<br /> aEED �F TRusT
<br /> �C�ntlt�ued� Pa��4
<br /> an�pra�eeding�r pur�ha�e�n li�u of condernna��n,Lender may at it�election req�[�re th2�t a�l or any�ort�on�f the
<br /> nst pr��e�d� �f th� �ward �e �ppl�ed to the In�lebtedn�ss or the rep�ir�r r�storati�n of th� Propert�►. The net
<br /> pr�caeds af th�award shaCl mean th�aw�r� a#t�r payment af ap r�asan�ble costs,experrses, and attorrrays'fees
<br /> lncurred by Trustee or Lender in aann�ctian with the car�d�mnat�on.
<br /> I!�lIPC�S�TI�N �F TA�ES, FEES AND �HAR�ES BY��VERNIIdENTAL AUTH�RfT1ES. The#a1lgwir�g pnov�sf�ns relatrng
<br /> to gou$rn ment�l taxes,fe�$��d ch a rg�s�re�p�rt�f thi s De���f Tru st:
<br /> CUrrent Tax�s, Fees and Charge�. U�on reau�st b� Lend�r, TrUstor shall ex�cute su�h dacuments �n �ddit[an to
<br /> thls Q��d a�Trust ar�d�al�s whatever other�ctfon is request�d by Lender��perfect and cont�nue Lender's�i�n an
<br /> the Re�! Pr�perty. Trust�r sh�ll re�mburse Lend�r�or a11 #axe�, a� des�rlb�d below, t�gether with ail �xpens�s
<br /> in��rr�d �n r�c�rdin�, �er�e�ting ar corrtir�u�n� this [��ed �f Trust, ir�cCu�ing w�thout limitatton all tax�s, fees*
<br /> docurrtentar�stamps�and a#I��r�h�rges far r�r�rding or r�gistarin�thi�Q�ed af Trust.
<br /> Tax�s. The fajlouving �ha�li ��ns#itut�#axss to wh�ch thi� se�tion app����: �'1� a specifi� tax �p�n thi� ty�e of
<br /> Q�e��f Trust�t upon afl ar any part of the Indebtedness s�cur�� by this De�d af Trust; ��� a speciflc tax �n
<br /> Trust�r whicl�Trustar is authoriz�d or requfred to d$duct from pa�rr�ents�n#he Ir�debt�dr��ss seGuned by thfs type
<br /> Qf Deed af Trust; �3� a tax on this t�pe of D�ed�f Tntst ch�rgeable�gain�t the Lender or the h4Ecler vf the Credit
<br /> Agr�errtent; �nd ��� a spe��f�� tax �n a!1 or any� part�on �f#he �r�de�tedness ar an payments of pr�n�ipa� and
<br /> �nt�res#rna�e�y Trus#�r.
<br /> Subsequent Taxes. If an�► #ax t�wh�ch th�s sect��n appfi�s i� enac#ed subsequ�nt t� the date of th[s D$ed o�
<br /> Trust� th�s ��ren# sha�l h�ve the sarrte �ffec# as an Event af Defa�Et, and Lender may exercise any or atl �f its
<br /> availabl� r�medi�s for an Ev�nt af Default as prov�ded below uniess Trustar �ifher �1� pays the tax b�fore it
<br /> beoames de�in�uent��r �2� �ontests the tax as pcov�ded�bove in the Taxes ar�d Liens s��tian and dep�sits w�th
<br /> Lender�ash or a suffici�nt c�rparate surety band or other secur�ty s�tisfac�tary ta Lender.
<br /> SE�URITY AGREEMENT; �iNAI�C[I�G STATEl�IENTS. The fal�awing provis��ns re�ating #o this Dee� of Trust as a
<br /> �ecu�rity agresment are a part af this Ds��d vf Trust:
<br /> S�curity Agreement. This ins#rument shail rans#itute � Secur�'t� Agreement to the extent,any af the Praperty
<br /> constitutes fixtures� artd Len�er sha11 hava ail of the rights of a secured party under the Ur�ifarm�orr�rrr�rcial�ade
<br /> as amended frnm tim�tv t�me.
<br /> S�cur�ty �r�teres#. Upan request by Len��r,Trustor shall tak��rhat$wer action is requ�sted by Lender ta �erfe�t
<br /> ar�d cantinue L�nder`s s�cur€ty�nt�rest in ths Pstsar�al Property. In a�diti�n to recording fhi� �eed of Trust�n the
<br /> real aroRerty re��r�s, L�nder may� at any tlme and �ith�ut further authorization fram Trustor, �ile exe�uted
<br /> ��unt�rpart�, c��ies ar repraducti�ns of this I�eed of Trust as a f n$ncin� stat�ment. Trustor she[I rg�mburse
<br /> Lsr��ar��r a�!�xpens�s incurr�� in perFectEng �r cantin��ng this secur�ty interest. Upon defauit� TrustQr shail nat
<br /> ramav�� se�r�r �r detaGh the Pers�r�al Prop$rty fram the Rroperty. U�on default, Tr�stor shafl assemale any
<br /> Rersonal Pn�perty n�t ��fix�d to tha Pnvperty �n a mann�r and at a place reasonably can►�enisnt ta Trust�r and
<br /> Lander and m�ke it a�ailahle t� Len�gr within #hree �3� day�s after receipt of wr�#ten demand from Lender#o the
<br /> extent permitted hy�pplicab��law.
<br /> Addras�es. The ma�ling a��resses af Trust�r ��ehtor� and Lender �secuned party� �rom wh�ch information
<br /> ronceming the s�curity in#erest�r�nted by this Deed of Trust may be obta�ned ��ach as requ�red by the Uniform
<br /> �ammer�ial�Qd��are as stated on#he first page of this aeed of Trust.
<br /> FURTHER ASSURAIV�FS; ATT�RNEY-IN-FA�T. The fo!l�wing pr�vis��ns relating ta further assurances and
<br /> attame�-in-fact are a part�f this De�d�f Trust:
<br /> Fttrth�r A�surances. ►�►t any#irrz�, and fr�m time to tirne, upon reg�est of Len�er,Trust�r will make, axecute and
<br /> d�live�,or wiil caus$to b�m�d�,ex��u#ed at defivered,to Len�er�r t�Lenaer's��si�nee,and when requ�sted by
<br /> Len�er, cause t� be filed, r��or�ed, reffled, �r rerecarded, as th�c�se may b�, �t su�h times and in such o�Ffces
<br /> and p���es as Lend�r rnay d�em appropri�t�,any and a!1 s�ch rrtortgag�s,deeds of trust, sec�r�ty de�ds, ���ur�t�
<br /> agr�ern�nts, �nancing staterrt�nts, cont�nuat��n statements, instrumen#s of further assuranc�, certif�atas, and
<br /> ather��c�m�nts as may, in th�so��opin��n of Len��r, be n��essary or desirable in order to�ffectua#e,cam�late,
<br /> perFect,�ant�nue, or pr�serv� �1} Trustor's�bl�gations ur�der the �r$�it A�reement,this Deed of Trus#, ar��the
<br /> R�lated ���ument�, and ��} ths �ier�$ and �scur�ty interests created b�this a�ed af Trust �n the Proper#�,
<br /> wheth�r naw own�d�r h�r��fker a�qu�red by Trust�r. Unt�ss prah�blted by�aw�r Ler���r agreas to#he contrary ln
<br /> writing, Trust�r sh�El r�imburse Lender far all Gosts and ex�enses incurr�d in connection with the matters r�farr�d
<br /> to]n this para�raph.
<br /> Attarr���-in-Fact. If Trust�r fai��ta��an�af the thin�s referred tfl�n tha�rec�ding �ar�graph, L�r��er rr�a�d�so
<br /> f�r and in the name of Trustar and at Trustor"s�x�snse. For such purp�ses,Tru�#ar heteby irrevocabl�appo�nts
<br /> L�nder�s Trust�r's�ttarn��-in fa�t rt�r the purp�s��f mak�n�,ax��ut�ng,defivering,filing,recar��ng�$r�d�a�n�a�l
<br /> other th�ngs as may be ne��ssar�►�r des�rabl�, in L�nder's sale�p�nian, t�accamp�ish the mat#ers referred t�ln
<br /> #h�prer�d�ng p�ragraph.
<br /> Ft�LL PERF�RMAh��E. If Trustor p�ys ap the�rtd�btednes�when ttue,termir�ates the credit I�Re$c�unt�ar�d ath�rwi�e
<br /> parforms��l th�ablig�tians impas$d upon Trusto�ur�der this Deed at Trust, Lender shall exe�uts and deli��r t�Trust$�
<br /> a r�quest far fu11 reaonweyanre and shall ex�cute ar�d d���ver to Tru$t�r su�tabl� statemen#s �f tarmlr�at�on of any
<br /> fln�ncing statemeRt on f1e ev���n�ing Lende�s s�curity �nterast irr the Rents and the Personal Praperty. Any
<br /> rec�nveyance f�e re��ired b�lauu sf�a[I be pa�d b�Tru�tar�if permilted by app�ccab���aw.
<br /> EVENT��F DEFAULT. Trustor wviIl he fn de�au[#und�r this D��d of Tn.�st if any of the fal[owin�happen: �A� Tru�tor
<br /> �mmits fraud ar rr�akes a material misrepresen#�tion at a�y�ime [n �nnect��n with#he Credit Agr�em�nt. This can
<br /> inc[u�e� f�r �xarnp�e, a false �tatem�nt abau� Trust�r's �ncoma, assets, liabili#�es, or any �th�e�asa�cts o�Tn,sta�'s
<br /> financi�l�an�ition. �B� Trustor�a�s Ro�mset the repayment t�rms af th�Credi#Agr�errrent. ��y Trusta�s a�tion or
<br /> ina�tian adverse�y affeGts#he callateral ar Lender�s rights in the c�allat�ral. This can in�lude, far�xa�mp�e, ia�lur� to
<br /> maintain r�quired insurar�ce�waste or destn.�ctiwe use af the�well�ng,fa��ure ta paY#axes,death af a�l persons l�abl��n
<br /> the acc�unt, t�ans��r af titl� ar sa�� af the dw�ilEng, creation of a ssn�or lien on the dwe[I�ng w�thaut Lender"s
<br /> permis�ion,fareGlasu�re by the haidar af anath�r��en,�r the use af funds or the dwelCing for prvhihited puraoses.
<br /> R�GHTS ANa REME�[E��N DEFAULT. [f�n Ev�nt af D�fault�c�urs un�er this Deed�f Trust, at any time thereafter,
<br /> Trustea or Ler�der may exercisa any one vr mcre�f the foll�wing righ#s ar�d rerr�edies:
<br /> A�celerat��n Upan a�f�u[t�Addit��nal Rem�d�es. If any Event of Qefa�lt occurs a�per the#erms af th��red�#
<br /> Agr�ement s�cured h�rs��,Lender may d�clare a!1 Indebtedness secured by this Deed�f Trust to be�ue and
<br /> payab���n��he sar�e sh�ll th�reupan becorari�due and payable without an�presentment,�emar�d, �rat�st ar
<br /> natice�f any kind. Thereafter,Lend��may:
<br /> �a� Either �n persan ar by agent, w�th �r without brin��r�g an� a�tian or pra�ee�ing, or by a rec��ver
<br /> appoint�d by a court and withvut regard to the sdequacy ot its security, en#er up�n and take possass�on
<br /> of the Property,�r any par�ther�of�in�t.s awn r�ame ar in the name of Trustge, and da�ny�c#s which it
<br /> deem�necessary or�es�raht�t�presen►e the value, rr�arketability or rentabilit�ot the Pr�pet#y,or pas�af
<br /> th� Property ar int�r�st in the Property;increase the in�arrt�fram the Property or pr�tect#h�seGurity of
<br /> the Property; and, wi#h �r wl#hvut tak�ng ��ssesslon of the Pr�perty, sue for ar atherw�s� cafte�t �he
<br /> r�nts� issues and praf�ts�f#he Property,includ�ng those past due and unpaid,ar�d appiy the same, less
<br />