<br />�' � ...��
<br /> f
<br /> ' � �
<br /> i[V DtYI DUAL
<br /> DLE ON SALE
<br /> ,�� SAVING�_ FUND
<br /> , Fa��n+ NOJ26.�
<br /> ��� Loart Number�_33087�---188 A_ 1
<br /> . . . . � -.ras"� dr.��cn
<br /> � 77-OU�730
<br /> ; M O R T G A G E
<br /> � THIS MOftTGAGE,made and executed th:� -s°.� dav af :�'� A D.;
<br /> � Ada I Atkinson a sin le erson.o...... ...._... -
<br /> R f 1�J.�.7.::..,b�etween the Mortgagor, ... -.-- ......... .......a--..,._. S..:. �..... ....... .._...___ ...;.
<br /> { : .::- - -- ._ � •---� -----._ ....-----.,..
<br /> ?4,:! of_..:�artlett ---_... . County af .... ........ ..........•--..,Stnte of..Nebraska..... ,hereinafter refersed
<br /> , " ta as the Borrower, and the:Mortgagee, FIRSfi IPEDER.AL SAVIiVGS AND LOAN ASSflGIATION OF'
<br /> ,<.i I.INCOI,N� 1235 "N" 5treet, Lincoln,>IVebraska 68501, its succe.�.sors ancl Assigns, hereinafter referrecE to
<br /> " as Lender., ,,
<br /> �
<br /> x WtTNsssET� �ha� the said Borrower for a�d m consideration of the sum of r7ZNE TAQUSAND S IX
<br /> � - ..._ �
<br /> i HUNDRED_AI3D NO 20 .. ---, .._.-- ---•-.:. . ._...._._ . ._.. ............:Dol.ars (USS...9...60D...QQ.:.:. ...... . ..)
<br /> `� paid by said Lender, does'l�ereby mortgage, granE and convey ta Lender, its`successors and assigns; the
<br /> ;�4 following described pmperty:located in the,Counzy of _. _.Hall_ ,.,,.__,._. , State af Nebraska:
<br /> �'�
<br /> % ' Lot Three (3),,B1ac1� Seventy-eight (78), in Wheeler and Bennett`'s �
<br /> �
<br /> {,,� Thzrd Addition`to the City of Grana. Island, Hall �Qunty, Nebras}�s.
<br /> '�
<br /> � .�
<br /> , �
<br /> ^� Tocsxxex.:with all.the improvements now oa hereafter erectec3 on the property, and all easements,
<br /> �e,� rights,:appurtenances, rents,_royalties; mineral, oil and gas rights nnd profi#s; water,water.rights„:and
<br /> water stocls,and ali fixtures now or hereafter at�ached to the property, all of �vhicl�, incluciing replace-
<br /> r- � ` ments'and additions thereto, s1zaII k�e deemed to �e and remain a part of the prvperty covered by' this
<br /> �: j , Mortgags; and,"ali of'the foregving, together witEz said propeTty(or the leasehold estate in the event this
<br /> ` ; Mortgage is an a leasehold) 'are herein referred to as the "Property"i ' ` '
<br /> `"`J Borrower covenants that Borrower is lawfull�v seised of the estate hereby conveYed and has the right ' _ -
<br /> ; ` to mortgage,:grant and'convey the Property,tha�the Propert,y is uneneumbered,'and that;Borrower.-wi11
<br /> � warrant and defend generally the-title to the Propert,y against°all- claims-and-demands'; subject to any '
<br /> y''y easements-and:restrictions listed in a schedule o£ exceptions to coverage in.any titIe insurance policy in-
<br /> ,s � suring Lender's interest in the�roperty, or (2) 'attorney's opinion of t�tie from a6stract o£ title cerf,ified
<br /> by bonded abstracter.
<br /> PROVIDED ALWAY$i�:�A71(1 tIlESE�IJl'E,'52IItS.ATQ��e?i4CllG@C�%iIICI��CIL'�1V0Y�(ill]70II.tI1CfOIIOK'lllgCOI1Cl2t10R9�agree- � �
<br /> y � meats and ubfigations of the Sorro�ver, to-wit:
<br /> �,7.� The Borrower agrees to pay to the Lender, oa order, the principal-sum o£.;NINE. THOUSAND.,SZ�;. _,,, `
<br /> � .�,iti1N3?�GA..�N�?:N'Q/.14�.- -......_, --- ....-- .-- .-----i3oliars (iJS'S..9,500.QO : _: ......: ..)
<br /> t, � ��aya}�le as pxovided in a note executed and deliveged,�oncurrently here�vith,the finml gayment of principal,
<br /> ,. . if nat sooner pazd, on the:..:-----...--:1st--_--dav of _.....June . .,......_, L�,.19�7
<br /> . ............. _
<br /> �. , .
<br /> '� � UriiFqxnr CavEtvaxTs.Borrower and Lender covenant and agree as foilows
<br /> t ,a L Payment:of Brincipal�d Interest ,Bortnw�r c;hall E�romptIy pa,v wh�n due tlxe Principal of and,itr
<br /> ',F terest on tixe indebtedness evidenced by the Note,prepavment flnci late char�es �.s provideci in the Nvte,
<br /> ;,� a and the;principai of and interes-i on ang Future A<3vances secured-by t.his iLlort��zge.
<br /> ' " 2. Fnads for Tmces and Insurmace.: Subject ta Lender's<>ption under paragraNlis 4 and 5 hereof, Bor-
<br /> ?' mwer shall pay to Lendenon t�ae dap montihlv in�t:allments of princ:"xpal and interest are payabie wxder the
<br /> � Nate,;until the Note is paid in £ull,a sum (herein "Funds") e.qual ta one-twelfth of the yearl,y taxes ard
<br /> assessments which may attain prioxity over this i4�oi'tgAge, antl ground rents on the Property; if an,y ��u:;
<br /> �, ? on�-twelf#h of S�early premiuzn':installments far hazard insurance, plus one-twelfth oI ,ytari.�� prexniuin axi-
<br /> ,'` .; stailments £or murtgage iiuurar�ce,if any, all As reasonak>l,y-estimated initizaAy and from time to time 1�y
<br /> ; s Lender on t�e basis of asee�sments and bills and re�r;onable estamatxs thereof,[.�nder shrall apply ti�e k'un�cis
<br /> e
<br /> tr�pay�sair2 t�xes,assessmants, =nsurance premiun3s and g=•ound ren�.s.L�;.7der shstl z:�kt:,nu ck:�:„c fc+r sia
<br /> '" � hoiding and applying the Fun�.�or vverif3�ing and' compiling said asseasment� and bills.Tlie Lender sIiBll
<br /> "' j give#.o the �orrower without chazge,an annusl a9cccaunting o[the�'za��ds showing creciits anx3 debits to tl�e
<br /> , Funds and the'purpose for whieh each debit to the Funds cvas made. The Funds are �led�ed ar add'atiozgal
<br /> 7 securit,y for the-swns secured b�this Mortgage.-'�'he$orrower agrees that-the l�unds anay lae held by t.�e
<br /> � Lender and comxning�ed with ot:�er funds and ttxe Lender's own fundrs and the Lender rnay pay sur.h itea�s
<br /> '' Iroxxi its o�ti��vn�3s and the I.eader:shall not be Liable for intcrest aa dav]denri.s on such Funds. ' '"� '
<br /> ; . �.� � �.,v
<br /> � If the amount uf.the Fun�s kela by I.ender, Gc�geLher with the future xnontl�l,y ix�stallments of Fun�ds �;�
<br /> gayabie pris�s ta,the due dat,�s r�f tases,assessmerats, insurauce preu�iums and ground ren�s, shall exce+ed
<br /> ,�� �� - the amaun�srequir�d to pay sair�tazes,assessinea�,insv�rance prernirama and ground re�nts us thev fmll diae, '��,�
<br /> au�:excess.:shaii.�e, at Bflnnwes's m
<br /> � . . aptioa,eiL•her�romptl3r repaid i:o Borrower or credited to Bormwer con <'�';
<br /> rnnr�thly inz=ta]Zart�att� nF Fun�s; If the r�rranunt hf the Fea��2R Feei+i bv T.enrler chall not i�e cufiicien# tn pay �.,,'
<br /> '.': Laxes, asse.ssttients.insurance:pF-emiums a,nd gre>uc�d zeia�,.c as they is11 dae, Sorrow�r shti:l pau t.o Lender
<br /> auY amas�xst necessary to n�ake �p the de5ciency^p+ithisi thirty daY� �fter nc�tice from 3:.ender to Borro+�er '"�"' ` °
<br /> n<
<br /> re�qu�t%ng.prayment thcreaf,or i�arrower sha31,'by an increase in mv»thly installments of Fvnds requir�d,
<br /> �'�i'�Y the ci+�$cency witiiiin ti3e Fuud accounting �aeriod.
<br /> ilt�on �yment iu fuil of aii suar�s�ec;ured by �hia Mc»rtgage,Lea+der sha11 ap}�ly Funds held as a cre+c��t;
<br /> against ail sAcatzis due.
<br /> t3 i
<br /> � . . .. . .. . . . �--�-. .�.J
<br /> C ......., . . .... . .. .... . .
<br />