, im
<br /> Y .��
<br /> .� �ii .:_.,....' � _.-'i ' �
<br /> Form }iUD'No.6238-Neb.
<br /> (Su.l12 Loaa)
<br /> (R:cvixd Au�.2970)
<br /> 77• U03113 MQi�TGACE
<br /> �
<br /> :'�lds Mqstga�e made w of ihe 7th day oE . Sune 19 '77.bct�vetn
<br /> T031it' .7. �and Irene M. LuriB ' � � � � . ' (hereinaftcr�talleJ, and if muce thaa.one party soiatly aad ����
<br /> � uxet:Ug huelaaftei calfed "Mvrtgegoi'), residing af 712 Ea5t f3th Street� � Hall Cnunty, Nebrnska
<br /> � '���� rnd�tlC�e United�.��Sfa.Rel�of�AmCrica���:(hereina£tet taNni�."M`ortgagee"), e:cting by snd�sh�ough�.the Departmsnt oE Housing a.a�id Urbao
<br /> ; ; DrveRropmcnt haviug a Regionai 0lfice at 911 NoYt31 ,Walnut Sti'eet� Kansa5 C3ty ��d
<br /> r State of MissotaPi
<br /> � " �''WITNESSETH, that to seeurc the paymrnt�of an��iadeAtedncss 'sn�.the�priacipal..amoun[ of � � � ���
<br /> � ' ��� �Doltars {�j �..�. !+�$$Q`.QO ),w�ith�int�irs( thercon, whicfi�sha31 be�payable -in<.�ccordanee.�wiW a � t)
<br /> ' ;�� certaisr note bearing e�ren�date�.3�erewiih, a trne pad cor�cct copy of which,� exdusive.of�t6r�siEr,na[ure��of tEae'��Diortgagor,::mtr�Ced
<br /> t
<br /> �"Scfiadule A":is aanexed���hereto��and madc�a-�part�hereof�'und all othrr�indebtedness.which.the`Diortgagor Fs obliga�ed :o��pap to�
<br /> � thc�.;Y�ortgagec pursuant.�to the �provisians.n€thr Note zad��this.Ssfurcgage, tbe�Tfortgagos�heroby�grants, cnnveys and mostgages
<br /> �to.-�ths.Mortgogee: � . . . . . . . . � . .
<br /> ', 7 �. : ..�� � :..� .. �. . : . . . � .. . . . . . . � .� . �' '' "���
<br /> � �_.�
<br /> -- + �-i.he ioilowing aescribed pr�perry...situnte in.. .. . . sjgji .� �CGcatp,;�Vebraska. �� . ��� .
<br /> East 60'of Lat Six (6) in Block Three (3), John Voitles Addition to the
<br /> City'of Grand �sland, Hal1 County, Net�raska
<br /> ,
<br /> :; i ,:
<br /> ': ,
<br /> � T'OGETHGR, wit6 ail apgvrtenances thereto and�.�aIC the�estate and-�rights ef:�the DSortgagor in artd to such'propertp or ia
<br /> � , � �.
<br /> ,
<br /> angwi�e apperiainirag thareto; �:I bv tdiags�.a�d o hc .seructuses now e,rrherrafter thereon er�ctod or.instalied,pnd all fixtutes . ���
<br /> �, ' an�:.natides�.of�.�personal„propercycno�v�or hexea(ter�:a[tacRtd�to, or �used in; or.in ihc opcntioas�of, any.setch�,land, bui?ding� or..: � ' �
<br /> `,� �� strv<trr�rrs wfrich arr na<essary�ca�the complote use snd oecupancy nf suci� hvil�lingx�ar�svuctuces:foc�the purposr for�wf�ich thry .�.
<br /> r.,"} �� were;.or are.to.be�.arededror�insnlled,induding,�but�not-.limited tn�aL1.Juaxing, plumbing,. battsroom;� lighting,�'cook5ng,�<laundry,.�����
<br /> .� � ventilzting,._reFrigera[ing,;.incinezating,and��aintonditioning�tquipment..and �fixmrrs �anJ�all��repiaccments'.thereoF and�>�additioas �.
<br /> :
<br /> .t : thostto,w�hether us nof3he same.are.�or shall be attac6ed,t�.such�land-,build�ngs or struttures�.in any.manner, ��
<br /> « 't�OG[THER, with�..�any and��all��awards now���or�hereaffei-.made��For'tfir�taking nf the proparty��mv�kl3aged�hereby,:�.or anq �� �
<br /> parf,chermf��� (including.��zny:easemeot), by the:�exezeise of�the�.pou-er of emincnt domain,.:irzcluding��any aavatd for�cfiange oF �
<br /> gradm: uE any.�'strcet .or other.`roadway,�u�hicl:�.swards�are hereby�assigc�cd to the�h4ortgagca and��are dezmed m pzrt..of the-propettp�� �
<br /> � marlgsged�..�he�eby,.�aad��:thc��.Mortgagrc��.is� hueby-�auihorized��to collact and mcei.ve�.the�procecds oE�such a-wards, to give:pcoper���. .
<br /> ��receipss.and�acquittances�.therefor,-and to��apply.,the same toward��cfie��Fsayment uf.�the indrbtedness secured by thisi Mort�rge, not-���
<br /> ,`, r� w-irhstznding�thd.Eaet.that�thcampuntowi�g.thorcon maynottben�� be'�due and�payable;°and the`F�ftirtgagot�hett6y agrees,�.upaq��� �
<br /> reqne�t,xo makc,�xecvtr and dolivernny nn� all assignmmta and other instniments sufficient'Smr tBe purpase oE assigniag each
<br /> spch award to thr Mortgagec, freo;drar and diseharged uf any encuanbrances uf any kind or nature whatsoever, and
<br /> ����T"�OGE'LHER,.with�al! righL,.tide.and�intertst of t4m Mortgagor i�ancl to thr 3and lying�in thc strects and roads ias��frant .of � �� �
<br /> � � anai�:adiaining the�sbove-�desaibed�land (sll thembovc 3msaibed !an<:, buif�inqs, otlior��str:tctuxes,��.Gxtutes�..articles�of persoaail � �
<br /> �property;�awards�aad�ot6er rigfats and interests��being�htrai�after coileetively cal1ed the "mortgaged propertg").-. � . . �
<br /> y � ���T� HAVE��AI�'D,TO FiOZD.�lhe�mortgaged proprrxy.�and every�pact thrreof unto the TSortgagee,�i[s successotn�and�aseiga�� � . .
<br /> i: ;: �� ��.forevez for the"purpo�es.■nd aaea 6erein sei�:(orth.� � - � � � � � � � �� � � � � . � � � � . . � .
<br /> ; � � . . A:NPthrDiar!gagos'#urther�.co�enants�xnd�ngreosa�ith�the'DtortRagee, as�fo[Sows:: . � . . . .� . �. . � . .
<br /> � ` � � � ��1�. The.�.hlortgagut�wiH�ptomptly pay�[he ptincipsl af and interesl on [hr�indeb[ednrss evi�mced by ihe Note,. •nd al! oWex� � .� . ��
<br /> � y cFtazgcs and fndebt�dness provided.therein.and in��this��Mortgage, at t�t times.anci in thc.manncr provided �in the Note and�in � � . �
<br /> . tlirs�:.Mortgage,�.-� . � � . . . � � . . . � . � . . .
<br /> .r .... ���2.�The�Mortgagot.wil1 pay.when due. ss.hercinaft�r.provided. aII gcnund rents;if any, and�a11 taxas, assessments, water. . . � �� �. ,
<br /> �� � � �� '�rat�s�and ottier-governmental charres, fines and impositaons, o( evers•kind and nature�u�hatcoe-rer,now�or hereaftcr imposed on � � � ��
<br /> � thr�mortgaged�property,�or�any.partthezeof, and..vili pay whrn 3ue�ri�rry amuunt of inJrbteJrreas secvred €�y any�lirn xo which � . . . �
<br /> the iian�nf this<Mortgage..is e�cpressly�subjecL � � . . � .�� � � �
<br /> � � ;.: Thia Tfortga�e.�pd�the NoSc Nere�eseculed and d�livertd to srcurrmoneys a�vanced,or to be advanotd, bp thr M'ortgagtt � �� �
<br /> z as or.�-4n �ccouni of a lo:a Cs'tcICt3Ct4I F>Y.lf1G Note,�for the purpose �o( tnaking tbc improvem.snb 3ostribed� ot toferred ro .in ��� �
<br /> ? t� ' specification and i�id sheet ���� September 27 . f'9 76 . co or on ihe �� ' ."�.
<br /> ; mortg:Fed pxoperty,aad�.fnt sucb.othez purpvaz,if any,desccibed.o� rcterred to shcrein, which improvements are heresFtes coUec- " ��.+;' � ,y, '
<br /> � . tivc3y'.�.�ca3led.'°Improremeats." Tfie�.Morxgagor:shal! �ma�ce ur�cause. tu�6e mu3e.a❑�the impruvanrnta. �IE the constructian or � '����
<br /> installatian�f the Improvemenzs shal! aot�<6e ttrried`�o�t wit6�.traso�:ble diligeace, or.shall 6e discoi�ti¢ued at any xime Fot�� �� � t.a �,
<br /> ,� aag raaso4 aihcr sSaan,sttikes, Sockouts, acts ��of God...fit+et, floods or ocher simiLvr..catastropbi�s, ciots, wae or insurreetion, !he � � � ��,�:�
<br /> � 2.fartgaga aftrr.:dwe nutice to ct:e�i.iongagne..is heceb��.auct,orized�.(a) w��enter.upoa che morcgaged propsrty and cmpfoy auy watch•� ` �'T�'
<br /> � .: . . .. rr+.���t�prMect�th� [m{rri,fvtme:sts�:.f^�.^n d�clatieet -or Ynfqry�. ar.d t�i+rrcerxe an�Frotert sech.pr�ntp. �(b).tn carry ou�t amy . ^���� ..
<br /> '"� ��� � � �. ar��sA�. lhtn sYistinxc cnntrn,cts �bclwaa tlu���h�orRga�gar��aRd other part�es fnr�thc pvrpoze of rr_aking�.any��crf the Imoro.+emeats,
<br /> (c) to make aqd�eatrz iata sddi3ioeal coatraeis and iacur obligations.fnr the pnrpascs of c:�mp€rting.the Ir_±provoments :puzsuaat � ,
<br /> � to th5�..�obliratians oef tfirMoti,gtsor:herouade�eit6rs::ia�tlse�name of thtMortgagee ur zhe Aiorc�gor,ind(d)�to pay�and discharge
<br />�� . .. . . . . ..
<br /> � . J
<br />� ,
<br />