " �� (a) Fnflute to pay` the. amouai ��of arty .i�stallm�at' oF prineigsl �and � interest, oC ��othe; ch�rbes . piyabte � on the Nota, which. �shall . <br /> � j 2�ave�. beeom= due,�. prior' co��thedue�. dai.eof;the �ncztsuch . instaIlmenx; � � � �� � � � � � � �� � - � � � � � � � � �� <br /> ` (b) �lakaperFa�manc��:bp the��Mor3gagor-. of� any .eavenaak� as: o�ment; � term � or. .condition rof . chis Mottgag�, or �� of the �'I3ate � <br /> �' ; _ (ezcepupsothecwiseprnsided �insnbdivision .(s) herFof} orof �any . ot}aer�� agreement �huetafore; �Fs=tewitharhtreafter��made � � <br /> . ��� hy the -�Mort�agor� with .xhc "��-Mortgagee � in �connecti:�n � � � with such inda6tedness; � � � � <br /> ��' e � (e). Failure �af fhe 3tfoctgagor ��. to puform ��anp epvenant, � agrpement, tcrm , or �condition in��� any insiru�rnt aeatin� a lieu` upnn � ' - � <br /> '� ' ' � the �mott ed � to tr - �nram � art � thereo�E,-which shaFt-have riori .ovet�� the� tita of� this Mait <br /> � � -.; , . Si8 P P tY. Y P F� tY � BnBo; . � . , _ , " <br /> �:: " . � � (d)�. T6� Mo[tgagee's��discovery��.;of the � Mortga3ar's failure � . in any �applica.:ian of. tt;e. biortgagor to '�:3he Moetgagen to discfose ' ' �^ � � <br /> ". " ` � � ����� aa� latt;:deemad :�bpthe �� �Mortgagae : to be materiat, or �. o£ �thc �rnakiag theteia �� �ot - �in ar.y of the -�pgrcemeats entued"inLv � �- �- � �. , ; <br /> �`� �� � -: �, bq thr��Monga¢or� with the� 3�fortgagee:�. ( induding. . buc �� not limited . to, 'thc. Nofc ��and � this. �hforkgage) o£ anp mistepresea- <br /> :' . ' E ' :`' lationbp, oa � be.}u[f of, or for tfia �benefit � af; thc Mortgagur;� . . � � . . . ' ` ' � ', ' "`��� <br /> (e).. 2Fie �salt, lease or � other uarasfcr of �any kiad . or eature-af the� mori�ged property. �.or ��nrty part� ��the.ect, � _ :�?�eu! the =grivr <br /> , G `. writfrn�-. cnnsent .�,of the �Morrg¢gee: . . . � . . . . . . . <br /> ,r . . . , , . . . . . . . � . . . <br /> `�` t (fl ;� Tho � enactment -� a(tu the .� dzte of :this Dfo�tgage of :. a:ny law - of�� � tha Statc � �of N�braska ded¢cting fram . the value of <br /> c ` � the moit ed ro ert � ^ ' <br /> ..� � gag p . p y.� (ar any . par[ thereof)�, for. .. Lhe . purp4se. oF Cazadon,. any lien ��the�eon, .,or cl�angiag in any.�:�ay " � <br /> ,; ,, ` �� �� its . 3aws�;for thr 't3xation �c3f: rs�ortgages:�. or�. debis. secuzc3 � by �mortgage fAr � statr or 3ocat �� putpnses..�.or the .manaer af cottca � ' . - <br /> ; �, � : ��'. tion of��any sueh. ��tnx, so as�� to affect�� this Mocxgage, and if ��after such � enactmrnt. or ehange thf � hodder of the' Note and �:.�t3xis <br /> t :�: Mo•rtgage gives .written���. a�auee to.. the .�MortgagardeclazinRthe ��lotean3�atl : oiher .� inde6teclness ��setured by. �thns :Dfoitgage <br /> , ,: ; , '� to .bedueandpaya6le; � brcausc - oE �. any �sucFh �.enaamont � �o� change, �.�iria�.mecliatrly �upon - thr��, expirstiono£ �.thirty (30) -�� &ays � � , � ��� , � <br /> . ,, ' �, i ' f�- aftu such naticm '.� . � . . . . . . . . , ., , . �: <br /> � y � 'Ihe MorLua�te s bilure to -: txercisc .s�y nf its �,tighcs haeunder s6sii nnt cbniiitute a � waiver thercof. A11� the cvcnts in this Yam- , � <br /> �, � � graph eaum�taxsdj. upon ahe'. happrndng of any of whxh tho i�tote shail become. or may hc declared to � fie, ienmediately due =sad <br /> .Fv ;. , �ayab}e.� az� in �.this Moctgage calted : "'cr•ents� ef d_E.-ult''. �� � .. . . . �`� ' �` , <br /> � ^ 12_ �TBe 3�forfgsgee crsay, from . tima ta�.time curr each default under . any � cavenanx�� �or agzecment in ' zny inscrument cre�qng a <br /> � ' Yien upon tF�e mortgagcd�,��praper[p, :o�s aay .�part theatof,� which �. shall �ave � priaritY�,over the . licn of this , Mortgage, '. io such �extent <br /> as tho bfortgagoa�map :exciusively deter�iae;.�nd � each amount � paid �� (if any�) b¢ the Moctgagce Yo�. ca�e pny Such,drfaulC shatl 6e�p.aid <br /> ` „ ` '3�7 the '�2viorcgago; to the �Moctgagee; and the:����Dfarcgageb � shall. alsa become� subroga(ed to �� whattver kighis tt�c hoIder of ihe 'prior . � ' <br /> � ,� � 3ioe miglxt hav� v{adru. sucfi� instrumenx. '� � � � � �� �� � � �.: . ', , �: � <br /> 13. �(a ) .hftur the happminR of . �sy dcfault hercunder, the Mortgagor sha.Jl upen � demaad �bf thc Mo:tgagec saneuder posses- <br /> * � .� sion of :the snortgagecl prdpetty to ihe lvfort�aGee, aad � the Mostgageo may rntez sych property, an$ !Gt tFss� same sad . collect all�.: tht ' - � <br /> rents � ttrertfrom � mh?eh �ar��idueol �cp�� ��ernme` due, . xad . spgty. �chcsame,� after�� payment�� ofall � �h�rgcs ;iind. �rspenses,.��oa .�accountof � <br /> ` the utdchttdmese^heteby secured; and a�i suth'rents "aad all feases eaisting atrthe time of suct� de(ault ara hereby -assigned fo ` ahc <br /> '� Afortgagee as fvitliri::�sccurity .foi �fhc paymcnt ':af tfic indcbtedness � secured� hercby; �and . .the -&fortgxgec �may alsn . dispossess, bq;.�tfie �. <br /> � -+sua1'snmmrrp proceedings, �ang. teaant . defaulting� in t6c payment � of any � rent to. the �h�fortgagce.; � � � - � � . <br /> � (bj� 3a tfie tvsnY � tha#.�thc . Afortga,$or oc:upiet tta� moitgaged. pzoperty . or a.ny part there� f, � the .Moiigagot agzess to sutrendcr � � _ <br /> r possessioa of .auch propesty. to ffie Mcsrtgagee�� immediately after�. any inth .default hefeundrr.� � and if thr. I.'dortgagar. � remsins ia pos- . - <br /> � �� stsaipn ����aiitr SRCI1 �tj�f9Vlt„��. wth possessieo shaf# � bc as x � irnanE u(r �. tSao D:foi�tgag�r, an3 � iFsr . Mnr:gxgnz . s3��1! �xr ia � rd+ra�ate, � vpan <br /> ' domand b t�t Mort � <br /> 4 �, � � .�. y gagcc.-as a reasan3blr � monthly rental for the -ptomises �orcupitd by� the I�fortgagor, an . amaunt at.�leasi equival[ut .. - <br /> r : . . � toone#welff� oftheaggrsgate. of thc ��swclve � moMniy instsiimrnts �� payabIr in� ttu currrnt calende�� year, pius tha � �ctuat amounL of �� � <br /> � . � � theannual �� ground rent,�.::if � any,.�. taaesr ��assessments.�, �watrr ntes,� .other . .govemmental ��chacges and dasuraace pttmi�ms -�payable� � 'sa � � � <br /> _ ? ; �� � � cbnnec4an aviih:� Yhe � � mvriqaged :pmpcsly . dusing�. sueh �. yeur, and. . upon.�. fhe� fai2x�re � of thr MoriRagoi t6� pay such. maathIq reatat, . . . � � <br /> ; , , . : � � �heMartgagor..snaq .aiso �:be �dispossess+ed � 6y :he. uxuzl summary.. promodings� �. applicabie . �to . zerunu. �:�This� co��enant � �sFsaU. �became . � �� <br /> ' ' t ` ' �flectivt� imsaed'utely �upok the �happening. � ot� -any � such default, �tias determined��.in t6r sole �discrttion �of . t�e .Mortryaget.:whu �s�ha14 . � � � <br /> ''. � ; �.. . a,.. , '_...l;-_ ,f _.:�• a • �. � � � �. r� •ae . xf•,np�e__ . . .� ...n . s1,r . ��« �f� F�.,:.�s�.tvrr _a..,j. rht -�� of a reeeirez �f thc xcnis;� . � . <br /> .� the withia covrnant ahall inure So the� �tnefit. of surh receiven � � � � � � � � � <br /> � . 14. TLs 3liortgagec tn any actiao. Go foreclosc this � Diurigagc shail 6e rnkicIed io tht xpFoinimrn4 uf s� rectivet � wltiiout noticq . �. � � <br /> � � � � � aas a maucr vl rigfit� anu ��it6uut. rrganai so the �atur .of the. .mortgagcd prUpecty, c>� . xhc soiven.�� � ar anso.ivency � oi �ho bLoitgagur � <br /> ,.,, ', � . � � at eth�t ;aariq� liab2e Sos �tKt paymeat .�f.�:Yho-. 2Qote an:3 athet indc�rtedncss sccutad bY �his Muregage. . . .� . . . . . � . .. . . . <br /> " . ' � � 15..: ?'ht ,�fort q within tea �:: i�A d¢ s� u nn .� r . . . . . . . :� . . . . � � . . <br /> , . $a$o . . ( ) y . . p � aquest . in��. .p¢rsoa oc . within � tv,�taty , ( 20) . days� �npaa � reqvest by � mail, wii} '�.� <br /> , . � � 7Eurnish:,:p.e�mptlY'�.a wtittza. atatemamt �3n fotm..:satiafs�ctory to � �c� � t+S.orlgagee. � si�ned� :by : the .Moctgagtrr artd.�duly-aticaowledged> �. af � . . : <br /> �� � "� YLe amaunt t6m.:�owsx+g. � .oa the Notc aad othcr itzdebtedac�s :���secwed � by� tinis hSnrtgage.�..�snd wheziiu. .anp offsets �pr defrnses � . . . � � . j _ ...,::. :.N" <br /> , �. ncist agaiast mch �iadebiedneas or aay .paR thereof. �. : � . � . � . � . . . . '�� �, . <br /> ,�. � � <br /> ',° � i6. Ttse 3NOttgaguz wiil��giva emm�diatt aotice bg� rrgisttsed ar certif'ted��. mail to � the Mnrtgagee� o£ any firc,� daznage or�� othcr � �� � �-- ,^ . �� ' ''�b' - <br />� k � cuutlN �Ettiiqg .the mastfiagecl grop�ltp. az uf ang CODYtVifICC. �. ICiliSf{[ or� ciyanKe � itf uwaetship of sucl� proprrty. or an9 aart . � . . , . ��, <br /> � , � � ^t9�tttaE, ': <br /> ° r��� <br /> 17. Notic+e rAd demamd ar reqnest may be ' made in ariting aad maY be sesved in person or by mait �`" ', <br /> r,'� a <br /> 1&��3n �amt q(��. .a fucociwuce ea�'te�..j! the ;aaurtga�ed�, Praperq �.it �a,z.y be�. samid . in �ae . par�ei. � � . � � , tw� <br /> � � . 19-��.3'1x3H013gagos-�e$l ��not asasgin:� t6r rcais,� if � aaa�,. ia � w�hate os in:.. part,� � fram��thr�� mQrtgaged. proparty, or nay psn theteof, � . � <br /> �gi aa . . ... .. , . <br /> � "� � � . . withaui�:tbe 9riot��vrifitra � �caneest af etu 2wlurigagm. � � � . . � � � '•' . . .. <br /> � <br /> � , ..-,. . . . .. .� .. . . � . .. . . .. .. . . . . . �� . . J � <br />� <br />