<br /> l ��
<br /> ..� . _.. ,.-- �
<br /> �� � � If ivact�cr �iars�ropb 1fi l�t-TE01 CIIC ��tU(ri'ft�" 1*. .+*tl�(� !ft' { i1R' f�fi7t�t•f"tt' It t +", rt+•P,K"r*N :il`t� lilfl.'61 t .4- � .("U1.CT- I.E711�tT �
<br /> �h�all apP�Y� nn l�tve rhr»n �tr�rawdtatplu ��nor tc� ri�e �sudc ��f r E�e ,Prnr�^��ra- or =+ .. :..z4�tian t;v } .t _ ad��� . :,s', �v E'urn1a� �
<br /> }sald by [.+�scscier �t, the tim� ad :spplieation �» s� cm.r��3�t, u�at�r�e rhe a�nn� •,,_rurrr� � 'i>c rrui, \i �in� wa�t .
<br /> 9. A�ieafioa o! Paysn,wssfa. L'aIc�as a�ppiirn&,tc EuM� t�roc�dcM �xt 'rbcrul.�r, s�13 ��ayir',rnt�: u�at,av��R:l by I.ender
<br /> tsndu thc �ote and puctsgra�Ias 1 aixd 2 diexeof �i�al ! i�r ��>3�J��i h}• Lt uu<�r tir�c in � ,txyinent oi arric,.uittm F�:tyablc tu
<br /> F,eudor U�r Borrawer undar Nura�rapd� :? hereoi. ttaen t� inta�rest �,:,yat.>lo- on ri,r: r:ote� and r�n f'iiturc A�irances, ii
<br /> �Y, and tls+cn Lo the principsl oi the :\'ote �nrl ta x3ae princi��rs1 nf F"ux �re :1cfc:3ncei: , if anc.
<br /> Iti 4. C�aasqss: Lisos.- Botr�wer alsalt pap at} taaces, a�sse,cr�n�ents un�i ar.�l7er charge�, tines and irr�:�ositions attrib-
<br /> x � '[7� ' uta.ble ta s3ae Pro�perty which may atGain � priori,t�r over t4qis �Iortgs�pge, �i:�i �rrounsi renik, ii :a.ny; at F.ender's
<br /> L� vptipn in tls+e cnanner �ro��ided vnder {assragra�� 2 }rereof or ts�� I3nrrawe� makin� pav�nent, when due; clirectiy to
<br /> .. C'1j ths payee t3iereoS.' Barrower s�sull promptty furnis3z tn Lender n!l notiees oz atnot�nts due uncier tlus Paragraph,
<br /> p and'ia the �vent Borrtswer ehai7.�nake ��ssyniettG dire,et}y. Borro�z•er sl��lt �ir�mpt,ly j�_rnisi� to I.e:�der receipts evi-
<br /> C3 denciug sis�Jia payxneists. Borroc+�er shali pran�ptly d�r,3�ar�e ascv lien xa:h:seh has ��rioriz,r over thia ltortgage ; T�ro-
<br /> ' v�tied, that �3aznmuver. shall .nc3L �e re<;uired to discltserge ;snt sau)i 3ien so : ang us Borrocver sl�ail ag�ee in �*�riting to `
<br /> , , ' � tha paymen,a� of the ntti}igation ��curecl b,y suclx lien iu �y tnanner acT,wptaia�� to Lander; or xhal! in �;v�d -iaith contesE
<br /> e
<br /> � e ,� s�rxeh lien by, or defend enforceuzent oi sueh lien in, ;�eg�i ��rac+:edings +vl�;:cii ngerafe i4 pr�Leni the enzorcement of
<br /> '" �he lien ot Y`�rfeiture of titsa Prc�pzry ar any �asrt t }�erea..
<br /> �, , 5: Hazsz:dlnsuz�►ce. $cPrrawer slrall kee}� tlse iing�rauements noa� s*xist:isig or f7ereafccr'erect�ed on the Psnp-
<br /> erty insuzqedc sgainst loss hy firea hazs�rds ineIud,ad cvi�hin tne #erm "exteia#ied eosezage", snd sucU gihei• hazards as
<br /> Lender m�.v rec�uire and ,in suc}s ainouna� and fbr suc�s �eriotis as I.ender may ree�uzre ; ��rnc�ide�3 , tt-�at Lender sha31
<br /> y, „ nut requir� �hati the amount oz sucU c.overage exceed �hat amoui3z, 01' enre_nge requireci to �r�c the sunis seewed 'by , ;
<br /> rhis?6lvitgs�e_ `
<br /> The inrurance carrier ��ro�:iding tlae insurance sF3s#1 be c.37osen 1�y Borron^er suF�ject fo appravul by Lender;
<br /> y' � ' pr.ovideci, th�t;suc3r .��xproval s1�ILnot �ie uureasonab�i,y aithheld. :�11 �>re�iums on insusance>;�olici�s ,hnli §re paid r
<br /> ' ax i<ender`s option in tt�e manu�r }irov;ded iaaeier paz-agraptr '2 ixereof or i�y H�orro��er making pay r�ent, xvhen due,
<br /> directly to L;sie ansurance carrier_;
<br /> In the event ang �olicg^ zs not renewed on or befare ten days of ifs eapiration, the Le=nder; to protect
<br /> ( its interest„ may procure insi€zance on the impro�semenEs, pay the premiums and sueh sum shall become
<br /> , ; irnxnediately`due anci payable with interest at LF�.e rate set ' forth in said note until paic€ and shali he
<br /> � ' secured isy this �vlortgage. Failure by Borrawer =o comply may, at option of Lender; cons-�itute a default
<br /> ` ' uader the �em�s a€ this Mortgage. 3. . ; !
<br /> 'a ' - A!t insu.aunce pnlicies und renewttls thereo€ slsali i�e in ionai seceptab,c 'ta I�c:nder :qnd slittll Snc.�ude a siandard
<br /> +; ; �nortgage eisuse �n favor of ancl. in form �cecptable co Leucier_ T .e.ncier sha.11 i�s�=e #-he rigiYi, io ;�oYu �lie policies and
<br /> ,' - r r�newals ti�ereoi, aud Borrower shall ;�romptiti� furnish to S,er�der ali ren�rvai zioticps and aIi receipts of paid pre-
<br /> ' miums. In t�e e;�ent af 7oss, Bcarrowc;r sl�ali �ir•e {arompi notice to tl�e i�;ursnee ctLrrier and Lene�er, and Leixder
<br /> :'. � mav make proof oi lass ii not rnnde promptly Ly, Iiorrow�r.
<br /> : . r Uiiless �,ender and:Borro�*er ochercvise agree in ai•riti�2g; insurance �3oceeris shali be applied io restoration 'or
<br /> p „ repair of th� Property ciatuagerl, provided such restoraiion ar re}�sir ia ,ec,onon�ir;aflg- ;easihle and the securii�� .o2
<br /> : ; a this B�o,rLgac�e is not tlzereby ii�usired: If sueli restarat,ion or repair is not eeonaniically ieasible or if the'seeurity
<br /> � of t6is i�for�gAge c�couid-be �mpaired , i.3xe insc�mnce praceeds ,fFsli bc app(ieci to t3�e sums seaured by this 34iartgnge, '
<br /> � v�ith the axcsss; if aay, paid to Borrocwer. Ii tlie I'ropertg� is 2bandoned b}- Borrowes `or if F3orrott•er #aiis f,o sespand
<br /> Ae ta Lender rr�tliin 3� da�s sifer �otice by 7�ender io Sorrower tlsai the insurance esrrier offers ta se#,tle a claim for
<br /> F .;, irxsuranee be.nefits,;d:ender is auihorized to c:oliec� aiad ap�]y t1�e. insurauce , proceeds sc Lender's - vption either to
<br /> a:
<br /> "' restoraiion ar repair oi ths Property oz to Lhe sums secured l�}- tlii: \f:origage.
<br /> ,u '.,;" Unless .Lender and Borro�er o%nercvise agree ir. rvriting, any suc}r :.nplicatzon oi proeeeds to principal sha31
<br /> +; : nat exiend as gostpone ilie due cinte of the monthl}� ir��tslianents referred �o in paragraphs 1 and 2 hzreof or ehange
<br /> ` Y the emount of such iasiallments. ' ' ,
<br /> n� . ; If underparagraQh. 98 hereoi the 1'roperr,y is ac�quire�i b�* I.ender, 3� I righi; fitle and interesG ` 9i Bonower in ' '
<br /> a and to:ank insura�ee �saiicies an.ri in and to Ltie �roceeds tlsereoi ito i3ie �Y'[ent oi ihe suins securecz by this i1'iot�-
<br /> ` ,'t gage immediately prior to sueiz sale or s�equisiiion } resulting from daix��ge . zo the Property ` prior io the sale' or
<br /> ; acquisiiion s�iatl pasc to Lender:
<br /> � ' , ; 6: presi�zvatins�.d Mmntencmce of Pzoperty; F easeholds; Coadam.inivass. I3orrower shail �ceep the Prop-
<br /> ` �' � eriy in' good ?epair and shall nav permit or coinmit xv sss,e, impairmeni; o=_- rie 'terioration oi ihe Property and shall
<br /> ; campl,Y. wit3z #}is pru�vsions of �n�� lease, ii this \tori.g;a�e is pn 3 leasehold. Ii ttais �iorkgage is on 3 conaominium
<br /> r unit, Borrm�c*+�r shatl per[orm a}a of Borrower'. obli�saions under tiie deci3raiion oi condominiucn ar master deed,
<br /> �j , t13e by-laws and regulations oi i3�e candon�iniwn ��roiecr. �nd �oastituent ciocuruenis.
<br /> 7. Pro3�ctionof Leadeis S�curity. If Borrower iails to nerzorni ih� couenants and agreemeazs contained in
<br /> tl�s �lortgs�e, or if any; acLiqa csr proeeeding is comn�enced whsci� iu:steris�iv affect, ,Lender`s.interest in the ProN- -
<br /> er#.3; in�luciit3g, but not 3imiied io; en�inen[ dpnnaus, inso3renc��, caie exg#oecec�ent; or urraa�;emers#s .vr procaed-
<br /> " ' ings involcia,� a b3�brupt or decedeni, then Lender 3,t. I.ender's option, ¢�on noiice #,o I3orrower, rz3ay mai:e such
<br /> � appearauces, disburse sucl� sums And take sucls aciiaa as is r:ecessary fo prateci, Lender's interest, including; buf;
<br /> • ' not iimiteci �o;' disbursement oi reasonabte atiorney"s iee= and enir�� u�on ihe Properit� io -tuake: repairs. 9ny
<br /> � amounia dis�urser3 by:Lender ��rsuant io tnis paragrspl� "r . �viil� nnteresi . ahereon, sha31 :become sdciitional indebt-
<br /> :
<br /> . ednesa oI Sorxower seeured by z.'sais \iurt,gage. Unless Borraiver and ]xi�der agree to other cenns oi 3aaynnent, such
<br /> p � . . . . . . . . .
<br /> , , ; s�^u��ts s2xa3J be psyakale upon �otice from d,ender t,a $orro3rer n;quesccin� paymenL thereot; and atsali .bear inter-
<br /> ' ;� eat izom the date uS disb�rseinent at the rate staied ir-s the �ote unlesa �syment oi intemst, at sucia rute wonld be
<br /> ` � E : cani.rarry .to snp�Jicable laa•, in vchich evenc such amc+unis Gha31 bear intferest si, the highesL rate penttissible by
<br /> , , ,,, .
<br /> pp�li�a6Pe �a�': �csth5ez� eancaixi�zi in z13is paragrap}� T �hnli .-equire Leexder to incur avy eapense or do any act
<br /> ;^ ' he�under.
<br /> ;. ; S. inap�etion. Lender rrea� inul:e ur e�ure to i .e u3a�.ic x•eawnal�ic. e.*�tries u;�oo a�.id ins�>ect.iot� oi the Prop-
<br /> . . � CPGW�; � �/I'h�'1C�£`C�� �L�18�. I.i'.t1C{8i" c{}.q] '3 �1�'P PiG1SiQ7i�PS'� 7itl2'?T^f. 1�t:1�7• �:L) `6P�' cLlr{,. j�+c.y�:{+r�L7.^. :�'. ^ fl i::ti I'C�fC_^.3U�..1. l:SU:C . . . . . '
<br /> Lherefor rela#:�d to i.ender's interest in t.he Prcmpertr�.
<br /> S. C�emstaticn. Thc pr+�eeeds oi ssny ai+�arci �or r. la'sen Sar dacnaga_s, direcr, or coiasequentisl . in conaee�,ion
<br /> ; ' ` wiz�h any conc�emua#,ioa nr othe�- iaking of tl�e Prof�e�}•, or ,��rt tlicreaf. sar for com-c:y�aeac�x in licu oi eonciemna-
<br /> r� ; : •, taan, �he�i.�y asaigxiaci and shsaai be �rsid to Len�3er_ ,
<br /> ,.. . : •,�
<br /> In the ea+eni of a ivtsd taki�g oi the Propert}; ihe rimceecis sha11 lie aFvplied to the sum; secureri 6y tt�is �14ort- .� .
<br /> v
<br /> 4 gaga, H'itu r.�xe e,.cesa, if sn}', paisi to $orrun-er. I�a t�.e ei�en; oi a ��aniai r.aking oi ti» Yropert��, uzsie�s Borromer � ��.:r.
<br /> � . " aiad.,I.eu�ler +or�r.luern�ise agree in v�^siting, t3iere rlisali be xn����iied zn ti�e sunis secureci b�• thiv liortgag� sucla ��ropor- <} '
<br /> 3�° z &icsm csf kI� �vr.Qc�eds as is equai u�.that proporeion u hi�h tt�e ansouni. oi 21�� sums secu_*�ed by shas '_11�rtgage inzme- %�
<br /> h;�; aiis#e�y ptisrz �o ihe tlat�e ot iaici�g ;beais to 13ae Sgir n�sa.aket cralcne af the Pr��zerrs- inaa3e23isteYv prior to s,he date of ���'
<br /> #ei • ,
<br /> . . �.
<br /> �"e-° ° �ai6c�a�. tYi�s. i��'+baDauce of she �ru�eeds paid to Borroja.er: �"J
<br /> � ., ,
<br /> If t�te �+-�' 'ss �trsn�o�e�? b} �o.^_�c:^er n: if � e- ot's � � , Lcuce� tc Iiurra;ver zr.s� �,Le c�a.�+leuluor utfiEre
<br /> rv . . . - . . ; . .
<br /> ' �!Cl YAtL�C(! 6TF OL-3VSTi� +[5! i'iPtt�)+P A Ct23�1111 !�7 �4Y118"a"EQ.,r .�Q^n.�1NE4' ..�» de �n n«..y .^...'..'1 �U' i� �..I...'�.�^.I . L� .L:.Y� .�iQ G.B.�e"b Oi L}i2 "�i+YLG. � .
<br /> of isuch not�is�, �xader is :8uti�oriaed tv canllect and ag�}31g the' ��soceeds az :3:ender's opiion ei#,ner t<s rest:oration �ar
<br /> c
<br /> repFair dt th� P.m}�erty �to the sc�:n�s secured bv t.his 1# urL�age:
<br /> c
<br /> �3ni� 3;+enalst' �.uci $orrov�e� othea'tvi�e;srr,tae in ^s�riting. snti such a��ies�aoa ai �-�cee�is cr, .-�rii,�ivai e=i��xii
<br /> ,� «„ R �
<br /> E
<br />�
<br />