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x� <br /> - , � . . <br /> �.,;.�,�, <br /> I ,^ ��. <br /> �., � <br /> � aot �Lend or �.+os�g�c�ne tttE du� c��� oi c "tse nwnthlc ira,tnilmeni� reEerred t,u i�� pxra�;ra{�tr,� 7 �ud `2 hereaf or <br /> change the nmaun+� of �i:atx installme�rts; <br /> l0. Bozrm�►ar �101 Relatssed. F�x�enaion oi tlie titsle for �r:symer�t oc rn��dificarion of amortzzstion o; the sums <br /> secured by this �'Lerrtgage grsnted 1'}' I•ei�der to anv :�4xr,�essos in inEca•est �f Borrawer �ttall n�t .operate to releas� , <br /> ' in ang znsnner, ' tl�e liabiIity oi t6e �rigival Borrowcr s�d I3orro�ser� �ucce�sors in itrterest. L.ender shall nai be '," <br /> ,�t reqtyqreti t,� comfla�nce �7raeeedin� sgs�.iust su�.ls suece�or. or rc:tu,a tc3 exten� tiine for payment o.r otherurase rnodify: <br /> s� <br /> ; r�nidrti�ation of`t�sc sums seenred by t,l�is Ziort.�age t,L r+eason Ai a�ati� +iema.nei mnue b}� the ori�inal Barrawer and � <br /> C� Borrawer'ssuccess�or� in interesk <br /> r� G'Sj 11. 'Fo:beas�ce by' Lender Na3 a VtiFca�+er. Any 3orbearance l>y ljencier in exerciaSng azay right nr remedy <br /> `L'`• hereunder, or othzzavise afforded b}* �pplicsl�Ie Isw; slsali not i�e fl «'aiuer of :or preelude tl�e �xercige o€ anu right <br /> °� CL or remedy hereua�er. The procurement of insurance or xhe }�avmenc of taxes or ather liena or �;harges k�y Lendsr % . <br /> ";� ""...a` shall rfr�t be �s waiven of Lender's ri�it co ssccelerste the maLuritg of ttre znc3ebtec3ness secureci b}* this �'dortguge. <br /> �� � 12. 8emedi,es Cuasulaiive. '-4Ii remedies {�rarided in tlfis 7lurtgsge ar� distinct and cuma�lntive to any other <br /> :� righ£� or remedy uratler tl�is _lIort�m�c or afforcieci iiy laar nr e�;uity, nnd n3a.c- bc oxercised concurrentty, independ- <br /> � �.,r entlg or succ��ivety. <br /> , 13. Suceersazs and Assi9ns' B�d% 3Qmt aad S�'veral Liability: Capti�aas. TIie covenants and agreements <br /> ` � herein contuined snall bind, and the rights 3iereunder w�rm11 inur� ta, Lhe respective �uccessors �nrl ass'a�ns of Lender <br /> t�'.-,� and Barron�er, suFajectta-t•he prouis3ons of ��arsgra}iii 1 : l�ereof. Al� cfl� c.riae3t� and ugree�nents of Borrawer shalY <br /> �;� : be joint : snd seversi. 'I'k3e �aptions srd l�e�dings of cl�c r�aragrraph; oi tlii� 1Fort�x�r xsre for con�•enience onig and <br /> ;. � are n� �aa be us�d �o incerprea or denne tlie provisions lieseqf: <br /> '" 34. :Notice, �ny nutiec to Borraw•er proti�ided for xn thi:: \Iortg�igE �[irc-II bi ;iven h,y ina.iling such , nQtiee by <br /> ° ,' certi&ed mail r�dc2resaed : to F3oironer at .the Proper4� �sldie�� �, eu he�c:� . e� fer �anv ncsf.i��r. rFauired under <br /> ;�, paragr:�ph IS ,=ereof to i:�c gil�en to �3orio��•er in t6e ansnner p� e:rrihcd t�}• ap��}ic:i�sle Isw. h:n�� natice procided <br /> � for in 'this �Tor�ga�e slia3l �ieen�eci to htt�-e been ci�•en io Borrower �317en g?veii in t}ie �nuniaer desi�nated i�erein. <br /> � . IS; I7ni3orm Morigage; Govazn�ag Law, $everabi3itY. '�`1�is furm ai aigort�sge corubines unifarm covenants <br /> � <br /> €or nrstionRi� use and nora-uniiorm cavenante �vith limacc:d b'arir�cions 6� iurisdiction to consti�.ute a uniiorm seen- <br /> rit�'�nstrument ec3vering real proj�err.,y. Tl�is �Ta•tgage ah:�fl i7e goveined i�s th�a la�r of the } airisdici'son in whioh <br /> %``� the Property is lcsested. Sn nc� everat tfiat. siiy �arovisi�n or c:lause ot th�s Alorcgagc or tl�e �ote cosiflicts with <br /> �:� <br /> applicable law, s�eh con8iet shall n�t nffecc oil�er pro�.�isi�c:s ni t}iis \Iortgege or the �Tote i��hioh can be given <br /> t eHect ^cuithout tlie eonflieting provision; and to tl�is end ihe' Tw•os�isions of the ,llortga�e ztnd the Not.e are declared <br /> � � to be severable. <br /> ;� I6. Borzow�er s Copy. Borrow�er shall be iuntished a conformeci co�7r oi tl�is �Tortgabe a.t Ehe tirne of exeeu- <br /> : � tion or after recordatior_'liereof. ' <br /> 17. Tzansfer af the Pzoperiy; Asstuaptioa. Ii ai! or ang part of the Propert}- or an int�rest therein is sold <br /> ,� or transfezred b;• s';orrower tivitl�out �ender'� f3rior �vritcen r,onseiit: , excluc3in� ta) ihe creation of a lien or encum- <br /> ,� brance subordinate to ttiis �Sortgape. (b) th� creatio� of ci purchase inoneti secusity interesG for liouse��oid appli- <br /> 3nces, (c) a trans�er t�y devise,de�cent or t�gr operatian af i�c+- u�aon ilic 3esik� of a joint tenant or (d ) tkie grant of <br /> � '' any lessehold interest of t3iree years or lessi�ot eontainingan opcion to purehase; Lender may, ac Lender's ogtivn, <br /> � declare a11 the :surns secured by tliis �11artg�ge to Le � ��viediatel}• ctue and �a}�sble_ Lender sii�il ha�-e �aived suc� <br /> r option iu accelersmie it, �rior Yo tl�e sale or transier, Lendei• and tlie l>ersan x,o w}iom the Proger4y is 'ta �e sold or <br /> 4 ;? transiesred reacki �greersaenL in «�siti�g �l�ai zlie credit o= sueii �>erson is satis�actory 3o Lerider �nd Ehat. the interest ; ; <br /> rs <br /> ` g�axuble on the sums secured i�yihis \ slisll i�e at such xate p�s l.eneF.�r shall request. If Lenrler has waived <br /> , : � #.he aptian to accelerate provided in tliis }�ar�graplr 37 �nci if $arro�e�er's successoa' in interest i�ns e�:ecuted a �vrit- <br /> `� Len asbumption agreenxenz acceptsd �n tivr'stiug }�y Lender, Lender si�ail reiease Borrosver iroin a.11 oi�iiga:Lions under <br /> 3' . . . : . . � � . . . . . . . <br /> b inis Mortgsge and the 3vote. <br /> �� . . ,�. If Lender ex�rcises such opiiun to accelerste, Lencier shall ayail ,Borro�u-er notice oi accelesation in aceordsace <br /> f with {�aragrnpli; l�3 hereoi. vuch no� sce r:la;;li �,ro�•i�e a �>eri�xi oi not les� t}ian 30 days irom t�e dttce ihe notiee is <br /> snsiled �sitlain u•txicii Boirower ina.� pa}• #Le sums deci�re.d due. If I3orro��cTer fual:: io p�v �ucti sur�i� prior to ihe <br /> � cxpira�.ion ot sueb per'tod , Lender rraay. �aitt�avt iunlzez: r�otiee or �iernund cn B'orreiver, mvol�t an� remediee ner- <br /> 3 ' anitted b;r� pflragrsphlS 3iereof. _ <br /> ��- � <br /> t , <br /> t 3�ox-I�rrgairai Gov�x.+:,r�_ Y,e�ra�oc�•e�• anci Leuder f'urtlier +�at-enFint anci ugx•e� as foi3ou�s : <br /> ` ry }8. Aeeelesatioa: Remedies. Erre� �t .3a P�'�L � sleel uj � �nx7•agr,i��h 17 l �emoi , u;:qn I3orr�reaer � breasli of anv <br /> ca�s�enant or agieement of $orro�tcr �n tlais lfoitfis�gc� . =�rclusiai�� riic covenas�i� cc� ��.�<< ��'lien ciuc ang' �',�ins secure� <br /> ; � by t�hss 3inct;gttge,�Lci�der• ��riur icr .�ec•c]ertition al,all t�a>ii1 � r�oiice �to Sorro���er as 9�rovid�rd �r� ��ax•a�r:spl� 14, l�ereoi <br /> " : �peeii3�in�: Gi3 tlie breach ; 421 il�e actiUn rrcauire<i cc� cua•e :ucii t�r�iacl> : 13 ! a ciute. not less than tIiirty' �ays <br /> frvra� the �iufe a:hc notice' is +;isileci �o T3�rrc� �•<:r. f>�• �� }�irli �i�rl � 3arc,irl� iuust be rur�d ; utid � 4 i thzt. isilurc to cure <br /> sucn : breach an csr k�eiore tlie �l�t.e specifieu in tlae ssoc�ce ri7ay a�esu3t in Fsti^�celersxi�n of #iee suiias ��.cured by this <br /> ; RSortgx�e snd saie of ihe Pro��eriy . If tiie rsreaeh is no� curec� urz oa• befc�i-c �hc d:ate <4>erifieci in tlie, Le.iider <br /> ' " ; at Lender�i oF:rtion i+isy decla�re al3 of thc, �u�r�s secured 3,� clsi: �1urt�agc ao l,e. im;neaiaceiy ri�xe �.uci ��€�yak3}e <br /> w°it,houtfurther c�ecrtand snc� �nay` 3�xeclase. tl�i� \1or� 1.?ti' )udiciai t�roeeedin�: I.,ea�zer slrafI be eneitled to colleer. <br /> , ' in surh proceec3ing all ex}�enses e7f forecio�ur� , iczcivding. nut nat !ilt,iied to . costs ot doeai3nentan� evidtnce. <br /> rsb3tr�ets and titie rej�urt�. <br /> �r . x 19. Banox�rsis Right 10 Rezxastate. tiut��•ith�x:anding I ��ncier � ricceieration of the hum� 5ecured l�y thi� <br /> � A'torLgage, Borrosr+er shuli h�ve ikxe right to ha��e anq- ��r�ceedmgs 1>e�w2 t��• Len<ier to enforct ihi. �ianguge dis- <br /> contiaiued at xti�� tivae prior to enLry° of � jud�;ment enic+rcin� tf�is .11ara�,u�e ii � 1 a � F3c�rro;ser iar���s I.ender ail <br /> , , ., sums whieh Ron�� be ��rera �ue i�aad+er thi� .'elort�;sgc, tiae ?�ote :3nci nc�teF seeurinE Futixre_�dti-ancc�, if an�, liad no <br /> ,. • ' <br /> acceleration occasrred: (�� 1 Bormw+�r curee all brexr�,r� of 3n�• �ther co�-c' nants or a€;rcemezxts ut Borrower coa�- <br /> sr <br /> a , tasaue�3 in ttus 'ay�:..:iga�c ; 4c � Ba:^oa•e: Z�s,l• s�} rr�����hCe <•»+en�e� inrurrrci ii�� } .�•ndrr �n crrz"orc�n�; t'rre eo4 �rixrit� <br /> and agreemeuts �e+f Horrower contained in thi� \1ort�a_c and ��� �a�turcin� 3.cnder's reaaaeciies ae �arr�i•icied �in par:s- <br /> _ �ra�}1 ;1$ he�n€, anelutiixxg, i�uti nc�t 1'ttnited to; reasor+rs.i�le attc�rne�-'� iee:- : �nE3 ici 'i BorroN�er iakes such accion r�� <br /> s Le�der uasy ressana2xiv require io uss�xrc rliat ti�e lie-n af tlii� '�lortgug�� , 3,f•���er's iniere::t 'sn t,he Property snd <br /> < ' $c�srcrwer's abliga#ion, #a ��ay t13e svm� secured h;t thi- Ai��rtt;uee :;i�sil c�nl,inve uraini�7aired_ L'r,cin sueti payxuenL . <br /> ` andture �v $oz�ower, this ?�4orf�age and t�7e pbligaz;rsn. .eeurc�.i litret��� �lxall ��auai�a in fuli �orre anci tiflect as ai „M,�° � <br /> � ; ^ no ac�eieratian Im,ad occarreci. � � <br /> � �'•, <br /> 3 . : • ?A, Aseig�ceat of Hwnta: ��t a! Hac�sivess Lerade: ixs Possession. .�.e addssionai seruriiy- Isere- � ,. +� <br /> ti; � 'x uad+er, Bonrower hereby �'s�s tv �der tlze tents af t1�e Pro}aert�-: prn�-i�i+�ci that Borrower s�sall , f�rior to sreeler- , h <br /> � i atioa umcler izsr�r�€rxUh 18 hereoi o� nbandcsnanenk of c�ae Protx,rtti, hst�•r t'rxt rig's�t ta coilect snd reisin suc3� rc�is �' <br /> � . ,t�s tye�r be�me �ve amt� T�syable. ry <br /> "�, : <br /> kipon ac+oei�tarsiic>u wu%er pisca'�r»�a � ifi a+er�ci> .Wr ah '.:,7uc^.. :�: or Fi.�. }�..n� ,.�,-rti• : ? Pnr3�T . m r,�r�+on . bti� aQenz * r , , <br /> r <br /> a,� �U.r .� �, ., n .,. ., , e i p .� <br /> .. � � OS S3'3' ;�11Q1f:1N�;7F'3' 31}ijHYtil� Ctl�c4�Li Sf13.r� . �.�+a. C:11S'�.�C:.a� O :C.-t � . —�. 9_. .. 1 .1�SY F"Hlr.t C� {Nl 0.>l 1412t� . 2:Y{ft31L�(', 2.t1E' ��7"+U N2'L�'ti . <br /> r .�,_ a��.r� ,�nrj„r14i3e zlwse »net cive. .all rr,txis coi:lecurd irv Lencier or tiae receiver <br /> �' ' � . . . 873f1 'SO 'PA,'t1C%�: t33i: tbi:`aa� a7a a.a.c .. �a..- . . ,`v�• µ' " <br /> s#+ali�espplirs3 �itsti� �as�if�ent.oi iher�scc; tsf as�ag+e*ai��at ui i3.a ��xerc�� s�� evllcrl�on uf r�axs . inrluding, i.,�:t <br /> ,^.Dt '.�.'_�••a t.;, -+mreiver'a f�, pr�+�iivmfi nrs r�^rc•iver'� nonrl� nxxi rea:�unsii��t, sttorrsey ' [ci . . •:nd ttxeiz to ttae sut�s. <br /> , � eeeured bpl.h`ss '�vfortKx�e. Lendei ant2thQ ret�eirer4laalll�e 2ial�ie !o xrcaur_t �nla- for chu�e rt--�st- s��u� it} � � ce�:•c�i . <br /> � �_ . � <br />� � <br />