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r � x... <br /> . . . • .� .�'+�+�. <br /> .. <br /> �R.,.....,5 . . . . . . . ,, � . <br /> not extend or }aost,pone the �ue �ir�te oi tlic ir�or3tht�• insz.3llrnent� rcier:ed 2.a in pura�ra�hs 1 and '2 t�ereot or <br /> change the amount of such insta}iments, <br /> 10. $crrawer 1�Sof Rel�es.edr Eaiension oi thc tintc for p:iymeizt� or modificat.ion of nmortizatioci of 2 }�e sums <br /> o�eured by this ;1�ortgnge grasrteci Uy i_er�der to unv siircessor in incerest of Borrower ,hall nat operste to reteaser <br /> ras <br /> in any m$an�ier, tt�e Iiability [�F;ti�e origSna! BoFrc��ver and 33o�•rowc>r , suc�ss3ors ui interest. T.endec ehali" not be <br /> eequired to comn�ence ,r�rqeee�:ings againstsucl� su�eessar c+r ret'usc to extend time Sor paL ment or ntherwis� modify <br /> , ('" umartizaiian oi the �rums sec�ed by tiizs. \lortg:s�e hy rcaso=i ot anti°- ciemarnci made by �hc original �3arr��over und ' <br /> ( Barrower'ssueeesscrrs in interest, <br /> j"�.' 11. Forbeaz�ce by Lesr�der Not a '�7Jaiver. < ,1ny iarheaeane� k>p Lender iTi exerc�sing arsy right or re�3y + <br /> '�C7+ ` herevnder, or atherwise afford.e,ci, by agg>lica[�le I�s;�, sha11 nai be .n c�•a'r•ver of or pree{ude lhe exercise of a�y 'right <br /> j�- ' ar remedy iieseunder, The pr�curernent oi insurrr:nce or 'c3se g}aymene of tnxes or other liens ar eharges by Len@er <br /> ' C'l2 sha21 uot be a wgiver of Lender:s righc ` 'co aoceler�te the inaturity of the indeb�eclness secured by this i4iortgsge_ <br /> � y � " 12, Remedies Cumulu#iv'+e•.' :k13 reayieclies ptovided in tliis �fortga�e �ze distnsct and cumvlative to azay oGher <br /> �^� ' right or reanedy nnder this � fvrt�ge ar .vf�nr�irri F�y l:��v or nquicy. and may t�e r,xereascd concurrentty, indeFrend- <br /> � ' entlg or suecessiveiy. <br /> ; � 13. s��se�� �a ,�� so�a; Joiat aad S¢verai I.iabilify; Capiions. 'i'he covenr�nts and ugreemenLs <br /> herrSn contained sha}} �r���}, �ad ttie rights hereune3er sl�ail irnkre to� Lhe respective euccessors �x�d assigns of I.ender <br /> + ; �' rsn3 Borsawer,>sniajeet to tt;e �rocisions gf E�ar:��;i-api� 2 i trereof. :�ll covc�ancsa and zgr�enaents of Bormvver sUall <br /> ; E s �e joint and �everaL The capt,ions rsnci I3eadings �i ti�c ��artigra��L� oi this .\fort�agc are for convenience c�nly and <br /> are not ta be rised to interpret or define tite provisions l�ereoi. <br /> ;� � 19. Notice: �ny notiee teoBorrocver iiro��ideci for in tliis \ lorig�zge s(zalt (�e given t3y tn�,iling sucfi nQtice by ' <br /> � cerGified snail .acldressed to F3arrower ai il�e l'ro�iertx- .3cidress stater� helow-, 4xcef�t for �u,y notice required under <br /> pxra��;apla 18 licreoi to, be gic eit to F3orrok•er in ahe ananner prescrii�eci tx�• appiicaGle z�t�4. .�nc 17otice {�rovided <br /> for in this llortgagc �hall be cteemeei ta itace been givern to Borron-�r `ctien gicen in t4�e rnanner designztec$ herein. <br /> 3 15. ITnifarsa.Mortgage; Governing ;.aw; Severability. 'fliis icrivn ot zinortSuge cornbines uniform eaz�enants <br /> � , ' : fornstianal' use and nori-uciiferm covenants �vii�� limiec�i �•ari�tion� i�y jurisc3iction to consiitute a uniforrn secu- <br /> ` 'r ` rity ;instrunient covering reat }iroperty: This \Iorigage sha11 6e goF�rnec3 bp t-iie la�s• of the :jurisdiction in whieh . <br /> } the I'roperty is locuted. In tF-ae event tl�at anc 7�zovision or dause of tliis \Tortgage ar the �ote conHicts ivith <br /> 4 ? spplicabie lstw; sucli conRicc shul! not .�fiect ot�ier provisions of thi� �Iortgage or t,he jlote which can be given <br /> � ; effect witktautt,lye confiicting pmvisioa ; and io this end the �>rovisions oi the 1Ioriga�e anci the Z�Tote are deciared � ?, <br /> ' to be severable; <br /> 16. Boxrower's Gopy. �orro�ver shalt be iurnishe�i n, conformea cupy oi ihis lfoztgage at the time og execu- <br /> �` " tion or after recorc�ation hereoi. � <br /> ` � 17. Traasfer ot the Property; Assumpiion. 3Eali or uny part of ti�e Property or an interest thereixz is sold : `: <br /> ±' , ' or iransferre�l by Borrower wi#hout Lender's priar ��•ritten conseni. exctuding (a) ihc creation of a lien or encum- - � ' ' <br /> � ' - , brance subordinate to this 1IQTtguge, i:la') the crea.tioar of u }�ure}rase money security, int�rest ior hovsehoId 'appli- <br /> . , < auces„ (c) zt tr.insier bydevise, �lesceni or by a�erstion oi lalr• uj�on tise denGh of a joixxt z-enauc or (d) the, grant of <br /> � ' any ieasehold incerest af three years or less no't containing ai� option io purehase, I:ender may, nt-Lender's option, <br /> ' deeIare a13 fhe sums secured bv this liortgage to f�e iminediatel�r due :md psyak�ie. Leuder s3�a11 6ace sr•ni�-ed suclt <br /> � " option to accelerrste ii; prior tc� tl�e sale c�r transfer; Lender 3:�d tl�e ��erson to x�hom the Property is to be sald or <br /> 3 ., ' ' isansferreci reach agreemenG in ivriting tliat i,l�e credit of sucli person =_e satisiactory to Lender and thati the inLerest , `' < <br /> t � ` payAble on the sums �ecured tsythis 1lortKage sF�sll be at sucli rate :�.s I,ender s}�al! rec�uesi. If I.ender ha.s �saived <br /> � � the option to xccelers#.e provi3e�i in this paragranh 27 and ii 13orrower'E successoi• in ixzt+erest has executed a writ- <br /> ;: ten assumption agreementace�pted in crritingby �.ender, Lencier sha�l rele�,se $orrower arom all olaligutions .under <br /> , > this 341ortgsge and the Note. <br /> y„ . if Lender exercises such opcion to accelerate, Lender shal! anail Borrawer notice: ot' acceleration in accardauce <br /> � ; ; zvitli �»rssgruph i4 hereof. Suc:li not,icc st2all ��ro1-a€ie a t�criod ni nut <e,s than 30 dti}•s Srom tlie date-clie notice is <br /> ixiaited �ri�:hin u°hicii Borro�ti�e3� may }�a}• t:he sucaas declared cliAc. if Borrowei• iails to T}:� y such �ums prior to the <br /> ea�airtition of such �zeriod, Lerscier mxy , �vithout' furthez� noLice or �ieia�and on B'arro�rer, iirvoke any remeciies. per- <br /> mitted bti parapragh iS hereo€: <br /> ,-, � � � � � <br /> � Nox- (;vrFoxaz C'�vs�:y:�rs. I3orroivei• and Lendex• Pua•titer cover3aiit and . �g•ree � s follow•s : <br /> ' � I$. a�cceierarioa; $emedies. ExLr�at as i�x-ocicie.d :r �u;rssgrciF:i� 1I I�ereoi; upci:� 33orro�� er'� t>re3ch of t�ny <br /> ' F coyenant or agreeiuent of Bnrro�cer in t3iis \los-c�.igc. izufi��ling i6z covensnts to �rziy «•'r�en duc any sunis secured <br /> t' `� ' by Lhis �'dortgnge, Lender ��r3or 3n aceelr.raiion �l� all eu�ii! noticc tU Borrnn-cr us �n•oe�i<ic-d in Y?aragra+�lt I� liereof <br /> +`. '' Y cpecifying _ {'1 ) the bcesch , 4; 2) the a�ction re<�uireci tc� cxire such I�rezieli ; t33 a datc. not }ess tlrati thfrty days <br /> irom' the aate the noticc is ivailect tn 33orro���cr, isy n'liicla .�e�rh brrac3rurusc t3e rured ; anxl (4) fhaG failurc to cure <br /> �ucli breach on or before the dst� specified in ils+' notice m:� y result- iti accelerstion of the suit�s secured by this <br /> �lortgags and sale oi il�e Pro�erty: If the k�marIi i� noi cure<x m� or [sefore tl�e �latc specaficd in thc nocice,. Lender <br /> �, " ; at Lsnder's option iz�sy �#eelare a11 of il�e sunis aerais�eci bv tbi� �lurtgage to f�e imni�diate3y riuc anc't r�ay3ble <br /> „ , j irii.houi iurther deinand ancl iz3a�* ioreclose itiis 1lorcgage i�y j ��dici:il ��roceeding. I,end�r �hall be enciticd ic� eolleet <br /> x in such nsoceeding slt �a�enses af fcireclosurr , �ncluding, but not liinited to, coci�,� of docwxxentury evidence, <br /> abs�racts and titIe re�orte. <br /> M-: . 19. Borrowezs Right #a Reinsiate. \c�t:ct�it$etanding I.ende�• '_ accelerati4n of t �e sums_ �eeured by this <br /> � ' ?�Sort,rage, Bc+rrower shal] hac� ihe rigt� 't to have anv prac.eeciings begun bti� l.�ndcr tn e�force this 1lortgsge: dis- <br /> eontinued at �ny time prior �o entrv of x judg7nen[ enfoTriiiK tlii� �torigttge if : 1a � Borro«�er jaa��s Lender �11 <br /> ,' suttls;whic� k-ould be tHeniiu� under fhis �lortgara, t1«. itioie iind nc�ces Kecurfin� P'uture �1dti•ances, if anv; had na <br /> `�;" t�cce3eratia�n: oecurred : fbj Bc3zrow�er eures ali 1>reaciie� of ai:>� otlier ca�•enanis or S�rc^�ements of Borrotic er can- <br /> tained in ti9is :�1ort2aee : (c i Sorrower ;7a� s .�{l �•easor�at� lc e���K�nse. ie7aurreri I�� i ,ender �3� �niorcin�; tiie cv'�.'enants <br /> and agreeflaents of $ormwer c�onisineri in tliis ��ortR:iKe arad in ciii�s�cin�; I,encier's rea7ie�dies as pro��ideci sn para- <br /> gtap� 16 3iereof, iucluding, but uot limilerl to, rtxx.sonatsle atxnrne�-"e zees ; anci � d1 I3arrower ia;kes such sction as <br /> %.ender irssy reaeonably requa�e ta a��ure # iiat ttsc lien af tliis l�ortga�e. Lecxder'� incerest. in ti3e Yropestv und <br /> " '� ` " Borroa�er's obligation f,o pay �he sums secureci tas this .ltortga�e �}3a11 canzitaue unitxinaire�. L'i>on ruch rsnyznent <br /> ; and,cure byBorrnwer, this 11Sart:�age and Llie ubii�xf.ious secureci hFr�6}� slir�i3 remuin in ful! force and' eR�ct, s:ti if <br /> ` . ; n4 tseceie�i4n had taeeumxi. « ��' <br /> �t;� ..; 2Q "A� o! Rsat� APP+�tmeat of �?eceisrer_ I.eader in Poesessivn. ?,s additionsl zccurit;� here- �' ,a � <br /> �� � �✓ undet;Bctrsower ir�^eb� , sseig� t�s Lender the �ent� of #he Pra�ert�• , f>sv��idetl tPzat Aorm�er s6all . la1-ioz to scceles- ; '.�• <br /> �' i+�: . ati� nntl� psra�r,aph i8 heneof or abandoament oi t17e Properuy; ���i�•c ihe r•ig}�t t� roi�,ect and retsi�i sucl� rent,r> <br /> " ss L�uey heexrme dne an� �ays�rle: � <br /> t � � � �,..,, ' <br /> Y;l r <br /> C°Pc�ss �+c'�tsa.#zzsn ucsser ;�ara���; � g � � -, c, , . . •,,, � �. <br /> ,1., , � . . . . . �te!v=+Ta€ !np y,h>.o`{yTStrtMrs� f t . n YTVNwr+q '� o9n��r�.r; �� �r'F:on . hc> a en.t `� <br /> �:. �r f�?' �u�ei&i33• a�+�c`anted rerwivrr <hrs13 iu� rntrt �� �a Qn#�r m�nn . sAke lw5�:r���e«n c,a nnd �i�xnaee thr �" r<�trer:�� <br /> arui f,o ec�l�et the �ts of �te Property . those gsast dae. �. Il :•ciiu coItretet�t i�y Lcuder or ihc r-t�ceiver .�. <br /> e <br /> sha31 be.a�alSed first ta� pa�rt�eait of the cos�tx of ��ss�nr�ement of t6e Fa-o��eily arr�i oallec t�can nf rente, includ �n�, i�vi <br /> � nut iimit� to,.zeeeiver'g fee�s, 3�remiun�.+ nn receav�r's iwn<3: an�1 rea.�nnai�le actornev 's i�es. aa3�i Llsen co crle sum� <br /> , <br /> �ecured }�g �t►tis ?�3ortg,age. I,euder and ttse �eceiver sha13 lx� lisble tcr ac•ruunt onl}• tor tf3<,.=e re�its actust9y r�ce�ti•ed. <br /> � ...� � <br /> E <br />� <br />