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�� <br /> , , <br /> a 9 <br /> � ��.:M.� .w�►� <br /> �� 1( tutder ��qtx��h Jti i�crrot trz�� F�rr•� �w-tty �� •, �hS en • ..�- �F'rryP�rr•rr �• i�4 uth� rw . -.� ;n� � 3uirertii hr l . �.- n,Ier, I .euder � <br /> ��l�Il n�¢ely, �xa Int�nr #, t�un lztrtk�rdtattr�} prm5r ta tltv Taic� i�t ai �.- Yrt�r�ri�i}' c�c � r. :m ��� ; �i�ttiK'��n hy l .��u�4� r. ariy �'une3;: � <br /> t�,�3d by I..anct�r at rJax= zimc af apt>Yi�aucru .��, a c�r��itx uN,a�nn�E tss � hu �r �,� >��cur�>�I } r: � ;ii:, .lim-t ;;zi;o. <br /> . . <br /> 3, 1l�cabasf o� PaFe�ntt t,:r�le�� a�.p�7lira�.}r0.a tas� t � r+ac-ide���;�,� .� if l�uyinanr,� recriveci Lv L_vnder � <br /> tsnttee tf� Nnfd r�tix� {„cr:ragra��lt» i rcnrl 1' hrrtr.c�f �hnll i �a :sppitrAl �3��' I �cucicr tirst ir: �rayment oi �rnuunc,s puyttble tt> � <br /> I.ender by $orro�rrr �—�der �>s�rsgru}�!x 2 h�^rrof , t!ecr: to intrrc•st ��:tx-:xbtc: on t �i�� ��ata, arrd csn Fiztur�� :1.cl4ances, if <br /> Q ' :�ny, and th�n to th�± Fsrincipni ni the tiGatcr axid [a tl�e Earin�•ip�:c7 uf ti"uturc: � aner�, zf am•. <br /> .""i'7 d. Cl�m'gos: I.i�a+s- Bprrower shall pav n11 t�cr.s, a,saeesxeuent:s and oiher ehnr�E-s, iines :�nc� impositions attrib- <br /> �: � j�► rstabTe ta the Pro�ert�v,* which may .�ttair� ;� priurity over t }a "t:� .lInrtg:sge, and �res-wmcl rents, ii any, at Lender`s . <br /> �1L opt.ion in the mannrr g^;avided under ��arugra�i)i '1 hereoi or 3,y Iiorrotk-er �nnkin� �ayrnenL, when due, directly to <br /> Q che payce thereof. Barrnuer Phall promptiv furnisl� tn T.eii�l�cr all notic,es af aniaiziits i}ue uncter tlzis para�raph, <br /> Q rand in the euent 23ornawer shall inakc p�u}•ment �lirectly, Darrox�eA, s}ia71 promptly aurnish tn I,ender receipts evi- <br /> deaoing aueh psymenr,:♦ Iiorrower sha1T protrsptl}� dischsrge axay Iien w•hich hae }�ric>rity over this \iortgs�e ; pro- <br /> < , � vic�ed, Barrawer s�all noi be rer�uired ra disetr:�rp;e any scrcls lie��: so long as f3orroxa�er slxflll a�ree in �rriting tp <br /> � the payment of the ob2igatio�y secured by sucEi lien in .i a�3anner ::ecepta�b}e to I.encier, or �11at1 in good fsait.h,'coi�test <br /> 's such7ien by, or defenc� entoroemeni of suct� )aen in; legaI procee�r3i�r�:� wiiicii aperutt� Lo preyent; tt�c enicszcement af <br /> the�'lien nr forfeiture os'' the Property ar snc part tl7ereoft <br /> 5. Hazard Insur�ece. Borrotiver sYiall ikee�r the imnrovenients no�v cxistinG ar s�ercui '[er erecied orz the Prop- <br /> ertg inxured againsZ loss hy fire, hazarc3s included within the terrsi "extendecl covera�e", snd suah ottiea• hazards ' as <br /> Lender msy require sn� in such 'ainouii�.s anci tor Suclr �yi:riud5 aa Lenc{er n�a�• rer�x�ire : pravaded; thuL Lendec shaIl <br /> „ �` no�.require that ttie aTrx4unt oi such eoverage exceed tliaz nmoun �: ar aoti•erag� requis-�d to ��ati- the sums secured'by <br /> ctnis Mortgage. <br /> "� The insusance csrsier }�roxidin� t2Ye ins�rance shxit 6e chosen ktc $orro�cer s�sbject to approvat Uy Lex�dera <br /> .�;' ': pr�vided; that such approval shadl not ��e unrensanably svithheld_ Afl premiuuzs on insurance pulicies �hall be paid ' ' <br /> ut, �:ender's o�iion ui 'c�se manner provided utzder pnrrigraplr `� 7ic�reoi or }�y I3orro�ver �naking pnyment; when due, ' <br /> ; directly ta the insurance carrier. <br /> '' � In the event any . poficy<is not renewed on or before te,� days of its expiration, the Lender, to protect <br /> ' ` its interest, may procaare insurance on the improvements, pay the premiums and such sum sizail become <br /> q , ,a imrnediately due and pavable ' wit.h in#erest at the rate set forth in said ncate until paid ant3 shall be <br /> sect�red by this Mortgnge_ Failure by Borrower to comply mat*, at option of Lender, constitute a default <br /> undei the terms ' of rE�ortgager <br /> ?�ll insurance paliczes snd renewals #liereoi shall he in forii: scceptat�le' to I:encter and shall include � stundard <br /> ," ; morEgage riause in favor o2 and in iorni aece��i.abie to Lender. Lender sl7ali l�a��e the righc tU lyald the z�olicies und <br /> , ; renetvais thereoi, and Surroa•er shall iurnish io Lender ail renen-at notices and all receipts of paid pre- <br /> s miauts. Ia the eveni oF loss, Borrower snali gire prompr, notice io ihe insurance cazrier and I.ender, ar.d Lender <br /> aiay make p�oof oi loss if not msde prompilg- bz� Borro�cer. <br /> ' Unless Lender an�. Borrower oshercvise agree in tic•riiing, insui.�nce proceeds sl�a.}l be a�4�lied to restoratioo or ' <br /> ; repair of the Propert� dnmaged, provided such restoi•ation or rc.pnir is eooii�mir,alty fcasib3e and the sccuriiy of <br /> � this MQrtgage is not tk2ereby impaired: Ii suci� rescoration or reFaair is riot econoaaicaily feasible or ii ttxe seeurity <br /> ' of t$�is \iortgage wouid be impaired, tlae insurance ]}roceeci, sl�al3 lie s,�{�iied tn thc sums secured by this llortgsge, <br /> wit� the excess; if any, �uid to 73orroaver. If tlac Yroperty- is abanc3oned 1��* Borro�ver c3r if I3orrower faiIs �o resgond <br /> to Lender �vithin 30 d4�rs aiter.notice by Len�er to Borro�ver ii�a#. the insuranoe carrier offers to settle -a cisim . for <br /> � ' insurance benefits, Lender is authorized xo callect and a.pply ih +:. insurance proceeds at Lender's optiorx either ta <br /> ? ' restoration or repair of -ihe Property or to the sums secured b�- ti�is _llorigage. ' ' <br /> ;' Unless Lender and Iiorrawer othencise sgree in �vriiing, any such applicaiion oi proceeds Eo principal sha11 <br /> ' " noi eztend or postpone €.he due duta of the atonthlt� instalIzuents reierred fc� in pnragraphs 1 and 2 hereoi or change <br /> � the smount of such installments; <br /> , If':uttder -paragrapl} 18 hereoi tl�eYroperty is acquired by I.��nder; all 'righi; title and inierest oi Borrower ' in <br /> } and to :an4 insuranee policies and in and to f-t�+e proceeds thereof ;io tl�c exi.enr of tine vwims secured b�: tl3ic: hqort- <br /> 4 ; gage :imme�iiateIy prior to such sale oi• auquisit-ion� resuiting fram r3ain�ge to if�e Properiu prior to ihe sale' or <br /> _" aecquieition shatl pass ta >I.ender. ' , <br /> ; 6:, Pzeservation cusrd McQatencmce of Property; Leasaholds; Condominiums. i3orrower shall keep the Prop- <br /> ' „ ert� in good regair and shall notpermii or cornmii 1s•aste, impaini�eni, or deierioraCian oi the Propert�= nnd shall ' <br /> , d : com�l,y svith t2ie provisions af �ny lease, ii this �Iorigage is on a 3easenoic3. It" ihis J'�ori.gage is on , u condominium <br /> � ¢nit, Borrocver, sha3t perform ail oi Borrower's obli�ation� undn.r ihe cieclai•ation oi condominium or master deed , <br /> i Ghe i�y-Jaws and regulataons oi tise condominitam �>raject and aonstiiuent documenis. <br /> R 7. Protectipn oELeadex's Security. II Borrower i�sils to ner:orm the cuvenants and agreeinents co�tained in <br /> : i this 1lfartgage, or it any action or �roceeding is commenceci whicPi ivaterially s�ecCs L.ender's inierest in €he Prop- <br /> r ' ertyz ineluding, but noi: limith.d to. eminent domain , insoivency, code eniorcement•, *�r srrangemenis or proceed- <br /> ' i ings :involving s bankrupt or decedeni, itien Lender �i I.ender`� o7ition . upon noiice �<� Borrozver, m�y xz�ake such <br /> ap;senrances;: disUurse ss�ch snins snd take sue�� action as is necess¢ry• io protect L,ersder's iuierest, insIuding, but <br /> t noz �imSted to, . dis6urse.��enc oT reasonob3e �xt�orire�r's lee� and eutry uc�on tiie Pro ,>erty to make repairs. Any <br /> amounte disburaed hy L�nder pursuani tio tlus pa.ragrapl� 7, tiviii� �nke�-est ihereon, sl�r�11 become ac3ditional indebti- <br /> edness of Borrower secured b_v this �-IortgAge. iJnless Borrorver arfcl Lender agree to other terms oi payinent, such <br /> � araaunEs ahalt;be payabie 'upon notice iroii� Lendea• to f3orrou•er neyuesiing pxvment �t�ereof, and shali bear inter- <br /> . ; est fram the 3ate af disS�ursement st� the ra 'te szased in ihe note unless p3yrnent oi ir_ierest at suc.h rste �ouid be <br /> ' : oonirary Lo app]icabie Faw, in �F•hicti event sucl� atnoimcs sliall �ear interesr at t.lie highest rate permiseible by <br /> ' ' apgt�cable law. \Toilrin� coiit.aineci in ii3is �>3rsgrspla 7 shnll reryuire I. ender ia incu:- any expense or do nny aet <br /> ` herer3nden <br /> ' 8. Inspectioa. I er_ :cier naay� make o±• cau_�e io lac 2r�.is�c rcascrniiltic entr:es iy>on �nci inspections ef ; ?:e P�p- <br /> y � . � .�3�;f"> (37LAl =�E(� ���;,,�. �>..=.�Cf . F.1i:3�a�� � �TT1'��. �aSlO�icP. 1�Ui1PC �� t'iD�' IV .3IlC' bi1P � 1 lI1FD.?Qf(�IOfl� :'9)P.CI1YIri� 1'1'HF071 :9.��P PAUSP . . . . . <br /> � r tl�er�soi reiatad tt� Landes`s int,erest in the Yro{��riy. <br /> � �. Cundemaation, Tl�e proceeds oi a�av ativarc3 ar claim for dam$ges, direct or consequeniial, in cannectio7.� <br /> �.q , witYt any cancielnnaLion +or ocher tsking ,o£ ttxe Yro��erc5-, oi• �iari riiereot, or for roi3��r.yance in iieu oi candemnn- <br /> ° tioa, xre hereby assagned snd ahall be paid to Lender. <br /> � : �ir tlie oi a tot.�1 taking oi sfie Yrope.r�y. the ��rocee�is sls�ll be a.ppIied to tf�e sums secured 6�F #I�is 1'tort- �i�� - ,�R� <br /> �, ` ' �,, gage, ��'it}a the e�cess, if s�iy. }�aid to Borron•er. In the c=vent of n �ar[ial ta2�i�:�; of 'tlac f'ro}�erLti� , unless F3ormwer :t.. �r;E,, <br /> � . � , ancl I:end�s othe�avise a�aee in x•aiGing, t3iere sl�ull. be a��ptieci to cs;e �unis sNcured Uy th�s 1-iuri:gage such pzopor- �.� �!: e ;, <br /> :..� tian crl the procesds ns is equal to. i.hat prc�yorti+on �v}zic1; tlie nmou;aC ot tlae 5unie secused by itais h2ortgage imme- : � d ' <br /> �� � <br /> diau��yprior xa z3�e date �f cslcing beats zn the £uir nasrket ��a1ue o-i il�e Propertj� in�rz�edi�cely prior to t1se: date oi ;���+. <br /> daki�,8, witkt the #3aiance e>f fhe proceeds �aid t,c� �orrower: , � -. ., <br /> ` �# Ehe Pro ' � ' :; v, : <br /> , � perty is aFsandoaed bv Borrower .or if affer �oairP ix�c I.orr�er rn Rnr�-�r chsf 3°:P cc,r.dec:::�r of��.� <br /> : , t�o �aake an �u�erd ar set�le s cIsisu Ior d�na�;g�s, 73orraw�r fail:, e,c3 tt•rrsuuci 'to l .rn�� nr µ tt1� �❑ >;0 �is�•s •,• >he dste <br /> oi �t�� nt�t�, Lender ie autluSa:Eed to col3ect �cnci a���ly a.}ir. �.is�ae.�ecLs at Lenden c �,�atioz� eiih{:r to re�toration or <br /> repafir of the 3'raperty ox �o the swns secured by tliis \1art�ge. <br /> . ? ' Unfess ieg�d�r and .c>orroever otiierwise agree in i+-rati�g, anv sucli sppiication af praceeds s.o princ.apal slssil <br /> ` � .m,,, ; .. { <br /> � _ _� <br />� � <br />