<br /> �,���
<br /> � . �.�
<br /> �.
<br /> � irvaner�uaL
<br /> � DUE ON SA�.E
<br /> SAVIntGS FUND
<br /> ^ FoRM N6.720� � � .
<br /> I; `��L� Loan Number___.3.3971=- -:y.1�-���,;,�-��
<br /> x��R�.
<br /> ..�
<br /> 7�. OD2747 M a R T �-�►_ � � : ,
<br /> J� .� .. .� .� � . . . , ;.-: �.
<br /> �i� 7'�iI�MOR'Y`f�t�GE,rnade anc�exec�uteri this ..�� :._:. day of ..........�_,_. . _:. A D
<br /> n
<br /> ,. 19._.ZZ.,between the Mortgagor;_._�dS�:r..,Ax.:XounS..aud:C�r.oJ...?::'-XQumg,..h.usb��and.*ai�a. `
<br /> " 3.�1mt�.Y:-,�u_d._�aeb...�tn.;tla��x_:.oYZGs._�:i:P�.t-�------•• •--• .-� -•----�- ----�--
<br /> �'. ..
<br /> �# ,�3.��o1n ,: ., County of . Sta�te af �l�b.z.�k�...._,hereinafter referred
<br /> ;; to as the Bonower and the Mortgagee,.FIRST FEDE�tAL SAVINGS ANI�LOAN ASSQCIA�'ION OF
<br /> ; T�INCDLN, 1235 "N"Street, Lincoln,:Nehraska 68501, its successors and ansigns,hereinafter referred to
<br /> ° �
<br /> }$
<br /> as Lerscier.
<br /> 1 � WiTxFssETx: That tfie said Borrower for and in consideration of the surn oF _TH�R.TX �T�7Cl.xHOitSAND `
<br /> '�` •--FZ.G.�x�_H.US�I?�_.�1,bYU..:I�Q/lOQ..---. ._ -cilollars(iTS$.:._32>s�3A.0..(1D..._ ; •-- --:)
<br /> .._ ....--- --• .
<br /> ,� paid hy said Lender, does hereby mortgage, grant and c�onvev to Lender'its suceessars and assigns; the ,
<br /> t�� followin�described property locnteci in the County of:,.__.._..�s1.�:J... .. ..:....... ..;State of l�lebraska: ,a
<br /> t�+� Z'Yie Southerly 35•6 feet af Lot Thirteen �13) and the Norti�erly 2�+.4 fee� of Loi,
<br /> ,_� Fourteen (14), B1ock Three (3), Southern Aeres Additian to the City oi Gsand =sland, ' U
<br /> FEal1 Coun�ty, Nebraska:
<br /> 4r;
<br /> V''
<br /> x
<br /> ;.;, Toc�rxEn,with all the.improvements now or hereafter erected on the property, and a12 easements,
<br /> '�'.� .rights, appurtenances, rents,.royalties,;mineral,`oi1 and gas rights and profr#s, water, water rights, and °'
<br /> ,;� water stock, and all fixtures now ar hereafter'attached to the property, ail of which,-includ.ing replace-
<br /> ;'f inents and additions thereto,shatl be-deemed to:beand remain a part of tt�e property coverad by tEiis ";
<br /> Mortgage; and alt of the foregoing, together w�ith said property (or the leasehold estate in the event this
<br /> Martgage is on a leaseholrl} are herein xeferred to as tY�e "Praperty"
<br /> F � .
<br /> ;� Born�wer covenants that Borrower.is lawfully seised of the estate herebu conveyed and has the right
<br /> to mortgage, grant and convey the Property, that the Property ia unencumbQred, and that Borrower will
<br /> �-� warrant.and defend generally the t3tie:to the Froperty- ngainst all claims and demands; subject to any
<br /> � easements and'restrzctions listed•in a schedule of except"sons-to coverage'in sny title insurance policy in-
<br /> `v� 'suring-Lender's interest in the Property; or (2)"attorney's opinion of title from abstract of title certified �' '
<br /> E � ,
<br /> k ,,� 'by bonded abstracter.
<br /> FaouinEn ALwnYs, and these presents are executed ancl tlelivered upon tt3e follo�ving conditivns,agree-
<br /> � ;�) ments and obligationsof the Borrower, ta-wit: :
<br /> �l,`1 :: '. .... .. � . . . .. � . � . � � .. . . , � :.. . . � � �
<br /> �
<br /> The Bonower agrees to pay>to the Lender or order the pnncipal sum o€'�'E1��.T.X.:�'F70 TH£2US.HR7A . `
<br /> '- E3Gl�T.:HTtN➢BEII::P;NI2..NflL1Q4..:-..--_ .....'- --.----. _.._..__ .. .._..--Dollars (LTS �:..32.-8QA..QQ-- �. ----•• j
<br /> 1,N
<br /> payab2e as pmvided in a note executed and delivered,concurrently herewith,t3�e finnl payment of principal,
<br /> � if nat sooner paid, on the __.._1s�-- •:--<--- - day of .. :.::..:Jun.e__::.: ...... ... ..... I:X:.29.06 ' ' ''.
<br /> `('� LFxisoxr�.CovFtxAxTs. Borrawes and T.ender covenaat and agree as follows:
<br /> .�,� 1. Payment-at Pzincipai and iaterest, Barnnver shai3�promptly pay when due the principal :vf And"in-
<br /> a
<br /> �.� terest on the indebtedness evidenced by the Note,pre�ayment and Tat�charg,es as provided in the I�7ote,
<br /> , and the,;principal of and iz�terest�n any Futuxe Advancss secured by this 1Vloatgage,
<br /> 2. �'unds for Taxes�d]nsuzaace. SubjecG to Lenc3:er's option under paragraphs 4 and 5 hereof, Box'-
<br /> � � roever sk�all,pay ta Lencler an the day montYily,instaiim�nts of pcincipal and is�terest are payab2e under t}�e
<br />.,;,, t*dote, until the Note is paid in full, a sum therein"Funds") equal to one-Lw�lLth ot the yearly taxes and
<br /> � asse�smexit�which may attazn�riarity or✓er this Mortga��, anc3 ground renEs vn the Prci{�rty, if;nny plus
<br /> r
<br /> � ''� one-twelfth of y�azly premium irvstallments for hazard:3nsurance, pIus:one-twelfth a£ yearly premium in-
<br /> , : ata3linents for mortgage insurance, if anv, all as resxsona�ly.estin�ated tnit�a3:y an�' from't:me to �ime b.Y
<br /> : + Lender on the hacsis of assessments and bills xnd reas�nable-estimates Lhereof, I.ender shall apply the Funds
<br />` � tv pny said tases, asseasmenta,`insurrince pzeuvums and gmund rent.s. Lender shali make no charge fcrr su
<br /> ; t
<br /> };oltliug and applying the Funds or verif_ying and compilin� said assessments and bi11s.'I'he I.�nder shall
<br /> ;` giVs to the BoXrower,witkmut charge,an.anzxual acrnunG3ng o�:the�unds showing credite and d,e�its#.o-Lhe
<br /> � Fnnds,and the gurnase for which ea3ch debit to the Funds was made. The Funds are�ledged as :additional
<br />� � securi,+�y.for the suaas�ecured by:tlais Mor�gage. The 13osrvwer a�grees that thre r nnd�may,Le iieltl by the
<br /> k` `;� Lencier,aad cocnrninP,7ed.wath otlier iunds and t�e Lend�'�own fund�and the Leuder znay pny such items
<br /> ; fzom its own funcls and the Zender shaii not be iiabte fc�r interfst or�ividencis-on such Funds.. ,_ '��°�.
<br /> z ;j It���mauz�of the�unds he�d by I.ender,together with the future monthiy installmen�s of Funds �r v'
<br /> Pa9ab3e;prior-ta fi�e�1ue dates af tax�,.assessmex3ts> i�ssuz�swc�;pr�zni:.su�a.�ground rents, sh�all exceed t�
<br />� i � t�'+�amt�sb requiz�ed ta Pay'said taaes,assersRz�++en#s,ansuaa:sce premivms<and ground rEn�,s sa the�y fa11 due, k
<br /> �ac�a�excess,shall'��, at $orrower's�opiaon,eitiier promp�ly repaid to Bormw�'or eredited to Borrower on � �
<br /> -�,'i+ raoonth�yr in�tallme�t�af:�'unda If the amoun� of t3�e �nds held by,I.ender shall not be suf�eient to pav "" ;,
<br />�'�. " ta�eS,,a�P�►s�,iastsFasiee p�etlaus,a�d groslnd ren.°�te as they fali due, �orrower snall pav ic> 3xt�tirr
<br /> r ;Fw
<br /> asiy assr�rtx�zs►t neces�cs5"ta ma�ke:up�h�s dteficaemc3'within-xi�irtY.days aiixr nwt��truuA Len,ler �Bosroc�•cr
<br />� ' . � ..� X � � . .. .
<br /> r�4ae�tiag�aym�t.�Ehezeo#, ur So�rawer shaik. by an ix�ccrease im monLhly installmeats of Funcis required,
<br />� � rePap �e deficieuey-wi� the.Fus�d ac�evuttYaas� perioc3..
<br />�' : i%3�� Pa3�,�n fuli ti#ali swens secured i+y this:iv�origage,Len�aCr�Iu►lI aµµl�'I"unds iie2<'.as a rrcdit
<br /> "� a�ain�t a11 c�ume:dx�e;"-�
<br /> t �
<br />, _, _ ., - _ �.._._.
<br />