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��14�5731 <br /> DEE� �F T�U�T <br /> �C�ntEr1 U��} Page 3 <br /> �av�rage end�rs�ment� on a fa�r valua basi� for tha fu[1 insurable va[ue co��r�r�g a�l Impravements an th� R�a1 <br /> Pra�erty in an arnount su�fc�en#ta ava�d app�ic�#��n of�n��insuranr�e �lause, and with a sta�ndard mort�ag�e <br /> clause in favor of Lgnder,tagether with such other hazard and I�abflity insur�nce as Ler��er may r�asonably requ�re. <br /> Pol���es sha[1 be written in f�rm, amounts, v��era��s and basis reas�nabRy acx�eptab�e to L�nder an� issu�ad ��a <br /> camparr�or corrjpanies r�asanably ac�cep#able t� Lender. Trustor, upan request�f L�nder�wi�I desiv�r#o Lende� <br /> fr�m t�me t�t�me the p�licies or c�ertificsxes�f in$uranss;��e in form s�tisf��tory to Lender,�nc�udfr�g st�pu�fat��ns th�t <br /> �a�sra�es vrr�ll nat be c:ancelled ar�irrtinished vuithaut at�e�st thirty�3�)�ays priar written no�ce t�LeRd�r. Each <br /> �nsurance p�[icy also sh��l in�lude an er�dars�ment pro�ri�in�tha#coverage in#avar�f L�nder will n�t be�rnpa�red <br /> �n an�way by an�a�t,arnission or d�f�u�t af Trustor vr any�ther parsan. Should the Reaf Pr�perty be lor�#ed in <br /> an area designat�d by the A�miRistra#or af the F�dera� Emergency Management�4g�ncy as a speciaf fl��d ha�ar�d <br /> are�, Trustor �grees #v aht�in and rnaintain Fed�ral F��od Insurance� it aWailab�e, f�r the rna�cimum arrzount of <br /> Tru�t��'s Gredit line ar�d#he fu[I unpaid prinGip�!ba�anc��f any priar�i�ns on the praperty secu�ng the l8an, up to <br /> the maximum poli�y limits S�t under the iVational F�aad Er�surance Program�or as atherwise re��ire�l!�y Ler��er,�r�d <br /> t�ma�nta�n s�ch insurance far the term�f the laan. <br /> Appl�cetlon o#Procesds, TnastQr sha11 pramp#ly na#ify L�r�der of any lass�r damege to the PrQp�rty. Lsr���r may <br /> make proaf af Io�s i�Trustor fai�s tQ �o so with�n fifteen �'I�� days �f the casu�Cty. Whether ar n�t Lender's <br /> s�curit�is lm�a�r��� Len��r rnay,at Lender's el�ction,rec�iu�and r�t��n the Rroc�e�is of any ins�tance aRd�PP�Y <br /> #he �roce�ds to the teduction of the Indeb#�dnes�, pa�ment af any I��n aff�cting#he Property�� �r the res#or�tian <br /> and re�sir�f the Property. If Ler��er elects#v app�y thQ pracaeds t�restarati�n and repa�r, Trustor shall repair�r <br /> r�prace the damag�d or �estroyed Imprav�ments in a manner satisfactar� ta Ler��er. Lend$r sha11� up�n <br /> satis#actor� pr�af of such expendi#�re, pay 4r reimburse Trust�r fram th� pr�r��ds far th� re�sonab�e cost �f <br /> r��air ar r�st�r�atfon i�Trustor is nat in defauit under #his Q��d af Trust. Any pr�r.sed� whi�h have r�ot aeen <br /> di�bursed within 'i��days after their re�eipt an�wh��h Lender has not cammitted ta t.he r�pair or r�stor��ian of <br /> th�Property shafl be use�first t��ay any amount awing ta LeRder under this Deed of Trust,then#o pa�ac�rued <br /> �ntersst, and the r�ma�nder, if any, shal[ be appI��d ta the pr�ncipal balance of the Indebte�ness. lf Len�er holds <br /> any pr�cee�s aft�r payment In f�1� of the lr�debt�dness, su�h proc�eds shaCl be pa��d to Trustor as Trust�rs <br /> int�rest�rnay a�pear. <br /> �amplianc�w�th Ex�sting �n�ebtedn�ss. auring the periad in wh�ch any Exisbin� Rndeh#�dr�ess descri�ed below is <br /> in eff�ct� complianc� with th� insur�nc�e pravisi�ns cantained in #he instrument ev�d�ncing �u�h Exis�ng <br /> Indebtednes� sha[1 cvnstitute �amplian�e with th� insu�ranr.e �ror�r�s�ons under this Qeed of Trust, t� #he ext�n� <br /> �arnpiianc�wi#h th�terms af th�s Deed of Trust wauid vonst�tut�a dc�plicat�cn af�nsuranc� r�gu�rement. [f any <br /> pro�eeds fram the insuran�e hecome paya�Ee an lass,the prov�s�ans�n this Qeed af Trust for divis�on af pro�eeds <br /> sha11 apply�n[�#a that pa�tian af the pro�eeds Rot pay�able to thg halder af the Exist[ng�ndebte�ness. <br /> LENaER'5 ExREN�iTURES. It Trust�r fails �A� ta keep the Property free �f al� taxes, I�ens, sec�rity �nter$sts, <br /> er�Gum�rar�ces, and ot�er claims, �B� ta prav�de any re�uired ins�rance an the Pra�erty, tC� to ��k� repairs ta th� <br /> �roperty or t�c�mpi�►with any Qbli�at�on to rnaintain Existing In��btedness�n ga�� standing as req�ired belaw, then <br /> Lender ma� �o so. If an� acti�n ar �r�ceeding is commenc�d that wou�d mater�afly afiect Lender's int�rests in th� <br /> Prap�r�y, then Lender �n Trustar's b�half may, but is nat re�uirad t�, tak� an� act�on that Len�er �el�eves t� be <br /> appr�priate to prateGt L�nd�r's interests. Ail exp�nses �ncurred ar paid by Lender for �uch purpa�es wlll then a�af <br /> int�t�st �t th� ra�te charged under the Cred�t Agr�ement fram th� date ir�c�rred �r p��d by Ler��sr f� f►h$ date af <br /> rspayrttant by Trustor. All such�xpenses wi[E bec�rrte a par#o�the Indebtsdness an�, at L�Rder's�pt��n, w�ll �A� �� <br /> payaale on�ert�ar�d; �B} b�added t�the balance af th�Cred�t Agreement and be appar#E�ned amor��and ���ayab�e <br /> with an�►�nstallment payments tQ hecome due durir�g either �1� the terrrr of any appl��abl��nsurar��e p�lic�;�r t�� the <br /> rern�ining t�rm af th��r�dit Agreement;�r ��� be treated as a baltaon paym�nt wvh�ch�vill aB due�nd�ayable at the <br /> �redlt Agre�ment's m�t�rit�►. The�eed of Trust also will s�cur�pa�ment af thes�amaunts. Th�rights prav�d�d f�r�n <br /> thls paragraph sha11 be �n ad�it�or� t�any oth�r righ#s ar any r�rn$dies t� which Lender ma�he enti#led on ac�aun#�f <br /> any defau�t, Any such actlan b� Ler�der sh�fl nat be con�trued as c�tring the default so as ta bar Lend�r�-am anyr <br /> r�mady#hat it atharwl�e w��ld h�r�e had. <br /> 11y1�4RRANTY; QEFENSE�F TlTLE. The f�llowing pravisi�ns ralat�n�to ownership o�the Property ar�a part af this��ed <br /> ��T ru�t: <br /> T�tle. Trustor warrants that: �a�Trust�r h�lds gaad and mark�table tit�� af recard to the Pro�erty in�e simpl�, <br /> frse and clear af a�r lier�s and en�urr��ran��s other than those set farth in the R�al ProRerty d��cr�pt�an ar in th� <br /> Exisbng lnd�bt��ness sec'�on bel�w or in�ny tit[�insuranee poficy, #itl�report,or ffn�l tit�a opinion issu���in fav�r <br /> of, and �cc�pt$d by, Lender in caRnect�an with this D�ed of Trust,�nd �by Trustar ha�th� futl r�ght, pow�r, and <br /> authority ta a�cecute and delC�er thls Qeed af Tn�s�ta Ler���r. <br /> Q�f�nse af T�tle. SubJec#to the except�on in the paragraph a�b�v�, Trustor warr�nts and will fore��r de�end the <br /> tit�e to the Prop�rty a�ainst the law�ul�aims of a[� pers�ns. [n ttZe errent any act�on�r proceedin� is�ornm�nced <br /> that quast�ons Trusto�s t�t�e ar the interest�f Tr�stea ar Lender�r�der this D��d of Trust,Trus#vr$ha[I d�fend the <br /> ac��n at Trustars exp�nse. Trustor may�e the n�minal Rarty in such pro�eed�ng, but Ler�der sha�l be entit[e�t� <br /> partic�p�t� rn ths pr�ve�dir�g and #� be r�pres�n#�d in the proc�eeding by caunsel �f Len��e�s o�un ch�sc�, and <br /> Trustor vrril! de�iver,ar cause ta be deliver�d,t�Lender such instrurrz$nts as L�nd�r may rsquast from tim$ta time <br /> to pemn�t su�h�articipatlon. <br /> � ��mpltan�e Wi#h Laws. Trustor warrants that th� Prap�rty and firusto�s use of#h� Pr�petty complies with a�l <br /> e�cistlr��appl�cabt�1aws,�rct�r�ances,and regulatians of ga�emmental authorit�es. <br /> Surviv�� a� Rromises. A!� prom�ses, a�reem�n#s, and statements Trustar has rrtade �n th�s Qeed ��Trust sha�t <br /> surv�ve the�xecut�an arrd d�livery of this�eed af Trust, shall be contin�c�ng�n nature aRd sha�l rem��n�n fu�l�or�e <br /> and effect unt�Z such tirr��as Trusto�'s iRdebtedness is�a�d�n fu�t. <br /> F�[I5T1NG[N�EBTEDNESS. The fol[owing provisi�ns cor�cernir�g Existing�ndebtedrtess ere a par�af this Deed�f Trust: <br /> �x�st�ng L�en. Tha I��n of this De�d of Trust securir�g th� �ndeh#edness may be secondary a�� �nferiar ta an <br /> exist�ng��en. Trustot expressly cavenants and a�rees ta pay,or�ee t�the payment of� the Exlsting Ind�btedness <br /> and t�pr�vent any default an such indebt�dness,any d�fault ur��er the instruments ev[�en�in+g suGh indebt�dness� <br /> or any default�nder any se�urity doeuments for such�nde�tedness. <br /> N� l�lod�flca#ion. Trustor sha�l nat enter �n#a any agr�emen#with th� hal�lgr of any mortgage, �eed of trust, ar <br /> other sscurity ag�e�ment v�rhich has priQrity o�er this aee� a� Trust by which #ha# agreement �s ma�ified� <br /> arnen�ed� extended, �r renewed v►r�#hout the pr�or writt�n c�nsent of Ler�der. Trustor shaEl n�ither r�q�est r�or <br /> a��ept any future advances und�r any such security agreement v+�lth�ut the Rrior written consent af L�nder. <br /> G�NDElIrINAT�QN. The f�llowing prowisians relating to c�ndemnat�on pro�eed�ngs ar�a p�rt af this D��d of Trust: <br /> Pr��eadin�s. I# any ptocee�ing in condemn�#�an is filed, Trustor shaCl promptl� natify Lender �n vvrit�ng, �r�d <br /> Trust�r sha[I promptly take s��h steps as may be ne�essary to d$fend the act�an and�bta�n the awar+d. Trustor <br /> may�e the n�min�l party�n such proceeding,but Lender shal�be entitE�d to�art�c�pat�in the pr�ceeding and to be <br /> r�presented in the prQcee�ing by ca�nseE of its own chair�e� and Trustor v+rill delivar �r caus� tv be de�i�er$d to <br /> Lender such instruments and dacc�mer�#ation a� �ay b� requests� by Lender fr�rn tirr�� to tinze t� perm�t such <br /> p�r#icipation. <br /> �RR��G����n¢�N�t Pro�eeds. [f a11 or any part vf the Pr�petty is conderrtned by erninent d�ma�n procse�dings ar by <br />